Ā USD $15,000
Ā USD $3,995
Campaign funds will be received by Rev John J Wilson
I'm Malou Wilson. My husband is Rev. John J. Wilson (aka Pastor Jack) and we've been here working in the poorest area, Payatas, for 18 years.
He was recently diagnosed with heart failure which includes blockages and 35% usage of his heart.
We are missionaries to the Philippines and we have been working in the poorest area, Payatas, for all that time.
Of course as missionaries we have no savings, no medical and no bank account, and no way to pay for an operation. If we got the surgery here it would be about a million and a quarter pesos. ($25,000) Yet if we go back to the U.S., Medicare will cover much of it and we have friends who will put us up in their home.
Anything you can give will pay for our fare and expenses. We can not go without the funds so please give.
Please go to Payatasmissionoutreach.org or payatasbaptistchurch.org to see more about us. Donations are tax deductible.
Thinking of you and praying.
God bless you
Praying you can get the operation soon.
We hope you're able to have your surgery and that you feel better soon. We're sending this with thoughts of Kelly and your 3 loving grandchildren.
Christ is King. may the Lord Bless you
Make God bless your endeavor. You will be in my prayers. I'm told you planted the seed to my brothers conversion. God bless you for that ( he needed it lol).
Our prayers are with you.
Praying for you Jack. Much love and prayers. Love Carolyn and Billy
Hi Jack You and your family are in our prayers! Praying all goes well with your upcoming surgery.
March 9th, 2025
One thing I hate to do is to try to raise money for the needs of those in Payatas. But really worse than that is to try to raise money for my own needs. Most of the time my family struggles by on my Social Security. An amount which is far less than other missionaries who have left the field with much more.
For eighteen years we have been "givers" We gave of ourselves, our finances and our time. I preached a sermon a couple of weeks ago on "Givers and Getters." It was about even the best givers will one day become a "Getter". They will need someone or something and they better hope they will get it.
It\s my time. I need to be a "Getter". there is quite a need that needs to be filled and it will happen, one donation at a time. Big or small.
I look forward to the givers to give, remembering that someday, you will be a "Getter" God Bless!
February 28th, 2025
The decision to go to the U.S. to have my operation came after #1 my doctor in the Philippine heart center suggested it and #2 when I realized that my medicare would cover much of the cost.
I forgot to take my meds for a few hours the other day. I was alerted because I was having trouble breathing again.It took a couple of hours but it was fine after that. It only reminds me that I am depending on these pills to keep me going.
Donations are coming along and i am so appreciative of people who have given their own money to help me. It is amazing. People are good.
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