USD $35,000
USD $3,345
Campaign funds will be received by LGBT Courage Coalition
We may be outnumbered and outspent, but we have courage and medical evidence on our side. The ACLU and Lambda Legal have vast resources, funded by large corporations and some with questionable motives. They will likely try to paint a picture of broad public support for their position. They will seek to make this is a show- that the rainbow glitter world is on their side- when we know all they have is a trail of harmed proto gay children's bodies and destroyed families. The truth is on our side.
The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 in Washington D.C.
We urgently need your support if you care about the well-being of children, believe in science and truth, and value the rights of lesbians and gay men.
We are fundraising to cover permits, travel and accommodation assistance for those attending, and to create impactful signs. Our goal is to show that and lesbians are fighting back, that parents are fighting back, that we are a broad coalition.
If you can travel to D.C. and want to join us, please contact lgbtcouragecoaltion@gmail.com.
Thank you!
Thank you for standing up for our sons and daughters!
“Stop Transing Gay Kids” — exactly the right message to send. Thank you.
Thank you for all that you do
Thank you
Thank you for all the work you do.
We can't let resistance to this weird ideology be the sole province of the right. There's nothing more liberal than standing up for people who don't fit stereotypes.
Thank you for the work you do. It is SO important.
May you have a safe and successful protest.
Sorry I can't be there! Thanks LGBTCC.
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