CAD $100,000
CAD $1,164
Campaign funds will be received by Kill Bill 293
We started this Give Send Go campaign to help Canadians STOP Bill C-293 dead in it's tracks.
Bill C-293 is the federal legislation put forth by the NDP-Liberal government to create a new agency under Public Health to 'manage' all aspects of Canada's healthcare, food, agriculture and economy.
In reality it is a totalitarian power grab of unprecedented proportion designed to place Canada under the control of un-elected bureaucrats and international regulations.
It seeks to give the government the ability to place Canada in a permanent state of emergency, handing over unbridled power to bureaucrats to expropriate land, close animal markets, change land use, control manufacturing, production and communication networks.
Under the cover of the last destructive 'pandemic response' Bill C-293 has quietly passed the House of Commons with the support of the NDP-Liberals. The Conservatives or Bloc voted against it. It is currently before the Senate in it's second reading.
Our Campaign Kill Bill 293 has three central goals:
1. To make every Canadian aware of clear and imminent threat of Bill C-293
2. To make every Senator, MP and MPP aware of Bill-293 and our opposition to it
3. To provide Canadians with the resources to make this campaign possible
With your help we can do an end run around the media and social media platforms and place a door knocker, postcard or business cards on 1,000,000 doors and cars and lamp posts across Canada. We will flood the Senate with the sincere pleas of Canadians to stop the totalitarian take over of our beloved Canada and kindly remind them they have the support of Canadians to say NO! to a permanent state of emergency.
Questions & Answers
What can I do to help?
1. Go to KillBill293.com and volunteer
2. Give to KillBill293.com campaign and fund the printed materials, marketing costs.
Where will my money go?
Donations can be allocated to sponsor a city or a province or you can donate to the overall campaign where your money will be put to work in the most effective way possible.
100% of proceeds fund marketing, production and distribution of materials and messaging KillBill293.com.
Where will any excess donations go?
Any proceeds in excess of our goal or unspent before the campaign is over will fund our next campaign to keep Canada sovereign and free!
Is your campaign team paid?
No. All campaign participants are volunteers. We are concerned citizens who volunteer our time and help fund the campaign.
How much should I give?
Anything and everything helps.
$10 can fund as many as 200 full color business cards.
$40 can fund as many as 1,000 full color business cards.
$250 can fund as many as 1,500 full color 11" x 4.25" door knockers.
$7,800 can fund as many as 100,000 full color 11" x 4.25" door knockers.
The more money we raise the more materials we can purchase and the better the volume discounts we can get.
When does the campaign begin?
Our campaign is underway. Anyone can download the printed materials online at KillBill293.com and start distributing themselves. With private donations we have kick started the production of our first 10,000 door knockers and business cards.
Teams are signing up online from across the country, citizen advocates are spreading the word on social media and podcasts and our citizen street teams are hitting the ground running starting this Saturday!
Donate now, or volunteer and get connected with citizen advocates and street teams in your area!
Be the fuel that keeps the fire of liberty burning in Canada!
KillBill293 National Street Team
God Save Canada!
This bill needs to be stopped, plain and simple.
Thank you for organizing ! Let’s save Canadians !
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