Campaign created by Andy Smith

Campaign funds will be received by Andy Smith


Grace was a high school junior. She is a beautiful young lady who is kind, caring, and compassionate. She loves dance and theater and was a good student. Grace chose to exercise her rights and attend school without wearing a mask. The local school board voted to enforce a universal mask policy back in 2021 that we believe was unlawful and in violation of the both the United States constitution and the constitution of the state of Wyoming.
Grace endured 3 suspensions and the school was put into a 4 hour lockdown before she was eventually arrested and taken to jail for not wearing a mask.  She has also been targeted by peers and school staff members for exercising her rights. Because of the targeting and threats, for her safety Grace ended up withdrawing from high school and had to finish her high school career from home. She was unable to realize her high school dreams and graduate with her peers.

Grace is raising funds to help with the legal cost of defending her civil liberties and the civil liberties of other current and future students in Wyoming. By supporting this fight for their liberties, you are helping ensure the rights of every citizen of the state of Wyoming and the future rights of students nationwide.  

* * * Update * * * 12/2/2024:

After a long and costly legal battle that resulted in a dismissal, we are grateful and pleased to share that the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in our favor, determining that Grace's case does have standing and our fight to persue justice will continue!

The appellate court order says, “We reverse the district court’s order (to dismiss this case) and remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.” The case has been sent back to the U.S. District Court for Wyoming for due process. This a huge blessing and sign that God is not finished with us yet. What this means for us is that the legal fees are going to exceed what we have raised by an estimated $50,000. We believe God is in control and will provide a way for us to obtain the finances to see this through. We asking everyone to please continue to pray for strength, wisdom, and stamina for us as a family as we continue this process. We are incredibly grateful to all of you for your support!

God Bless,

The Smith Family 

We can be contacted at
We appreciate your support, and Wyoming needs more Grace!

Recent Donations
Steven Ukropen
$ 20.00 USD
2 years ago

Aaron Paolilli
$ 6.00 USD
2 years ago

Aaron Paolilli
$ 6.00 USD
2 years ago

Response from Campaign Owner:


Jamie Maly
$ 18.00 USD
2 years ago

Response from Campaign Owner:


Reed and Vickie
$ 50.00 USD
2 years ago

Thank you, Grace, for fighting AND standing against evil tyranny on behalf of ALL of us citizens of the United States. We are SO PROUD of you and are praying for you! "No KING but JESUS!"

Lynne Lowder
$ 25.00 USD
2 years ago

Grace, I'm giving to you again because I want to support your cause and also to write you this note and tell you how much we appreciate you. I'm sorry for the parts of your "new normal" that are painful, tiring, and you don't want to be a part of. I hope that the months and years ahead bring you amazing success! You are so unique and special; you will continue to change the world for the better

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
2 years ago

Never give up Grace. Never give up the fight to be a free self governing individual!!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 years ago

God Bless.

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
3 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 23.00 USD
3 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 24.00 USD
3 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
3 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 years ago

God bless you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 years ago

Thank you, Grace. We can all do something to preserve our freedom.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 years ago

With you in spirit. God's blessing to you and your fight. Well done.

Capital Video Productions Ltd
$ 5.00 USD
3 years ago

I totally admire the strength and intelligence of this young lady to stand up to the monsters that are endeavouring to squash her and I hope my small contribution from the other side of the world is of some assistance.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 years ago

Grassroots reaching out to you from the state of SC. Hoping your story creates the needed change. All liberty-minded parents consider boycott of public schools, start home learning pod alternatives in your area. It is the next needed step. Personal strength for me derives from 1Cori16:13. Please sign petition for to unite to fight this type of abuse from government.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
3 years ago


Big news!

December 2nd, 2024

Back in 2023, Judge Freudenthal, United States Senior District Judge for the District of Wyoming, dismissed our case stating it lacked standing and failed to state a claim that merited relief. We pursued an appeal to this decision and are excited to update you all.

On November 28, 2024 the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals overruled that decision and has sent our case back to the district court for due process. In summary, the three appellate judges stated, “We reverse the district court’s order (to dismiss this case) and remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.” So, what this means is our case will now proceed in Wyoming District Court. Grace is finally going to get her day in court!  

Please pray for Grace and our family as this process continues. Pray for wisdom and stamina for the attorneys and for us. We also need pray for financial support as we found out we are going to need to raise more money to continue to fund Grace's legal fees.  

Stand With Grace Update March 2022

March 9th, 2022

Hello everyone,

It has been a few months and we\'d like to share a legal update and let you know how Grace is doing personally. Grace joined a federal lawsuit with the nonprofit organization Free Wyoming 23 that included plaintiffs throughout the state of Wyoming. The lawsuit sought justice regarding unconstitutional COVID mandates and measures enacted by the governor, state health agencies, and school districts. The lead attorney failed to meet filing deadlines and the lawsuit was ultimately dismissed without prejudice. Fortunately, Grace’s name was removed before the final dismissal so we could pursue her case independently.

It has proven to be a difficult task to find the right people to represent us legally. After lots of prayer and consideration, God has provided us with a team of attorneys from Wyoming and Colorado. They specialize in constitutional law and defending our civil liberties, and they believe Grace has a strong case to be the catalyst for change. It is our desire to see the case through to a ruling in federal court to establish future protections in Wyoming and across the country. We don’t desire to benefit personally, but seek to have individual rights protected. Things should start moving forward more rapidly now. We appreciate prayer for wisdom and discernment as we move forward.

Personally, Grace has struggled. She has shouldered a huge burden for someone her age. It has been difficult to navigate the transition from everything she knew to her new “normal” and she misses some of the things she gave up. Grace has incredible determination, though, and she faces each day with courage. She is completing online classes, working, and plans to spend the summer as a counselor at a Christian wilderness camp in our region. Please continue to pray for strength, encouragement, and stamina for her and our family. We appreciate all of your messages, prayer, and support.

God Bless,

The Smith Family 

Update #3

October 26th, 2021

Hello everyone,

We wanted to reach out and give another update on Grace. She started her homeschool program this week and is doing well. Grace's cousin designed a website for her that follows her story and has links to all her media interviews and articles. There is also a link to a YouTube channel that has videos of her arrest along with the video of her speech to the school board. You can check those out at: We are so proud of this girl!

There has been some development on the legal front as well. The city of Laramie has already sent a motion to dismiss one of her trespassing tickets and we believe they are going to motion to dismiss the 2nd trespassing ticket as well. We are trusting that God is in control and His will be done as it pertains to the criminal charges against Grace. On the larger civil law case, we have joined two different fights.  We are part of a larger class action federal case that hopes to restore liberty back to the people.  This will be filled in a federal court in the 10th district and is the case we hope will have the desired outcome for not only Wyoming but other cases like it in the country.  Grace is also going to be part of a more local state case that will not only involve her but others from our school district. This case will be more tied to here situation specifically and involve other students from her school district.

On an exciting note; Grace was asked if a House Bill being presented to grant health waivers for the mask and vaccine requirements across the state could be named in her honor.  We of course said yes! Wyoming House Bill HB1010 (Grace Smith Medical Feedom Act) is going to be presented to the house today during an emergency session.  We are going over to stand on the steps of the capital in show of support! Please keep us and all these things in your prayers.

P.S. we are still trying to get through all the messages and emails from all of you and hope we can get responses out to you soon.  It is so amazing the amount of support and encouragement we have received from all over the world!

God Bless,
The Smith's
Update #2 From Grace

October 19th, 2021

I want to thank each and every one of you! Like my dad said, your comments have been the little light in our lives in the midst of all the chaos. Each donation is truly a blessing and the kind things that you all had to say to me were absolutely amazing! You have no idea how much your support has meant to my entire family over the past week. I wanted to give you all a quick update because I’m sure you’re all waiting to see what I do next!

As some of you may already know, I will be switching to a homeschool program because of personal safety concerns with the school, but also my stance on principle with everything I’ve been fighting for. Now that we know that they will truly enforce this ridiculous rule, I was faced to make a choice to put the mask on and go to school, or stay home, and I didn’t want to continue to push something I didn’t have to. I will continue to fight though! We have retained our lawyer and we will be taking this fight to court with the help of your amazing donations!

We will continue to update you all as my story develops more and more, but for now my family and I just ask for prayer. God is the one thing we all truly have in this broken world and in the midst of trials and tribulation. This fight has already been so taxing on every member of my family so I ask that you pray for peace and protection. We are praying for God to lay his hand on our family because I already know he is holding my hand through this righteous fight!

Thank you again for all of your support, you are each an individual blessing on my life!

"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." ~ John 16:33

Love, Grace :)


Update #1

October 12th, 2021

We are humbled and amazed at what God is doing through the courage of this young lady! I want you all to know that your comments have been our source of strength these past few days. The world is so divided right now you can only imagine the hate our family has received. It is our prayer that God would be glorified and Grace would encourage others to rise up and righteously proclaim their liberties be returned to them! Grace is working through reading each and every comment and is going to write her own thank you. In the meantime we wanted to let everyone know that you are all a blessing! Your passionate words of encouragement have done more for this family than you may ever know! Today is a big day for us with several national interviews, and then we hope to begin having days that are a bit more normal! -The Smith Family

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Pray for Grace and our family that we would have the strength and stamina to see this through
  • Pray for Grace to know she is Loved!
  • Pray for wisdom and discernment for our legal team and for us.