Help Karolina: A Vaccine Injured 23 Year Old


 USD $70,000


 USD $58,060

Campaign created by John Bowes

Campaign funds will be received by Karolina Stancik

Help Karolina: A Vaccine Injured 23 Year Old

Karolina is a 23 year old athlete, patriot and Christian who just wanted to help others and serve her country when she joined the Army National Guard.

In order to serve, she took the COVID-19 vaccine, but tragically, her life has been permanently altered because of it. After two doses of the Moderna vaccine, Karolina has had two heart attacks and a mini stroke, and she suffers from multiple other ailments and complications because the vaccine. The future of her health is uncertain. 

Now, TRICARE, the military medical system, is not paying her medical bills, and she stands to face more than $35,000 in medical debt on top of the tens of thousands in treatment and travel costs that will be required to get her the proper medical care to hopefully recover fully.

Please consider blessing this poor young girl with the gift of true and helpful medical care, so she no longer has to suffer every day from the consequences of fraudulent and terrifying medical, financial and military mistreatment and abuse. 

Recent Donations
Paul Ashley
$ 25.00 USD
10 hours ago

Mark Robinson
$ 25.00 USD
1 day ago

I am glad to see you aregetting closer to your goal, the contributions were so low for so long.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 day ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
1 day ago

You are a true inspiration to all. May God continue to bless your recovery and all your endeavors. Amen.

Joan C
$ 6.00 USD
1 day ago

Donald Pauly
$ 14.00 USD
1 month ago

Spike proteins may be removable

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
1 month ago

May God bless you and Mother Mary keep you on your difficult road to recovery.

Idaho Patriot
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Prayers up for you Karolina. You are an inspiration to all for fighting the good fight and asking God to place his healing hand on you. Thank you and blessings in Jesus name!

Mark Robinson
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

More updates, please. Otherwise we figure your goal has been reached. Plus, we want to know how you are!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

hope you get better...

Joanne H
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

May God bless you and restore your health!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for you, Karolina!!

Stephen Ramer
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Merry Christmas and God will bless you.

$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Thanks for bringing awareness in regards to covid-19 vaccine injuries. As someone who did not get the jab and was ostracized for it, I appreciate you for speaking out. Anyways hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
3 months ago

Kris and Rob Bosworth
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 35.00 USD
3 months ago

Hope you are having a Merry Christmas season !

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

I saw you on Cuomo tonight. I see you as having a new career as a motivational speaker for the challenges you have/are facing

Anonymous Giver
$ 35.00 USD
3 months ago

Praying that you will continue to stay strong and be healed.

C Schlagel
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago


Update #14

March 21st, 2025

Hi everyone!

Just a couple of updates and then a big announcement!

  • I still have not been reimbursed by Tricare for over $50k out-of-pocket in bills. That will be a long process to adjudicate, which could very well result in retaining more counsel. I will update you on that when I know more.
  • I am now paying for co-pays and medications. This is quickly becoming costly. For me to stay with my current medical team, I have to stay on the current health care plan I am on.  Some of my medications (pain meds) are extremely expensive so I have had to refrain from ordering those. I have spine surgeon appointments coming up next two weeks. They will be evaluating and deciding my next steps for treatment. Surgery is likely.
  • I am doing okay with my heart, but I have had to start taking a new medication to support my heart. My pacemaker is doing well, but the high heart rates are not under control yet.
  • I have taken a pretty significant pay cut since I retired from the military. I started school again to hopefully bring in some more income to support myself. I am trying to go as holistic as possible (cold plunge, saunas, spending time in the outdoors, red light therapy..etc). This does mean I need to make more than I am now. If I could turn my home into a recovery center, that would be IDEAL.


It's LIVE!!

I have launched 'Destined for Greater'!!! I decided on 'Destined for Greater' because I realized early on in my journey, that all the suffering I had to endure would be used for a greater purpose and that it was just putting me on a path to carry out God's mission! Destined for Greater will have groups where service members, people suffering from all backgrounds, and anyone enduring medical complications can come for hope, prayer, and support. 

The first group within Destined for Greater is called 'Because You Can'. I launched this in hopes of shifting the mindsets of people around the world. When growing up, I took for granted the ability to move as freely as I was able. Now, after facing near-death experiences, I have learned that an attitude of gratitude can shape my trajectory and it surely can shape yours. My vision is to create 'Walk because you can', 'Run because you can', and eventually incorporate other activities into this! Some people would give anything to walk, run, or simply stand up. I am encouraging us as a community to come alongside those individuals and support them in their journeys. 

I have apparel for sale on the website. First 100 sales, 50% of proceeds WILL be DONATED. The first donation from Destined for Greater will be to a ministry. 

I am stoked for the next season of life, and am grateful for you all! Thank you! 

Update #13

February 6th, 2025

Hi everyone!

A few updates:

1. My heart seems to be stabilizing, which is good. I’m trying to incorporate some more physical activity. It’s exhausting me quickly, so there is that hurdle I have to overcome.

2. My spine and nerve issues have gotten worse. I have been dealing with an immense increase in pain. I also received not so good news regarding my spine injury. It has gotten worse so I’ve been dealing with the neurologist more consistently.

With that being said- my next step is most likely surgery of some sort. I meet with the neurosurgeon on Feb 14. It is for my lower back. If the surgery takes place, I am expecting numerous months of recovery. Until I know what the doctor says, I am unable to start working. I was going to start school again as well (grad school for Homeland Security) but waiting to hear from the surgeons. 

This is going to be a huge step and going to obviously take some sort of toll in multiple ways in my life so I will need prayers love and support through it all. 

Thank you all so much and Happy New Year!

Update #12

December 13th, 2024

Hi guys!

Things have been absolutely wild these past few months

Big big big news!! I just medically retired YESTERDAY. While I will have some compensation, that is not enough to cover what happened to me. I will have to find work to support my new lifestyle I have to live in accordance with taking care of my health. If you have ideas, that would be great. Remote preferably. 

The army did (after tremendous pressure) reinstate some pay for the 19 months I was discharged. 

The issue is that the army has refused to reimburse over 55k of expenses that I have paid out of pocket and that are still due. That will require further litigation. Working on navigating what they may look like. 

I was in cardiac rehab and aggravated my spine injury, so I had to stop that and get into physical therapy. I have been getting better for the most part it seems other than the nerve pain issues. We have figured out a plan for my heart which seems to be doing pretty good between meds and my pacemaker. 

Months, weeks and days leading up to retirement have been absolutely exhausting and my body is feeling the weight of it. 

Prayers and suggestions for the next steps in this journey would be appreciated! Be on the lookout in the next half a year for my book!!! 

Thank you all for everything!!

Update #11

October 23rd, 2024

A lot has happened the past couple of months. My time in the military is wrapping up, with a separation date nearing. Recovery from pacemaker is going well. My spine injury has not resolved well, resulting in surgery. I was admitted right after surgery due to passing out in my kitchen the evening of surgery. I have had heart failure meds doubled, started cardiac rehab, and attempting round 2 of physical therapy. 

I’ve gotten more Labwork done which is not looking promising as we are dumbfounded why certain markers are progressively getting worse. More to come on that.

I live in Tampa, so it’s been wild here due to all the hurricanes. I am safe. My house did get damage but waiting for more repairs to be done. 

Other than that, not too much going on but I’ll say it here for a little glimpse of what the future holds: I’m writing a book and it will be done in a couple of months! Be on the lookout for announcements of that!! 

I appreciate you all.

Update #10 (Thank you)

August 20th, 2024


I truthfully could not get through this without everyone. In such a dark time of my life, I’ve never felt more loved. God has really shown me His love through all of you, so thank you for being so present!

Update #10

August 20th, 2024

Hi everyone! It’s been TEN weeks since my pacemaker surgery. The incision site is looking great so far! Recovery has been a roller coaster but for the most part, good and easy! Still some pain occasionally at the site. I have a lot of stiffness and tension in the area causing additional discomfort and pain. I’ll be going through physical therapy soon for that part.

My migraines are still not doing so well. I just started two new meds for that. 

My diet is completely changing. Introducing more supplements, and started a new medication for my heart. 

Big big big success in the past couple of weeks regarding the legal side of things and seeking out restitution. Donations significantly HELPED getting these results. The fight is not over. We’re making baby steps. Lawyers are still involved and will continue to be involved for the foreseeable future.

My spine injury has not gotten better. I’m seeking out different methods of treatment, but it’s moving slow. In a week, I have a second spine procedure. Recovery time roughly a week. I recently saw a spine specialist, but as we know, anything non western medicine is NOT covered by tricare so I will be out of pocket to continue treatment.

Some other big things are moving into place such as potentially getting a service dog and I will be moving in a month. It’s been busy.

Prayers, love and support always needed!! Still fighting the fight!

Update #9

June 7th, 2024

Good morning,

This week on Tuesday I underwent Pacemaker surgery and they also had to remove an implant loop recorder as well. I am now in recovery at home resting and trying to sleep as much as possible. The surgery was scheduled last week but it got moved to this week due to some scheduling issues. For the most part, I feel alright. I’m just experiencing quite a bit of pain and discomfort. Prayers for healing and recovery with minimal to no pain would be amazing. Love you all and couldn’t have gotten through this without all of you.

I have photos on facebook, X and instagram pre and post surgery if you’re curious!

Update #8

May 20th, 2024

Big big news-

Last Tuesday I was supposed to start a new med, and it got denied. Wednesday I ended up not feeling well (couldn’t tell if it was cardiac or not). Thursday medication got appealed. Friday I got called by the cardiologist and they told me that they had to rescind the medication because my heart was actually stopping (they found this within 1 week of implanting the recorder).

I have since then been placed on driving restrictions. I was told it was not bad enough to send ,e to the hospital for an emergency pacemaker, but more than likely I will be getting one. They scheduled me to see an electrophysiologist and I just saw one today.

It is confirmed that I will be getting a pacemaker surgery in a week and a half . They will remove the loop recorder as the pace maker will do both jobs. I will start the medication after the pacemaker is implanted and then we will go from there.

Currently under strict supervision and guidelines to make sure I DONT have other episodes or make matters worse. I will not be allowed to drive or do much for the next month. Pretty much bed rest. Will keep you all up to date. Thank you everyone 

Update #7

May 9th, 2024

Hi everyone- update time again!

We got through the big week! So that is a blessing!

I got my Cardiac MRI results back which did come back with an ejection fraction of 48%. 5 Months ago, it was 65.3% so that is a drop by 17% in a quick time frame. I am going through treatment to hopefully slow the progression but also reverse it. No easy task by any means. I start a Beta Blocker in a couple weeks.

My first spine procedure provided relief for 24 hours and I went right back to where I started with some other issues shortly after. Round 2 and a different location to target was SCHEDULED for this coming week. Due to my cardiac complications and the need for Anesthesia, I am unable to do it outside of a Hospital setting. I am scheduled to go through the next procedure on my spine at a larger hospital. 

I just had an implant done. Cardiac Loop Recorder. Yes, it is a surgery. I went through that 2 days ago and my pain levels are up, but this will be a 3 year diagnostic test so praying for quick healing of the incision as well as the muscle and tissue they cut in (it is causing severe pain and trouble sleeping). 

Today was my last VA appointment, so that should be in the works and praying for 100 on the first round!

My brain MRI came back with a new diagnosis which was alarming and is under review and careful watch with the neuro surgeon and neurology department. I am right on the cusp of normal and abnormal, so if there is any shift, I am more than likely getting surgery on my head. For now, that is not the case!

Prayers for peace, relief of pain, sleep and patience throughout all of this will always be appreciated. 

Thank you for all your support throughout ❤️

Update #6

April 1st, 2024

Update time!

This week is a BIG week. We have been going through the MEB process the last few months as well as making an appeal to the VA. Things have been overwhelmingly busy, but they are moving forward. We are finally moving into the action part of treatment regarding all my medical stuff. Months and even years have gone by before any real action has been taken.

I am still undergoing constant medical care. I have a new cardiologist who will be performing more testing (Bloodwork, and Cardiac MRI), a DIFFERENT beta blocker and will do an implant within the next month (surgical procedure). 

This week i finish out my last two appointments for VA rating (cardiac tests and mental health).

I have a spine procedure (epidural injection in my lumbar under anesthesia) for the injury when I passed out down a flight of stairs. I am expecting a 3 day recovery from this. I have been in the worst pain of my life the past few months. 

I had a 23 day migraine this month and I will be getting a Brain MRI this Friday. 

That’s pretty much it for now, but it’s a big month with many tests getting done. Prayers for answers, healing, comfort, peace, and no pain would be amazing. For everyone following my story and supporting me through this, thank you again from the bottom of my heart. 

Update #5

January 21st, 2024

Hey everyone-

It has been a little while since we have updated the page. First off, we want to thank you for the continued support and prayers. This journey would not be possible without each and every person’s love and support. 

Second, the battle remains between health and coverage. There have been a few new diagnoses. The battle also includes multiple hospitalizations throughout the last few months and the most recent holidays. I took a really bad fall in September due to a heart condition which resulted in a spine injury on top of the countless other issues I am currently facing. The treatment regiment has been focused more on a detox protocol as results are coming back with some answers. We have not found the answers yet or long term treatment. 

Over the course of the last month, some progress has been made. I have switched to a few new specialists and am waiting to be seen by them for second opinions. I am not working, but was brought back on orders to enter the MEB process. As many of you have heard, I am going through the next step of the process. I had let you all know that we have been on the search for a legal team to take on my case. My team and I have found legal guidance to lead me through the remaining time I have in the service. This will include going through the disability rating (VA) and correcting the 21 months of time that I was without proper care. This is a big challenge in every aspect of my life currently.

We are NOT raising the goal amount; however, prayers, support and your donations will not only continue to aide during my treatments, but it will also start to help offset legal costs. 

Thank you again everyone for all the love and support. I could not do it without you.

Update #4

September 6th, 2023

Update on Karolina:

I'm sure the jump to $70,000 as the fundraising goal is alarming and concerning to some, so we would like to explain why and urge you to continue supporting her.

Since the last fundraising update, Karolina has worsened medically and financially.

She has since been diagnosed with pericarditis, cataracts, worsening asthma, worsening vision, mitral valve prolapse, small fiber neuropathy (with an unknown cause), and worsening allergies.

Because of her worsening state, she has required a multitude of expensive and recurring treatments and exams including blood work, homeopathic treatments, an implant monitor, an expensive diet, and travel expenses to seek treatment from specialists.

The military is still fighting her on covering these treatments, so she is paying out of pocket for these treatments. She now has more than $70,000 in medical debt!

Please continue to keep her in your prayers, and please find it in your heart to support her as she struggles to make ends meet when she absolutely should not have to. She is handling this with incredible resilience, courage, and determination, but she cannot do this on her own. 

Update #3

July 29th, 2023

Hi everyone,

Its Karolina here personally wanting to thank everyone for all contributions and prayers as I have been battling the ongoing health issue. Without your love and support, I would not be able to get through this to even the slightest extent.

 Up to date, in May I went to the Urgent Care for what I thought was a respiratory infection, but to my surprise it was another heart attack. I was admitted for 3 days and have missed countless hours of work since then. I recently found out that during that event, my ejection fracture has lowered by 5% over the last year, with mitral valve prolapse. I find out August 3 about procedures which include a catheterization, Mitral Valve replacement and a 5 year implant. The cardiac work up isn’t the only thing but it’s the most concerning. I am now showing more signs of MS as well as Auto-Immune disorders. There is a lot of tissue growth found in my head causing breathing issues but we are not sure what route to take (surgery or meds).

They have me on 36 pills a day roughly and that’s to keep me ‘safe’. Treatment and fixing the issue remain unknown but I have multiple doctors who would like to help me holistically. Given the nature of my on going medical debt, multiple people have asked that I update the goal.

To help you better understand,

-up to date roughly $35000 that has not been covered by TRICARE. This does NOT account for thousands out of pocket to pay and running my secondary insurance for billing as well.

I have been told to continue the treatments (IVs, Infrared Sauna, strict diet, Red Light Laser therapy) and try EBOO. With that being said, medical debt is only part of the issue. In order for me to seek out proper treatment for recovery, I need to be able to financially afford that. It costs about $1000 monthly to take care of IV’s and Sauna therapy alone.

This is only part of the burden, as the waiting game causes stress emotionally and physically. I am working despite everything because costs to try and keep myself half together are only increasing. 

I am undergoing the process with the VA, still waiting for medical discharge and in search of an attorney. 

I would appreciate any help and support. Thank you everyone again for all you have done, I wouldn’t be here without your love, help and support.

Side note: I have done countless interviews and gone in to depth about my experiences. Feel free to go on google and look up “karolina Stancik”

Update #2

January 31st, 2023

$15,000 in less than ONE month... wow! Thank you everyone for all your incredibly generous donations to help Karolina. A special thank you to the Gateway Pundit, Monica Matthews, Emerald Robinson and others for sharing her story and helping us reach our goals. 

Karolina continues to receive more and more conflicting and confusing diagnoses as she works tirelessly to get healthy again, and she needs so much support to exhaust her options. Your continued generosity makes it possible for us to up our goal to $20,000. Also, if anyone is knows of a remote job position for her, it would be an immense blessing to get her employed again so she can keep a roof over her head for the long term. Reach out via if you have any offers to help her with employment. 

God bless!

Update #2

January 31st, 2023

$15,000 in less than ONE month... wow! Thank you everyone for all your incredibly generous donations to help Karolina. A special thank you to the Gateway Pundit, Monica Matthews, Emerald Robinson and others for sharing her story and helping us reach our goals. 

Karolina continues to receive more and more conflicting and confusing diagnoses as she works tirelessly to get healthy again, and she needs so much support to exhaust her options. Your continued generosity makes it possible for us to up our goal to $20,000. Also, if anyone is knows of a remote job position for her, it would be an immense blessing to get her employed again so she can keep a roof over her head for the long term. Reach out via if you have any offers to help her with employment. 

God bless!

Update #2

January 31st, 2023

$15,000 in less than ONE month... wow! Thank you everyone for all your incredibly generous donations to help Karolina. A special thank you to the Gateway Pundit, Monica Matthews, Emerald Robinson and others for sharing her story and helping us reach our goals. 

Karolina continues to receive more and more conflicting and confusing diagnoses as she works tirelessly to get healthy again, and she needs so much support to exhaust her options. Your continued generosity makes it possible for us to up our goal to $20,000. Also, if anyone is knows of a remote job position for her, it would be an immense blessing to get her employed again so she can keep a roof over her head for the long term. Reach out via if you have any offers to help her with employment. 

God bless!

Update 29 January 2023

January 29th, 2023

THANK YOU to everyone who has so generously provided so far. It is an absolute blessing that Karolina will be able to support herself a little more thanks to your generosity. Karolina has sadly lost her job because of her injuries, and the Army National Guard is moving to medically discharge her. We have decided to raise the fundraising goal to $15,000 to better support her. 

Please continue sharing Karolina's story so we can bless her immensely with comfort and stability in her troubled times. 

You can read more about Karolina's story here:

And please watch her interview with Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft at 4PM Eastern time, 29 January here:

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.