Help the Meggs Family


 USD $300,000

Campaign created by The Meggs Family

Campaign funds will be received by Zack Meggs

Help the Meggs Family

On February 17th, both my parents, Kelly and Connie Meggs were arrested in relation to the events at the Capitol on January 6th, you can Google their names if you wish to find more to the story(albeit, the mainstream media is lying, evil and deceitful), but I am sure you know who they are. This has left me, my sister, my 10 year old nephew, and my 2 year old niece without our parents and grandparents. We have income less than $10,000 a year combined and have to pay the mortgage, utilities and grocery bills to keep our farm. This money will go towards keeping our land, feeding our animals(horses, goats, donkeys, dogs, etc), keeping food on our table, bills as well as legal fees.. We are a good Christian family, I am active in my church as well as my mother who gave her time to helping those in need at a religious thrift store. My parents are good people who love their country and wanted to support their president, Donald Trump, and did nothing wrong. 
Recent Donations
John Droz
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Making a donation at the request of Rebecca Terrell.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Dear Kelly and Connie, We are sorry for what you went through at the hands of a politicized, weaponized government. The Lord will execute justice on those who did such evil to you and others. "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish." (Proverbs 19:9) We are praising the Lord for His mercy on this nation in putting President Trump in office! God bless you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
1 month ago

Amy L Beam
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Thank you for your courage. I am sorry for what our govt did to you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Thank you for standing up to the tyrannical government.

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you, Meggs Family. Thank you for standing up for our country.May God restore the years the locust has eaten, as God promises those who follow him. Rhonda Wallace from Pennsylvania

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Thank you Kelly for all the laughs today. You and Jeff...and Don, were just what the doctor ordered. Hysterical! America has been so distraught over what our Congress and the Obiden Regime let happen to you all. God bless you and your wife, who I learned today, also, served time. My goodness!

Thompson Roofing
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

I am so outraged at the hateful, evil left, dems, and fake news media .scum that mistreated all of you patriots. YOU guys are our HEROS / Thank you so much.Sorry we could not do much against the evil scum that did this.Thank God for Cowboy Logic .

Tony F
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Glad to have you back. God Bless.

Florida USA 1st
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

I have been sending a donation periodically - It is an Answer to prayers that President Trump is in office now and that you are being set free! May God Bless you & your family. You are in my prayers!

Matthew Conzo
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Saw you on Cowboy Logic with Jeff McKellop had to donate to both families. God bless you. Stand tall & welcome home!

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
2 months ago

Cowboy Logic! Bless this family!!

Mark Robinson
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Cowboy Logic!

Peterekauski Kuboshima
$ 5.00 USD
2 months ago

Firstly, this money is for you, children, to have the food, shelter, health, and hours to think and seek what could have done better to accomplish what ultimate goal. Secondly, just because you are in the ghetto does not mean you cannot grow. Thirdly, marching onto capitol with nothing but fists and mouths would have meant nothing while the legislators never let peaceful public demonstration win.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Michelle G
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Hi Kelly! I cannot even describe my joy for all you guys that finally got released. I hope you can quickly make up for lost time. So, so happy for you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Thank God for Prayers Answered! We will continue to pray for you and your family. Please let us know of any needs that arise on your journey into FREEDOM and healing.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

I have no words Kelly. I am so glad for you and all the others who were released from this travesty. You are on the side of the righteous. God speed.


Update #30

January 20th, 2025

January 16th

I think yesterday was my fourth and last birthday in prison. I am counting the minutes until release.

Monday can't come fast enough for us as a nation or for me personally to finally be reunited with my family.

One of the things I always talk about is how I have learned to separate myself from the outside. In here I am a prisoner just another inmate. Out there I am a husband, father and grandfather. It helps emotionally to keep those separated and it's all you can do not to feel the pain of not being home for everything from Birthdays to Holidays.

It has been a tough few weeks because now I am starting to think of home a lot. My wife has a honey-do list about a mile long and I have my own list of things I need to do.

First on the list is find a vehicle ( suv, van or a truck). I am 6'5" so I can not use a small car. This is where you come in. If you are in the Florida or Georgia area keep an eye out for a good used suv or truck cheap but reliable. Funds are extremely limited so anything you can do to help financially is greatly appreciated.

Then I can start my job hunt and start rebuilding my life. Your support has truly been a blessing from God.

Again I can never thank you all enough ,

God Bless you and God Bless America

Kelly Meggs

Update #30

January 20th, 2025

January 16th

I think yesterday was my fourth and last birthday in prison. I am counting the minutes until release.

Monday can't come fast enough for us as a nation or for me personally to finally be reunited with my family.

One of the things I always talk about is how I have learned to separate myself from the outside. In here I am a prisoner just another inmate. Out there I am a husband, father and grandfather. It helps emotionally to keep those separated and it's all you can do not to feel the pain of not being home for everything from Birthdays to Holidays.

It has been a tough few weeks because now I am starting to think of home a lot. My wife has a honey-do list about a mile long and I have my own list of things I need to do.

First on the list is find a vehicle ( suv, van or a truck). I am 6'5" so I can not use a small car. This is where you come in. If you are in the Florida or Georgia area keep an eye out for a good used suv or truck cheap but reliable. Funds are extremely limited so anything you can do to help financially is greatly appreciated.

Then I can start my job hunt and start rebuilding my life. Your support has truly been a blessing from God.

Again I can never thank you all enough ,

God Bless you and God Bless America

Kelly Meggs

Update #30

January 20th, 2025

January 16th

I think yesterday was my fourth and last birthday in prison. I am counting the minutes until release.

Monday can't come fast enough for us as a nation or for me personally to finally be reunited with my family.

One of the things I always talk about is how I have learned to separate myself from the outside. In here I am a prisoner just another inmate. Out there I am a husband, father and grandfather. It helps emotionally to keep those separated and it's all you can do not to feel the pain of not being home for everything from Birthdays to Holidays.

It has been a tough few weeks because now I am starting to think of home a lot. My wife has a honey-do list about a mile long and I have my own list of things I need to do.

First on the list is find a vehicle ( suv, van or a truck). I am 6'5" so I can not use a small car. This is where you come in. If you are in the Florida or Georgia area keep an eye out for a good used suv or truck cheap but reliable. Funds are extremely limited so anything you can do to help financially is greatly appreciated.

Then I can start my job hunt and start rebuilding my life. Your support has truly been a blessing from God.

Again I can never thank you all enough ,

God Bless you and God Bless America

Kelly Meggs

Update #29

December 23rd, 2024

Well its my 4th Christmas in prison.

As bad as that sounds from where you are sitting. It has really given me a time to reflect.

I don't have the shopping , the meals, the gifts. the lights. I don't have the crowded stores and excitement that we all feel around this time of year. I get to experience the true meaning of Christmas without the noise we are often trapped in when the Holidays approach. I get to spend time with God. I truly get to sit here with nothing but the bible I read and my prayers.

This year please take a moment out when you are at the busiest time with all of the stress and anxiety the Holidays can cause and let God know you know that this Christmas is all about him sending his son so that we may have eternal life.

Without him , there is truly nothing to celebrate.

On the down side , I do not have my family. I haven't for the past 4 years. To hold my wife as the kids and grandkids open gifts and laugh. I miss that more than you can ever imagine. So I try not to think about it. I actually began tearing up as I wrote it. Prison does that, It gives you 2 lives. The one you have outside and the one you have in here. They have to be separated because emotionally it would be too much to bear.

So when you have the family around this year. Share the Joy of Christ and let them know how much you love and care for them. Treasure this time. It truly is the greatest gift we can receive.

I am hoping this is my last update until I am out and back to work. But I will do more updates to let you know how we are doing. You have become part of our extended family and we greatly appreciate it.

Please give what ever you can , we still have 2 months of bills to pay before I get out ( assuming Trump Pardons me).

I know it's a tough time of year for everyone financially , but please give whatever you can. Even a small amount is greatly appreciated.

Merry Christmas and God Bless everyone of you .

God Bless America.

Kelly Meggs

Update #28

December 7th, 2024

Hey all, this is Kelly and Connie's son. I want to thank you all for your continued support. As you may have seen recently that Biden pardoned Hunter, but the good news is that Trump posted on social media shortly after about the Jan 6 hostages as he called them! This is a good sign as it means Trump should be pardoning the Jan 6ers. This means that my dad could be coming home soon enough! Thank you all, have a blessed Christmas and God bless you all!

Update #27

November 24th, 2024

My first announcement is that my book "Fight Fight Fight " was released on Amazon this past week. It has been the number one selling New release on Amazon in political process for the month of November at last check.

I have no way of seeing that but my family has told me as well as some other friends.

I do not profit personally from this book. The proceeds will go to provide for my family though.

Please get a copy and share it on social media. It is mostly a political opinion book a quick read at 84 pages.

Well the election is over and for many of us across the J6 landscape it literally feels like a thousand pound weight has been lifted from our shoulders. For the past 4 years my family as well as the family of many others have had to put their heads on their pillows each night trying to block out the thoughts of how long will this tourment last. It appears we finally had our answer and it came in a way we all prayed would happen, but based on the past 4 years never trusted truly that it would.

Our prayers that were once energetic and defined had become dull and seemingly unheard. It just goes to show you God will answer your prayers but maybe not on the schedule you would choose. It seems he had a bigger plan than any of us had ever imagined as we rotted away in the DC Goulag. The red wave we hoped for in 2022 simply turned out to be a farce and for many of us cemented the thought that this may never end the way it should with Justice and Truth.

But now with all of you speaking up and voting in a Republican House , Senate and Donald Trump we can see that the tides have shifted and we all may be going home. If he keeps his promises which he always does, we should be home by the end of January ending the 4 years of torture that has not only effected me , but even to my youngest grandchild who I have held only one time for a brief few minutes 2 years ago. I don't know how you regain the first 3 years of a childs life other than try to be the best Pappa I can be going forward. I hope my three grandkids can look back one day and see that I was imprisoned for my belief in the freedoms of our country. Standing in a line to protect those speaking out against, at the minimum, election interferance. I hope they realize I did it all so they could one day stand as well against the corruption that has plagued our country. I think J6 opened the eyes of many Americans and made them asked the question of "what is going on here."

My Thankfulness is given to God and all the people he has sent to step forward and help my family.

I can honestly say without each and every one of you I would not have a house to go back to. When you sit down for your Thanksgiving meal know that you have made it possible for me to be with mine for Thanksgiving next year.

As for this year we still need your help. We have a little over 2 months left and I will be able to get back to work and provide for my family again.

Please give all you can afford , I know things are still tight but anything you can do is greatly appreciated.

I am praying these are the last 3 Holidays I have to endure here. Jan. 20th can't come fast eneough.

Thank you

God Bless you and your family

God Bless America

Kelly Meggs

Update #26

October 23rd, 2024

Hello all, this is Kelly and Connie Meggs' son. I am posting an update for you all. We thankfully endured the recent hurricanes hitting near our home. My father remains incarcerated in Memphis and we do not know when he will return. These past 4 years have taught me just now much my father truly means to this family and to each of us. I just wanted to thank you all for your continued support and to keep us in your prayers. God bless.

Update #25

October 6th, 2024

October update,

Well it has been a year since I arrioved at FCI Memphis . I had at the time of my arrival assumed that my appeal would have been done by now but unfortunatly it has not been done. We are basically waiting on the election , which Constitutionall should not affect my appeal but it obviously does in todays judicial system.

I have written about the "seperations of powers " portion of the Constitution on a few occassions most recently in the New American Magazine. If you are not a subscriber I highly recommend it. It covers alot of constitutional issues in our country and I would say one of the most informative news sources you could have to seperate the reality from the noise of alot of the other media out there.

The seperation of power is under attack as we see the lines of the Legeslative branch and the Judicial branch intertwining right before our eyes. You need to look no further than January 6th and all of the Trump lawsuits to see it in action fully.

Unfortunatly those guilty of the crime of crossing Constitutional lines are also now in charge of protecting against that very crime. They literally have to be prosecuted by themselves. So it is easy to see how it has become so manipulated over the last decade. I can honestly say that it is becoming apperent through appelet and Supreme court recent rulings that it hasn't reached terminal velocity and can be reigned back in. But it will take someone with strong fortitude to do that and I don' t see anyone currently in a position of authority to do it. Mybe that changes in the not to distant future.

Anyway back to me and my family. We survived the Hurricane even though it did get a little closer than expected , we ended up with a few large branches down and some screens blown loose. This is about as good as you can wish for when a storm of that size gets as close as it did , I think less than 75 miles , to our house. We continue to struggle to keep things afloat at the house as another roof repair was needed last month. Fortunatly we have been blessed twice by roofers who are fair and honest. We have several big expenses coming up taxes and homeowners insurance, as we pay them outide of our mortgage.

I once again THANK YOU for all you have done for my family. I also once again ask for anyhelp you can give. Most importantly please share this update with others and let them know our story. Post it on social media. I hate to keep asking for help but I am limited to what I can do , I was talking to another J6 guy here the other day and realize this has cost me an unreal amount of money.

I have personally lost over a million dollars since I was arrested , In salary lost , 401k clear out, rental property sold and attorney fees. So your support has been not only life saving but also God sent.

I can never repay you all for your generousity , but I can promise it is truly needed and truly appreciated.

You are all a blessing not only to me but to my wife , children and grandchildren.

God bless you and God bless America.

Kelly Meggs

Update #23

September 11th, 2024

Hello Everyone

 I am hoping we are in the final few months of this ordeal. I need to get home and we have a few things happening in our favor the next few months:

#1 The election is one way to get out . Please make sure you VOTE and take 10 friends each.

#2 My appeal is in process which should lead to a substantial reduction from the 12 years I originally recieved.

#3 Sentence reduction request to fix the portions of my sentence that was done in error after all of the apellet and Supreme Court rulings.

I am hoping God can keep things working for us in the mean time. It is not easy seeing my family go through with absolutly no ability to provide the way I have all of my life. This is actually the hardest part of being in prison, not being able to be there for them emotionally and financially. I do what I can by writing these updates and hopefully soon you will see a few bookd I have written be published, which will benefit J6 familes. Please look out for that , hopefully the next time I write I will have more information on where to get them etc..

Thank you in advance for anything you can do, also it is important to please share the link to other groups , facebook pages, X or twitter accounts etc.. I know it is hard out there the way the economy is and I hope this all ends soon. I can never thank you all enough for saving our home. I thank you , my wife , kids and grandkids all thank you .

God has some how blessed us wth all of you and it is greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless America

Kelly Meggs

Update #23

September 11th, 2024

Hello Everyone

 I am hoping we are in the final few months of this ordeal. I need to get home and we have a few things happening in our favor the next few months:

#1 The election is one way to get out . Please make sure you VOTE and take 10 friends each.

#2 My appeal is in process which should lead to a substantial reduction from the 12 years I originally recieved.

#3 Sentence reduction request to fix the portions of my sentence that was done in error after all of the apellet and Supreme Court rulings.

I am hoping God can keep things working for us in the mean time. It is not easy seeing my family go through with absolutly no ability to provide the way I have all of my life. This is actually the hardest part of being in prison, not being able to be there for them emotionally and financially. I do what I can by writing these updates and hopefully soon you will see a few bookd I have written be published, which will benefit J6 familes. Please look out for that , hopefully the next time I write I will have more information on where to get them etc..

Thank you in advance for anything you can do, also it is important to please share the link to other groups , facebook pages, X or twitter accounts etc.. I know it is hard out there the way the economy is and I hope this all ends soon. I can never thank you all enough for saving our home. I thank you , my wife , kids and grandkids all thank you .

God has some how blessed us wth all of you and it is greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless America

Kelly Meggs

Update #22

July 24th, 2024

We have been standing on the edge of losing our home now for almost the last year. Somehow every time we get close another miracle occurs and we can hang on a little longer. You have been that miracle to me and my family. You are the blessing God has given us.

As January 6th defendants we have seen a lot of the political persecution that has been going on in this country longer than others have, They have started noticing the high profile case like , Bannon, Navarro and Trump and it has brought it to their attention. But as January 6th defendants ,with NO violent charges or assaults , we have seen it more than anyone else.

I have been incarcerated for 42 months ( 3 and a half years) without holding my grandkids or hugging my wife in over a year. I honestly can't tell you when I will see them again at this point as I am 780 miles away from home. My wife was recently released from prison and is now back home with the daunting task of trying to keep the farm and family afloat alone. I was basically the only one working for the last 15 years, she did a lot of volunteer work, so it is not easy for her to find a job.

I know you answer the call every time I post an update and I still am in awe every time they tell me how much you have helped. Believe me we have drained every resource possible including investment accounts , 401ks and any savings we had or I would never ask you for your help.

This time I am asking for a little more. I know you are all very Patriotic and are probably involved in many groups in your churches or online in social media. I am asking you to help us this month by sharing this post and a link to our Give Send Go on your Facebook, twitter , Instagram, Bible study , Sunday school and with anyone else you can think of. Our efforts have been falling behind and we are faced with a losing proposition unless we do more. Please put this post everywhere and help us save our home.

My home and my family is all I have left, cars are gone , jobs are gone, retirement gone , any resemblance of my prior life is gone.

 I understand the economy and how tough it is for each of you right now . But if you can just give something no matter what it is and share this post so we can get more people helping us I would be very grateful.

We have survived only because of you and your help. I know God has put it on your heart to help us in the past and we just ask that you add this one extra step of sharing it to others.

Thank you all for everything you have done

God Bless you and God Bless America.

Kelly Meggs

Update #21

June 18th, 2024

Hello everyone,

Well I have been at FCI Memphis for 9 mths now and am doing okay. I once again wanted to reach out to you all and say thank you but also ask again for any help you could give. I have not been posting because I was able to sell things to keep us going. I have now been incarcerated (wrongfully) for almost 3 1/2 years. It has taken everything I had and alot of help from all of you to keep the family a float. I have had to cash out 401k , sell investment accounts and an investment property I had for my retirement. But God has provided miraculously so far. I know he will continue.

It is just becoming very obvious that It is going to take a major effort from anyone who can help to get us through the next few years. I was sentenced to 12 years. I have some appeal issues that should come out in my favor but we have to wait until the end of this year to see. It is starting to get to the point where we have to sell our home/farm and be left with nothing or find a way to raise the money to pay it for a while. I obviously want to keep our family home so I am going to do what I can. I have been working in here but the pay has been only about $50 a mth and thats the best we can make at this facility since we do not have Unicorp job programs.

     My wife went to Prison on October 31st and I have not been able to speak with her since then in any way. It has been extremely difficult but I know this to shall pass. She is scheduled to be out soon. It is tough , as we face our 25th anniversary this year , to have been apart this long and the last 7 mths not even hearing her voice is more of a tourture than the BOP could ever dish out.

I also know alot has been going on in the country that shows alot of people are beginning to understand what has been happening and are beginning to see the light and what is needed to right the ship. May God keep opening eyes and blessing this great country. The truth continues to come out and if the Congressmen who like to talk about J6 would actually do something about it instead of talk we may see an end to this nightmare sooner rather than later.

I have told you before , I have worked my whole life. I never needed anything from anyone. I was the one who took care of others. But I now sit here in the 8x10 cell asking for any help that you can give. May God bless you and God bless America.

Thank you all,

Kelly Meggs

Update #20

December 21st, 2022

Merry Christmas, from the DC Jail. My last update was March of this year , sure doesn't seem that long ago which is good and bad. I have seen two years of my life fly by , even though the days seem so long but the months tick by . Our trial was as expected we had 20+ witnesses and FBI Agents all say we didn't plan anything .npt one person brought up said we did it But I was found guilty of a crime I would never even consider in a million years. Free speech is gone , they can and WILL hold everything you say against you. My advice to all of you is destroy every electronic device you own. They will look through your messages and paste them together to seem nefarious. I always said I didn't care about privacy because I was not doing anything wrong , I didn't have to do anything wrong the Prosecution just made it up to fit the narrative and made up their own evidence. Literally taking messages 3 months apart and making them seem to be a statement. It has been a tough road but my faith in God has never been stronger ! The truth was shown but it hasn't set me free yet !!! It will I know for a fact because I AM INNOCENT! Time will show what really happened in this planned event that trapped so many in it . Attorneys working hard!

Thank you all again for the support and helping us ! God Bless America ! If you aren't singing the anthem with us at 9 pm stand up and join in. Write your congressman. You can Help !

Update #19

September 25th, 2022

Hey everybody, sorry for the gap in between updates. Thank all y'all who donated from the Cowboy Logic interview and thank all yall who were donors before as well. My fathers trial will begin next week and it has been almost 2 years since I have seen my father, so continue your prayers for my father and my mother so that their trials go well and he can finally return home where he belongs. God Bless and have a wonderful Sunday!

Update #18

March 13th, 2022

3-13 update 

Sorry it has been so long the system was down for a while and I am just getting back to the updates. Epoch Times did an article this week showing the truth about our actions on Jan 6th. Assisting police officers and helping injured, not the prosecution lies about some crazy conspiracy and the rest. We have evidence that proves every single allegation by the prosecution is an outright lie. We look forward to showing the videos and evidence to the world so all those who chose to believe the false stories can be silenced. We stand 100% for this country not against it. Please keep us in thoughts and prayers and as someone constantly reminds me John 8:32

\" and you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free\"

God bless you all!

- Kelly Meggs

Update #17

March 12th, 2022

Hey guys, sorry for not updating lately. A lot has transpired since the last update. My fathers trial date has been moved again towards the end of the year. February 17th marked one year since my parents wrongful imprisonment started. It has now been over a year without having seen my father. He is still strong, but everyday gets a little bit harder for him as well as they many other men inside those walls of the facility. My mother is still out on her ankle bracelet, but her trial also is being moved down the road as well. Keep praying everyone as God will deliver us from this evil and we will get through this stronger than ever. Thank you for your donations as it is truly the only reason we have been able to keep the property and keep everyone fed! Thank you all! God bless

Update #16

January 17th, 2022

update 1\16\2022

Well this week brought new FAKE charges against us. In another attempt to cover the already fake narrative they have spread they put out new charges that could not be further from the truth . The good news is several media sources and prior prosecutors have seen through the smoke screen. please keep the truth out there and let people know we are not what they say we are it is a completely bogus story !Made  up of chopped up texts taken completely  out of context and lies.

We are not or ever have been against this great Country ! We love America even while we are wrongfully incarcerated for things we did not do. We would never do anything to hurt this country regardless of the party in the Oval Office , disapprove, Okay , but harm it or its great Citizens of any political party in any way NEVER ! 

A complete pack of lies ! 

please keep us in your prayers and thank you all for everything you have done to help me and my family ! 

I thank God for you all , all of the time ! You are all a true blessing for writing us , donating to us , sending Christmas gifts to my grandchildren and telling our story the Truth! 

Thank you all !

Update #15

December 25th, 2021

I can't believe I am spending Christmas in this God forsaken DC Jail . In solitary confinement suffering for the 11th month for a crime I did not commit given no bail. My right to a speedy trial (70 days in federal court) waived for months on end.
On a night when  I would normally be looking out across our little hometown square with trees adorned with lights and bows , horse drawn carriages and a candlelight church service. Our whole family goes to the best restaurant in town and sits on the patio to take in the sights , but tonight  here alone I sit . Cold concrete and steel are my  only companions , loneliness my dinner. Merry Christmas America 
Update #14

December 19th, 2021

update 12\19\21

The fact that I am still here after almost 11 months is absolutely disgusting ! I am supposed to be innocent until proven guilty ( in our case fully innocent and the prosecution knows it ) This week exposed more racially and political hate spewing tweets from the Warden here at the DC Goulag ! MTG has her tweets copied and on full display ! Pretrial detention is supposed to be as close to home confinement as possible , otherwise it is considered punishment !
3 straight days now of lock down in our 6x10 cells solitary confinement, no showers, one 10 minute call. The use of punishment instead of detention prior to trial is ,well documented , immediate release from custody. our attorneys need to all get this done asap!  I have been denied access to my attorney upon request, I have had the law library disabled on my tablet , I have had personal mail removed from my cell by a lieutenant , and I have been held on solitary confinement as a pretrial detainee all further violating my civil and human rights ( this is just this week alone ) . I have not seen my wife,children or grandchildren in over 10 mths even on video! I have not had access to religious services,  a hair cut or shave , and now day 3 no shower!
What country is this ??  This is a complete destruction of my rights as an American and I need everyone to call your congressman and demand our release !!  Sorry for the negative update but this has been a week from hell! Please keep us in your prayers! 
Update #13

December 2nd, 2021

weekly update Not a lot of new news this week. It was the Thanksgiving weekend . Even though I sat a great distance away from my family this year I did have time to reflect on how great of a life God has blesses me with! These are not the best days of it but overall it has been a true blessing over and over again. A beautiful loving wife of 23 years , 2 awesome and healthy kids and 2 beautiful grandkids with another on the way. Yes it was almost impossible to even be thankful for anything as I sat in my cell . But then it struck me that in the worst time in my life , I still had so much to be Thankful for. I have lead a truly blessed life and for the most part have not spent enough time being thankful for it . I spent this weekend counting my blessing including all of you whom have stepped up to help a total stranger because God put us in your heart. I said it once and I will say it a lot more that I thank all of you for being a blessing to my family! You are the only reason my family has a roof over its head as they lay down tonight and for that I owe you so much! I can never repay the love you have shown but rest assured I will do all I can to pay it forward as soon as God finishes his plan for me in this jail! Please keep us in your prayers, pray for the Judges to see the truth and the prosecutors to remove the false claims and let the truth be known! I again thank you and God Bless you all!
Update #12

November 7th, 2021

weekly update 11\7 Marjorie Taylor Green , Louie Gohmert and a few other House members came into our unit to check on us . I suppose we are used to the conditions we live in , Rep. Green said it was like a POW camp in here and she and the others sang the anthem with us at 9 pm. They did not have a dry eye among them ,it meant a lot to us. I gave her a flag we had used in the Anthem they are hand drawn because they will not let us have flags in here . The day after they came in they condemned 14 cells in our unit for mold and broken items. I was moved temporarily while they fix a broken sink that I had learned to just live with. She was all over the news Friday and Saturday and has vowed to push us through til the end. They also said they would return and visit again. We lost one of our guys this week also Rob Morss when he complained they moved him out without noticed to another facility. He will be missed we all hope God protects him !! Again thank you all for everything ! God Bless you !
Update #11

November 4th, 2021

weekly update 10\31\2021 Happy Halloween from C2B ( our unit #) A very tough day today as I do not get to see my family on yet another Holiday. Not the biggest of Holidays but I do enjoy seeing the kids and grandkids dressed up. This week was one of my worst mentally I suppose from the holidays staring us all in the face ! I moss my family more and more each day and just want to be home during this process ! I am praying for a miracle and continue to thank God for you all daily ! Thank you all for your help and keep us in your prayers ! God Bless us all
Update #10

October 18th, 2021

WEEKLY UPDATE 10/16. Another week and another status hearing. Nothings changed. We should all pray for truth and honesty. It is hard to face the reality of the holidays without our families but as Thanksgiving and Christmas approach it becomes more and more obvious that our hearts will be heavy this year through the holidays. It could be worst as we have all lost friends and loved ones and missed them through the holidays but making it through the holidays in here is almost impossible to imagine. It is quickly becoming real that this injustice is going to cost me the rest of this year without my family barring a miracle which I know the Lord can provide ! Our thoughts and prayers are with each of you for your support and I will continue to update everything I can. Thank you all for everything you have done ! May God Bless you all and please keep praying for the miracle !
Update #9

September 28th, 2021

weekly update 9\28 Again a slow week for most of us still locked up in DC , 3 attempts for bond this week for everyone , all declined . Trial dates continually being pushed back. Another 30 or 60 days without our wives or children, another 30 or 60 days of food lacking nutrition, poor treatment by guards, sleeping on steel bunks with little cushion not waking ever without your body being numb, and the cold reality of steel doors and concrete walls. We dream of home and holding our children only to wake up again in this never ending nightmare. Everyday brings new evidence of our innocence. The story keeps unfolding slowly but how long until the truth and justice are proclaimed ! God knows the truth and our prayers daily are that the truth come out fully , we thank him daily as it unfolds but it is hard to sit while it takes so long to evolve. I am reminded of Proverbs 19:21 " Many are the plans in a persons heart but it is gods purpose that prevails" He has a plan and we all have to trust him. Again I am thankful for all you have done for me and my family ! God Bless you all!
Update #8

September 14th, 2021

weekly update : This week brought us out to court supposedly , we were scheduled for a zoom call but the jail could not do it, so we got woken up at 5 am taken down to a holding cell until 8 am . Then transported in a dog catcher style vehicle over to the courthouse arriving at 9am. We were put into dungeon style holding cells under the courthouse until 2pm when we were taken to court ! But it wasn't even to court it was a zoom call???? the worst part is we are now placed back into a stricter lock down due to the fact we left the jail. Several articles have been posted about our hearing which are even being covered by larger media outlets and now our trials may be pushed back even further. I continue to worry about my family, not being able to provide as I always have gives me my biggest burden so all of you helping is appreciated more than you will ever know. The letters from across the country continue to lift our spirits when they come so of your writing us please keep it up. I miss my wife, kids and grandkids!! Thank you all! God Bless!
Update #7

August 31st, 2021

My fathers weekly update:

weekly update. Tough week with little progress, But that's okay we know the truth will come out and we will be fine! We have began a bible study in here and it has been growing regularly with several knew members getting into the bible for the first time. God uses us in mysterious ways and I feel that God is using this time to help those of us believe reengage and rededicate ourselves to him. At the same time bring a few new people to him. We all are struggling away from our families and when we come together it gets us refocused that God has a plan and is in control. This will be over when he is ready not us. We just have to have the faith that he is guiding us and holding our hand as we walk through the fire. I thank everyone who is helping us and I hope one day I can personally call all of you and thank you for what you have done for me and my family. please keep singing the National Anthem each night at 9pm EST with us, it really helps knowing we have people who support us out there and we never miss a night ! They say someone recorded it and it has been played on radio or TV etc... though I cannot confirm where . Again thank you all and God Bless all of you !
Update #6

August 15th, 2021

My Fathers weekly update : again thank you all for all your support it is truly a blessing and is keeping my family a float ! I can never express the gratitude I have for your kindness and generosity. The lack of amount of evidence is truly jeopardizing the trial dates as they are scheduled probably pushing most into late next year. The judges have not been happy about this and have started setting harder deadlines which may or may not help us. I obviously haven't seen them from my cell but that is what we are hearing in here! We just want the truth to come out and let our juries do their job and decide ! Thank you all again and God Bless is all. Kelly Meggs inmate #376780
Update #5

August 7th, 2021

My dad has given me a message for you all!

I wanted to thank everyone who has contributed to helping us keep our farm and prayers to keep my family strong through these times. I am writing you from the DC Guantanamo as they call it still being held in solitary confinement with no end in sight. I have not seen my wife , children or grandchildren in 6 months which is the absolute worst thing imaginable. They say that hardships make you stronger and the only thing that has gotten stronger is my faith that God will bring out the truth and bless my family bringing us all back together again ! Those of us detained here in DC Guantanamo sing the National Anthem every night at 9 pm from behind our cell doors and have been told others across the country are turning on their outside lights and doing this with us at 9 pm which truly has lifted our spirits as we sit without bonds although 90% of us have absolutely no criminal history ! Please keep us in your prayers , sing with us each night and write us if you can through the Patriot Mail Project which has all address and inmate info. Thank you all for your support it has truly been a blessing from God! I just want to hold my wife and kids again soon! Thank you Kelly Meggs \ inmate #376780
Update #4

August 6th, 2021

Thank you guys all again! My father and mother are so happy to see that there are so many people supporting us still. My father has requested that I send him every positive comment we receive so I am going to start that today! Please leave a note on your donation and I will send it to him! God bless!
Update #3

August 5th, 2021

Hey guys, sorry about waiting so long for an update. My father is still being held in solitary confinement conditions in Washington DC for over 6 months now. Any donation will help as we continue to pay our bills during this uncertain time. Thank you all so much and God Bless!
Update #2

March 27th, 2021

Thank you all again for everything. As you may have seen, my mother was granted pretrial release and is back home with us. God has been amazing with all the blessings He has given us in this dark time. Keep praying for us! 
Update #1

March 17th, 2021

Thank you all so much! I never thought this would happen. I am in such disbelief right now. God is good, as soon as the article was published I proceeded to go to my church and I thanked God for everything He has done for me. My mother began crying tears of joy when I told her what was happening, and I haven't been able to speak to my dad since the article was first published but I imagine the same will happen from him. We all felt so alone, that the world hated our family because of how the news was treating us, but this has given us so much hope and faith in humanity. Thank you all and may God bless all of you!

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