Supporting FBI Whistleblower Garret O'Boyle


 USD $25,000


 USD $19,110

Campaign created by Kathleen Keller

Campaign funds will be received by Garret OBoyle

Supporting FBI Whistleblower Garret O'Boyle

I am a family friend of the O'Boyle's. This is a critical time for us as Americans and Christians to stand by those who are fighting for our freedom and the rule of law. Garret O'Boyle has been a man of integrity, faith, and courage in the face of persecution from the FBI.

I am asking for donations for the O'Boyle family because:

* Garret has made the hard right decision to stand by "We the People" and the US Constitution.

* The FBI is punishing him and his family for refusing to break the law by following FBI orders and also for doing the courageous work of a whistleblower.

* The FBI suspended Garret without pay while at the same time prohibiting him from getting full-time work to support his family.

Agent O'Boyle was given a new assignment in September of 2022 in Virginia. He was stationed in Wichita, Kansas at the time so he and his wife sold their home in August, lived in an Airbnb for a few weeks during the time their baby was born, then in an RV for six more weeks before finding rental property in which to live. Garret then reported to his new assignment in VA on September 26, 2022. The FBI waited until that time to suspend him; he was escorted out and suspended without pay. They intended to close on a home shortly thereafter, which of course fell through as well.

Because Garret is still an employee of the FBI, they have prohibited him from earning wages that are more than $7,500 a year. They did not allow him to get everything they owned out of storage in VA for six weeks. Garret's family, now with four young daughters, were living out of suitcases for those six weeks without proper clothing for the weather or even toys for their children.

There was a false allegation made against Garret that directly related to one of his protected disclosures that the FBI then used as the weaponization tactic to suspend him. Garret followed federal whistleblower law, nonetheless, the FBI still suspended him.

Please pray for provision and continued protection for the O'Boyle family and please consider giving to them through this platform to show support and care as Garret reveals details for the weaponization of the government's FBI against the American people. 99% of the funds will go directly to Garret O'Boyle, 1% will be donated to keep GiveSendGo a free platform.

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." Ephesians 5:11

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 days ago

Prayers for you to St Michael the Archangel, patron of police officers and law enforcement.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
8 days ago

Stevie Wonder The Spook
$ 10.00 USD
10 days ago

We've got your back!

Jonathan Dowdall
$ 35.00 USD
25 days ago

I appreciate you and all of The Suspendables.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Thank you, soldier!

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 month ago

I watched you with Alex this afternoon. Great job! I hope you get a call from Kash shortly bringing you back to duty with backpay. All the Best!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Prayers for you to St Michael the Archangel, patron of police officers and law enforcement.

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers for you to St Michael the Archangel, patron of police officers and law enforcement.

$ 160.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 160.00 USD
2 months ago

Babs the Ice Queen
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Blessings to you and your family. Keeping you all in prayer.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Prayers for you to St Michael the Archangel, patron of police officers and law enforcement.

J Kelly
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Tom H
$ 160.00 USD
3 months ago

Jenny Sutton
$ 150.00 USD
3 months ago

Merry Christmas, Garret and Family! Fiat Lux

$ 160.00 USD
3 months ago

Charles Benedict
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

$ 140.00 USD
4 months ago

Countdown to freedom has begun .... Amen!


Two-year Update

October 12th, 2024

FBI Whistleblower Garret O'Boyle has now been indefinitely suspended without pay for over two years. The FBI continues to retaliate against him and his family with every day that passes. Since his powerful testimony in May of 2023, the retaliation has only increased. Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett and her boss Congressman Jerrold Nadler referred Garret to the Department of Justice (what an Orwellian name that has become), three weeks after his testimony, for criminal charges. Even though Garret made protected disclosures to Congress, Congress now engaged in retaliating against him too.

A few months later, information was published regarding new FBI Whistleblowers. These brave whistleblowers were embedded in the belly of the beast of the FBI's retaliatory system; the FBI's dishonorable Security Division (SecD). These whistleblowers came forward with information showing that the FBI acted in retaliatory fashion towards not just Garret, but others whistleblowers too, and that the FBI was purging its ranks of military veterans, conservatives, and Christians. Garret puts a checkmark in all of those boxes so there is no wonder that he was retaliated against in such egregious fashion.

As the months wore on, the retaliation only continued. In February 2024, Garret received a notice from the FBI informing him that his health insurance had been rescinded. He was also slapped with a bill for the thousands of dollars of withholding to pay for the previous months of insurance since it could not be extracted from his non-existent pay. Garret also was forced to pay a "tax bill" related to the transfer to Virginia that never happened. It is beyond clear that the tyrants in the FBI and DOJ are continuing to do their utmost to "financially devastate" (as the SECD Whistleblower put it) the O'Boyle family.

In May 2024, the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General published a memorandum which showed, based on their own investigation, that the FBI was violating whistleblower protection statutes with how they conducted security clearance suspensions when whistleblower retaliation complaints were made by employees, such as is the case with Garret. Bringing the strong suspicion that Garret and his attorneys held that the FBI was trying to pin something criminal on him to a full certainty, Liz Aloi, the Chief of the DOJ's Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section contacted Garret's attorneys in June 2024 and notified them via letter that Garret was no longer being looked at criminally, but they reserved their right to try again int he future. In July, the FBI finally revoked Garret's clearance.

The day Garret received the revocation letter, his attorneys notified the FBI of our intent to appeal their decision. The agency is supposed to produce "the agency file," which allegedly contains all the information gathered to support their decision to revoke his clearance. As of mid-October 2024, the FBI has failed to produce the agency file. In September 2024, new whistleblower information from FBI investigators who were assigned to, and/or associated with, Garret's internal investigation made clear that senior ranking FBI officials Jeffry Veltri and Dena Perkins used Garret's transfer to Virginia "and interview him on his first day in the new assignment as a means to surprise him into some sort of confession." Furthermore, one of the internal investigators "already believed that [Garret] had disclosed nothing to the press but had made numerous protected whistleblower disclosures to Congress." Garret's clearance was suspended anyway.

Additionally, these latest whistleblower disclosures show that an internal investigator on Garret's case clarified to Dena Perkins "that there was no evidence SA O'Boyle had leaked to the media. [Dena] Perkins responded that she had already briefed the FBI's 7th floor that SA O'Boyle was a media leaker, and did not want to correct this misunderstanding." Furthermore, FBI officials pushed for the revocation of Garret's clearance in order to retroactively remedy a false statement now retired Assistant Director Jennifer Moore made to Congress regarding Garret's case.

On top of all of this, Garret was forced to turn down a job offer because the hiring company did not want to be in the FBI's crosshairs themselves, and was denied employment by a local municipality even though Garret was overqualified for the position. As Garret said in his May 2023 testimony, "the FBI will crush you; this government will crush you and your family, if you try to expose the truth about things that they are doing that are wrong, and we are all examples of that." The FBI continues to try to crush the O'Boyle family. With your help, they never will.

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