Support against lawfare attacks and harassment


 NOK KR68,738

Campaign created by Peter Imanuelsen

Campaign funds will be received by Peter Imanuelsen

Support against lawfare attacks and harassment

I’m under lawfare attack.

UPDATE: Things have now developed.

The Norwegian police have been engaged in an harassment campaign against me and also my family.

Instead of investigating the cult that I reported on, the police turned up at my door and interrogated me. Not only that, but they have ILLEGALLY tried to enter my house while I was travelling without any reason nor any court order.

All because I dared to report on what nobody else wanted to - Exposing what many consider to be grooming behavior towards young girls coming from leaders in the cult.

I have now engaged more lawyers on this case regarding the police harassment I have been facing - This is an unprecedented attack on journalism and free speech, so I need your support now more than ever.

It is clear that the police have engaged in a harassment campaign against me and my family to try and stop me from reporting on the cult. What's going on?

The lawyers unfortunately aren't cheap and cost hundreds of dollars per hour - So all support is highly appreciated.

NOTE: As I live in Norway the campaign goal is showed in Nowegian currency (NOK). As of the 3rd March, NOK10 equals $0,92

So a donation of $10 is around NOK109. A donation of $20 is around NOK217.

Earlier this year I reported on how I was being HARASSED by a cult, all because I blew the whistle on abuse of power and inappropriate behavior coming from the leaders.

There was a particular youth pastor whose behavior was extremely worrying and inappropriate. He would go to gyms with young girls alone at night and talk about very sexual things with them.

After I blew the whistle on this they have gone on full attack against me and also my family. Looks like they have something to hide…

These cults appear to have buddies in the local mainstream media, so I’m the only one standing up and exposing them.

These false churches and false pastors have now been harassing me and my family for months, including filing numerous baseless police reports in an attempt at lawfare against myself.

Live ammunition was found placed right next to my brothers car at one point, in what undoubtedly was a threat aimed at me and my family.

I have also received anonymous death threats lately, and my suspicions are that it is related to these cults that I exposed.

Now just recently, this youth pastor was caught standing suspiciously very close to my car in the parking garage. What was he up to? No doubt a form of intimidation as he has been harassing me for many months, including with lawfare.

What this youth pastor is doing is trying to scare me as a journalist into silence because I exposed his inappropriate behavior. This is an attack on free speech and on the free press.

Now I need your help to stand up against these attacks.

I have no option but to engage a lawyer to stand up to these bullies, and I really need your help to fund my defense against these attacks.

So if you have the opportunity, I would greatly appreciate if you became gave a donation to help fund my lawyer fees. I am extremely grateful for your support!

I have never needed your support as much as now as I am anticipating court cases to stop them from their harassment of me and my family.

And please read the full article about how I blew the whistle on these cult leaders and to get all the context. It really is wild.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
kr 1056.00 NOK
1 day ago

Holy Spirit!... please rebuke the enemy in these godless places and people and encourage and protect your servants who seek to honor the Father and do His will. In Jesus precious name we ask!

Anonymous Giver
kr 500.00 NOK
1 day ago

Thank you Peter for the work you do. My sister and her family live in Örebro Sweden and I fear for their future. It used to be the safest place on earth. With your help and influence, it can be again. Praying for your safety!

Anonymous Giver
kr 5100.00 NOK
1 day ago

May God help you in this fight.

Anonymous Giver
kr 217.00 NOK
2 days ago

Keep up the fight, Peter. We've got your back and our prayers are with you.

Anonymous Giver
kr 100.00 NOK
2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
kr 50.00 NOK
2 days ago

Fight on! Trust in Jesus!

Anonymous Giver
kr 100.00 NOK
2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
kr 1000.00 NOK
2 days ago

Stay strong, Peter. Evil will always attempt to thwart the righteous. God fights this battle through you. God Bless You!

Anonymous Giver
kr 2500.00 NOK
2 days ago

Margaret Styslinger
kr 100.00 NOK
2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
kr 105.00 NOK
3 days ago

Keep with the Lord and set the truth free!

David Andrew Sanlon
kr 50.00 NOK
4 days ago

May God richly bless you Peter. A supporter from Northern Ireland.

Anonymous Giver
kr 500.00 NOK
5 days ago

Stay safe, God bless you

kr 300.00 NOK
5 days ago

kr 100.00 NOK
5 days ago

Keep fighting!

Counterculture PIRVU
kr 547.00 NOK
5 days ago

May God help and bless you.

Anonymous Giver
kr 75.00 NOK
5 days ago

Good luck. Praying for all the brave people like you.

Anonymous Giver
kr 600.00 NOK
5 days ago

Anonymous Giver
kr 75.00 NOK
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
kr 210.00 NOK
9 days ago


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