Justice Against Medical Murder of My Only Child


 USD $200,000


 USD $1,842

Campaign created by Rebecca Charles

Campaign funds will be received by Rebecca Charles

Justice Against Medical Murder of My Only Child

I am a mother begging for justice for my only child, my daughter, Danielle Cathleen—a special needs young woman who was stolen from me in the most horrific way.

Danielle walked into Northwell Health Glen Cove Hospital with nothing more than a cough and stable vitals. She never walked out. After 40 agonizing days, she left in a body bag, her body ravaged by multiple organ failure.

💔 Why was a healthy young woman treated as disposable? Why was she denied dignity, honor, and the right to live?

She was isolated, restrained, and terrified, robbed of the love and comfort of her family. Without my consent, they put her on a ventilator and pumped her full of lethal drugs—fentanyl, remdesivir, propofol, midazolam, lorazepam, and more—until her body shut down.

📢 Her toxicology report showed four times the lethal amount of fentanyl—FOUR TIMES what was found in George Floyd. This was not treatment. This was murder.

💔 She was not given a chance. They targeted her because she was special needs—they saw money walking through the door.

Hospitals across America were paid billions—not to save patients, but to sacrifice them. Millions of Americans suffered the same fate. Not the ones who stayed home and recovered, but the ones who trusted the hospitals—and never came out.

No child, no human being, should die this way.

🚨 Alone. Scared. Tied to a bed.

🚨 Denied the touch of their mother’s hand.

🚨 Drugged to death while being starved.

Danielle—my beautiful, precious daughter who always ate the best—was malnourished and left to die by the very people who swore an oath to heal.

But we are fighting back.

⚖️ Some defendants were dismissed, but SIX remain.

⚖️ Depositions are scheduled for May 5, 2025.

⚖️ This is a glimmer of hope in the darkness—a chance to expose the truth and hold these hospital killers accountable.

🚨 I need your help. Fighting billion-dollar hospital systems takes resources. Your donation will directly fund the legal battle to expose this crime, prosecute those responsible, and stop this from ever happening again.

Danielle’s life mattered. I will never stop fighting for her. Please, stand with me.

➡ Please Help Donate now. We all need to get justice. Let’s stop the killing.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 32.00 USD
1 day ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 32.00 USD
1 day ago

Praying for you and your family. May God grant you peace.

John Bugni
$ 102.00 USD
1 day ago

My heart grieves for you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 22.00 USD
1 day ago


Lisa DeTunno
$ 32.00 USD
1 day ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 22.00 USD
1 day ago

Teri Naiser
$ 25.00 USD
1 day ago

Laura Kasner
$ 25.00 USD
1 day ago

Praying that justice prevails. God bless.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 days ago

Hold on to Faith

Andrew Devlin
$ 10.00 USD
2 days ago

God Bless you and good luck with your case!

Eric Yanke
$ 20.00 USD
2 days ago

God bless you all.

Frank Gonzales Jr
$ 50.00 USD
2 days ago

My heart goes out to you. Such unspeakable evil!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 days ago

My mom died by hospital c19 protocol and my dad by hospital neglect. I have followed your daughter's story, and I pray God provides all the strength and support you need for your mission to be successful.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 days ago

God bless you and give you justice for your daughter

$ 50.00 USD
3 days ago

Stay strong mom
$ 20.00 USD
3 days ago

Praying for you to stay strong in God’s grace

$ 100.00 USD
3 days ago

God is with you

Debbie Gregory
$ 50.00 USD
3 days ago

I’m praying for your victory in all things! I too lost my husband at the hands of this evil protocol. My husband was a Vietnam Veteran and he was murdered in a VA Hospital. He fought for those who walked the halls of that hospital for their freedom but they didn’t fight for his. I heard you speak in Gainesville Florida at the CHD viewing of Vaxxed III Autorized to Kill film. God Bless You

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
3 days ago

I will keep following your story. Stay strong. Breathe.

Anonymous Giver
$ 400.00 USD
3 days ago

Keep the courage! You’re an inspiration to others.


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