USD $3,500
USD $2,975
Campaign funds will be received by Alastair Hunte
Almost a year ago, I took my first trip to Africa. One of the members of my church, Albertina Nyantee, had created a non-profit organization called Kingdom Relationship Network (kingdomrelationshipnetwork.org) with a big mission—to eradicate child forced labor in Liberia, West Africa.
When Albertina shared with me that God had shown her a vision of me traveling to Liberia, I laughed. Traveling to Africa was nowhere in my five-year plan and not even on the radar of what I felt called to do. However, over the next six months of helping the organization develop its brand, building the website, becoming the Director of Technology, and falling in love with the mission, I found myself traveling to Liberia in February of 2024.
You can hear all about my trip at the link below:
Click Here to Hear Alastair Share with the Grace Point Men About His Trip to Liberia
With God's help, we accomplished quite a bit in a year, which you can see in our Kingdom Relationship Network 1-Year Impact Report.
So, we planned a second trip to Liberia at the end of 2024. Things didn't align properly and we felt we needed to push the trip back to 2025. But, God was calling my heart to go back to Africa.
My friend Brad Miller was one of the original people I spoke with before going to Liberia. He had extensive experience doing missionary work in Africa, and gave me invaluable advise about the trip. Since we have a goal of eventually taking volunteers with us to Liberia, he also urged me to contact Pastor Mark Blum of World Mission Adventure, who has over 20 years of experience in organizing mission trips to Africa.
So, when Brad announced that he was going on a mission trip to Gulu, Uganda, Africa with Pastor Mark and invited me to go, I knew I had to make it happen!
I am excited to travel back to a different part of Africa on a mission trip to build a playground, give medical aid, and spread the word of God to Gulu, Uganda in Africa. My secondary mission, with Pastor Mark's blessing, is to learn how World Mission Adventure has been so successful at organizing mission trips with volunteers in going to Africa so that I can use this knowledge for Kingdom Relationship Network. Our vision is to organize similar trips to build the Children's Village in Malema Town, Liberia, West Africa!
Thank you for following God's calling and all that you do for Kingdom Relationship Network!
Praise Jesus for your obedience!
Praying for you and the group to have a great impact on the Kingdom and these young ladies. God Bless you in everything you do.
Good luck on your campaign and your trip, Al!
Good luck on your journey!
Go with strength and confidence. Mathew 28:19
So honored to help support your African iniatived
February 18th, 2025
We did it!
Thank you to all of my supporters that made a donation to help my hit my first milestone and achieve the $1500 deposit needed to secure my spot on the trip.
I will continue to raise awareness as we press forward to hit the final goal of $3500.
You all are amazing! May God bless you in mighty ways for helping to support the people of Gulu, Uganda. Stay tuned for updates and praise reports as the campaign continues!
More importantly, continue to pray, like and share this campaign.
Love you guys,
Alastair Hunte
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