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Adoption Fund for The Pittman Family


 USD $30,000


 USD $20,422

Campaign created by Marcus Pittman

Campaign funds will be received by Marcus Pittman

Adoption Fund for The Pittman Family

Adoption Fund for the Pittmans!

OK, here we go. A friend of ours said the best way to start the adoption process is just raise the money. So here we are!

Hello! We are Marcus and Laura Pittman. We've been married over five years. During that time we've had four miscarriages all very early on in pregnancy. One of which was a pretty traumatic ectopic pregnancy. 

After much prayer and reflection we believe it's time to stop postponing what we know God has called us to do and begin the process of adoption. 

Since we've been married we briefly became foster parents and during that time we briefly took care of a newborn baby. The time was short lived but left a hole in our home we would love to fill again, this time more permanently. 

All money raised during this process, through Give Send Go will go into a separate account that will be verified by the adoption agencies so that we can actually begin the process. 

About Marcus:
Marcus is the CEO of a technology and film startup for Christian movies. But before that he created two pro-life movies called Babies Are Murdered Here and Babies Are Still Murdered Here. These movies started a movement around the country and led to him helping start Apologia Studios and ultimately End Abortion Now with Jeff Durbin in Phoenix, Arizona. He's been actively involved in fighting for the life of babies since 2010s. 

About Laura
Laura Pittman is an amazing wife and homemaker. Although she currently works from home for an insurance company she uses her spare time to babysit and take care of as many children as she can within her church community. She is the first one many women in the church call on when they need an emergency babysitter, and has been known to help many mothers for weeks on end during their time of need. During church she is greeted by many children's hugs and holds just as many kids when mothers require a spare hand. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
19 days ago

Praying for y'all.

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
26 days ago

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
29 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 2325.00 USD
29 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

This is a donation from dinner church, hampton, va

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Timothy Roberts
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Happy Birthday brother! May God richly bless you and your wife!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless 🙏

$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

FYI only: Foster to adopt is our history.

Anonymous Giver
$ 734.00 USD
3 months ago

May God bless you with a child.

$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 475.00 USD
3 months ago

I'm so sorry for your miscarriages. You guys are awesome and will be amazing parents! God bless, Brad

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

God Bless you and your family, Marcus.

Greg Johnson
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Nicole Lyon
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Jacob Bull
$ 20.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 620.00 USD
5 months ago

Lori Silva
$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago


The first goal met- $20K

September 19th, 2024

Major personal life announcement! Thanks to an anon donor to our adoption fundraiser, we have raised enough to actually begin the adoption process with agencies. If we decide to go that route. We much rather a private adoption.  With our initial goal being met, we are able to work on completing a home study. We know a lot of what is needed to complete a home study, since we completed one when we were doing foster care. Please be in prayer that we are able to find and complete a home study that allows for all different circumstances/paths for adoption.  Since we are new to this process, we welcome any help and suggestions anyone might have to help. 

We are open to adopting one child or a young sibling group. Please keep us in mind if you know of any situations where we would be a good match.

We still have money to raise because the process is long and expensive. 20k gets us off to the races but nowhere near the finish line. We can't even being to tell you all how much all your prayers and donations have meant to us. We are thrilled at the thought of growing our family.

Update The first goal met- $20K Image
Almost to 15K!

April 8th, 2024

Haven't updated in awhile. We have almost raised $15,000. God is so good. Thank you to everyone who has donated. We still have puzzle pieces available for anyone who donates over $42. We're working towards setting up a home study in the near future. 

We have been super busy Marcus has been working hard to raise money for We're praying that this round of funding can be closed soon. If you don't know about Loor you can check it out here and get a free 7 day trial ( The guys at Loor are working hard to build up something that will last for generations that will be an inheritance tomorrow children's children. 

I, Laura, have been working a lot of overtime lately at work. Since January, I have been asked multiple times to work 10-20 extra hours a week (Normal work week is 40 hours). Those and keeping up our home has been a lot. 

We have had a few conversations with people we attend church with who have adopted and some have spent approximately 30k and others almost 80k. Our current fundraising goal is the lower end. There aren't a lot of adoption agencies in Idaho so we have started to look at agencies outside of Idaho and have been prayerfully considering what that would look like and how much additional costs that may entail.

We have had a lot of people talk to us about foster care. We did foster care in Idaho for a year and had one placement that didn't last long. What is great about Idaho is there aren't many children in the system. There are a lot of older preteens and teenagers with mental health problems more thatln young children. Adoptions can come about through foster care but it should never be the expectation. The primary goal of foster care is always reunification, as it should be, children should be with their families if possible. 

We would love to adopt an infant but are also open to a young sibling group. We know the Lord's knows what is best for us. 

Making the decision to ask for help was not easy, but the love we have for our future child is stronger than our pride. We also know that we would not just be bringing a child into our home but into our community who has already been praying for them.

We thank you in advance for your all your help, whether it be donations and/or prayers. We couldn’t have made it this far without the love and support of so many amazing people.

Prayer Requests 

-That we would get connected with an good agency or that the Lord would connect us with a private adoption. 

-That Marcus would close this round of funding for Loor.

-That the Lord would bless any upcoming fundraising efforts for our adoption. The weather is warming up here so we can work towards more outdoor fundraising ideas. 

-That our adoption profile would come together. We have a basic one page profile but we're working on expanding our adoption profile. 

Update Almost to 15K! Image
Update #4

March 16th, 2024

Thank you so much for getting us this far! We're only $6,500 away from being able to formerly start the adoption process. We were told the agencies require $20k in the bank before they put you in the registry.

From now on in celebration of Laura's 42nd Birthday if you give over $42 we will add your name to a puzzle piece. We will hang the completed piece in the child's room.

We can't wait to begin this journey!

Update Update #4 Image
Already at 20%

January 14th, 2024

We’re adopting! It’s a journey that’s been years in the making, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be walking down this road together. We knew from the beginning of our marriage that we wanted children and wanted to grow our family. And we did. Several times. Sadly, each of those pregnancies ended in miscarriage. Those times were hard. But, in the midst, God was faithful and we grew in our walk with Him and each other. The adoption process is often long. It seems like there are a thousand steps to take. But already in each step of the way God has been faithful. Thanks for your prayers. Thanks for your support. We have been so encouraged by the support and encouragement.

We're amazed that in less than a few weeks we have already reached 20% of our goal. Please reach out to us if you have any fundraising ideas to pass along. 

Update Already at 20% Image
Wow! Over 10%!

January 6th, 2024

Wow! You all are a blessing! Within less than a week of Marcus Pittman posting our adoption fundraising page we have already surpassed 10% of our goal. We are so thankful for all donations and encouragement we have received. 

Soli Deo Gloria

#PittManandWife #adoptdontshop #adoptionjourney #adoption #GiveSendGo #pittmanmanandwifeadopt #wereadopting #support

Update Wow! Over 10%! Image
Update #1

December 27th, 2023

Thank you so much for a great first day! We raised $1200. I can't believe it!

We know we have a long ways to go but what a blessing it was to launch with such a great response.

It really encourages us and motivates us to continue to step out in faith.

We praise the Lord for every single donation. 

To celebrate here's a photo of our two year old dog Tilly sticking her head out the car window. She loves children to death and she let's kids pull her hair and wrestle with her and she never gets upset.

She's going to be great friends with a little one.

Update Update #1 Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

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