Supporting Looking Glass Forum


 USD $175,000


 USD $0

Campaign created by Sean Carson

Campaign funds will be received by Sean Carson

Supporting Looking Glass Forum

We are building the ground level political and social resistance against the descending tyranny of the Deep-State empire centered in WASHINGTON DC. The American people and the world are utterly enthralled and now even enslaved to the Administrative State which has weaponized the debt creating machinery of the Federal Reserve System which envelopes the American people, chaining them as collateral to perpetual systematic debt bondage through Social Security numbers and birth certifications. We are exposing the system of elite capture by the Globalist cabal that now moves international policy and steers the direction of contrived forever wars like that we witnessed in Iraq and that which now sweeps through Ukraine. Looking Glass Forum depends on your support to continue our broadcasts and research, we rely entirely on listener activism and donations which are dividends directed fully at the cost of show production, electronic equipment and research engagement which allows us to bring the unvarnished truth to the public. 

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