USD $300,000
USD $195,363
Campaign funds will be received by Rebecca Lavrenz
Rebecca Lavrenz is facing what is believed to be the largest misdemeanor fine in U.S. history.
Please join us in the fight against tyranny and our first amendment rights.
Lavrenz Family
I will be appealing my case as well as facing the possibility of additional fines of up to $200,000.
Thank you for your support and sharing my story to "Make America Godly Again"!!
For more information you can go to my website: www.restoringgodlyculture.com
Day 9 of Trial:
Apx. 3:00 PM. Guilty on all four misdemeanor charges.
Day 8 of Trial:
No verdict today. Back at 9:00 AM tomorrow.
Day 7 of Trial:
No verdict today. Back at 9:00 AM tomorrow.
Day 6 of trial:
In the Jury’s Hands…
I took the stand this morning just before 9:30 AM and ended a little after 2:00 PM
My voice in the courtroom today was a voice for all of us and I said everything that could have been said.
Now we wait for the verdict from the jurors… it’s in their hands.
Deliberation will start at 9:00 AM tomorrow.
Day 5 of trial:
It was a very long, and you might say trying, day in the courthouse (no pun intended). There was objection after objection from the prosecution, due to new evidence produced by my legal team which the prosecution was not too happy about. Needless to say, we ran out of time for me to take the witness stand. But I'll be fresh on Monday and I'm better in the morning anyway. The jurors will have had time to have their hearts and minds cleansed and refreshed from the chaos of this past week, and those who celebrate Resurrection Sunday will be reminded "..... for this purpose was the son of God manifest to destroy the works of the evil one" (1 John 3:8).
Day 4 of trial:
I just got done going over things with my legal team after a long day of hearing "objection!" from the U.S. government. They didn't want us to be heard over 3 years ago and they haven't changed their minds yet. But that will not stop the truth from being known... “For the Lord is good; His mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting, His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations.”
— Psalm 100:5
My 3 witnesses, including Jennifer, did such an awesome job today. I felt so honored with their testimonies!
Day 3 of trial:
I must admit I was feeling a bit nervous knowing that I might have a lot thrown at me from the prosecution and their witnesses who would be testifying this morning. It just feels wrong and violating to watch someone try so hard to make you look evil for doing what you know is the right thing when you feel stolen from, when you know you're doing it out of love for your country and not hate or malice toward anyone. I reminded myself though of what I've learned over the years, that I can't have joy and hate in my heart at the same time, so I decided to opt for joy. It sure makes me sleep a lot better at night! However, I will say, it did get a little old listening to the prosecuting attorney point to a person in a little yellow circle on a video and ask the witness to describe the person. Hard not to smile inside being described as, "the lady with the red scarf, white hat and the little 'squiggly things' on her head!" Not where's Waldo, but where's Rebecca Lavrenz??"
Day 2 of trial:
This pretty well sums up the day from my daughter Laura, "Mom, when this is all over we're going to write a book and go to law school TOGETHER!!!"
It's interesting how it feels being in a trial where I'm accused of criminal activity and called a "rioter" by the United States of America ...."my country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty" ...while being shown on a screen 1/2 the day, along with 14 jurors, video footage of thousands of people waving their American flags and shouting U.S.A.! Is there something wrong here?
There was no fear or doubt inside today, just that renewed confidence that my attorneys were doing their best and God would to the REST!
Day 1 of trial:
3/25/2024Jury selection took all day, with final selection and instructions from the judge completed at 5:20 PM. The jurors will be sworn in tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM when trial begins, and then the prosecution will present their evidence and witnesses with cross examination by my legal team, Roger Roots and John Pierce. Please pray for them as well as the jury!
Trial for the 4 Federal misdemeanor charges related to my arrest for entering our US Capitol on January 6, 2021 is set for March 25, 2024. I am driving again to Washington DC with my daughter, Jennifer, this time. I will be leaving on Saturday, March 16, 2024. We will be arriving on Tuesday, March 19. My pretrial conference will be held on March 20th at 10:30 am and the trial begins on March 25, at 9:30am with jury selection. Thanks for your prayers and support!
Fighting for TRUTH and LIBERTY: Praying Grandmother in Need of Financial Support for January 6th Related Expenses.
Days before Christmas, Rebecca Lavrenz was summoned to federal court in Denver, Colorado to be arrested on four alleged charges against the USA for being let into the US Capitol on January 6th. All four charges are federal misdemeanors which could carry up to $210,000 in fines and one year in prison.
Rebecca's first federal court hearing was on December 29th. She has declined to take the prosecution's plea offer and a trial date is set for March 25, 2024 in Washington, D.C. Her legal fees alone could reach up to $100,000. Below is Rebecca's story:
I am a God loving, praying mom, grandmother, and great-grandmother who loves my country, family, and the things that are on God's heart. I count my life as no longer mine, but God's, which has lead me to the situation I now find myself in.
Driven by a life long passion for truth, driving twenty-five hours to our US Capitol in January of 2021, to stand with 100s of 1000s of fellow patriots who also agreed that something just wasn't right in the 2020 Presidential Election was not a tough decision.
I went to Washington, D.C. believing God had chosen me for this assignment to pray and put action to my faith, not knowing He would also lead me to carry His presence into the Capitol building itself on January 6 to reconfirm the covenant which was set forth in the year 1620 by our pilgrim forefathers, that this country was established "...for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith."
Because of the stand I took, I am now facing a legal battle on charges filed against me for which I need your help financially. If you feel led to contribute toward this battle, remember that we are in this together for God, our children, grandchildren, and generations to come.
God put us on this planet for a purpose and to make a difference for good! YOU have a part to play, so take courage and do that which God leads you to do, not only here with your finances but in your own sphere of influence. All of us working together CAN and WILL make a difference!! As the statesman Edmund Burke said, "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."
Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
What you do in this life not only matters here but for eternity, so make it count for the right thing!
Thank You & GOD Bless You !
Rebecca, I am heart-broken over your arrest and incarceration. I pray that powerful influencer's including President Trump will have you freed as quickly as possible for this "unjust government legal action." Please know we are with you in spirit and faith with Almighty God's work to set you free once and for all.... Harry Christie
God bless you and may truth and justice prevail
Thank You, Good GrandMa. GOD's Blessings to You, Great Lady.
God bless you for taking such a stand for life!!
Praying with you. Truth will prevail! God bless you!
Thank you so much, Rebecca, for making this stand for freedom! The blessing and the favor of the Lord remain on you and your family!!!
You are an inspiration, I just heard you on Wall Builders this morning and was blown away by your dedication to freedom and that you are willing to turn down a presidential pardon to continue fighting so that others may not have to go through what you went through
My, my, my such courage. To chose what is excellent over what is good. Thank you on behalf of my children and grandchildren.
You are a hero, Rebecca!
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