Reformation and Revival throughout Africa


 ZAR R200,000


 ZAR R500

Campaign created by Frontline Fellowship

Campaign funds will be received by Peter Hammond

Reformation and Revival throughout Africa

Help The Reformation Society Promote Reformation and Revival throughout Africa

Since 2006 the Reformation Society has been conducting regular, every Thursday night, Reformation society meetings in Cape Town, holding Reformation seminars and conferences, promoting Reformation Day services and events, including Reformation Art and Essay competitions, Reformation variety concerts, and home education events. The Reformation Society has published The Greatest Century of Reformation book (including an updated and expanded edition), Reforming our Families, the Power of Prayer Handbook, the Reformation 500 Hymnbook, and the Reformation 500 Coalition on Revival FIRE Manual - donating thousands of these books to Bible colleges, Missions, ministries and Christian universities.

The Reformation Society also published the 95 Theses for Reformation Today, translated into German, French, Dutch and Afrikaans, and launched the Reformation 500 Back to the Bible movement, which led to Reformation 500 events in Zambia, the United States of America, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, culminating in Wittenberg October 2017. In the lead up to the Zwingli 500, marking the initiation of expository preaching (1st January 1519) we preached through every book of the Bible, publishing a series of The Bible in a Nutshell in a popular local Christian magazine in South Africa, and publishing the Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey books.

We also held Biblical Preaching Workshops and helped publish the Biblical Preaching Handbook. Our Reformation500 Facebook page has also received a wide reach and many engagements as we promote Reformation doctrines and history and work for a fresh back to the Bible Reformation in churches, communities and throughout the continent of Africa.

If you support this vision and work, please help us with the finances need to keep promoting Reformation Today through our public meetings, seminars, conferences and events and through publications, radio and TV interviews and programmes and through our Libraries for Pastors and Textbooks for Teachers programmes.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
R 500.00 ZAR
1 year ago

May God bless you.


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