USD $50,000
USD $5,541
Campaign funds will be received by Traditio Catholica
How about your grandchildren? Well, now they can do just that in the game of the Holy Quest.
We have designed the most awesome Catholic Educational Board Game for kids of all ages and the entire family. The game is entertaining, fun to play and educational. It is one of a series of games we are creating. Our goal is to strengthen the Catholic faith in our children and to bring the family together. This game is perfect, especially for home schooled children and a must have for any Catholic family that wishes to add some Catholic fun to the lives of their children. The game has endless possibilities and multiple ways to play it, so kids will never get bored. It is also fun for adults. We evangelize the world one family at a time because today the attack is on our children and the family. Donating to our campaign will help us reach our goal and finance the production of this game. Any money over our goal will go toward developing and producing other great games. We are bringing Catholic board games to the next level. You can support us with your donation and help us launch this great project. Any donation over $120 USD entitles you to be one of the first people to get the limited edition (LE) game. Once you donate $120 or more you will be notified with an automated email with instructions on how to register for the game. If you do not receive the email with instructions after your donation please contact us at sales@traditiocatholica.com. Unlike most other games, our games use our own artwork and the game components are simply beautiful and made of the highest quality materials. Every card and every pawn is carefully designed. Instead of using regular pawns, players are actual saints. To learn more about this game please visit our game website at
To check out our artwork please visit our Etsy online store at tradecatholicart.etsy.com
If you wish to sign up for the game e-newsletter you can do so at www.theholyquest.us/news/newsletter.php
If you wish to sign up for our main e-newsletter you can do so at www.traditiocatholica.com/newsletter.php
As long as our campaign is open every donor who donates more than $120 qualifies for the game LE once it is available with no additional charges. This is a special Limited Edition. Your donation will cover production, packaging and shipping in the US. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can do so and still get the game. When you email us to register you will need to provide all the information so we can send you the game once it is produced, but we will not share or post your personal information anywhere.
Please remember, even if you do not want the game, your donation contributes to thousands of Catholic children who will get the game because you made it possible. Your money will contribute to the salvation of countless souls.
We plan to launch the game around Christmas of 2024. The first production run will be limited to 1000 copies of the LE version of the game if we reach our goal. Once the campaign is closed the game will soon become available for sale at various Catholic stores. Those who wish to get the game now, you have to send us a message once you receive the instructions to sales@traditiocatholica.com. We will contact you and place you on the list of game recipients. If we get more than 1000 donors before the campaign closes, anyone who is not included in the first 1000 donors will receive the game at the same discounted rate but after Christmas of 2024. No one will be left out. Please sign up for updates to be informed of our progress.
Any Catholic website, podcast, store or other online presence that wishes to help us promote this game is welcome. We will pay a percentage of each donation back to you. Please contact us for more information.
God bless all our donors, our children and their families.
Matthias Lorens
President, Traditio Designs, LLC
Traditio Catholica (subsidiary)
Thank you.
This donation is made in honor of my family the Kupchellas ~Jordan Kupchella
Please send 1 game to: Christina Dunn 706 Coeur Dalene Cir El Paso, TX 79922 God bless you and your endeavor!
Great job!
Wish we could contribute more. May God bless you with this project. We're praying for the success of the game.🙏🙏🙏
If possible I would like my limited edition number to be 40 if that is possible. However if that is not possible then the lowest number available.
God Bless!!!
We need good games like this to play
I would like to give this to our local Catholic School
December 12th, 2024
Traditio Designs has partnered with a renowned board game manufacturer to produce the Holy Quest game. We have now placed an order for the prototypes of the game which will allow us to record beautiful videos of the game and finalize our campaign. This process took a bit longer than anticipated, but it was well worth it. Because it took longer we have ironed out all the little quirks and we will be delivering an incredible game to our Catholic community. For those who chose to support this project, you will be getting the best and most beautiful Catholic board game ever made. If you have not pre-ordered your copy yet, there is still time to get your copy of the Limited Edition by making a $120 donation to this campaign. Please do not wait too long because the LE version will only go to the first 1000 supporters. And please remember, there is a limit of three games per donor. Only our donors will get a numbered copy of the game along with an expansion pack, a poster and a certificate of authenticity.
March 27th, 2024
We wish to remind all our donors that the first 1000 games of the Holy Quest will be a Limited Edition of the game. "What does this mean?"; you may ask. Let us tell you. The LE version will be numbered from 0001 to 1000. Only 1000 copies of it will be ever produced. After that we will switch to the standard version. The number will appear on the bottom of the box and on the special certificate of ownership. In addition the game logo will have LE printed next to it making it unique and adding much more value to the first 1000 copies of the game. The LE version will also include 32 saints with beautiful artwork unlike the standard version that will come with only 16 saints. This will give kids many more choices of saints in the game and the ability to learn about them all. The LE version will be distributed in the order of donations we receive so the sooner you give the lower your number will be. Once the game is produced and becomes popular the value of your game will more than likely surpass the amount you donated so the resale value in places like eBay should pay you back if you ever wish to resell this game. As always, may God bless all our donors and all our kids.
February 22nd, 2024
Before you make your donation, you can now visit the game website and learn all about the Holy Quest. You can also get answers to many questions and chances are your question has already been answered. Please remember, if you wish to get this game now, after you make a minimum donation of $120 you have to register on our website. We thank all of our supporters. You make it possible to get this game to thousands of children.
February 1st, 2024
We have been working very hard at Traditio Designs on a new website for the game. Once the website is up, you will be able to read all about the Holy Quest game, get your questions answered and view the game from the inside out. We are posting all of the game contents, the rules for the game and much, much more. You will also be able to learn about our other games that will follow.
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