Trudeaus Political Prisoners


 CAD $150,000


 CAD $72,957

Campaign created by Gord Magill

Campaign funds will be received by Margaret Mackay

Trudeaus Political Prisoners

Arrested in February of 2022, denied bail, and kept in custody for nearly 2 years without trial, Chris Carbert, Jerry Morin, Tony Olienick, and Chris Lysak are Canada's dirtiest secret, Political Prisoners being railroaded by the vindictive regime of Justin Trudeau. Without these men being 'guilty', Trudeau loses the only shred of justification for having brought a modern western nation state to the edge of Marshall Law with his invocation of the Emergencies Act, and it is for this bogus justification that these men are being denied justice. 

This campaign seeks to raise as much money as possible so as to obtain far more robust and competent legal representation than they have thus far received, get these men out of jail, and re-unite them with their long suffering families.

*The campaign has been updated as of July 25, 2024 - please see the updates section for new information

Thank you to those of you who are here after seeing my appearance on Tucker Carlson -

For More information on this travesty of injustice, read these articles - 

Justin Trudeau's Political Prisoners

Meet The Four Men Being Held as Political Prisoners in Canada

The Lawfare Archipelago

Conspiracy of Silence around The Coutts Four

Denying Bail to The Coutts Four is a Political Decision

Political Prisoners in Canada for over 500 Days

Updates on the case, fundraising, the status of the men, and all other information pertaining to this case, can be found at this website -

Thank you in advance for any donation you can spare, these men and their families have suffered long enough.

If you can, please share this campaign on Social Media, and if you share it on Twitter, use this hashtag - 


Thank you, and God Bless.

This campaign is managed by Gord Magill on behalf of The Coutts Four Men, their families, and advocates.

Gord Magill is a trucker with over 27 years of experience behind the wheel, and has hauled fuel across Canada's Ice Roads, pulled Road Trains in Western Australia, and logs down the slopes of volcanoes in New Zealand. Now living in the United States, Gord traveled home to stand in solidarity with the Freedom Convoy, and has been writing and podcasting about it ever since, and is one of a very small number of people investigating the situation with the Coutts Four. 

Having watched Canada descend into Totalitarianism under the regime of Justin Trudeau has been quite the incentive for Gord to stand up for the people being punished by Trudeau, and he will continue to work tirelessly to see the punishments end, and these men reunited with their families. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 CAD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 800.00 CAD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 CAD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 CAD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
3 months ago

Thank you

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 3500.00 CAD
3 months ago

$ 50.00 CAD
3 months ago

For Chris C and Tony O.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
3 months ago

Darrell Barrett
$ 40.00 CAD
3 months ago

Thinking of you guys

Alex VanderWoude
$ 100.00 CAD
3 months ago

Jodi Bruhn
$ 200.00 CAD
3 months ago

We haven't forgotten you guys. Thank you and God bless.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1500.00 CAD
3 months ago

My Christmas budget is your's with much love. 💙 I just can't comprehend the total cost... but thank you... Thank you and we love you for sacrificing it all... Sending our Christmas Blessings today and always. ❤️

Anonymous Giver
$ 3600.00 CAD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 4000.00 CAD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 CAD
5 months ago

Love, hugs, prayers

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
5 months ago

Fellow Proud Canadian
$ 50.00 CAD
6 months ago


Update #8 - Christmas 2024 Edition

December 6th, 2024

Hello Everyone, 

I'd like to thank all of the donors and everyone else who have prayed and otherwise kept Tony and Chris in their hearts - it means the world to them that they have not been forgotten.

Tony and Chris are now facing their third Christmas away from their families, as they ride out the balance of the ridiculous and politicized sentence handed down from Justice Labrenz. They will be spending it at the Drumheller Institution instead of at home.

I would like to ask everyone that can to write them a letter or send a Christmas card. You may have heard that Canada Post is on strike, but myself and Betty Carbert and some other people have developed workarounds for anyone in Canada or around the world to still send them mail! I have a friend in Montana who will be collecting American and International mail for the boys and bringing it north to be repackaged by a courier. 

Go to my Substack at the below link for precise instructions on how to get them letters - and could you please write and send them ASAP - you know how mail and couriers are so busy at this time of year.

And while you are at my Substack, I assembled a panel of people to take down the lies and smears of the CBC in an episode of their once flagship investigative journalism program, The Fifth Estate. It's quite a long listen, but is information packed and telling the truth.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful and Merry Christmas,

Gord Magill, care of Chris Carbert and Tony Olienick 

Update #7

September 11th, 2024

Hello to all supporters of the Coutts Men and their families. 

By now you would have heard the news that Justice Labrenz issued his very disappointing sentencing on Monday, and that Chris and Tony are both facing the possibility of another 2 years behind bars. It is beyond obvious now that Labrenz caved to political pressure from the Crown, and his sentencing was harsh so as to save himself from a Crown appeal, and to give the Trudeau Regime the pound of flesh they desired. 

There is more to be said about this in the near future, and I will seek comments from the men to share with you here, and for the world on my substack.

In the meantime, there are going to be arguments between the defense and the Crown about '2/3' time released, and wether the credit for their time served will meet that threshold for release; apparently the Crown is seeking that to be applied to the balance of the sentence, which would see the men remain in custody for at least 2/3 of another 2-1/2 years. In addition to fighting this, the men's lawyers are going to be launching appeals, as anyone who has watched the trial closely knows there are solid grounds for. 

This fundraising campaign for the men will remain open until they are free men and their legal troubles are over.

From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank everyone who has contributed for every one of your hard earned dollars; the men are trully blessed by your generosity.

To stay up to date with appeals, and to hear from their advocates directly, and hopefully from the men themselves in upcoming articles, you can follow these sites and social media accounts - 

Alberta Political Prisoners Facebook -
Freedom for Chris Carbert Facebook -
Roxanne Halverson 'Interpid Viking' Substack -
Independent Journalist Mocha Bezirgan -
me -

When other outstanding media about the men becomes available, I will venture to share it here, or with the above listed links. 

Thank you again for your Prayers.

"Blesses are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."   -  Matthew 5:10

Update #6

July 25th, 2024

Greetings All,

With defense completing their case, final statements scheduled for Tuesday, July 30, and the jury set to begin deliberations the following day, we are into the final stretch.

Since the trial began on June 6, Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert have incurred another 100k+ in legal expenses, and given the flimsy nature of the Crown's case against them and the indomitable spirit they have showed at trial, it is this 100k that is the threat to crush them.

Jerry Morin and Chris Lysak, both released on February 6, have since settled their legal bills, or otherwise found raised funds separately.

With these developments in mind, this campaign has reset the final goal to reflect the new legal fees, and will be focusing on Chris and Tony. 

We want to thank everyone who has donated or prayed for the men, from the bottom of our hearts, and sned thanks in advance to those who might donate further to help offset their legal fees. 

With God's grace, these men will walk out of that courtroom in Lethbridge at the end of next week as free and innocent men.

Gord Magill 

Update #5 - Approaching The End of The Trial

July 19th, 2024

Good day to all of the generous donors who have donated towards The Coutts Men's legal fund.

The trial has been ongoing now since June 6, after over two years of delay, unjust incarceration, and perfidy on the part of the Crown, and the government of Justin Trudeau.

We are almost there - defense has called witnesses this week, and we are almost at the end.  I anticipate an announcement about a verdict date to come any day now.

In the meantime - fundraising efforts have stalled, and as I type this, I am not quite yet half way to my first target of 100k - I know times are tight, and many of us are struggling. If you have any extra dollars, however few leftover, they would be well appreciated, and it would also be extremely well appreciated by all of us if you could pass this GiveSendGo around your own communities, families, and networks.

For more thorough updates on trial proceedings, I will share some links, and some twitter accounts to follow.

Thanks so much - this trial is an example of David versus Goliath, where the state and its endless resources has been persecuting men for political reasons. The defense is operating on a shoestring, and we could use all of the assistance we can.

Links -

And a recent audio podcast discussing the proceedings, hosted by former CBC journalist and investigative reporter, Trish Wood -

Please follow these twitter accounts for updates on the case - - Rob Kraychik, Rebel News Stevland Ambrose - Author Ray McGinnis - Yours truly.

Thanks again, and pray for the mens release!

Spring 2024

April 25th, 2024

Hello Everyone - 

Thank you so much for your continued generosity and concern for Jerry, Chris, Tony, and Chris.

Pre-trial hearings are on a pause again, and will resume on May 24. The case against Chris and Tony continues to disintegrate as malfeasance on the part of the Crown, and defects in their evidence, are revealed at pre-trial.
God willing, the Crown sees the hopeless nature of their persecution campaign and drops the case; failing that, it appears they will be thoroughly defeated at trial. 

For regular progress updates, please subscribe to my Substack, and new articles on this case, amongst other great content.

Legal bills and debts continue to mount, and I will keep this campaign open until Chris Carbert and Tony Olienick are free and all legal accounts are settled. 

Thanks so much!


First Payouts have begun!

March 7th, 2024

Hello to all supporters and donors to The Coutts Four Men.

I would like to thank all of you for your immense generosity; thus far, you have collectively donated over 37k to the cause, and every one of those dollars is going to help. You are all certainly gifts of the Lord, every one of you.

Getting the funds into the hands of the men has begun - but because of Canadian Banking regulations, transfer limits, and the fact that the funds are being split four ways, it is going to take a few days for all of the funds thus far raised to be dispersed. The first transfer was made this morning, and they will continue until all four men have received their share.

The fight is not yet over; though Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin walk free, they still have outstanding legal bills. Chris Carbert and Tony Olienick remain in custody - their pre-trial motions resume later this month, and their legal bills continue to mount. 

WIth that in mind, this GiveSendGo campaign will remain open and collecting funds until such time that Chris Carbert and Tony Olienick are out, and legal accounts have been settled. 

Again, thank you all for your generous support, and I would ask that you keep the men in your prayers, as the punishment of the Canadian Government is not yet over.

Gord Magill 

Two of the men are out!

February 8th, 2024

Jerry Morin and Chris Lysak were let out of remand on bogus plea deals, "False Confessions" as it were, and Tony Olienick + Chris Carbert remain in custody.

The legal fight and bills remain, and we appreciate any donations that you can make to help fight the Crown and their use of Lawfare against these innocent men.

Thank you for helping and keeping these men in your hearts, the fight is not over yet.

Update on #TrudeausPoliticalPrisoners

January 27th, 2024

It is with deepest gratitude that I would like to thank all of the donors to help the Coutts 4 men seek justice and be re-united with their families.

I wanted to assure those reluctant to donate because of the actions of the Canadian Government that it is extremely unlikely that they could seize these funds; they are designated for Legal Assistance, and the Emergencies Act is not in place. 

There are 3 other GiveSendGo campaigns related to the men, and they have all paid out; this one will as well.

We are only 20% of the way to our first goal, and would appreciate any further generosity to come our way.

Thank you all so much and God Bless.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.