USD $4,400
USD $1,155
Campaign funds will be received by Arturo Echeverria-Rauda
Hello Friends,
God has been so kind in allowing me to pursue my theological education through Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In the Summer of 2025 I have an opportunity to participate in a 2 week study tour in Europe to walk in the footsteps of Reformers like Luther, Zwingli, Hubmaier, and Calvin learning theology and philosophy, participating in evangelism, visiting historic sites across Europe, and experiencing church history where it took place.
This trip begins on June 22, 2025 and I will return on July 3rd and will be led by MBTS faculty members Dr. Todd Chipman and Dr. Michael McMullen along with faculty and students from Southeastern and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminaries. More than just sightseeing, this is a study tour that gives me the opportunity to earn 6 hours of credit at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels.
During our time, we will:
-Experience firsthand the sites where the Reformation unfolded
-See historical documents and artifacts from the reformation era
-Learn about the distinctive theology that shaped Protestant Christianity
-Engage in the ongoing legacy of the Reformation in Europe today
-Stand in the great hall where the reformers debated the nature of the Lord’s Supper at Marburg
-See John Calvin’s pulpit, his famed Genevan Academy and so much more.
The cost for this study tour is $4,400. A $1,000 deposit is due by March 1st, 2025. This includes travel, accommodations, breakfasts, entry to historical sites, vendor tips, travel insurance, & tuition. My goal is to raise the money through the generous support of family, friends, and those who would support my education. I am praying that God would use this opportunity to shape me and strengthen my knowledge of what He has done in the pages of history. Donations can be made via cash, check, Zelle, or through GiveSendGo.
I would ask 2 things: 1) Please pray for me and for all those who participate in this study tour that the Lord would use this to shape us for His glory. 2) Prayerfully consider supporting this trip through your giving as the Lord would lead you.
You have my thanks in advance for your prayers and your generosity.
In Christ,
Arturo Echeverria
Praying for the Lord to give you peace and know he has a better plan for you. Proverbs 3:5-6 Love you and praying for you.
I hope you enjoy and learn a lot. May God bless you with many more opportunities
From Free Grace Church Fresno
Que Dios provea toda necesidad, para ese viaje!!
Praying for this trip and that the Lord provides for you and everyone on the team. Love you.
February 14th, 2025
Hi everyone, I wanted to share a quick update on my progress for this upcoming trip. First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has prayed and donated towards this trip. It means a lot that you have given me your support and encouragement for what God has next.
At this moment, the trip I had anticipated has been filled up and I will not be able to go this year. However, in the Summer of 2025 there will be a U.K. Study tour with much of the same elements as this one through with a slightly different emphasis. While I am slightly disappointed that I will be unable to attend this year's trip, I am now in a prime position to begin saving towards this new goal.
The funding I have received has not yet been spent as I had not yet met the goal for the deposit. The funds will remain in my GiveSendGO secure account and will solely be used for next year's trip.
Again, I thank everyone for your financial support and for your prayers. I am looking forward to all that God has in store for me and I anticipate God moving in ways yet unseen.
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