 USD $1,000,000
 USD $408,560
Campaign funds will be received by Alex Jones
Alex Jones has been in the fight for liberty for more than two decades. His work in the field of truth journalism in a world of lies have been so effective that the powers that be want him off air and financially crushed. Alex has been helping the country and America stay in the fight for freedom for most of his life, but now he needs your help as he's in a fight for his life. Alex Jones needs you now more than ever to stay on the air. Without your support for legal funding, Alex's pursuit of truth and justice is in danger. With your generous contribution, Alex Jones can pay his legal fees and other professional fees to keep fighting everyday on and off air to save the Republic. Your support is greatly appreciated needed. Never surrender.
"Thank you and God bless for keeping me in the fight everyday." - Alex Jones
Shields Up in Jesus name Amen Ps 3;3 Eph. 6:16
We love and support You Brother
Don't give up. Call in every favor that you need to. This time around it's winner takes all and we need you in the winner circle.
Thank you so much
Keep up the fight. Keep bringing the light. Thank you for your sacrifice.
Love and appreciate every single moment we are gifted with your Infowars presence, incredible knowledge and insights, and tenacious-courageous-indefatigable colleagues and crew!
May our Father in Heaven protect you,your Family and Staff from attacks from the deep state. I been listening to you from the early 2000s and Alex you have open my eyes to the lies of the left...Thanks Brother
Keep fighting
Praying for you, Owen and the Infowar crew........
If we don't have speech, what left do we have?
Thanks Alex you helped wake me up more than 15 years ago we are going to win and beat these demons for we have god on our side and these demons have the devil god always wins stay strong keep in the fight and push on to victory.
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