USD $222,125
Campaign funds will be received by Melito Law LLC
Thank you for your support for Jenna’s legal defense fund. The Georgia case has been resolved. Your support helped Jenna immensely. We want to answer a question that has been raised regarding the fund. The legal fees and costs significantly exceeded the amount raised by the fund. Thank you for your continued support.
Relationship with Financially donating Party: When non-clients are donating to compensate the lawyer for the legal services, (1) the lawyer may not permit the non-clients to interfere with the lawyer’s professional judgment or with the attorney-client relationship; (2) the lawyer is obligated to only seek the objectives of the client only; (3) the lawyer may not share information with the non clients
May God bless you, Ms Ellis!
Good luck with what you do
Bless you Jenna. I’m sorry things went awry for you and hope this helps.
I learned about Chevron Deference from you on Andrew Klavan's podcast centuries ago. Thanks for fighting for limited government and freedom. Have a great holiday. Rich
Be Humble and Fearless Pick you battles carefully Stay strong till the end God bless.
May the Lord provide all you need for your legal fees. 🙏
Thank you Jenna
This is what we minions can do to help save our country. Pray for more TRUTH, it is the way out of this!
God bless you, Jenna!
This is what we minions can do to help save our country. Pray for more TRUTH, it is the way out of this!
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