Monthly Goal:
USD $5,000
Total Raised:
USD $9,283
Raised this month:
USD $333
Campaign funds will be received by Christopher Cantwell
SurrealPolitiks is the new podcast featuring notorious Right wing media personality, Christopher Cantwell.
The brand name, pronounced "Surreal Politics" is styled with the K instead of the C to connote an overlap between the bizarre, described in our terminology as surreal, nature of the political environment in which the show is produced, and "Realpolitik" which is a political outlook based on practical rather than ethical or theoretical considerations. The idea being the promotion of a ruthless and relentless pursuit of Right wing political power, in opposition to an increasingly delusional and belligerent Leftism.
For over a decade, Cantwell has been changing minds, touching hearts, and making laughs with his unique writing style and unrivaled verbal talents. From street demonstrations, to the standup stage, to federal courtrooms, and even behind bars, Cantwell's hard hitting analysis and sharp wit has been making headlines and rattling the nerves of America's decaying political elite.
After his release from federal prison, Cantwell announced he would be concluding the Radical Agenda podcast, his most well known project. But he has no intention of fading from public view. SurrealPolitiks is the next Stage.
Aimed less at edgy jokes than at guiding the cutting edge of a Right wing political realignment, SurrealPolitiks will incorporate all the lessons of Cantwell's years of experience in media and political activism, and apply this hard earned wisdom toward growing and empowering the Right.
To accomplish this, the production will be guided by these strategic elements;
Your contribution will be used to maintain the systems and talent necessary for the production of the content, including the living expenses of the host. Your contribution will be made exponentially more more powerful by the business functions of the production. Rather than relying entirely upon patron support, the production will also monetize content through the following means;
Surplus revenues will be invested back into the production before elevating the living standards of the talent. These investments will include but be not limited to, expanding product inventory for E-Commerce, recruiting new talent, and investment in promotional considerations.
To spread our message and build our base of support, the content will be relentlessly promoted through a variety of methods, including but by no means limited to;
Drawing on hard won experience, we will avoid traps set by rivals and other perils to our success. For example, by;
By our utilizing these strategies, your contribution will have the maximum possible impact toward salvaging the remnant of American greatness, diminishing the power of its enemies, and saving the rest of the world from the horrors that await mankind, should the Left succeed in obtaining unchallenged dominion over the American war machine.
Generous contributors will have direct access to the host, and receive first consideration for promotion of their business interests. Any sponsorship rewards offered later in the campaign will be made available retroactively to the extent practical to earlier contributors.
1% of this campaign's contributions will be donated back to GiveSendGo. By default, GiveSendGo does not derive revenue for themselves from campaigns, passing on only their payment processing costs to the campaigns they host. Because we are appreciative of their services, and because their work is so important, we felt it right to share this meager cut with them, which is less than what other platforms charge without granting any other option.
Thank you for your consideration and your support!
January 11th, 2024
The support from all of you through this and other means has been inspiring, and I am so grateful for all of your assistance. We have made some really great progress and it is overdue for me to give you an update, though I expect most of you are largely aware on account of what we have been putting out.
The goal of this project has always been to do much more than produce one podcast or to finance the work of one activist. We are building a content network, and we are doing so with a uniquely robust framework that allows us to deliver the sort of hard hitting content we know to be necessary, while balancing that with the needs of our business service providers.
To that end, we have launched our own affiliate advertising program, wherein other publishers can get paid for sending referrals to SurrealPolitiks. In combination with this, we have syndicated use of our access control functions, so that a SurrealPolitiks Member login can gain a user access to members only content on other sites. This framework allows other content producers to get paid for content subscriptions, without having a payment processor. They get paid in ad sales instead, while still having many of the same functions that they would if they ran their own paywall.
This is still in a limited non public phase while we feel things out. We are proud to announce our affiliate partnership with the fine folks at the Full Haus show, to whom we have just mailed their third affiliate commissions check.
When I was thinking of who I could bring on first, I wanted to make sure it was a partner we could trust, and who would provide quality content to our members. Picking the Full Haus guys was an obvious choice, and I am honored that they accepted the invitation.
We have published 45 pieces of members only content at, and produced 41 episodes of SurrealPolitiks. In this stage of production, we have produced 49 episodes of our uncensored production, and begin republishing archives on a separate member site as members only content for the uncensored work.
We are imminently to release Volume 1 of a "Best of SurrealPolitiks" CD for distribution. We believe this is a great way to introduce people to the content and expose them to a whole new world of ideas they would never have otherwise stumbled upon.
Included in this compilation are;
The opening monologue from our episode titled "Of Some Consequence" wherein I discuss meeting a child who had his speech impeded by the COVID masking lunacy.
"Beauty Revisited" a 40 minute monologue which was adapted from a monologue aired during a SurrealPolitiks Member Chat.
"Unknown Soldier" adapted from an opening monologue of a SurrealPolitiks episode of that title, with background music added for dramatic effect.
This is some of the most compelling content I have ever produced, despite avoiding some of the more troublesome themes we have covered in earlier years. New people who hear this work are intrigued by it, impressed with the talent, and come looking for more.
When they do, they get exposed to the whole range of potential across the content network, and this, we have reason to believe, will be a game changer.
This is all made possible by your financial support. The project would have died a long time ago and I'd be doing something I hated to keep myself fed instead of working around the clock for the values we share. I am tremendously grateful for the opportunity.
As I promised in the initial campaign description, I have put every surplus back into this project. I have not used your money to upgrade my lifestyle. I look forward to doing that when we have more accomplishments to brag about, but for now, I am all about advancing this work.
I have acquired a great deal of new equipment. An entirely new mobile broadcasting setup, new video cards, new software. I have learned about new technologies, particularly in the AI field, and we are experimenting with these when we have time.
I will make sure not to take so long to update you again. While most of our revenue is coming from other sources these days, GiveSendGo made our launch possible, and we would not have gotten this far without you.
2024 is going to be an exciting year. Thanks for making it possible.
April 6th, 2023
Thanks so much to all of you who have helped to finance this production! We are making great progress, and I want to update you on this progress with a bullet pointed list of steps we've taken to establish ourselves.
This list could be a lot longer, but 25 seems like a good number for now. Let me tie this all in for you.
We have learned, over the course of more than 14 years of activism, that without a sustainable revenue model, projects that challenge the status quo fall victim to financial pressures. They either die out, or lose sight of their purpose in search of sustenance. For this reason, even in prior projects, we always made sure to seek diverse revenue streams to offset the burden on donors.
For those of you who are familiar with my history, you already know that the challenges we met anyway proved disastrous, but they taught us important lessons.
SurrealPolitiks suffers none of the delusions we fell prey to as libertarians. Those ideas, whatever partial merit they may have had, simply proved incompatible with the real world. To be a successful business, you have to fill out the proper forms, respect intellectual property, and be insured in case something unforeseeable happens.
Nor do we suffer from the delusions currently plaguing what might be described as the "Dissident Right", which so closely resemble those prior follies. We cannot build a better world by withdrawing from this one. We must be engaged, we must meet people where they are, and we must accurately market ourselves as the capable, honest, and above all reasonable, adults in the room. Having cultivated that image, we need to establish conduits of influence to established sources of power, and through those conduits transmit our values into public policy outcomes.
The treatment of the January 6th defendants, and the recent indictment of Donald Trump, while terrible travesties of justice, present us with the opportunity to correct the historical record about the Left's many other crimes and abuses. It would be negligent for us to continue allowing ourselves to be typecasted as the radicals and the crazies.
The Left's power derives from their meticulously concocted false image as the defenders of civilization against the forces of Right wing chaos, but the world is ever more rapidly coming to know that this is an inversion of the truth. Their frenzied celebratory violence and corruption is no longer masked beneath this veneer of respectability. They are arsonists, pedophiles, and tyrants, too secure in their positions to even realize how they appear to regular people.
The steps described above form the foundation of a sustainable project, to transmit powerful ideas, to a broad audience, and translate those ideas into outcomes. As revenue has been generated, I have invested it right back into the project. I am 100% personally invested in the success of this project right along with you, and I will dedicate my life to it.
With your continued support, we won't just improve the future.
We will improve history.
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