Vaccine injury journey


 CAD $15,000


 CAD $12,289

Campaign created by Carrie Sakamoto

Campaign funds will be received by Carrie Sakamoto

Vaccine injury journey

Seeking Justice for my Vaccine Injury - Please Support My Health Battle 

I am reaching out to you in a time of great need. I thought I was doing the right thing, what the government asked me to do. They said it was " Safe and Effective". it was anything but that for me. After my second shot, I almost died. I was in the hospital for 17 days unable to feed myself, see properly, talk, walk, hear or concentrate. I had to learn these things before I could leave hospital care. My health problems have just continued after that. I have been experiencing severe neurological issues, including Full Blume Bells Palsy, depression and anxiety as a result of my COVID19 Vaccine, I have been fighting tirelsessly to seek justice for the harm caused. Though the Vaccine Injury Support Program, I have been able to validate my vaccine injury, but I am still waiting to be paid back for medicine and treatment I needed including a hearing aid and glasses.

Your generous donations will not only help me get the medical and psychological treatments I really need, but also stand up against misinformation and hold authorities accountable for their actions. I am not done fighting. But it is a tough battle and I could really use your help. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in this fight to help restore my health and also justice and truth.

I have had to stop some of my therapies because I cannot afford them anymore. Please join me in my unbelievable health journey and help spread awareness about the importances of transparency and accountability in public health. Thank you for your support and solidarity. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
12 days ago

Love to you and your family Carrie. Don't ever let them wear you down, silence you, shun you, ignore you, or make you feel invaluable or invisible. Alberta Strong 💪

Meighen Russell
$ 10.00 CAD
12 days ago

I wish you a successful outcome in court, and improved health.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
12 days ago

Sorry wish you all the best

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
12 days ago

I am also injured by Pfizer. Not to the same degree, but debilitating. I am praying for you. I feel for you and can empathize with you. May GOD bless you and bring healing.

Gary Tivendale
$ 20.00 CAD
12 days ago

Ted Letourneau
$ 25.00 CAD
18 days ago

Don't let the win! fight for justice, fight for your kids, your family, your country, but most of all, fight for yourself.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
18 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
19 days ago

Keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Ryan Ellis
$ 50.00 CAD
19 days ago

Glen Gunderson
$ 20.00 CAD
19 days ago

Sorry..Doesn’t cut it.

Anonymous Giver
$ 18.00 CAD
19 days ago

Wishing you and your children much love & health - from another whose family members' lives were impacted by the "safe and effective" shots.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
19 days ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
19 days ago

Sending you lots of well wishes. I had Bell’s palsy and in addition to western medicine of anti-virals and steroids I did IV B12, acupuncture and hyperbaric chamber and made a full recovery. I wish you all the best

Mr watkins
$ 10.00 CAD
19 days ago

Truly I you an your family are In my prayers .

$ 25.00 CAD
22 days ago

Best of luck to you Carrie. Never give up.

Yvonne C
$ 75.00 CAD
22 days ago

I'm so sorry that you have so many struggles on top of struggles. Best wishes.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 CAD
1 month ago

I'm sorry for your suffering. Please look up Dr. Peter McCullough's vax injury protocol. He has a lot of experience treating vax injured and Covid injured people. It can't hurt and may help!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"I can’t begin to thank you enough for your kindness. It means so much to me. The name Peter McCullough sounds familiar, I am going to look him up. " By Carrie Sakamoto

Cam Alexander
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 125.00 CAD
1 month ago

Mike Kinsella
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

Hope you win your case

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much! I am fighting like hell! " By Carrie Sakamoto


Found a family doctor!

November 27th, 2024

It’s a Christmas miracle lol I found a wonderful doctor in my town! A doctor is hard to find, especially when they’re leaving the province so quickly. Finding a doctor who was willing to take my vaccine injury on was also a miracle 💫💝 I’m looking forward to a quiet Christmas with my family. Thank you for the continued support! I’m making lots of posts on social media trying to keep attention on the vaccine injured as much as I can so we can get the support that we need. 

Update Found a family doctor! Image
My neurologist update

November 15th, 2024

I saw my neurologist yesterday. He said he has seen no real change and to stay on the medications that I’m on that are causing memory loss for at least the next year. Uggggg I wish I could see an end goal for my recovery

Update My neurologist update Image
Just an update

November 15th, 2024

I continue to look for a family doctor….

I bought some walking sticks the other day and let me tell you it has made a big difference in how I can move around. I use them for balance, like steering. I was able to walk at a normal to fast pace (for me) with confidence for the first time in 4 years without holding on to someone.

. I want to work so bad so I can help my family but I just can’t .My memory loss,pain and vertigo are the worst part. Iv had to buy food with some donations to help get my family by. I am beyond thankful for the friends and support I have found out here. There really are kind and understanding people in the world. I just want to be transparent and humble and so so thankful. I will be fundraising for court cost soon and will give lots of updates there. My fight for justice and my health will continue so watch for me 🇨🇦😘🥹✌️👊

Update Just an update Image
I wish it was over 🥴

November 10th, 2024

A few not so good updates. My doctor is moving! I’m so scared for my health. There are no other doctors where I live. I just want my life to go back to where I could work and help my family. Now 3 years later I’m still so sick, and now we will probably have to move so I can have a doctor! Moving is so expensive and difficult 😞 I usually have good news but unfortunately the reality is it’s not so good right now. Thank you for your support! You are amazing. When I can I am going to start a foundation for vaccine injured people. 

Update I wish it was over 🥴 Image
Heading to court

October 15th, 2024

I have bad news for this update. I am loosing my family doctor. He is moving to another province and I’m having a hard time with it. Having to find a doctor in a province they are all leaving with a vaccine injury has me worried and scared. The vaccine support program will need things from my doctor... The stress has made my face cramp up and anxiety go through the roof. Sleeping is also an issue with the pain and stress.. most can relate to that. I will update soon, hopefully with better news. 

Update Heading to court Image
Update #14 therapeutic massage

September 25th, 2024

Again a big thank you. My update today is that I went for my first therapeutic massage on my face and neck. I feel so good today better than I have in months. I’m riding my stationary bike. I got off of Facebook marketplace and trying to write my book. I appreciate all of the donations, every single one and all of the amazing prayers and messages. ❤️ 

Update Update #14 therapeutic massage Image
Update #13

September 12th, 2024

Not being able to work and help support my family is awful. Your donations are so much help, I am so thankful for you all ❤️ my health is the same, no improvements to share. Swimming has stopped for a few weeks for pool repairs so I have been using a stationary bike I got off Facebook marketplace second hand. It helps me when I can’t get out of the house to still exorcise.  

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Update #12 here we go

August 20th, 2024

Had my first day of court. I’m making the people who did this to me take accountability. It’s going to be a hard fight but I have come so far. I’m helping so many other people along the way. Unfortunately my health has not been great. I think the stress of it all makes it harder to recover. I would like to go to more psychologist appointments. Now with the new virus I’m having a very hard time coping. PTSD is what it’s called and it’s terrible 😢 

Update Update #12 here we go Image
Update #11 new smile

July 23rd, 2024

New smile update. It’s not a great smile but it’s mine. I had some teeth fixed thanks to your kind donations. 

Update Update #11 new smile Image
Update #10

July 23rd, 2024

It’s been a good few weeks. I was able to get my dental work done and pay my blue cross so I can have my benefits. I need to continue to raise money for psychology appointments, and Physio appointments .I’m hoping in the future they will be covered. I’m trying to get it covered with the vaccine injury support program. they are very slow in helping. Thank you so much for all of your kind words and your kind donations. It really does mean the world to me and my family.

Update Update #10 Image
Update #9 I got some teeth

June 12th, 2024

It turns out steroids among others can cause your teeth to crumble. That is what is happening to me :( thankfully your donations were able to cover the cost of fixing what damage has been done for now. I have my crooked smile back 🥴 this is going to be an ongoing issue for me unfortunately. 

Update Update #9 I got some teeth Image
Update #8

May 31st, 2024

I am fighting for my rights in court right now. Not only am I trying to heal from my vaccine injury but I filed a class action lawsuit in Alberta. I hope to make some changes and get the support I need and deserve. 

Update Update #8 Image
Update #7

May 31st, 2024

I found out today that the issues with my teeth right now is that I had to do 3 rounds of steroids. I have been told that the medications I take can cause teeth to crumble…I have . So many side effects from things now 

Update Update #7 Image
Update #6 dental work

May 20th, 2024

 I’m forced to chew on my left side most of the time because of my palsy. I had a nice bridge that has been destroyed from eating only on that side for 3 years now. Thanks to your amazing donations I have been able to get the dental work done that I need to eat. I love you guys so much for all the help. I will post befor and after pictures when it is done. It’s a struggle now to chew with missing teeth and not being able to eat on the right side. 

Update Update #6 dental work Image
Update #5

May 2nd, 2024

I have been attending my psychologist appointments thanks to your amazing donations. Also bought more swim therapy passes, and picked up medications today also! The last few weeks have been difficult, I’m tired of the pain and tired of waking up the same way every day… but I’m thankful I get to wake up and hug my family. It’s small wins sometimes that help most 

Update Update #5 Image
Update #4

March 22nd, 2024

I was able to get to the pool this week and working moving my body. it is so easy to just stay in bed, but i want my life back! I am fighting as hard as i can. The amazing messages and donations make life a bit brighter and the fight a bit easier. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 

Update #3

March 12th, 2024

I have just payed for some psychology appointments thanks to your generous donations and prayers have lifted my spirits . Thank you Thank you Thank you . feels like its not enough. I am also back in water therapy. This therapy is also so important in my recovery,I suffer with vertigo so any other exercise is not possible without injuring myself due to my balance. I also payed for my medications with donations this month and it has made a huge difference in my life. Thank you for caring enough to help me ! 

Update Update #3 Image
Update #2

March 3rd, 2024

The amount of donations, prayers and messages of support make me cry. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ♥️ I have had vertigo for a few days now, so laying in bed reading words of encouragement is so nice.  

Update Update #2 Image
Update #1

February 27th, 2024

I was able to pay for aqua jog therapy( no jogging required lol not sure why they call it that) so grateful ☺️ I’m well on my way to a better hearing aid, thanks to your support. I was also able to buy a month’s worth of medication! I can’t believe how generous people are ❤️ these donations and prayers make my heart so full. 

Update Update #1 Image

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