Protecting Our Farm Families


 USD $86,000


 USD $0

Campaign created by Darrell Anderson

Campaign funds will be received by North Shore Productions/Farm to Fork

Protecting Our Farm Families

When you picture a farm, I bet you see cows grazing peacefully in a meadow. Maybe some amber waves of grain. A red barn, for sure.

The reality is more complex. Not only is farming one of the top three most dangerous professions (commercial fishing and logging are the other two), but farmers are also at a much higher risk for mental health problems than the average American worker. And it isn’t only adults we’re talking about. Farm kids lose their lives at the rate of one every three days.

I want to help make farms safer and healthier with a year-long awareness campaign, which has been endorsed by several notable farm safety and health organizations.

The campaign would run as a public service initiative on Farm to Fork, a radio feature that airs on 240 stations across the country and reaches at least 200,000 people a day. In 2025 the program will devote half its available ad time to this initiative.

The standard public service announcement typically gets limited airplay. This campaign will run every day for an entire year across the network. To help us sustain that, we invite you to make a contribution. Think of it as an investment in the people whose work feeds us all. Thank you.

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