 USD $223,000
 USD $62,318
Campaign funds will be received by Patrick Stedman
On June 9th I was found guilty for non-violent charges related to January 6th. On September 8th, I was sentenced to 4 years in prison.
I am the primary breadwinner in the family, and the father of two young children - Penelope (age 3) and Michael (age 1). Our savings have been depleted as a result of legal expenses, which currently stand at $223,000 (after donations outside of the platform).
If you are able, please consider donating to my legal defense fund to help reduce this burden on my family.
Your contributions and prayers are very much appreciated.
If you would like to read about the arrest and my story, please see the following article: https://patstedman.com/202348/january-6th/
Merry Christmas Pat
Merry Christmas
We admire your courage!
Congratulations on your release, Pat! About time!! May your journey be filled with the same wisdom you bring onto everyone.
Pat! You're getting out in 18 days!!! Sorry I never got around to writing while in prison. Please don't take my lack of writing personally, it doesn't mean I was thinking of you this whole time. Sharing your story with so many people. Anyway, remember that girl I was dating before you left? We got married last weekend!! Can't wait to catch up once the dust settles. Love you brother. God bless.
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