Support for a Grandmother standing in her truth!


 USD $70,000


 USD $18,137

Campaign created by Yellow Butterfly

Campaign funds will be received by Cindy Young

Support for a Grandmother standing in her truth!

Grandfather says "When you feel powerless, you have stopped listening to your heart, that is where your power comes from!

Our Ancestors have given us their priceless gift of wisdom to help us navigate through difficult times. It is our birth right to use this knowledge and to pass it on to future generations. This assists us in moving through our own trials without fear and doubt.

I am a Grandmother, who loves this country and all the freedoms that I have treasured during my walk on our Great Mother, our Earth. I am a woman of peace, a woman of respect for myself, my elders and anyone whom I meet on my life path who is in need and understands the gift of reciprocity. "I will do for you without condition in the hope that if the day comes that I am in need you will do for me".

I am a giving woman who has helped those who have been down in life to find their power, believe in themselves and to move forward through their own personal difficulties.    I have taught others to find peace and connection to all that surrounds us. I believe that we are all one ... Mitakuye Oyasin as the Lakota people say (we are all related, or all my relations). I have walked the spiritual path along the side of many teachers, learning their ways of peace and healing and passing this wisdom on to others.

It is now in the most difficult time of my life that I am asking for your support. I am faced with the most challenging and difficult test of my life.  There is the potential of loosing my home, my job and my business, all that I have worked my life to achieve, due to political persecution.   I  need  to raise funds to move through this difficult time, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best outcome.  I walk this path with confidence that God and my ancestors are with me. My representation has yet to earn my trust or confidence in their work to defend me and keep me free. I may be faced with searching for alternative representation or facing this challenge on my own, for which I will need financial support to do.  I am choosing to stand in "My Truth" on the matter, which is being attacked from many angles. My choices are difficult but they are my choices to make, for in the end it is what I have to live with.  It is my intention to hold the line for myself, my fellow brother and sister patriots, my family and most of all my grandchildren.  I will walk this path with confidence doing whatever is in front of me to protect our liberties, which are given as our birth right from the Constitution.

I am not doing this activity to make any personal gains financially, if there are unused funds at the end of this, they will be donated to other campaigns that are related - or to the Native communities that I am connected with.

Can you help? Will you help? Help me hold the line and take a stand so this does not become a road that you find yourself on. The time is near where if we do not stand in our Truth we will no longer have anything to stand for. This situation is urgent and the time is NOW!

God Bless anyone who is able to support this, and if you are unable to support this financially at this time, prayers are powerful also.

Thank you.  "Yellow Butterfly"



Recent Donations
Brian Hart
$ 10.00 USD
4 days ago

Ralph Stone Jr
$ 25.00 USD
23 days ago

Sorry you had this happen to you. Head your story on Survival dispatch. Proud of you for being a true American patriot. Stay strong, prayers for you.

Tammy k
$ 100.00 USD
24 days ago

So sorry you had to go thru all of that crap!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
25 days ago

I saw you on Survival Dispatch last night, I pray that God gives you justice. Jesus is Lord.

Anonymous Giver
$ 111.00 USD
25 days ago

America's J6 Grandma Cindy Lou Young is a Spiritual Warrior for Greatness! If only every man & woman across God's great planet had a drop of backbone, heroism, and love this Divine woman embodies, our loving home would be in a far better place. May the Great Creator Spirit continue to Shine his Light Upon You, Cindy Lou! Many Blessings, ~The Bling'd Buddha

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
26 days ago

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. - Albert Einstein to Morris Raphael Cohen (19 Mar 1940)

Brian Hart
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Jake Lang
$ 350.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 17.00 USD
1 month ago

Hugs! Thanks for your stand! I hope they compensate you for everything you lost.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Blessings and perfect peace sent for Mercy and much Grace directly from our God, Creator and Source of ALL in Sundry, my friend. Love you, girl! Godspeed!!

$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Thank you

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Cindy I will continue to hold you in prayer. Sending love, Grammajen p

Bren Richard Sowa
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Thinking of you and praying for your continued strength and future happiness, safety and security Cindy.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

Good Luck & God Bless!

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

Get a hot coco, coffee or tea in DC & stay WARM! My prayers for hearing great things for you!

Sherrie Bradford
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Going to the inauguration and to one of the inaugural balls is such a great positive sign of what’s to come. Freedom and justice for you and all the J6ers.

$ 12.00 USD
1 month ago

Sending prayers for a complete pardon and release from


January 16 Update

January 16th, 2025

Well everyone.. here we are.  Hopefully in the next 4 days I will hear the words issued by incoming President Trump that commutes the sentence issued by Judge Harvey on 11/21.

Re: Notice of Designation and Date to Report

Dear Ms. Young:

As ordered by the Court, you are hereby instructed to report to FDC Philadelphia, located at 700

Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, (215) 521-4000, on Tuesday, 1/28/25, no later than 2 p.m.

Please do not take personal items such as clothes, toothpaste, razor, soap, etc. because they will be

provided by the institution. Additional personal items may be purchased through the institution's

commissary. To obtain additional pertinent information about the institution, please go to and search the above facility for the custody and care instructions.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me or the institution.



I am preparing to make my last trip to DC to hear the words myself at the inauguration.  I am also invited to attend one of the Inauguration balls.  I am excited to make what is hopefully my last trip to DC and to be able to connect with many of those that I have come to know within the J6 community over the past 4 years.  

It has been a long long road and I am so very grateful to all of the prayers and support that everyone has given.  I am making this trip on hope and a shoestring and if anyone has it in their heart to help support with travel funds this one last time, I would be truly grateful.  

Once again, thank you so very very much!!!



November 2nd, 2024

Prosecution has made their recommendation!

10 months incarceration - 1 year supervised release, 750 in fines (so far) and a full accounting of this Give Send Go!

Things everyone needs to be aware of.. they look at every crumb and corner of your life!  They have plowed through this page - copied information from it and included it in their sentencing recommendation.  They also look at every social media post and use them to inflame their narrative and support their accusations.  It used to be "freedom of speech" - not in this world!

I have done the requested full accounting and every bit of my donation $$ have been spent legitimately to obtain my legal representation, travel back and forth to Washington (when I am allowed) and to Baltimore to work on my case and try to fight these evil ones.  They are soulless human beings that care nothing about humanity!  Their only goal in life is to support their narrative and build their numbers.  I am sure they will be reading this .. :) .. hope you like my words as these are the only words you will get from me.  

Anyway- on a more positive note, your support, words of encouragement, prayers, and contributions have kept me strong through this nightmare and I will always be grateful and appreciative.  My sentencing date is on November 21st - that is when the judge will either agree with their recommendation or land somewhere in the middle between the realistic recommendation of my amazing attorney who has tirelessly worked this case - or come down even more heavy handed .. who knows but we now have an idea of what I am facing.  I ask that you keep praying for a fair outcome.

I used to believe we were a country with equal and fair justice, I no longer believe that.  Maybe my faith will be restored, maybe not.  I have lost so much all ready whatever they come up with at this point is purely one last turn of their rotten knife.  I do know one thing - if I give up - they win!  That will NEVER happen!

Mitakuye Oyasin

Yellow Butterfly

Sunday, August 11 - We won and we lost.

August 11th, 2024

First and most importantly THANK YOU!

Thank you for supporting me with your donations and thank you also for all of the kind words and prayers.

We fought the best fight that was possible, with the brilliant skills of the incredible human being, my attorney, who I will forever know as my friend.

I was found guilty on 4 charges, and now await my sentence.  I must return to the belly of the beast one more time on October 30th for my sentencing on October 31st (kind of appropriate huh?).

Right now I am wrestling with many different feelings and thoughts, I wish I could say they are high vibration and good... but, honestly, they are not all good.  Many note that I am strong, right now I am sad, scared, frightened and confused.  So I am taking a few days to return to my rhythm of life.. getting back to prayer, meditation and some self searching.  

Many are asking what can we do.  As we prepare for sentencing, as the judge stated he will be having the probation unit interview me so that he can understand who I am.  Many of you know me through my interviews, some personally as we are friends.  He has no understanding of me as a friend, community person and healer.  He only knows me as "one of the mob".  So I am asking if you are willing to write a letter to the judge (and also provide a copy to my attorney) So that we have a copy of the letters being sent in.  

 Write a short letter letting this judge know that you know me, my status as a friend, member of your community, etc. and whatever you would like to tell him on my behalf.  

Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey

The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia 

333 Constitution Avenue N.W. 

Washington D.C. 20001

Reference me: Cindy L. Young Case # 23-cr-241

Your input can and will affect my sentencing scheduled for 10/31/24.... Happy Halloween!

Also send a copy to:

Jonathan Gross 

2833 Smith Avenue, Suite 331

Baltimore, MD 21209

Our hope is to give the judge an accurate picture of who I am as a person and my value as a friend, healer and community member.

Please, if you do not "know" me or feel comfortable in writing a letter, I would not ask you to do so.  I really want the words to come from your hearts and from those who feel they know and understand mine.

The judge asked me if I wanted to testify... my response to him was, "your honor, I believe that only God knows my heart and I have decided not to testify at this time."  

Please continue to believe in our Nation, have hope for our future and create a loving and protective environment for our children.  This is all we can do in these trying days we are living in.

God bless you all & thank you once again.  

Mitakuye Oyasin

Yellow Butterfly

Update July 30th - last week b4 DC

July 30th, 2024

final pre-trial hearing by zoom August 1st.

August 2 we head for DC for final trial prep.

August 5th - jury selection

August 6th - ??? - trial

THANK YOU ALL for the continued support and prayers.  All I can say is that even though this is probably the most stressful situation I have ever faced in my life, I am filled with such PEACE.  It is really mind boggling and I can only attribute it to GOD and all of the prayers being sent.  I am so deeply grateful to all.  Mike Jaco, Kevin Hoyt, Lisa Shermahorn and others will be accompanying me to DC for trial.  I have the most amazing support and blessed.  I have said this before and I truly believe this, God held me in the palm of his hand on August 15, 1958 and again he is holding me through this difficult time.  I used to wonder what my purpose was in life, I think I have found it!  Onward to DC!  Never give up, Never give in!  

July 13 update - NUMBERS !!!

July 13th, 2024

Pre-Trial Update.

We attended pre-trial yesterday.  It was a full day in court and we needed to schedule yet another day before trial to finish rulings on outstanding motions and issues.

There were wins and losses and challenges left to meet.  I have faith that we can meet those challenges, however, I clearly understand the rigged system we operate in.  THEY WANT THEIR WIN!  

But, observing a few things from yesterday ... The judge indicated that this is his FIRST J6 trial ... 1 .... This is also my attorney's FIRST criminal case that he is.the lead attorney on ..... 1 ..... My lifepath number is 1... and our courtroom business is being conducted in courtroom 6.

111 is a spiritual number that symbolizes new beginnings or a new cycle123. It is often associated with inner wisdom, positive thinking, and the start of something good2. The number is also thought to be a powerful symbol of “angelic guidance” and the need for healing1. According to numerology, the number one represents independence and motivation, and the number eleven indicates that you are on the path of your soul mission,

People born with a Life Path number 1 are on a lifelong mission to exert their independence and step into their personal power. They carry a natural air of authority as a leader who likes to be the first to try something new. A strong desire for manifestation keeps them moving and improving.

People with a Numerology Life Path 1 are born to act quickly and have no problem changing course and starting down a new path. A secret fear of failure makes them ultra-driven in every endeavor they pursue and will often make them victorious. As soon as one finish line is reached, they are already running toward another.

Also interesting is the judges FIRST trial 1 in courtroom 6 ....1/6!

Could we be on a path to victory?  God Speed!

This week marks a year that I have been on Pre-Trial Supervision

June 20th, 2024

In clearer terms a year of probation without being convicted of anything!  The window to trial is closing rapidly, August is right around the corner.  I still feel confident that I have one of the best attorneys (God send for sure).. and just like the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17) Nothing is impossible with God at your side!

some things to note.  The Blaze, David Horowitz just put this article out regarding our efforts for selective prosecution dismissal.  Seems like many agree!   The comments show that many "get it". 

June and July will be busy months getting prepared and ready for trial.  But, what the good lord leads me to--- he will lead me through.  I thank you all for getting me through a loooooooonnnnnggg year of anticipation.  Know that I feel good, I feel confident and I have faith!  

God bless all.



May 20th, 2024

The motion is in to dismiss all charges for selective prosecution has been filed with the court.



[33] MOTION to Dismiss Case <i></i> filed by CINDY YOUNG. Pursuant to

Local Criminal Rule 47(b) & (d), the government's response to Defendant's

motion is due on June 3, 2024; Defendant's reply is due on June 10,

2024 ( Responses due by 6/3/2024, Replies due by 6/10/2024.) SO ORDERED.

Signed by Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey on 5/20/24. (MFB)

5/5 - Baltimore

May 6th, 2024

Well the judge sided with the governments objection to us returning to the capitol for the "special tour".  So on 5/5 I worked a full day with my attorney to go through many things related to the case.


    I have the best attorney that GOD put on my path.

    I have 100% confidence in him - he is a GOOD man!

    He has a GREAT strategy and we will put on a great case!

    TRUTH is on our side!


    The final outcome.

What we learned about the "special tour" at the Capitol was that it was pretty useless anyway ... same limited access.  Attorneys not allowed to video or use there cell phones during the tour (go figure!)  We made more important progress doing the work that we did yesterday and it was BIG!  Reviewing the case and where we are at .. I may need to make one additional trip back in late June or early July to finalize everything and PREPARE.  

Thank you everyone for this continued support $$$ this is alot I know - but, I could not do it without your generosity.  

Love & blessings to everyone! 

Thank you.

Back to DC on 5/3 - things are now in MOTION

April 20th, 2024

I will be returning to DC on 5/3 to once again go to the capitol to hopefully gain the access needed to help build our defense.  We are actively working strategy for my case and there are many filing schedules ahead of us beginning in the month of May.

Motions to suppress are due 5/17

Pre-Trial Motions, Motions in Limine and FED.R.EVID Motions and witness lists are due 5/24

Oppositions are due 5/31, as well as jury instructions

I need support now more than ever.  If you have been keeping up with other sentencing on cases with those facing the 4 misdemeanor charges. Sentencing is ranging between 9 and 11 months for these offenses.  I still maintain that DC is not a jury of my peers - we will see how this goes moving forward.  These trips are not without financial burdon.  I thank those who have helped me so far.  I would not be this far if not for your generous support, but as you can see the road ahead is getting more intense.  God Bless all, and know that he sees your gifts and my prayer is that the return back to you in abundance.  

Another trip back to DC

April 15th, 2024

Continuing to work on my case with my attorney.  This requires another trip back to DC.  Thank you everyone for your continued support.


March 7th, 2024

This is big folks!  My attorney has motioned for permission for me to return to DC the week of 3/18.  I will be meeting with him, reviewing discovery with him, forming our defense.  I will also be making my way to the Capital to revisit my day and refresh my memory about the event that took place over 3 years ago.  This nightmare has been a LONG one.  I am *asking* something I don't do often, but I need to cover my travel expenses.  I am looking to quickly raise $1000.00 to cover this.  If you are able to support this I will be truly grateful.  Stay tuned for updates, when I return.  I will say, I trust and have faith in my attorney's efforts 100%, I am amazed to have someone that is actually working on my behalf instead of against me.  GOD IS GOOD!

Update 1/25/24

January 26th, 2024


The J6 community needs YOUR support!  We need to push our AG's to push on the DOJ to begin to push for J6 defendants to obtain fair Jury selections for fair trials.

Survey Reveals Extreme Bias Toward Jan. 6 Defendants Among Potential DC Jurors

‘Nearly 50 percent ... believe that a fair punishment for Jan. 6ers is life in prison or the death penalty.’

For fear of being judged by biased jurors, Jan. 6 defendants have been trying to have their trials moved to venues other than the District of Columbia for three years.  Let's see if this makes a difference!

This survey details the mindset of the people that live in DC and the potential jury pool that a J6 defendant faces.  They hate all J6'rs, the evidence is there.  See the survey results here

NO J6 Defendants have successfully obtained a change of venue.

Currently, the DC Courts have a 99% conviction rate.

The GOP is not fighting for us.  The Media is not supporting us.  Even some Podcasters choose to avoid the subject.  

People are still being arrested everyday, Defendants continue to be found guilty on all charges everyday.  A recent defendant was sentanced 30 years for walking around the building.  


Don't think that if Trump gets elected this goes away.  He doesn't take the oath until 2025 if he gets elected.  We need to stop this hate crime against Americans NOW!  We need your help.  

Thank you to all who have supported me so far, I am truly grateful.  The road is still a long one and the current picture is still bleak.  We continue to get the information out, but, we also need people to choose to be informed.  


Government prosecutors and judges insist there is no evidence to prove that they can’t get a fair trial in Washington.

There is now.

Update Update 1/25/24 Image
I'll take today as a WIN!!!

December 22nd, 2023

Status hearing was today.  Prosecution asked for trial dates to be set in February/24.  My new attorney asked for September/24.  We ended the day with Pre-trial scheduled for July 15 and Trial August 5.  I take it as a good day and a WIN for the new attorney!

Thank you ALL for the continued support and prayers.. even you Jack at least you keep me laughing!


December 14th, 2023

Reminder - we still have our boot on your throat!

You are due in court for case CR23-000241 on Thursday, December 21, 2023. Please call 202-442-1000 or your case manager if you have any questions.


today would have been my first day of trial

December 4th, 2023

Had I not had the help from many around me.  Kevin Isaacs, Kevin Hoyt, eliminating the two pretender defenders.  It would have made for a dismal holiday (probably their goal).. but, we keep moving forward. GOD HAS GOT THIS!

Happy Thanksgiving & Gratitude!

November 26th, 2023 

next Court date 12/21 - Zoom Status Hearing

November 24th, 2023

This should be a fairly simple/quick hearing.  Review the transition to Magistrate (#1 goal preserve Jury Trial), and introduce new representation.  Jonathan Gross you are ON DECK! :)

Update #19

November 23rd, 2023


Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have bestowed on my life. You have provided me with more than I could ever have imagined. You have surrounded me with people who always look out for me. You have given me family and friends who bless me every day with kind words and actions. They lift me up in ways that keep my eyes focused on you and make my spirit soar.

Also, thank you, Lord, for keeping me safe. You protect me from those things that seem to haunt others. You help me make better choices and provide me with advisors to help me with life’s difficult decisions. You speak to me in so many ways so that I always know you are here.

And Lord, I am so grateful for keeping those around me safe and loved. I hope that you provide me with the ability and sense to show them every day how much they matter. I hope that you give me the ability to give to them the same kindness they have provided to me.

I am extremely grateful for all of your blessings in my life, Lord. I pray that you remind me of just how blessed I am and that you never allow me to forget to show my gratitude in prayer and returned acts of kindness.

Thank you, Lord.

In these times of turmoil .. let us remember..

Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God.

Loving Creator,

We asked for strength, and you gave us difficulties to make us strong.

We asked for wisdom, and you gave us problems to solve.

We asked for prosperity, and you gave us purpose and brains to use.

We asked for courage, and you gave us fears to overcome.

We asked for patience, and you gave us situations where we were forced to wait.

We asked for love, and you gave us troubled people to help.

We asked for justice, and you called us to be just and to lead with integrity.

Lord, we have received nothing that we asked for or wanted.

And yet, we received everything that we needed.

For this, we give thanks.

Wishing everyone a peaceful and loving Thanksgiving!

Big Decisions, Trust & Hope!

November 17th, 2023

I have officially retained representation (a private attorney).  

I TRUST he will represent me with rigor and truth!  The path is not sure as many have fallen and continue to fall unjustly to this persecution.  But, I have faith, I have prayer and all of you that have supported me, so we go ONWARD!


November 16th, 2023

November is Gratitude month. I must say my gratitude has a different twist this year. I have learned over the year that coming from my "very blue" island of Nantucket has been a huge loss of so many connections that I grew up with. They have written me off over politics. That is the sad, but true testament to where or country is at these days. I cannot hide the fact it hurts deeply, but I won't lash out in anger or discouragement I will be grateful for the time we had on our journey together. Some are forever, some are for a short time and others just for a lesson. I can count on one hand those that have stood by and supported me as those from my past. I see you, I see your hearts and I love you and thank you.

Then there are all those (and there are MANY) who have come to my side whom I do not know, but they are there with amazing generosity and support. I believe when God sheds away the old decay in our lives, he replaces it with beautiful higher vibrational connections. This is what has come to be for me and for that I will always be grateful.  

My family and soul connections know who I am and stand with me. Even those that don't agree with all that I stand for, they put relationship first over the stupid stuff that causes division and distraction in our lives. I am grateful for all and thank God for the lessons and the gifts!

Wishing everyone a warm and loving time with family this coming Thanksgiving. Step away from the distractions and just love each other!

A Prayer?? ??? ???

November 7th, 2023

Rita Menweip I read what you took the time to send as your prayer this morning.  How sad that you are filled with such darkness that you felt that you had to send those words.

I pray for you, mostly for your heart that is closed by darkness.  I pray that you may find your way to truth and to the light.

Remember, we did not create the web of life, we are only a thread within it.  What we do to the web we do to ourselves.  It all comes back to us.  I wonder, do you find that life is miserable?  I would assume that not much good comes your way.  Perhaps a different approach would help?  Try opening that heart!

Update A Prayer?? ??? ??? Image
The power of Prayer!

November 6th, 2023

Prayer can help us have the strength and power to be righteous. Through righteousness and the grace of God, we are able to use the power of prayer in every aspect of our lives. God asks us to abide in Him through our Bible and prayer life, and we can ask Him for anything that is good.

I am so humbled by all of this support.  I believe that God is holding me in the palm of his hand through all of this.  Your words, comments, prayers give he so much hope and strength, I hope you know.  There are many that have told me they pray for me every day.  How can this go wrong when we have so much light surrounding it?

I just wanted to share a few of the many prayers that have been offered .. they come from the heart - the vibration we all need to keep ourselves in.

Deborah Luke 18 3-5 Grant me justice against my adversary. For sometime the Judge refused. Finally, he gave her justice. This is The Word of God I will be standing on at your next victory battle on 12 1! You have The Lord with you, so who can be against you and win? No one! Call on Jesus when you feel weak, and He wil make you strong! Amen and Amen. Cindy we are supporting you. Check out speaking on Cowboy Logic, they have been standing with the heriov J6thrs! You are one of them!

Elisa I have added you to my daily prayer list, Cindy. You have been selected by God to go through what you now enduring. I can only imagine how profoundly upsetting and unnerving all this has been for you but there is a purpose for all of it. I so admire your calm, confident strength and I know that God will see you through this. Thank you for what you are doing. Love and Light from Palm Springs, California   

Jackie Standing by your side is all the ancestors holding you. Stand tall. Be brave. You've got this. You are not alone.

Michael Love bubble

Mike God bless you Cindy for your courage and strength to fight back against this evil. Praying for your ultimate victory and vindication. Love and light, Truther Mike 

Super May GOD be in that courtroom with you to delivery rightful justice to this criminal cabal!We need to expose all these crooked people that swore an oath to god to defend and serve the people.GOD BLESS YOU KEEP FIGHTING! WE ARE BEHIND YOU!

Jackie You've got this girlfriend. All the ancestors are by your side. Sending you prayers of strength and Truth, Love and God.

Nancy I am love. I am peace. I am an innocent child of my own divinity. Mitakuye Oyasin. O ma ki ya ye. Eee ma chi yapi tu swetcha zi winyan.  

Jackie May your powerful energy be enough. Add my gift of prayer to amplify all others sent in love.

Again Much love & gratitude to all of you.  May your blessings return ten fold!

Who to trust... that is the question.

November 4th, 2023

Well, interesting things have been happening (all good) I have made contact with two firms so far that both want to represent me.  Big difference in price as one is doing the work pretty much pro bono with the exception of expenses.  Either way -- the $$ I have raised will go to the retainer fee and then I am still filling the funds for the worst case.. (but, hopefully God will assist in the right choice so that the worst case doesn't happen),

I need some of Mike's remote viewer capability :) LOL.  Seriously!

Anyway, this week will be the week I have discussions and make the decision.  My goal is not only to stop the pain -- but, TO WIN AND STOP THIS CLOWN SHOW.  Enough is ENOUGH!  I think I have the connections and information to at least bring on some pain if I cannot Win.



November 3rd, 2023


hurdle behind me.  Today's status hearing focused on 2 things.  

1) The waiver to move this case under the magistrate judge (G Michael Harvey)

2) Representation

The waiver was not ruled on until I present myself with representation (scheduled for 12/1).

They did have a plan (ooooops!) and were ready to install Pretender Defender 2.0 to represent me and keep their persecution train rolling down the track.  Until I asked if I could speak! The judge told me that whatever I say CAN and WILL be held against me.  He then said we don't want to hear all about what went wrong with your attorneys, these things happen.  I said that was not my question or what I wanted to say..   I then asked do I have the right to hire a private attorney of my choosing.. to which I was told, well if you can afford one.  Then I was asked if I could do so before Thanksgiving (they really want to finish this by the end of the year!). I said I didn't think that was possible, given I don't know who yet, what their schedule is and they need to get informed about the case.  The judge agreed and set my next date to appear with counsil on 12/1.  I was told if I cannot find counsil, to call them 48 hours before court and Pretender Defender 2.0 will represent me.

Then I was highly encouraged to reach out to pretender defender 2.0 (who works out of Washington, DC) and I indicated I will pass on that option for now.

Thank you all for the prayers & support.  It is so uplifting to read all the comments, I feel the love!  I think I am in Mike's Love bubble! :)


The BIG day - Status Hearing on new judge and change of representation

November 2nd, 2023

I thank you ALL for your continued messages of support, and generous donations.  I can feel the love and it holds me up!  

At 12:45 I will be on with Washington and others for this status hearing by zoom.  If you can surround me with prayer at this time, I will be eternally grateful.  It is just another step.. on this long journey for justice.  

I pray for clarity and truth!

much love and gratitude to ALL.


November 1 Update

November 1st, 2023

All the twists - LIES - and changes....

Tomorrow, 11/2 will be a status hearing (a very important one to me) where we address representation.  My Attorneys (?) have filed to withdraw from the case, which is a very POSITIVE change.  They have not represented me or made any concerted effort on my behalf other than to try to baffle me with their .

I hsve spoken to some REAL attorneys over the past few days, as well as, Congress woman Marjorie Taylor Green, and many others that have been holding me up with their support.  MTG's statement to me was get a lawyer, "they are not screwing around".  The challenge IS who to trust... who that is attached to the BAR (Brittish Acredited Registry) will provide not only the Defense that I desperately need, but the OFFENSE strategy that I want to pursue - as my goal is to SHINE THE LIGHT OF TRUTH ON THIS ENTIRE SHOW AND TAKE ALL OF THESE MISERABLE FECKLESS CRIMINALS TO THE PLACE WHERE THEY BELONG........ PRISON!

I guess after the conversations I have had, I now see how LITTLE my public defenders have done on my behalf.  IN FACT, when I asked for receipts that was when they ran like the little cockroaches that they are with their tales between their legs.  OH - am I worried about my statements and that I am being monitored every second of every day... SO BE IT!  You know where I STAND!\

Now comes the hard part.  Asking for help has never been my strength.  Being the independent person that I am I really have learned that the only person that I can rely on is myself.  BUT, that being said, I am TRULY GRATEFUL TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU THAT HAVE SUPPORTED ME TO DATE!  THANK YOU SEEMS LIKE EMPTY WORDS FOR THE GRATITUDE THAT I HAVE IN MY HEART FOR ALL OF YOU.

In speaking with potential counsil (THAT WOULD DO SOME ACTUAL WORK (GOOD WORK) on my behalf, the price range could be 15-30K depending on travel and twists and turns in the case.  Boy, do I know there are twists and turns every minute of every day.  The challenge is that I was fund raising with the strategy of maintaining all that I have worked for all of my life (my home, my business)... it now shifts to buidling a SOLID defense and TRUSTING that the end result will be that I won't need to worry about the first strategy.  

It is a gamble, and I am praying and asking GOD for clear direction on this one.  I know he will provide.  So, this is me doing what is terribly out of my comfort zone.. I have a near term goal to meet 30K and any help to get there is SINCERELY APPRECIATED.  

AND to my PRETENDER DEFENDERS!!  Adios, don't let the door hit you on the way out!

The old adage is TRUE!  "You get what you pay for"!

October 25 Update

October 25th, 2023

Well the "Pretender" Defenders have decided to bail out. No surprises there. After they told me that I am not "allowed" to make strategic decisions about my defense only they are (this was with regard to adding David Sumrall to my legal team to investigate video evidence) we have agreed to put through the motion to address new council. I have thought long and hard about this one. I don't really trust anyone associated with the B A R anymore. So, I think the best person to RE-PRESENT me is ME! I guess I can do it my way now! I am sure recent interviews shook them up a bit.  But, what really pushed them over the edge was when after they told me how much research they have been doing, I asked for the log files of how much time has been spent in the locked down evidential databases.... OOOPs guess that question was Out of Bounds!

October 24 Update

October 24th, 2023

New Magistrate Judge - G. Michael Harvey

Next Court activity - Status hearing on 11/2

This will review transferring the case to the Magistrate Court and set new dates for Pre-trial and Trial.

*New activity 

I have officially added David Sumrall to my Defense team.  David has done EXTENSIVE research on Jan 6 and is able to access BOTH government AND private footage of the activites that day.  He was also present on Jan 6.  Funds from this campaign will now not only support my efforts to maintain my home and business throughout this ordeal, but to cover David's efforts on my behalf.

Also- If you want to hear the TRUTH from a constitutional perspective, please check out the video of my discussion with Ivan Raiklin, a 25 year veteran National Security Expert spanning a career as a Green Beret Commander, Intelligence professional, military diplomat and Constitutional Attorney.

Ivan has the receipts!

NEW JUDGE!!! Praise the Lord!

October 14th, 2023

Getting a new judge!!!

Will it be better - can't be worse :).  Don't know who it is yet, but my case is moving ot of District court into the Magistrate court.  So this will mean new judge and new dates for trial.  I will take this as a WIN!

Update NEW JUDGE!!!  Praise the Lord! Image
Update 112/23

October 13th, 2023

Yesterday's status hearing set the dates for trial.

Pre-trial - 12/4/23

Jury selection/Trial week of 12/11.

Sounds like they are going to slam this through in a couple of days.  Merry Christmas!

Update 112/23

October 12th, 2023


Today is a Status hearing.  I have responded, rejecting the Plea offer.  I ask for prayers for todays outcome to be for the best and highest good.  I stand in my truth, my faith and my love for my family and this country!

No matter the outcome,  my heart and soul are off limits to all but my creator!

Update 8/29/23 - EXTENSION!

August 29th, 2023

A motion to extend the date for plea response and court status update has been moved out 30 days!!  This is a GOOD thing!  So, next key date 10/12.

Update Update 8/29/23 - EXTENSION! Image
A Card with a message

August 21st, 2023

I have to share this amazing thoughtful Card that I received with a donation yesterday.  It is simple words like these that give me strength and hope that together we can #STAND and do this!

Update A Card with a message Image
Update #3

August 20th, 2023

Update Update #3 Image
Update #2 - 8/20/23

August 20th, 2023


I am so humbled by the generosity from each and every one.  Asking for help has never been my strong point, but I feel so supported and so much unity.  Thank you each and everyone for the donations AND prayers.  I feel supported & strong that I can get through this!

Update Update #2 - 8/20/23 Image
Answer to Plea due 9/5, Status hearing via Zoom with DC 9/12

August 10th, 2023

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • 1 COR 4:19-20 "The kingdom of God is not in the word, but in power. I pray for the power of our hearts