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Project Zolana


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Campaign created by Paul Beaudry

Campaign funds will be received by Joseph Beaudry

Project Zolana

Zolana is a word of African origin, and it happens when you love someone and they love you back. It came to me by fate when I asked God to help me with a name that fits in with my intentions.

My overwhelming curiosity and desire to help others got me to travel to the Dominican Republic and learn about chlorine dioxide. Jim Humble was in South America mining for gold when two of his workers came down with malaria. It would take two days of hiking to get medicine, so he offered the men a glass of what he called a power drink from the U.S. It was stabilized oxygen that he purchased at a health food store to sterilize drinking water while in the jungle. It takes only one drop to a gallon, so he put 15 drops into a glass of water and gave it to them to drink. Four hours later, the men were laughing at how sick they were. Jim was dumbfounded, and so he didn't stop there. He started giving it to anyone who was ill. Believe it or not, it worked just about every time, but not always. That was because the stomach acid wasn't strong enough to activate the sodium chloriTe in the stabilized oxygen to produce chlorine dioxide, as he later discovered. Not to be confused with chlorine. It is FDA-approved for food preparation in factories, in hospitals, and for water purification. It's safe to use because of the voltage it carries. It's strong enough to pathogens, but not enough to harm healthy cells.

Since then, he has recommended activating it first with a weak food acid. He later formed a church in the Dominican Republic with Mark Grenon, where I spent eight months helping with seminars, and whatever else they needed. I was known as the "yes man." I did whatever they asked. Later, I ventured on to do more voluntary work in Bulgaria and Colombia. I talk about it in greater detail in my book "Zolana."

While visiting Colombia, I helped others start businesses, but recently the website I managed was hacked, rendering it out of commission, so I took it as a sign. I decided to put my focus on getting the message out, and opened a merchant account to offer products with the concept of Zolana. To love each other.

I'm close to completion, but a streak of bad luck has plagued me, and my computer is not working properly. It keeps crashing, and about half the screen is missing along with other things that have stopped functioning. I shy away from asking for help, but I need to swallow my pride. I need help. If you can send anything my way, it would be fantastic. It will help me help more people and promote my book that everyone must read. Please donate or pray for me as I continue the work given to me by God. I truly appreciate it.

To sum up what I wrote in my book “Zolana,” it’s about knowing what gives you power. You have everything you need inside your body to survive practically anything. Did you know that breathing deeply activates the vagus nerve? This in turn releases chemicals that can keep you warm in extreme cold, or cool in extreme heat. With a simple technique, you can a cold or flu in a very short time. I experienced this purely by accident. They don’t want us to know this. There is too much money in keeping people sick and dependent on useless drugs. Greed has no limit to what they’ll do to keep people from getting well, and so I’m here to help you see that we have a medicine cabinet inside of us.

I'm sure much of what I've been saying is hard to believe, but if you give the book a chance, you will see that I have stumbled upon something that can make a big difference in your well-being.

If you can donate to my cause and would like a copy of my book, please let me know. If you don't have the money, I will send you a PDF. Just email me at with "Free PDF" in the subject line, tell me a bit about yourself, and I will also send you prayers of gratitude.

Thank you and God bless.

I also accept crypto if you wish to donate with it. Just let me know. Thank you and God bless.

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Laptop on last leg.

June 27th, 2024

I've had this wonderful laptop for about six or seven years, yet it has gone through a lot. In Colombia, where I was living, it rained heavily at times, and one day it came through the ceiling onto the laptop. It stopped working, but luckily I found someone who could repair it. Later, it started to crash a lot. The keyboard stopped working properly, the sound, the mouse pad, and now the screen is going. Thank you for your support, either financial or prayer. God bless everyone.
Update Laptop on last leg. Image

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