Help Us Defend One of the Good Guys

Campaign created by Christian Paul

Campaign funds will be received by David Eastman

Help Us Defend One of the Good Guys

 Before they began efforts to remove Donald Trump from the ballot, they first tried to do it to Rep. David Eastman here in Alaska.

The unrelenting effort to purge conservative voices from all walks of life ran into a brick wall in Alaska last year after Left-wing and Marxist groups launched a multi-year effort to vilify Rep. David Eastman and expel him from public office against the will of Alaska voters.

After they lost at the ballot box they then tried to sue him personally simply for getting re-elected! He prevailed, and won the lawsuit, but the legal expenses from his serving in the legislature are now well over $300,000. Please help us defend David from these unprecedented attacks on a legislator, his family, and the right of voters to choose their own elected representative!

The following message has been approved by the Eastman family:

After running socialist and moderate candidates against him three elections in a row without success, in 2022 they reached back to a law written in 1950 that forbids Communists from serving in government, and declared that David should be forbidden from being a legislator because he attended President Trump's speech on January 6th in Washington, DC.

That was it. They sought to brand him a "disloyal American" simply for standing with the president by attending and listening to the president's speech. For this supposed crime they spent eight months hosting rallies, and email and phone campaigns to put pressure on the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives to remove him from office.

Alaskans responded in David's support, and it didn't work. Eight months into their campaign, when it was obvious they had failed, they pivoted and declared that David had joined Oath Keepers back in 2009, and decided to add that to their list of reasons he was a "disloyal American". To the left, recommitting yourself to honoring your oath to the United States Constitution is now an act of disloyalty, tantamount to being a member of the KGB in the Cold War--at least from their perspective.

To give you a flavor of where they are coming from politically, the campaign to remove David was started by the Party for Socialism and Liberation in Anchorage, Alaska. They demand the violent overthrow of all capitalist governments and highlighted their campaign against David on the Communist News Website.

They brought in a radical law firm (the Northern Justice Project) and attorneys from Los Angeles, California and Fairbanks to sue David personally. The Northern Justice Project law office itself is a living shrine to the Black Panther Party and various Communist revolutionaries. They required David to attend a court-ordered deposition underneath a poster of communist revolutionary Che Guevara.

At the height of the election campaign, they also required David to locate and submit more than 30,000 pages of documents to the candidate who ran against him and lost in the last election.

Their lawsuit failed. David won in court.

Yet we are told that our family must now bear the weight of hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees because of David's willingness to serve in public office. If David had resigned from office, the case would have gone away. It is only because he won re-election, and continues to defend the rights of every American that they wanted to put him on trial.

There are no attorneys in Alaska whose job it is to defend whether or not someone should be a member of the legislature, or whether an election should be overturned because a legislator is "disloyal" to the Constitution. The idea of suing a legislator personally for simply being a member of the legislature is unheard of.

It's a stressful time for our family as we look for where the money will come from to defend David's continuing to serve in the legislature against these legal attacks (a textbook example of lawfare if there ever was one). We believe this is where God has asked us to serve as a family today, and David will continue to stand, but there is a concerted effort to silence conservative voices in government today and we are certainly feeling that as a family. Please help us counter this attack with the resources that David needs to be able to stand on behalf of every American against these assaults on our constitutional rights.

Your contribution today will be used to help David cover the legal costs that have arisen from his service as a state legislator as he stands on the front lines fighting to fulfill his oath to support and defend the Constitution!

-Excerpt of Media Coverage-

Courting disaster: Unseating elected representatives via the judiciary is a dangerous precedent (Anchorage Daily News)

Rep. Eastman supporters pack Anchorage courtroom as lawmaker fights attempt to ban him from public office (Alaska Watchman)

Mat-Su Republican Party leaders blast suit against Rep. Eastman as a threat to constitutional government (Alaska Watchman)

Rep. Eastman: The Left aims to silence those who oppose their shifting ideological whims (Alaska Watchman)

-Legal Disclaimer-
For more detailed information on the lawsuit, including motions and pleadings, visit

We are grateful for your most generous donation, up to the annual limit of $249.99 per person this year. Thank you.

If you prefer, you can instead donate by check made out to "David Eastman Legal Defense fund" using the address at the bottom of this page. | 1491 W Gold Bar Rd., Wasilla, AK 99654.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
20 days ago

Love you son

27 days ago

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Love you son

1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

Love you son

2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
3 months ago

Your friends in Juneau support you. "...and having done everything, stand."

Anonymous Giver
3 months ago

Love you son

Anonymous Giver
3 months ago

3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
4 months ago

Keep on truckin'!

Anonymous Giver
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
4 months ago

Keep fighting!

Anonymous Giver
4 months ago

Love you son

4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

Robert the Marine
5 months ago

David, The Lord, be with you! Robert

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

Love you son

5 months ago


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