USD $3,307
Campaign funds will be received by RICHARD SORROW
"In an unjust society the only place for a JUST man is prison." Henry David Thoreau
Qrumb Led Bread (Matthew Jay Webler) is an Anon and a Patriot that has been illegally held by Our government for charges that stem from the events of January Six Twenty-Twenty One. These "charges" stem from his exercising of Our First and Second Amendment rights. He lost his Wife, Son, dog, nearly all his property, and was incarcerated three + years for believing in Our Constitution and exercising Rights Acknowledged, not granted, in it.
What follows is one of his letters from prison:
Et Tu Bruté
Flowing forth from the pen of Qrumb, off of The Resolute Desk 2.1;- The "Micro" Edition, residing at Edgefield South Carolina’s Crown Jewel: The Federal Correctional Institution, comes greetings to all Patriots, Frens, and People of this Stone referred to as the Earth.
This Evening, Valentines 24', Mr. Webler was penning a letter to his wife who has divorced and abandoned him. This was hard and he could not get through it. As a result we decided to change course; and start on Thursdays planned letter tonight.
Tonight’s letter is an expansion upon two key thoughts within our Open Letter To President Trump. The first expansion is upon President Trump putting us at [re][st] by pausing the close of his speech. This humble, quiet, action sifted the infiltraitors away from Americans present that afternoon. (Sifted the wheat from the chaff) The second expansion is upon the link between the "go signal," the aforementioned infiltraitors, and how President Trump turned what was DARK; TO LIGHT.
Toward the end of his speech at the Ellipse, on January the Sixth, Twenty Twenty-One, President Trump stated that he was going to march, PEACEFULLY, with us to the Capitol. Mr. Webler thought that statement indicated President Trump was bringing the speech to a close. He got SET to go on the march; but did not jump the gun. However, the "evil bad actors" lurking in American’s shadows, shot out of the blocks early. They were revealed to be infiltraitors by their leader, who was not in sync with the official timekeeper. That leader gave an early "Go Signal," at the READY command; causing the infiltraitors to false start.
While the infiltraitors were off to the races, Americans, present to support their Country and President, took the SET command, and were given [re][st], as President Trump paused his closing and droned on and on and on and....,for 30 or more minutes. He finally closed out his speech, and gave the GO command, by again stating that he was going to march with us as we PEACEFULLY exercised our First Amendment Rights. This pause, or [re][st], in closing his speech created two seas of flesh heading to our Capitol with a significant amount of time parting them.
The second sea had an atmosphere about it that took Qrumb by surprise. There was some excitement and cheering going on, but it was mostly quiet, calm, very orderly, and totally PEACEFUL. The People had a quiet resolve to the business they were about that afternoon. It was not a joyful occasion that brought us all together. It was a sad and somber one. This was not what Qrumb expected to experience in a "protest" march; so he noted it on video for future reference. As far as the first sea of flesh goes, Qrumb was not a part of it. He has no idea how the air around it felt. Therefore, we cannot speak on it.
We can, however, speak on the trap the bad actors of the first wave had waiting on the People of the second wave upon their arrival. The quiet resolve of the second wave was greeted by chaos and pandemonium, created by those that went before. There were barkers and rabble rousers with bullhorns yelling "Hold the line" and many other things. It was over the top and was enough to cause the people of the second wave to collectively check up, thinking; "Wait a minute, this isn't what we came here for." As a result, the second wave died at the lawn on the opposite side of the reflecting pool at the Capitol.
Most of the people of the second wave went no further. Qrumb, however, is not most people. He can be very tarded at times. (Most times!) When he saw that there were people on the Capitol steps and then heard loud "cannon" booms, he was overtaken with excitement and took off at a sprint toward the sound and action. (Like we said, he special needs.)
When arriving at the Capitol steps Qrumb found the air charged with electricity and adrenaline. He absorbed this energy, adding to his already heightened state, and became thoroughly engulfed in the moment. He threw any thought of caution to the wind, pushed by people, he crawled under and through the erected scaffolding to get to the Capitol porch. When he emerged through the tarp at the back of the scaffolding and ascended the final steps he was met by the strangest thing. Peace. The chaos evaporated like it was artificial. (It was) There were 8-10 officers on Qrumb's right side to whom he shouted, "We love you guys." He then went to his left and climbed through a broken window to enter the Capitol. (insert slapping self on forehead emoji)
While inside the Capitol Building, Qrumb, wandered around recording video in public access areas like the Rotunda, for 20 minutes or so. He managed to keep his wits about him enough to speak up to, and stop, a vandal from damaging the People’s property. "This is OUR House! What are you doing? We don't destroy our own property." (This is on video and at Mr. Webler's sentencing the Judge commended him for those actions) However, when exiting the building Qrumb yelled "1776!!!" to the awaiting throng. He didn't think about what he was really saying with those words. He was totally harmless (to everyone but himself), yet thoroughly caught up in the emotions of the afternoon.
Later on, while reviewing his video of the event, Qrumb was shocked to see a wide-open door six feet from the window he chose to climb through. People were coming and going through it. Qrumb was the only tard around that thought a broken window was a more preferable way to enter our Capitol than an open door. (say it with us now.....SPECIAL)
"Mob Mentality" is highly contagious. Once released from the vial it spreads like wildfire becoming all but impossible to quench or sate. Had the trap the first sea laid, in wait for the second sea, been allowed to be sprung from within an undivided throng, the ocean of flesh at the Ellipse, the contagion of Mob Mentality would have spread wildfire, turning the afternoon into a bloodbath, like the enemy within had intended. This action was disallowed by an almost unnoticeable pause, or [re][st], in the closing of President Trump’s speech that Monumental Day.
It can never be calculated how many lives were saved that afternoon, or in the aftermath. What can be stated is that the [re][st] given the People, a hedge of time placed around them by President Trump, parted a stormy ocean into two seas of opposing atmospheres. The first sea sea’s waters were whipped to a froth with rage, anger, vitriol, and hatred. The body of the second sea was calm, Resolute, and PEACEFUL. It was the Sea of Justice and Tranquility. This action was a parting of the Seas. This action was Biblical. This action saved the lives of those present, both infiltraitor and American alike. This action saved America; not with a bullet, or a bomb, nor new laws, but by not saying a word. A pause. Silence. [RE][ST].
How did President Trump accomplish this; and how did he get recompensed for it? There is one simple answer. He allowed himself to be stabbed in the back by one of those closest to him. Hence, the title of this letter: ET TU BRUTE'
This brings us to the second expansion. The link between the "Go Signal," the infiltraitors and the Brutus within President Trump’s inner circle. The infiltraitors shot out of the blocks at the first mention by President Trump that he was going to march with us to Our Capitol. The People got set, but held fast. This proves that Brutus leaked information that, more than likely, less than 10, and maybe only 2 knew of, and used it to tie his (or her) own noose. President Trump pausing his closing remarks, after making that statement, caused the infiltraitors to be safely sifted away from the People. This shows that President Trump not only knew of Brutus' plans that afternoon but also acted to cause Brutus to reveal their existence and his treason that afternoon.
Despite the failure of the afternoon plans our Brutus never worried about being found out, or even known of. Brutus thought that what was planned in the DARK would forever remain there. Brutus had no clue that President Trump was not only aware but had sprung a trap of his own, thoroughly and completely snaring them. Neither was Brutus aware that President Trump knew, that standing on the foundation of the Washington Monument, Matthew Webler, an insignificant piece of Qrumbled Bread had the watch, and had his President’s back on that Monumental Day. He knew that Mr. Webler, "Qrumb," would not miss the commands or signals, and would see all that was taking place in the shadows that afternoon. He knew that when the time came (now!) Qrumb would not fail to bring what was done in the DARK; TO LIGHT.
It is now time to close with our tradition of song. This evenings song is Disturbed: The Sound Of Silence.
And may God bless you all,
Qrumb Led Bread
P.S. Infiltraitors is an intentional misspelling. It is the creation of a new word. It is because those that dressed up like Americans in order to frame them, regardless of citizenship, are not Americans: THEY ARE TRAITORS
America is an idea based upon Independence, Liberty, Freedom and Brotherly Love. If you are involved in trying to frame your neighbor that you disagree with or do not like, you do not believe in any of these States of being and therefore: You are not American.
I hope and pray you get relief for your health condition. Try organic apple cider mixed with coconut oil for some relief. Detox is important. Lot's of Turmeric.
God Bless you.
God bless. Prayers for your health.
God Bless
Go with God
Qcrumb/Matthew - I got to meet you tonight on rumble. God Bless You fren. I can't believe what you have been through, and know God has mighty plans for you. You are an amazing inspiration, and we all owe you a debt of gratitude. Keep on Keepin On... All the glory to God - Big hugs Patriot xoxo
Love you, Friend
Prayers for you
Sending you prayers and wishing the best for you.
God bless you, Matthew.
No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Keep fighting. Have faith that God will provide.
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