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Supporting Kirk Sampson & Family


 USD $25,000


 USD $24,990

Campaign created by Kelly Aune & Miranda Durrant

Campaign funds will be received by Nicole Sampson

Supporting Kirk Sampson & Family

In early August, Kirk was admitted to the University of Minnesota Neuro ICU as the result of an unforeseen traumatic brain bleed event. He remains in critical condition and his journey to recovery is uncertain at this time.  As the doctors continue to determine a course of action, any support you can offer Kirk and his family would be helpful to lift some of the burden so they can focus on his care moving forward.  Any and all donations are greatly appreciated and please keep Kirk, Nicole, Carter and Callie in your prayers and thoughts.
Recent Donations
The Vander Lindens
$ 50.00 USD
6 days ago

Our family knew Kirk from numerous ski races at Afton Alps and Wild Mountain. Callie and our daughter will be seniors this year and we enjoyed chatting about racing with him each winter. We will miss his presence at the ski hill. Extending our deepest sympathy to Kirk's family, his many friends and his beloved dogs.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
9 days ago

You and the kids are in our thoughts and prayers. May you find comfort in the love of those around you and in all your wonderful memories.

Chris and Brenda Nault
$ 100.00 USD
9 days ago

John and Jenny Kolb
$ 50.00 USD
9 days ago

Tammy Mike Cravens
$ 100.00 USD
10 days ago

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family

$ 440.00 USD
11 days ago

Our deepest sympathies- May you find peace and comfort in the memories you will treasure forever. Wendy Stanton John Hart John Hermann Kevin Tiberg Nicole Coady

$ 65.00 USD
11 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
11 days ago

Nicole, Carter & Callie~ We simply have no words. You are all very dear to us. We are always here for you. Love, Eric, Jenna, Garrett & Morgan

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
11 days ago

Nicole and family, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have many fond memories of working with Kirk, including sharing stories about our kids. You have been in my prayers and will continue to be over these coming days. With sympathy, Janel Haider

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
11 days ago

I am truly sorry for your family loss. Although I did not know Kirk for a long time, I consider him a great friend. He was always so full of life and positive energy!

The Ashley Family
$ 50.00 USD
11 days ago

“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed”, says the Lord, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
12 days ago

My heart is breaking for you, Nicole. Wishing comfort and strength to you and the family, and all who loved Kirk. May he rest in paradise. 🙏

Mike OReilly
$ 200.00 USD
12 days ago

Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

John Gerstner
$ 100.00 USD
12 days ago

I knew you a short time, but I knew u were a great family man. May god bless the Sampson family.

$ 250.00 USD
12 days ago

Condolences on behalf of Board Members and the Membership

Heidi Amundson
$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

I'm so sorry. Thinking of you and your family during this heartbreaking time.

April Kraemer
$ 20.00 USD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
14 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
15 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
15 days ago


Update #4

August 31st, 2024

A Celebration of Life will be held for Kirk on Saturday, September 7, 2024 @ 2:00pm at Veterans Campground on Big Marine Lake.  An informal gathering will follow from 3:00-6:00pm.

Veterans Campground on Big Marine Lake
11300 180th Street North
Marine on St. Croix, MN  55047

Update #3

August 28th, 2024

Kirk passed peacefully late Monday night.  Today has been a day of just about every "Inside Out" emotion, plus a few more they didn't cover.  Thank you for all the calls, texts and messages today, and the ongoing support with food, gift cards and this amazing site.  It means more than we can ever put into words. 

And as the Matthew West song says, Don't Stop Praying, as our families will continue to need those prayers as we start to navigate what life will look like without his smiles, sarcasm, hugs, dad jokes, twirls on the dance floor, and so many other memories yet to be remembered.  Many will bring tears, but many will also bring laughter and smiles, which is what he would want!!! Please message, text or post on this site or FB any of those memories so I can try capture them for our family.  

Update #2

August 26th, 2024

As mentioned in the first update, Kirk suffered a brain bleed of an unknown cause and multiple strokes from that bleed.  Despite a fierce battle, he has not been able to overcome the medical consequences of that bleed.  

We have moved him to comfort care and ask that you continue to pray for our families as we try to process this and all the emotions that come with such a loss.  

Thank you for all the messages, calls, hospital visits, food, gift cards, financial support and most of all the prayers.  We are feeling all of the love and support and are so blessed that we know the support will continue as we figure out all that is to come.  

Update #1

August 20th, 2024

Thank you to everyone for your incredible outpouring of thoughts, prayers and support. Your generosity to help lift some of the financial burden for the Sampson family is appreciated more than you will ever know, as Kirk was unemployed, but anticipating a job offer at the time of this medical emergency.

Kirk experienced a massive headache that led to him being admitted to the UofM hospital. The doctors believe that Kirk experienced a cryptic/spontaneous brain bleed that happens in approximately 15% of people that experience this situation. The doctors have not found the root cause of the bleed and at this point, it is likely they never will. Kirk continues to remain in critical condition in the Neuro ICU, where he has been for almost two weeks.

Regardless, we continue to be hopeful and pray for Kirk’s recovery. Please continue to pray for Kirk, pray for strength within their family and pray for Kirk’s entire medical care team as they work tirelessly to bring him to a full recovery.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

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