USD $350,000
USD $289,975
Campaign funds will be received by Michael Tuffin
Real Raw News is an independent publisher that prints stories ignored by or eschewed the mainstream media. Our goal is to enlighten readers by presenting a broader picture of what's going on in this world, far beyond the myopic scope of typical media. This is a hard row to sow, that takes much effort, time, patience, and fortitude, as we're constantly attacked by persons pushing "official" narratives. Donations help offset expenses, and, yes, provide the author with what could be considered a "salary." Every working person deserves to be paid for their work. If you appreciate our content, please consider making a donation--every dollars helps--as we continue to fight for freedom in a troubled nation. Thank you.
Thank you for your diligent reporting. God bless you, your work, and your family.
Thank you, Michael, for all your hard work: vetting, writing, editing, publishing, & hosting RR news for us. I am a big fan of yours and pray for your success, health, & protection. TERRY (the NYer lady)
Your site is very important for me in this difficult times
I love the info you provide even if my friends don't believe me when I tell them what I've read in your blog, Michael. Thank you for the risks you take to provide us with real news. Enjoy your holidays and all the blessings coming your way.
Thank you and God Bless You!!!
Thank you Michael for all you do!
Thank you for all you do, Michael. Prayers for your health, safety, well-being, and your continued effort to keep the public informed.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Michael! It's a small amount, but given with full joy and support for you and the valuable work you do. God bless you, patriot!
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