Monthly Goal:
 USD $7,313
Total Raised:
 USD $10
Raised this month:
 USD $0
Campaign funds will be received by Robert Young
My name is Wyn Young. I'm a 30~year civil litigation trial attorney (Bar 64876) from Mansfield, Ohio (filming location of The Shawshank Redemption). Please see my LinkedIn Profile.
But I'm really more of a starving artist and full~time crusader for Christ, country, and freedom. You may find the full body (or "oeuvre") of my multimedia artistic advocacy work, dating from 2011 to present, at or linked to from My main video platform is Always Wyn Rumble, and the Appearances Playlist has all my interviews.
I recently quit my full~time day job, working through an agency, as a contract attorney. I did the work for 8.5 years to earn an honest living while remaining free to speak my mind publicly and unabashedly. No law firms will tolerate a boat~rocker like me !! And no law firms or corporations care enough about contract attorneys to check their social media for "controversial content"... And that is exactly what you will find at !!
So why, exactly, did I quit my day job ?? Because, on November 1, 2024, I began publicly pursuing a case of public advocacy that I felt duty~bound to pursue. In particular, in reviewing the trial and appellate court dockets in the matter of Lafferty, et al. v. Jones, et al., CT A.C. No. 46131, appeal from Superior Court Docket No. UWY-CV18-6046436-S, I discovered unequivocal evidence that Alex Jones threw the defense of the Connecticut Sandy Hook defamation cases. Indeed, his doing so was part of a broader, two~part and treasonous conspiracy to undermine or destroy our 1st and 2nd Amendments. The description for the My Sandy Hook Video Scrapbook video I published on this matter states the following:
Probable cause exists to believe that Sandy Hook was and is a two~part and treasonous conspiracy to undermine or destroy the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
In short, the shooting was a hoax, and Alex Jones took a purposeful dive on defending against the related Connecticut lawfare defamation suits.
You can find my full legal analysis on Alex Jones' Capitulation & Betrayal in the Connecticut Sandy Hook defamation cases at
If you value Truth, justice, and the America we always envisioned and hoped for, then please consider sharing this important video.
The above description succinctly states why I felt duty~bound to both pursue and prioritize this public advocacy case over even my own ability to earn a living the past couple months. In November 1995, I took a solemn oath as an attorney to support and defend the Constitution, and that takes precedence over all self interest and self expediency. The demands of the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook case and media interest in same reached the point in the past few weeks where I simply could not both work the day job and continue to pursue this public case of public advocacy. It was a no~brainer for me... I told my now (former) employer, in essence, that "I need to look out for my investment" ~ in America, that is.
I invite and encourage ALL PATRIOTS to please check out my work on this matter, all of which (as set forth above and save a few reiterative podcast and radio appearances) is set forth at my Operation Madcap website resources page (the name and overall theme of the presentation deriving from the movie Tombstone). On Christmas Eve, I received a key, public, and very welcome endorsement of my work on this matter, in its entirety, from another 30~year attorney with a spotless record, Todd Callender (Colorado Bar 25981), who is one of the most well~known and highly~respected attorneys in the worldwide freedom movement.
If you appreciate the type of work I am doing, including this one~person public advocacy push to expose the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook two~part and treasonous conspiracy against our 1st and 2nd Amendments, then please consider supporting my efforts. Donations/contributions, unfortunately, will NOT be deductible to the giver; and I will be reporting ALL contributions/donations received, as income, to our dear friends at the IRS.
I'll close with my two favorite quotes:
"Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong." (Winston Churchill)
"Behold, I make all things new." (Revelation 21:5)
Please help this solitary tree to continue growing. And growing stronger.
With appreciation and kindest regards,
R. Wyn Young, Esq. (Ohio Bar 64876)
Thank you for your excellent work in pursuit of truth
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