EUR €10,000
EUR €10,675
Campaign funds will be received by Loïc SCHNEIDER
After the crowdfounding was initially censored on the “Go Found Me” platform, I decided to use the same platform where the crowdfounding is currently taking place to support Luigi Manigione. I think there will be less risk of pressure here. We are not here to celebrate violence, but we do believe in the constitutional right of fair legal representation. What i said in front of the judge 📝 9 pages statement.
After a maximum risk of 5 years imprisonment, today, 5 february, the German state - represented by the public prosecutor - wanted to sentence me to 8 months imprisonment. But the judge gave me a penalty of 140 days fines and legal costs of the trial. We still have no idea how much really it is right now. But we will know soon ! I'm very happy! I hope the prosecutor won't appeal this decision and get stuck in the mud ! 1 week of waiting and we'll know! Here i make one video for explain situation.
I automatically receive the donations that are already there every week. The limit is theoretical, it is possible to exceed it. After i cover all my trial cost, I want to donate €1,000 to each person who went to hospital on the day of the Lützerath demonstration because of police violence. With your help, we can transform this repression into positive action.
Solidarity is strength.
Cette cagnotte a été créée afin de soutenir le Moine de Lützerath (Mud Wizard) qui passe en procès le 22 Janvier 2025 et le 5 Février 2025 en Allemagne, la seconde audience sera à Mönchengladbach. L'argent reçu permettra de payer les frais de justice. Si il y a plus d'argent, je souhaite donner 1000€ à chaque personne qui a été blessé par la police et s'est retrouvé ensuite à l'hôpital suite à la manifestation de Lûtzerath, je réaliserai cela en lien avec les collectifs activistes qui ont les éléments et les contacts avec ces personnes. C’est une manière pour moi de transformer la répression en quelque chose de positifs, une reconnaissance pour les personnes blessées qui sont abandonnées par l’institution judiciaire qui protège les policiers violents.
Ensuite, après avoir soutenu chaque personne qui ont du aller à l’hôpital, j'aimerai pouvoir soutenir des structures contre la répression qui aident les activistes face à la justice.
Si cette cagnotte fonctionne vraiment très bien, je souhaite aider financièrement une association que j'ai créé avec d’autres personnes : "Against War Convoy" qui a déjà réalisé plusieurs convois d'ambulances et de matériels médicaux. J’en parle à la fin de ma déclaration.
Et enfin, aider financièrement un projet d'installation agricole en collectif à travers la reprise d'une ferme à Bure en Meuse.
This crowdfunding campaign has been set up to support the Mud Wizard, who goes on trial on January 22, 2025 and February 5, 2025 in Germany, with the second hearing taking place in Mönchengladbach. The money received will be used to pay the court costs. If there's more money, I'd like to donate €1,000 to each person who was injured by the police and ended up in hospital as a result of the Lützerath demonstration. I'll do this in connection with the activist collectives who have information and contacts with these people. It's a way for me to turn repression into something positive, a recognition for injured people who are abandoned by the judicial institution that protects violent police officers.
Then, after supporting each person who had to go to hospital, I'd like to be able to support structures against repression that help activists face justice.
If this crowdfunding works out really well, I'd like to financially support an association I've set up with other people: “Against War Convoy”, which has already carried out several convoys of ambulances and medical equipment, as I mentioned at the end of my statement
And finally, I'd like to provide financial support for a collective farming project of which I am a member, through the takeover of a farm at Bure in the Meuse region.
Diese Crowdfunding-Kampagne wurde ins Leben gerufen, um den Mud Wizard zu unterstützen, der am 22. Januar 2025 und am 5. Februar 2025 in Deutschland vor Gericht steht, wobei die zweite Verhandlung in Mönchengladbach stattfinden wird. Das eingegangene Geld wird für die Begleichung der Gerichtskosten verwendet. Wenn es mehr Geld gibt, möchte ich jeder Person, die von der Polizei verletzt wurde und infolge der Lützerath-Demonstration im Krankenhaus landete, 1.000 € spenden. Ich werde dies in Verbindung mit den Aktivistenkollektiven tun, die Informationen und Kontakte zu diesen Menschen haben. Das ist für mich eine Möglichkeit, Repression in etwas Positives zu verwandeln, eine Anerkennung für verletzte Menschen, die von der Justiz, die gewalttätige Polizisten schützt, im Stich gelassen werden.
Nachdem ich jede Person, die ins Krankenhaus musste, unterstützt habe, würde ich gerne Strukturen gegen Repression unterstützen, die Aktivisten helfen, vor Gericht zu kommen.
Wenn dieses Crowdfunding wirklich gut läuft, würde ich gerne einen Verein finanziell unterstützen, den ich mit anderen Leuten gegründet habe: „Against War Convoy“, der bereits mehrere Konvois mit Krankenwagen und medizinischer Ausrüstung durchgeführt hat. Ich werde dies am Ende meiner Erklärung erwähnen.
Und schließlich möchte ich ein kollektives Landwirtschaftsprojekt durch die Übernahme eines Bauernhofs in Bure im Departement Meuse finanziell unterstützen. Projekt, an dem ich teilnehme.
Contact :
mudwizard (A) riseup.net
X Twitter : monchlutzi
Mastodon : monchlutzi
I worship the mud wizard, so I guess this is a tithe
Can’t thank the mud wizard enough for this approach of the situation. Incredibly high morals, integrity. Only love!
thanks alot and good luck in your future endeavours
Daumen hoch, sehr gut, das Geld auch weiter an andere Betroffene zu spenden.
Keep it up 🧙
February 26th, 2025
February 19th, 2025
She was asking for 8 months jail but got stuck in the mud.🧙
€4300 fine + court cost (i still don't know now exactly how much it's will be)
€3400 lawyers (french & german)
€10 600 Crowdfunding
I'll give €1000 to people hospitalized because of the police, if i have enough. I'm going to do this with the local activist groups in Lützerath and publish the testimonies of people who were in hospital.
Towards the end of my statement I talked about a radical non-violent strategy, with a rallying sign (the one as picture banner in my profil) to advance through the police.
And sabotage of weapons factories.
Share the Crowdfunding, spread my 9 pages of statement everywhere.
Der Mönch von #Lützerath
February 17th, 2025
I had a lawyer in France and another in Germany to defend me during the trial.
German lawyer fees: 2 051.18 €
French lawyer fees : 1 532.78 €
Total : 3 583.96 €
invoices details
February 14th, 2025
It's incredible to have reached this amount in just one week. At this point, I don't have the exact details of the court costs that I'm also being ordered to pay. That will be known next week.
I will publish in a totally transparent way where these donations are going. 4,300 € for the fine, 1,500 € for my French lawyer (I don't know yet about the German lawyer), plus the costs of the trial. I'll also have to find out about taxes.
If I have any money left after that, I intend to give €1,000 to each person who was hospitalized because of the police violence that day, as explained in the description. It's very important for me to continue the struggle in this way and to turn this repression into positive action. I will be working with a local activist group on this issue & spreading information on my social media. For sharing at the same time the story of these hurt people.
Please continue to spread the word about this fund. The more it grows, the more impact it will have.
Thank you again for your support!
May the mud be with you all!
February 13th, 2025
Judge's reply today to my lawyer : " Before sending the e-mail, I had specifically asked my office to check. In today's mail, there was no appeal from the public prosecutor's office.
Normally, we don't have any delays in processing mail. But it's obviously not 100% certain. I'll contact you on Tuesday to let you know if there's still nothing."
I will make one update Tuesday ! 🙏
February 10th, 2025
First of all, a huge thank you for your donations.
The prosecutor wanted to put me in prison for 8 months, she can still appeal until February 12. Then the verdict will be final. In addition to the fine, I also have to pay the court costs, and I have no idea how much that will be. I'll do another update when I have the information.
The amount is currently €9,330 🚀
If i have more than what i need, I will donate 1000€ for every person who was in hospital that day because of police violence. If you search for “polizeigewalt Lützerath” you can see the police violence, rarely so high for Germany, that was expressed on that day.
More information will follow soon.
After the repression,
The response.
Keep up the fight,
Make the invisible visible.
Like Jesus turning water into wine, with your support, I will transform this repression into poisitive action.
May the power of mud be with you 🧙
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.