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Jeffrey McKellop, U.S Army Special Forces, Retired

Campaign created by Lydia Sorrow

Campaign funds will be received by Lydia Sorrow

Jeffrey McKellop, U.S Army Special Forces, Retired

My name is Jeffrey McKellop, Airborne Ranger 2nd Ranger BN, Special Forces, Green Beret (Retired)

Serviced in Combat in Bosnia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, Germany, Italy and more


Please support me and my family. I have lost everything. 

When my country called, I answered! Never been arrested! I had only ever received 4 speeding tickets.

On January 6, 2021 – My friend called me, “Bro, your country needs you! Meet me at the capital January 6. As Always – with my eyes did I see, the beating death of Rosanna Boyland. No, how can this be? Because it’s on video! Wanna know more? Demand the release of All on videos! 

Since my face was on posted on America’s Most Wanted, I received a call from my job: “Hey Jeff, can you come to the office in DC and bring your government passport.” “Yeah, we are going to need you to clean out your desk. Yeah, and maybe box up your dead plants, with your High School trophies and Yeah, Take a break for a while. Home for some time. Yeah, thanks for showing up today.”

FBI: I called and turned myself in January 11, 2021

Hired attorney – January 10, 2021 – told to show up March 16 at FBI HQ

I became America’s most wanted #215. Judge Nichols, “Mr. McKellop, You’re the worst thing this country has ever seen, Bond Denied” 

FBI crashed my house while I was in the Correctional Treatment Facility-DC. (CTF-DC). FBI left both my broken house door and garage door wide open. One-week later, snow and rain entered my home.

In one day, my ex was notified of my absence. She cleaned out my home. She obtained a document too: Buy, sell, trade, start, stop anything in my name: Guess what happened….

2019 4 runner (Gone); Specialize Roubaix carbon fiber road bike (Gone); Clothes (Gone); Home put up for rent; IRA (Gone); My retirement and disability monthly check (spent). All my I.D. passport old credit cards (maxed and destroyed) - Thank you Governor of Colorado.

In the CTF-DC, I have been on 23/1 Lock down, handcuffed with leg irons. I’ve been dragged down the halls and subjected to unbelievable cruel and hateful treatment.

I need your help. I love and miss my children dearly. I have always been there for my country. Please consider helping me during this unimaginably difficult time.

My name is Jeff McKellop. I am a Political Prisoner in My Own Country.

What will you do when they come for you?

Written from his letters from his jail cell. Names and other information redacted to protect people. Lydia Sorrow is helping run the campaign.

Jeff's Current Address is:

Jeffrey Mckellop, #35220-509

FMC Fort Worth

P.O. Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119

Please note - always check with Patriot Mail Project for the current locations

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 118.00 USD
2 days ago

You will find redemption. God has you in His hands

$ 50.00 USD
10 days ago

Thank you, Lydia, for supporting and comforting J6ers, including Jeff. I'm praying for Jeff and his release.

Anonymous Giver
$ 32.00 USD
11 days ago

Gavin DEti
$ 25.00 USD
11 days ago

My prayers are with you and your family. Pray, stay strong and never give up!

$ 25.00 USD
18 days ago

God bless you and may this be over soon.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
18 days ago

Cold war warrior

Cheryl K Kempen
$ 25.00 USD
20 days ago

I too am a mother. My son is a 25-year Army Combat Vet. My heart and prayers go out to you. God bless for continuing to speak out. Some day I hope to read the book I am sure you could write.

Holly Lopez
$ 50.00 USD
20 days ago

We continue to pray for you and your family. As a mother of military boys, what has happened to you is atrocious.

Jerry and Beth
$ 50.00 USD
22 days ago

Team Anderson
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

Jeff, we miss being able to visit you in DC. We think of you and pray for you regularly. You have shown so much strength and fortitude throughout this unjust treatment! Stay strong! God has great plans for your future. You are already inspiring more people than you realize by your example of strength through the fire. God bless you! Praying that you experience God in a very real way.

William Ducar
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

4 years!!! To be held that long with no bail and what happened to "the right to a speedy trial"? I like your tenacity and fortitude. You and all the J6ers who go the distance deserve to be compensated big time!! I believe the Donald will do the right thing and exonerate you all on the first day. The Hypocrites need to go to jail. Stay the course! You are special! All my hopes, J

Anonymous Giver
$ 45.00 USD
1 month ago

you are always in my thoughts & prayers. i stand with you 100% in your expressions of calling out those demonic communists for what they have done and continue to do to goo, God loving, moral, decent people, (real Americans). keep your faith strong and may God bless you and give you strength until you are once again free and vindicated.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Really wish something could be done re the efficacy of your lawyer. Wish you had serious ongoing help in this regard. Please keep trying. Hoping for regime change to bring some justice and end this nightmare. J6ers are Not forgotten. Please know that. We can't believe this is happening in our country. Thank you for your service and keep us posted,

Ranger Hanger
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Jeff, You are an inspiration. Carry on Hanger

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Love and prayers for you.

Tricia Townsend
$ 40.00 USD
1 month ago

We will not be quiet, we will not stand down, and we are not going away. Stay strong.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

So that his children may have all that they need now and heading into the school year! let's do this! All the Way!


Attorneys - I've been lied to by so many.

September 24th, 2024

I was thinking about this memo again. I know it's been only three weeks. :( But it's a lifetime in this hole. I'm on my own when it comes to attorneys. I've been on my own from the start. This is BS. I told Teakell. "I'm the type of guy who needs a bone thrown to once in a while. If not? I start making answers to my own questions. See where I'm going with this?" Then I let his arm go.

These attorneys sent everything to the prosecution to use against me. They gather resources arming themselves against my case.

I don't know who to trust. I've been lied to by so many. I've been told to tell the truth by all who are lying to me from the get-go. Mrs. Young and Mrs. Hennery. LOOKED ME IN THE FU#$ING EYE! "We're on your side Jeff, you can trust us." Then called me an alarmist when I started explaining what was happening to me in CTF.

"Oh, you can trust me. I'm telling the truth. I'm working hard. We're using all resources in your case. We have three people working right now. You're in good hands. You need to be honest with me Jeff. The judge likes you, he's on our side. The judge always takes the low side of the deal. If you have another 20K, we can talk this down. I feel your slipping Jeff. You need to be looked at. I'm worried about you. The judge is angry with you Jeff, we need to hurry and take this deal. "

On an On.

Now I'm here.

I was watching a program. That fat dude, singer songwriter. "Jelly Fish” was speaking about giving, $11.00 a month to a wounded vet.

He Was speaking about building homes for wounded vets. You know, the little ones.

I was wondering if the Carl J. Nichols was watching the same program, if he really gives a Fu#$ about life.

I'm going to need one of those homes when I get out. It's small. But if we all stand up with our hands to our sides. And nobody moves? We could send out to Hardies for a sandwich. I can get my kids and their kids in for Thanksgiving. I think it'll be a good time. We could hold hands (Because they're already at our sides.) Just spin in place to use the toilet. I think it has Wi-Fi so we can look at the TV that's on the wall. If kids have to take a nap? We have to move outside to lower the bed.

yes! Sign me up. I'll be back on my feet before I know it.

You know what? I'm going to fight this to the end. I know I have my low points. But I'm not broken yet. You can't break me.

This entire thing is BS! It's a setup, and we found it on video!

Thank you

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

I AM, 3rd Grp Special Forces ODA 394,396

De Oppresso Libre!

The 2nd Assassination Attempt on President Trump

September 17th, 2024

"Here we are and once again. When will America take a stand? When is enough, enough? And the Dems are still blaming him for standing for America. They're blaming MAGA movement for this issue. Really...... The hand of our creator has descended down to intervene once again. Following the trace of the bullet to turn it in a time of need. Get right with it, people!  As always, "Lord you are my God who saves me. Every night I cry out to you, may my prayer come before you, turn your ear to my cry." Ephesians 13-17 " The Armor of God"


"Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD!"

Now is the time to recognize people!!! Now is the time to take a stand. The Left is calling on America to rally against anyone on the Right? Democrats are calling for violence on Republicans and blaming Trump for what happened? Are you serious? The Democrats are blaming Republicans for violence? Who is committing the violence? The hand of Reality is Slapping you! When will enough be enough? Or will you just vote better next time?

Feel the hair on your neck standing? That's our Architect whispering to you. That's his breath. That's the hot breath of reality telling you to do something for yourself. The Avalanche is coming.

My name is Jeff Mckellop I AM, A Political Prisoner I AM, 3rd Grp Special Forces. ODA 394/396 De Oppresso Libre!  

Sept. 11th, I think about this day all the time. It changed my life forever.

September 12th, 2024


I want to thank each and every one of you out there still hanging in there. It takes a lot to do what you do. I'm not going to pull the "Victim Card", and say, you're not in here with me. IT doesn't matter anymore. We are all in this together.

 We're in different places.

      I was listening to talk radio on the debate. I listen for 20-30min. It was one sided and geared for Kamallllalllaaa.

     This Government is so saturated with lies, that if someone were to tell the truth? The entire pyramid would come crashing down. This is why they don't want Trump. He tells the truth.

    With that being said. I need a book on "Medical Plants." I was asking some dudes in here about what plants cure headaches, Inflammation, rashes, Illnesses?  "Weed." That was it..... It cures everything. ;) I guess eating Gummy's is the cure all.

     So, if you guys are looking for any last-minute gift items to buy me time? I could use another book on Sailing. :) I'm still reading all the others as they come back around. Thank you for your love and care with picking out reading material. Thank you.

     Take a moment out today (written on September 11th) and remember why our country is so special and why middle east filth hates us so much.

     23-yrs ago on this day. As I've spoken before. I was in Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria. We watched our Great Nation take a black eye from the Islamic filth. Like a sand spider waiting for its moment to strike. That's exactly what they did. We allowed it to happen.

      I wish I could go back and do it all over again. What would I do if I had that opportunity?

      I'D GO HARDER!

     There would be no mercy. No Quarter. Nothing would stop me from becoming a machine of war. With the full armor of God himself. Lean forward, never back down, keep pushing, always moving, hurt and pain forever! NEVER QUIT.

    I think about this day all the time. It changed my life forever.

    I feel the hot wind on my face. I stand on the wall ready to do violence on our country's behalf. I need it, it calls to me. Into the doorway, always leaning. Throw the grenade, down the hall, into another room. On top the building jump to another, the heat, feel it on your face as sweat runs down over your glasses, keep going. Feel the heat. Through the gate, shoot the dog, see them run. Pick up the chase. No one gets away. Pumping rounds through the gates, doors, into the courtyards through their windows.

     Into the mountains, cold wind bites, beats high mountain down. Don and I stand fast waiting for the B52's to make their bombing runs. Awesome display of power. Feel the heat.

    They did this to me. They need to pay for the rest of their lives.

    If this woman takes charge? Our nation will fall. All will be lost.

    My attorney is no place to speak with. Who cares anyway? He's juicing money from people to do nothing. He's making crap up as he goes along to keep the flow going. Who Ever is paying him? I'd ask for a detailed progress report weekly!

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

I AM, 3rd Grp Special Forces. ODA 394/396

De Oppresso Libre!

The truth is coming out people

August 29th, 2024

8/27/2024 1:21:24 PM

Two more months will decide my future. Do I take the plea deal, or do I wait for Trump to pull me out of my misery?

As we are humans and blessed with the capability to love our Creator to the Nth degree.

People do things in life that will bring them to their knees before the Book of God. To be called out for their crimes against humanity. He will judge you in the end.....

Mark Zuckerberg. Sold his soul to the devil for a dollar and the 'Party".

Fox News: This morning, Mark is coming out telling the world that he was, "Influenced" to change and alter the content of COVID information to the public.

That "no personality having tool" sold his country out!

Side Note: The crap I put up with in DC because of COVID! :(

Three times locked down for 14-days at a time! 24/7 because there was absolutely NO COVID in my cell. Never took a test! The facility was run by 3yr old's who do nothing but practice being a purple haired bull D^ke! "You has to put mask on! It be the COVID that is in here. You go back cell if you don't want mask." Uh, Ok. I'll go back to my cell were I'm safe.

I tried explaining (Once) what the Thymus Gland does for the human body. Nope! We'll have none of that!

Information to those simians, was like Kryptonite to Superman! After locking me back in my cell for the day. They went back to smashing their lunch with a rock to get the plastic lid off. Getting to the soft goodness inside. Once the container Tupperware Bowl was destroyed. The smile on their face was magical. They slide back in an already straining chair from the Gerth they carry. You could hear the chair scream for mercy!

I was scared. I was doing some math one day thinking about what the "Tensile Strength" of the standard office chair was... It's a lot. "Never come between a Nazgul and his prey."

Zuckerberg is a sellout. This is why I never do social media.

He was leveraged by the DOJ to do what he did. The truth is coming out people.

Information's no good, unless acted upon.......

"It's better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees."

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner


August 22nd, 2024

"Thank you one and all for helping and staying the course. Thank you for sending me letters and books. I can't write to any of you, but I wanted you to know that it means the world to me. Thank you. With all my heart. We're not done by any means. It's one thing to take the hill. It's another to keep it. We need to come together as a single entity. America needs to wake the "F" up! We are at the dawning of the rest of our lives. You're about to wake up and feel the difference. This is our time. Should this time find you to be unprepared? You will fall by the side. You will see with your eyes the punishment of the Wicked. It's time to stand tall and strong. With the Body Armor of our creator, and the Sword of Truth. A thousand will fall by your right hand, ten thousand will lay at your feet. But none shall come near you. You only have to speak His name, and He will be your Fortress and your Ramparts. When Moses was on the mountain, he came across the burning bush. He asked one question: "Who are you?" Our architect and Almighty answered with...... "I AM." That is awesome power to the Nth Degree!"

My name is Jeff Mckellop. I am Special Forces. I am a Political Prisoner.

Round 2 - Just another Tricky Hot Day

August 21st, 2024

The GSG app is acting up and posting things out of order. Please see the one below - the powerful video that Tim Rivers put together based on a letter from Jeff to President DJ Trump.

Here is the post about the Tricks and Conditions in Texas Received August 20, 2024 - Jeff:

I had a random Urinalyses last night. Shocking right? Out of all the people here. We have 98 people here.

They chose me.

They wanted me to sign some document that authorized them to take it and view the results at a later date.

I don't sign anything anymore from the BOP, the Government, Nothing. I don't care if it's my release form. I'm not signing t!

This government had a chance to be honest about their words and actions. They (Meaning the entire DOJ) chose to, Force, Press, intimidate me, into, Signing, and Taking Documentation against my will. When I clearly stated that my attorney needed to see the papers, and they should contact my Bag Attorney to instruct me on what to do.

Of course I was called an, "Alarmist, and a Fire Starter." "Katrina Young, and Catheren Henery."

No answer from my clown shoe wearing idiot attorney. No help there. Whatsoever. Ever!

I gave the man a sample of my deeply yellow liquid (The AC's been acting funny for days. I can't drink enough water) and sent him on his way. This place is about 80-88 degrees daily.

Just letting people know.

I'm not relaying memos through another inmate to get my attorney to speak with me. I'm not speaking with him when he finally shows up. He needs to show some product for the money being put forward. His! "Out Standing Work" Is getting a Failing grade at this point. Hope someone out there is viewing this.

The Train is almost here.

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

Just Another Tricky Hot Day

August 21st, 2024

I had a random Urinalyses last night. Shocking right? Out of all the people here. We have 98 people here.

They chose me.

They wanted me to sign some document that authorized them to take it and view the results at a later date.

I don't sign anything anymore from the BOP, the Government, Nothing. I don't care if it's my release form. I'm not signing t!

This government had a chance to be honest about their words and actions. They (Meaning the entire DOJ) chose to, Force, Press, Intimidate me, into, Signing, and Taking Documentation against my will. When I clearly stated that my attorney needed to see the papers, and they should contact my Bag Attorney to instruct me on what to do.

Of course I was called an, "Alarmist, and a Fire Starter." "Katrina Young, and Catheren Henery."

No answer from my clown shoe wearing idiot attorney. No help there. Whatsoever. Ever!

I gave the man a sample of my deeply yellow liquid (The AC's been acting funny for days. I can't drink enough water) and sent him on his way. This place is about 80-88 degrees daily.

Just letting people know.

I'm not relaying memos through another inmate to get my attorney to speak with me. I'm not speaking with him when he finally shows up. He needs to show some product for the money being put forward. His! "Out Standing Work" Is getting a Failing grade at this point. Hope someone out there is viewing this.

The Train is almost here.

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

Plea to His Commander in Chief, LET ME GO!

August 13th, 2024

Please watch the video included in this update. Thank you, Tim Rivers!

Mail Control and The Olympic Opening Ceremony

July 27th, 2024

Three posts combined on how the system works with his mail. When he gets mail, he doesn't get the originals; "they" copy the letter and envelope, and give him the copies, or scan them and then he reads them on his tablet. Also, when j6ers send mail, the envelopes are opened, the letters read, then put back in the envelope and it is taped shut. So apparently, he received some mail which they gave him a copy of the envelope only.

Jeff: "It had held some nastiness I was sending to Bright, Linder, and Shipley. I'm not done with those dudes by sight! I was sending out some badness to Kiyonaga and his followers as well. These lawyers are such ! I had made them look me in the eye and promise me they're in it and on my side. All have failed me when I needed them the most. (You can post this. SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) can print and paste it on the wall of their crap office.)" He wrote some more about the mail process: "I'm going to attempt to update and remove people from my contacts, but I am going to start writing again. This facility is sending me the same mail pieces 2-3 times within two week periods. Not sure what the purpose is for that? Maybe the fat man/woman/LGBTQRST@#$ skinny-jean wearing in the mailroom forgot to photocopy and stuff it into a box. They've got "1" job!!!! I can see the blank Joe Biden look on their faces down in the mail room. #2)

"I was listening to some Techno music on the 58$ radio you get from the commissary. Some of the other men in here turned onto the Opening Ceremony of the Paris France Olympics. I couldn't tell what the was going on at first. It took a few moments to understand; when in different countries they do different things. After about 10 min, I couldn't decide if I should tie my shirt into a knot around my waist, "Peg leg" my Orange Jumper, and start prancing around the room. Maybe put some lipstick on and hold hands with another man. ? The entire thing was a Drag Show. Men on man relations, same sex unions, changing our sexual orientation because of movement, disfiguring our children because mom and dad want to be one with their Universe. The idea of a man is a vanishing idea. We're (as human beings) being slowly pulled under the carpet. To be swept away. One day it'll come to pass, when some one will step back and ask, where have all the men gone? Who will protect me? What was it that a man was supposed to do? I got up from the table and left. It took 10 min. for the insult to set in. Funny thing? I don't see monkey's doing it....... PS I hope SIS gets some insight out of this. #3)

This place is great. TV is so good. I don't have to move very far, I get huge lunch breaks, no one asks me any questions whatsoever, I have no responsibility to anyone. Just respond with "I don't know, it's not my issue". This government is doing anything it can to stay in power. That will include cheating the upcoming election. Get your bugout bag together, if they take office again. As you're driving from your home for the last time, look into your rear-view mirror and think: A country w/o a border is a piece of land waiting to be occupied.

Where's the rescue truck? I'm on the objective, I'm here, my smoke is out, I've given my grid, my mission is complete, the enemy is coming back. I'm waiting.

Jeff Mckellop Political Prisoner De Oppresso Libre!


Jeff's Powerful Reaction to the Questioning of the Secret Service Director over the failure to protect Trump.

July 23rd, 2024

 “I snapped out of my hard bunk and almost hit my head on the upper bunk with 32 holes evenly spaced in groups of 8. Eight holes per group. Anyway, the radio was speaking about the Secret Service protecting President Trump. They were bashing hard-core the Secret Service Agent (SSA) protecting President Trump, (the he, she, it, them, we, us, all, Trans Gender, Alien from a different country posing as a woman, when in fact it's some sort of mix that would crumble at the mention of their pronoun). After watching her run around in a circle trying to get the pistol that she was holding into her holster, and then stand there looking in no sort of direction, I noticed she was about 4' 2'’, and was barely above the rear window of the SUV. I listened as the SSA were complaining about the public, who are complaining about how they are not getting their tax dollars worth of protection. The Government has changed their standards to the point of crying if agents trying out for the job don't get the job because of their performance, how they look, what gender they are, or if it's an off day (like Biden). As you know, we have a standard in Special Forces. One of which is being able to swim. If you can't swim, then you drown. Then we have to stop what we're doing to find your body and carry it out of where we’re at. Leads me to this. Ever try to carry a limp body? Try to move your friend drunk at a party? Try that on a dead person. They become twice as heavy. Instantly. Then throw adrenaline and panic into the mix.

  We had a guy on our team who let himself go. He thought just being in Special Forces was enough to get him to the objective on time. He let himself go. After many attempts to get him to lose weight, he became upset (to say the least) and frustrated when he couldn't do pull ups. Too many A&W Root Beers! Iraq 2005; he was carrying a ton of weight on mission. "We need to bring the "Quickly Saw and some demo!" So he carried it. About 50 lbs total, not to include his body armor, ammunition, and water. He didn't make it four blocks with his gear and became a heat casualty. Passed out on the sidewalk, while his platoon of Iraqi soldiers stood over him and he whimpered in embarrassment. We had to stop the mission in order to get him back to the truck. Carried him four blocks back to the trucks. Had we taken fire along that route? We would've been forced to abandon him in an alley or under a car or leave him in the gutter. He was useless. Mission Failed! During the next mission he was slick, had almost nothing on him.

It came time to engage the enemy in a building. Into the building we went. Up the stairs, down the stairs. Into another home. Up the stairs, down the stairs. We were about to go into another home. He had the nerve to ask me for a grenade! "Hey Jeff! Give me a grenade!" "Are you Fu@#ing kidding me? no! I carried them, I'm throwing them! Get your own next time!" He says: "Man, you're stupid. You're an A$$hole Jeff!" Would've, Could've, Should've....... Then I threw that bad into a stairwell where the bad guys went. ;) Mission complete, time for cocktails and debrief! Point is!! When trying out for a special job? You need to be ready for the part! This Government has employed DEI, feel good status sissies, Skinny-Jean wearing, Tomahawk Cruise Missile smoking, limp wristed, alternate lifestyle fashion victims, bent on bringing down our country for a vote and an emotion.

  When I 1st tried out for Protective Services, we had a selection process. 1-1/2 mile run (14 minutes) Drag; 180 lb 50 meters. (You had to run a 7 min mile, at the finish line you grabbed the , and any way you could, get that thing over the line in 1:30 sec. Shooting. (You have to be fast and on the gun in order to pass!!) Then you took a Math and English Test. I started out with 30 dudes. I left on day two. With 10 other guys. You cry later. But I'm coming back. Because I want to be better and the best I can be! Special Forces! I needed to get faster. The pistol shoot is what got me. I went home and got my t together, paid some hard pipe-hitting bad A$$'s to train me on how to shoot, drive a SUV to breakneck speeds, and CQB (Close-quarters battle (CQB) is a close combat situation between multiple combatants). Came back and passed. I was 1 of 8 men that passed out of 25 men that day. You have to be able to run and gun! You have to be able to survive to protect the fool you're protecting. You have to have the speed, strength, and agility of a race horse!

  When you have your own agents falling out of the mission? What does that say about your "DEI" program? You have an agent trying to re-holster her weapon, finding out her fat is in the way of her holster! Did you see them hyperventilating?! Trying to catch their breath before they even ran? That shows they're not used to a stressful scenario!! Looking around, running around in a circle because there was no plan on how to get Trump into the truck! You've failed.

When I was overseas, I was forced to turn away from the morbidly obese individuals that were debarking the plane. They couldn't negotiate the steps to get down. Some had to have help. Some needed double extenders for their body armor. That's four extra straps on their body armor!! You wanna know what happens when adrenaline hits that body when you need it the most, to get out of a car when taking fire? You have a heart attack and die. Then I have to pick it up and try to move it back to a safe place. You Stay As You Lay!

 The Government sends these people into a combat zone! To do whatever it is they do. Now I have to protect that body laying on the ground! I can't move it. I can't lift it. The end state is, "You stay as you lay."<< There's that phrase again. The SSA's are complaining that they passed this woman who can't even find her holster! They're complaining that their DEI program failed the one man they were supposed to protect! Their Program is going to get others' lives taken. Their program sucks! They will point fingers at someone else who is body shaming that poor woman who couldn't run, holster, breath, or help the one man who she was hired to help. Pointing fingers at the one person who allowed him to get shot in the face. Oh well, as long as we make everyone feel good. Right? Don't fire anyone. Just move them to another position. This is why our Military is more willing to stop the mission and cater to the crying in the corner. Removing "junk" men wearing bras! More worried about their feelings than getting the job done. Why even join?” Jeff Mckellop Political Prisoner De Oppresso Libre!!

In the Aftermath, and After Court

July 18th, 2024

7/17/24: In the aftermath; as all of you know, our President experienced Supreme Divine Intervention. If you don't believe in Christ Almighty, or our Lord and God, you should start. Now is the time to take a knee and start crying while you pray for forgiveness. What we witnessed that day was the hand of God descending with the touch of a newborn, to turn Donald Trump's head to a 45-degree angle. I've never seen anything like that in my life. 2005-2006 in Talafar Iraq: rounds and tracers coming so close you could reach out and touch them. That was as close as I've come. Nowhere near what DJ Trump went through. The hair on my neck stands when I watch it. What happened that day, that was truly the hand of God. If there's another page in the Bible to be written? That was it. DEVINE -TO THE M/F'ING- INTERVENTION!!!!!!! And the World saw it happen.

I had court yesterday. Status hearing to schedule another Trial date. But it never took place. I was never called; I was never summoned. Missed another court appointment. Anyone see the repetition? As it is, this has been happening the entire time I've been in jail. Correction Officers stealing my documents, psychological and physical punishment, over 6 months in solitary confinement for no reason, COVID 24/7 lock down w/o ever taking a test! Three times, 14 days each time. Door opens, food slides in, door closes. Repeat. When I was first incarcerated, I spent another six months in lock down, 23/1. Wanna know what reading the same book over and over again feels like? "Cat in the Hat." No one calls it out. Just vote better next time right? Due Process Violation. Again. Again. Again. My new and improved attorney has a plan. He's going to keep me in here until Trump takes office. Six more months of waiting for something to take place. Now, if I were a gambling man? I'd put my life savings, kid’s college fund, wife's wedding ring, car, boat, all of it, on "Red", spin the wheel and see what happens. Right? Because the attorney knows best. This is his plan. There is no plan "B".

 I didn't get a Diet Dr. Pepper. I didn't get a "Big Texas Cinnamon Roll, nor a Donut Stick. "Listen to this plan Jeff. It's good." I sit here and wait. Watching. Waiting on something that's considered a hypothetical. Putting all my hopes and dreams into one basket and praying for the best. Right? Being in the Military has taught me one thing (out of all the things). Always have a backup plan. Oh, I'm not using the "Homeless Vet" anymore. That's insulting to Homeless Vets out there. I'm sorry. Waiting." Jeff Mckellop Political Prisoner

Update In the Aftermath, and After Court Image
Frustrations with Communications

July 10th, 2024

Two Posts from Jeff:

"7/03/24 From Jeff; blocked mail, label machines, the debate, the attorney, and a court date:

"I'd like to send a memo to all the supporters out there. I would like to extend my deepest Thank You for all the mail that you sent me. It's warm and heartfelt to the bone marrow. When the waves of emotion crash over the sands of my thoughts, I wander back into my childhood and think about all the awesome days of being a child. Then reality sets in. Everyone, stop writing! I can't return the mail. I've tried for months to update my list. These people refuse and cast blame. This facility has blocked all the individuals who help me. They've blocked all the critical people who write to me, who support my children, and work on my case. They filter my snail mail and give me a "shot" (Disciplinary Action) for speaking the truth on the phone. They block my children's mail! These things have been brought to the attention of the staff countless times. They look at me like I have a Di#$ growing out of my head. Yet we have "Joe Exotic" the Tiger King in here. On the other side of the compound, he's dropping bombs on the phone! He's extorted the staff, while smoking crap. Selling drugs, getting cigs in here, pizza, sandwiches. It’s how the guards make extra money, on and on. He announces these things on 92.5 FM Rock every Saturday morning at 0900. I'm the one held accountable for my actions?

When we have these things going on? Where's my attorney? I've brought up the fact that no one here takes responsibility for their actions. They cast blame, then move on to another day. I'm done waiting for my mail list to get updated. And the label machine? Now if you are lucky to have labels in the maker? If not, try to find an officer with a key to refill the maker. There's more: 1) Re-align the maker; two labels come out. Your address will come out on the third if you're lucky. If you don't re-align the maker? It will print your address on two different labels. 2) Get on another computer to find your address and hit print. (That one is next to the label maker.) 3) You have to pull the labels out to find the perforated edge. If you miss it? You end up ripping up the label. 4) Start the process over again. 5) Wait 30 min to get back on the computer in order to make another label. There's a time limit to how long you can be on the computer as well as get back on it. 6) It takes money to find the address, run over and open up the other computer, find your address, hit print again, and wait. You are now 5-8 labels into making a single label. That's a time saving M/F! About the debate: Now the Dems are forced into admitting Biden’s decline. Something the entire world knows about, yet they ran him for president anyway. From the beginning people knew about his issues. Still the American Population stood by. "Oh, we'll just vote better next time." Now look where we are. Information is no good unless you act upon it. I'm not calling my attorney anymore. These freaking attorney's suck a mean one! :( Every time I call that dude, I get the machine. I'm not calling anymore. I’ve called three times. That's it. No more. See you in court on the 16th of this month. Thank you so much for your help! I'm not sending him mail; I'm not going to interfere with his plan of action or process. I've heard that I'm too harsh on my attorney. I've been told that I should take a back step to see how it plays out. 20-50 years. A lifetime in prison. My friend, "Come on Jeff, I need you to be my right-hand man. You're the only one I can trust. Don't lay 20 yrs. of friendship on the line for a woman. Don't say no, I need you more than ever. We'll get to see Trump!"

Jeff Mckellop Political Prisoner Homeless Vet

(7/09/24): "Here's a very brief message from Jeff: "One and all. I'd like to thank you (whoever you are). This facility removes the return label. I can't reply with a thank you for sending me: "Patrick F. McManus: A Fine and Pleasant Misery. Thank you one and all for sending me books. They come in handy when I'm done with the laundry. I'm arranging my day to minimize my cartoon viewing with the adult males; just sitting, listening to men mumble to themselves after "Pill Cart" arrives. I wish I could video it. It'd get a ton of "Likes" on YouTube. Thank you, previous attorneys, for sending me here."

My name is Jeff Mckellop, I am a Political Prisoner and a Homeless Vet.”

Lydia Note: Continue to write to him. He may not be able to write you back, but he needs you. He needs us all. Jeffrey Mckellop, #35220-509 FMC Fort Worth PO Box 15330 Fort Worth, TX 76119

Jeff has several important dates approaching – Pray! Pray and declare his FREEDOM!

Psalm 34:17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears. And delivers them out of all their troubles.

Isaiah 60:17 (last two sentences) I will make your officers peace And your magistrates righteousness

4th of July Message from Jeff

July 4th, 2024

 Happy Fourth of July!

Today is a day of remembrance. We celebrate on this Historic day! The results of a day when our founding Fathers/Architects of this great Nation that we rent from our Creator and God!

The greatest piece of paper anyone could ever apply their names to (divorce papers!)

A day when we became free. Free from Tyranny and oppression.

I know I say things that make me appear as if I hate this place. "I'm leaving as fast as I can, or I won't fly the flag anymore." I don't mean these words. I'm so angry at this moment in my life. It consumes my every day! I've been wronged by the very same people I’m supposed to trust and protect with my life! They've let me down. They've wronged our Great Country. They've wronged its people THEY took an oath to protect and uphold.

We have this joke and Used Sock Puppet barely holding onto the podium with what little strength he has in order to squint and mumble words that have no meaning. His Dog Handler wife knows what is happening, she should be held accountable as well as the junkie son they claim to love. Any way!

 Fly your flag! Shoot some FireWorks. Drink an American made beer. Make love, make some more Christian kids.

 In the words of our idiot President: "Get a shotgun. Get a shotgun. Just shoot two rounds off the back porch." So?????

Get a shotgun! Shoot those rounds off the back porch. Fly that Flag! Reload, shoot some more. Don't stop there. Grab your pistol and shoot that too. Make sure everything's off the back porch...

Remember what it must have been, to hack out a living in the woods bearing your children along the way. Coming from a country where they abuse, Govern over you with an Iron Fist!

In a new country where you're Fighting off radicals who would like to change your mind by way of violence.

We made mistakes making this country. Get over it. We've never made them again.

I love this country. I bled and fought for this country for years. When my country called me? I didn't question it.

Kissed my children goodbye hugged my wife, grabbed my gun/body armor/knife and left to the Middle East to beat towel heads to the dirt. For years.

Thank you one and all for standing by me. Thank you all for what you do. Thank you for being a Christian and being an American.

Now is the time to stand into the Jaws of Death, and Kiss the Lips of Danger, once again.

My Name is Jeff Mckellop, I am a Political Prisoner and a Homeless Vet.” 

Update 4th of July Message from Jeff Image
It's Time to Mobilize!

June 29th, 2024

“I would like to send a thank you to all the Americans still out there. (I'd love to send a coded memo, but these clowns would wet themselves if they could break it. I'm an 18E. They'd never break it.) :) I know I go through Highs and lows, but stay with me. :)

Thank you one and all. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for helping my Son and my Daughter. You don't know how much that means to me. Thank you one and all.

It's time to mobilize. We're coming to the point of no return. Time is moving like a rocket, and our time will be on us before we realize it. Their actions will be all around us, in front, behind, on the sides. There'll be no escaping it.

There's a beast in the forest. It's waiting for you to step into the woods. Should this threshold moment find you unprepared? To say the least, you will fall. Prepare, settle in, know things, find others who know things, then organize.

"To all our freedom fighters caught behind enemy lines. This one goes out to you."

"Johnny has a long Mustache, The chair is against the wall."

87 thousand Armed IRS (KGB) Agents, dismounting from large 5ton's, LMTV's, Stryker's, Armored Personnel Carriers; there will be orders, glass breaking, fires, large columns of men marching in the street. The jack boots to your front door. FEMA getting ready for those who resist. Blame everything on a new Virus, Health Codes, COVID, Global Warming, Pronouns, Hate Crimes. It was the previous President's issues we're cleaning up; Rights Removed, Mobility Gone, money taken, and you go to a camp for reeducation, never to be seen again. Welcome to AMERIKA.”

Lydia Note: Messages have been sent to Jeff about the 1512 ruling by SCOTUS. We have not yet received any response from Jeff about the Debate between Trump and Biden. Expect an interesting response if he did get to watch it.

President Trump is calling for the Release of All J6 Hostages "FREE THE J6 HOSTAGES NOW!"  Please keep Jeff, his children and all the J6 Hostages in your prayers! God Bless America!

Say it with me, people! "America! Land of the free, because of the Brave!

June 23rd, 2024

Someone sent me, "Last Man Standing, & Time to ." Love it! Thank you so very much. I'm on my third time reading all my sailing books. It's like getting new books every time I re-read them.

((I received another letter from the "Virginia State Disciplinary Board for the Bar. Those pole smoking fashion Victims told me that they are not going to peruse my issues with, Kiyonaga, Bright, Linder, Shipley, and that total bag, Seth Peritz. I guess they get a pass? So, is it my fault for getting looser Attorney's? These attorneys know exactly what their actions are going to be from the get-go. Played me for a fool. Willing to take free money, Fame, and Fortune. Minimal effort, and bounce. These clowns sold their souls to the Devil to pass the Bar. I don't know, as a Christian, if I could look myself in the mirror and say, "Wow, what a good job I did. Took that fools’ money and he's still in jail. Winning!!!"))

Oh, I was listening to nightly news: 87K IRS Agents? Armed?

Can you hear the Jack Boots marching in the street? Kids crying, women screaming because their taking Daddy to the Re-Education Center for processing. They'll be coming to take all that you've ever owned. Because you didn't Rat your Neighbor out for owning a weapon. If you turn in your friends and Neighbors? You get your "Social Credit Score" upgraded. You'll be able to buy that extra bag of groceries you've always wanted. You'll be seeing the fires lighting up the skies. From the top of your FEMA trailer.

There'll be no escape.

If this; Mumbling, Stumbling, Feckless sock puppets take control one more time?

                                         United States of Northern Mexico. (That has a nice ring to it) Viva La Raza!!

Say it with me, people! "America! Land of the free, because of the Brave!

What will you do when they come for you?

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

Homeless Vet.

Lydia Note: Jeff has asked me to tell you that when he receives a book, the prison system strips all address information from the packaging. He has no way of knowing who to thank. So, THANK YOU to all the wonderful Patriots out there sending him books. If you would like to send Jeff a book via Amazon or just write to him. His address is:

Jeffrey Mckellop, #35220-509

FMC Fort Worth

PO Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119

Happy Birthday Jeff!!!

June 17th, 2024

GSG Posts from Jeff: 6/17/24  

First: I want to thank all of you for sending me "Birthday Wishes" and greetings! :) Best AMERICANS'S this country will ever have!

Second: I was watching the illegals storm across our border (Fox News), and this feckless Used Sock Puppet wander off shaking hands with ghost people. Then the Fox News channel Welcomed everyone, and announced that it was a Monday, June 17. I was like…Why is that important? Could it be another year of the invasion? Oh, it's my Birthday!

Happy Birthday too me! Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Rivers, for singing to me on the phone last night! Best ever!!!!! :)

Thank you, Lydia! Thank you, Karen! Thank you, Don & Donna!

I love my children so much! I miss you Dave, and Paige!

This is my Fourth Birthday in captivity.

Americas worst nightmare. Judge Nichols: "It doesn't matter what anyone says, he's not going anywhere." Prosecution: Because of Mr. Mckellop's training? If we let him out, he'll hurt people, he'll ."


One more birthday in this insane asylum. My fourth Birthday!! One more and I'll be 60. I'll turn 60 years old in jail. Wow! My kids will be in college, because I’ve missed their entire years in high school. So, I might see them graduate from college. What the ? I'm the worst thing this country's ever seen right? Not the Illegal Alien who raped and murder the woman last week.

According to Team bag: Bright, Linder, and that sleez, Shipley. "Jeff when you get out, you can pick up where you left off, get a job in a halfway home, get back on your feet, and go back to what you were doing."

I've got that going for me.

I started counting the holes in the ventilation system. I have ten. The Air intake has ten ports, the Out Put had ten. I cleaned them so I could get an accurate count. It comes up with ten no matter how you count. I counted on the top to bottom. Then bottom to top. By 2's, 5's, 1's. It has to be an even number unless you want to divide or choose prime numbers to work with. But the end count will be ten. Air comes in, air goes out. Another day down. I sit down and stare at the chipped paint on the wall. Thinking about everything, then I realized I was thinking of nothing. Then stop thinking.

(I did that for Tim. He told me that he used my story about the holes underneath the top bunk.)

So. One more year down in captivity. SERE Training:

Keep the mind occupied. Keep pushing, never stop, always moving forward, never quit. Always thinking. Never stop assuming. America has completely lost its way, not me. I keep going. I have an objective. Sweat down the side of my face, but I don't quit, grenade down the hallway, run into the smoke, and never stop. Keep moving into the stair well, grenade down the stairs. Brian Moffet and me. We hear them. Their running. Keep going. Never stop. Make commo, keep going into the next building. Onto the roof. Throw another grenade into the window. Into the building and through the debris of the now burning rooms. Spray the next room with automatic 5.556mm, down the hallway. There they go. down the street. We follow. Tal Afar, Iraq 2005-2006

Roof top so hot, the sweat. Tracers coming so close to your face you can touch them. RPG smashes into the side of our building, but it doesn't stop the momentum. Keep pushing, No retreat, No quarter.

How much more will you take America before you quit? How many more times will you be slapped in the face, before you take actions to protect yourself?

My name is Jeff Mckellop. I'm now 59 y/o. I've been in jail for over three years. I've lost everything I've ever collected and owned. There is no end.......

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

Homeless Vet.

Update Happy Birthday Jeff!!! Image
Jeff's Message about Biden at the G7 Summit

June 16th, 2024

Getting lost on stage; Presidential speech: (squinting, moving left and right, mumbling, hands griping the podium like it was a lifeline; the film cuts to him staring eyes wide open for 37 sec. Never blinking once, speaking like he's on meth, falling down steps (up and down), referring/calling on to dead people in the crowd, sniffing little children, G7 Summit: wandering off to see no one, Juneteenth Celebration: trying to clap and looking like a statue. (I tried to play statue in my cell. I lasted two minutes before I realized how stupid I must look. Even in an orange jump suit), Chinese coming across the border in record numbers, VP Harris stupid as ever and laughing at anything, Nuclear Submarine parked off the coast of , hard core gang members from Venezuela; economy, money to a failing battle in Ukraine, North Korea launching balloons over S. Korea, Radical Islamist rounding up Jewish personnel in order to irradicate them (Who do you think they're going after next?). China looking deeper into the invasion of Taiwan. Government for hire in a combat zone...... This sounds like a song from REM. After watching the video of our elite prez wander off to wave at the HALO team packing their chutes at the G7? Then the entire group of Nation Leaders have to shift their position in order to corral that mumbling idiot? Just to take a photo? I've realized our entire media, Government, and over half the population of America are covering for this fool. Our time to reap the wind is almost upon us. It's time to put down the Bible and pick up the sword. What will you do when they come for you? DOJ Prosecution: "Mr. Mckellop is the worst thing this country's ever seen. Because of his training? If we let him out, he'll hurt people. He'll . Judge Carl J. Nichols: "It doesn't matter what anyone says, he's not going anywhere." Jeff Mckellop Political Prisoner Homeless Vet.

Lydia Note - Father's Day Weekend and Jeff's Birthday is on Monday, June 17th. Please wish Jeff a Happy Birthday. Please keep him and his children in your prayers. Hopefully, we will hear from him again soon. 

You can write to Jeff at:

Jeffrey Mckellop #35220-509

FMC Fort Worth

PO Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119

June 6th D-Day

June 7th, 2024

June 6th D-Day; I want to thank all our Veterans on this day of remembrance. I want to thank our Architect and Creator for making our lives in his reflection. I want to thank His Son who made the Ultimate Sacrifice for our sins. I want to thank all of you out there still in the fight for freedom and a Christian way of life.

To my brothers out there, Every Night Sweating, who still live the memory, still in the mix. I stand with you on the rooftop. We see them, they can't hide! Shoot, Move, and Communicate! Keep Pushing, Never look back, Always and forever!

And to the feckless sock puppet that stands there reading a Teleprompter, In Normandy France. His Staff are making sure he doesn't spout off names of people that aren't in the crowd anymore. His very breath insults Americans, and what we stand for. Mumbling and bumbling his way around an Honored battle ground! He has no idea whatsoever as to why he's there or what's going on. You're a clown show waiting to end.

Now is your chance. Now is the day. Now is the focal point of all our lives. Jeff Mckellop (RET) US Army Special Forces, ODA 394/396 Political Prisoner Homeless Vet.

Can you feel the pressure building? America Your Time is Near!

May 26th, 2024

From Jeff this Memorial Weekend:

These are the last of the email addresses that haven't been deleted or blocked. This facility is synching the drawstrings tighter on my neck. My ability to communicate with the outside is almost over. Where's my attorney? My Tomahawk is sharp, my powder dry. I stand vigilant waiting to do violence for those who can't protect themselves. Where are you America? If you're reading this, You are the Resistance. I'm looking at 20-50 Years for my part on J6! (Minus the crappy Plea Deal James Bright wanted me to sign, 7-10 yrs, open-end of charges, unlimited addition of time, the Government has the option to come back and charge me with whatever I wasn't charged before). America! Your time is near!

Can you feel the pressure building up? Standing at the maw of the entrance to a huge tunnel. Your hair is starting to back, the wind is brushing your face; you feel the train coming. You can't see it. Just feel the wind, the pressure, hear the whistle. Makes your skin crawl and bump. You look left and right to see if there's a place to run. There's no place to go. You stand alone. Here it comes.

What will you do when they come for you? There will be no option, there will be no other time. You will be standing on the apex of humanity itself. Now is your time! "Oh, I'll just vote better next time. My Candidate wasn't on the ballet. I really didn't like the way he looked at me. He said things I didn't like. My friend doesn't like his hair. My Garden is looking weak this year, I think I'll vote for Climate Change."

It's better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees. Soon. You'll be put to the test. Will you be ready to stand? Will you be ready to back up what you preach? Rule #1 of Zombie Land: Cardio.

All Eyes of the world will be on this election. I finished up early with laundry today. The "Solitary Confinement" Cell block brought in more urine soaked and fecal matter clothing. I refuse to scrub these items. So, I shut down the machine and stood my ground. That got my lunch delayed by two hours. Today was Taco's. My $31.50 doesn't support that type of labor.

Where are you America? I stood for you. 28 years. Where are you now for me?

My name is Jeff Mckellop, father of Davis and Paige! I am a Political Prisoner."

-Lydia Note: The Jail System are blocking Jeff's ability to communicate with key members of his team, including myself. Please keep Jeff and his family in Prayer. 

Update Can you feel the pressure building? America Your Time is Near! Image
2 for 1 and more to come

May 18th, 2024

Two for one from Jeff: This one shared earlier has new updates thanks to Jeanne DeSilver. Jeanne is fierce warrior for Jeff. Jeff has a team of fierce warriors, which he is most grateful for.

Thank you to everyone that writes and supports Jeff in any way that you can. Jeff sends a THANK YOU to you all! The facility he is in removes all forms of return addresses on books and magazines. To everyone that shares your love and time with Jeff. Thank you.  

Update One

Updated Note from Jeff 5/01/24: Told you once again and again and again! Wait until they get hungry. Wait for it! They're going to come up with a list of demands. Instigators, agitators, and motivators. You can see all the ingredients of the cake being made. Now we have groups taking over buildings and destroying property. Sounds like CHOP? I don't know. Where's Michael Byrd when you need him the most to start shooting unarmed women? Where's Thau, to beat the crap out of protesters? Where's Cpt Augustine to kick CS gas down the line of officers gassing his own people? Where's Cpt Bagshaw to beat unarmed women and men who can't defend themselves? I demand that this be taken seriously! :( I demand the MPD and Capitol Police be deployed to these locations to deal with these Hooligans! They have first hand experience of these matters, right? Where's that crying, whimpering canoe Harry Dunn to save the day? He saved countless lives on J6? Where's Michael Fenone who destroyed countless people on J6 and barely saved his own life during the fray? I need David Lazareth who nearly fought the battle of Ecuador, almost wet himself during the battle of "Knights who say Neigh", chopped down a forest with a Herring; who once looked at a book of police tactics, quit his job at Dairy Queen to become a Honorable Capitol Police Guard! Watching over inanimate objects that've been around since the dawn of our Nation! "I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero to the end of the night!" ~Bonnie Tylor. I need a Hero. Where's SuperMan when we need him the most? "Superman, where are you now? When everything's gone wrong somehow. The man of steel, with the power. We're losing control by the hour!" ~Phil Collins, Land Of Confusion. And our government is watching it all flow away. It's only America. Nothing to see here, move along. Jeff Mckellop Political Prisoner.

2nd Update

5/03/24: Where's the government looking into the funding of these organizations? Where's the money coming from? Who has the master roster of people to call? Who has the book on Recruitment? Who owns the buses that bring them from afar? Do they have challenges and pass codes/words? How do they target the people to recruited? Who do they know? Do they have a handshake? Do they have an Initiation into the gang once they want to join? Do they have sleeper cells? Who has that master list? Hello!!!! Just last year calling me a Neo-Nazi because of the color of my skin? I've been called: Racist, White Boy, , Cracker, Trumper, Nazi, White Mother Fu#er; all by the staff at the DC CTF! (Marr, Tally, Landerkin, Lancaster, Bruce, Saunders, Allen, Armstrong, Franklin, Howser, Deal, Dillon, McDade, Pinky) Calling me names that these are calling innocent people! Nothing is happening to these people!!! Calling me a Racist Youth when they're calling for the eradication of all Jewish people around the world? Hello! Where's the State and three letter organizations? Why are they not tracking the leaders of these "Pro-Palestine, Anti-Israel, Anti-American, Anti-Christianity, Anti-Democracy groups? Am I the only one taking crazy pills? Well-funded, organized, wearing identical gear, claiming to be "Students" when some are in their middle age, multi layers of clothing to change their identity at the drop of a hat! Hello! How much more do you need to take a stand? How many times do you need to be slapped in the face, before you defend yourself? What will you do when they come for you? Jeff Mckellop Political Prisoner 

Send the Capital Police to deal with the Hamas Riots!

May 2nd, 2024

Told you once again and again and again!

Wait until they get hungry. Wait for it! They’re going to come up with a list of demands.

Instigators, Agitators, and Motivators. You can see all the ingredients of the cake being made. Now we have groups taking over buildings and destroying property. Sounds like the “CHOP?” I don't know.

Where's Michael Byrd when you need him the most to start shooting unarmed women? Where's Thau, to beat the crap out of protesters? Where's Cpt Augustine to kick CS gas down the line of officers gassing his own people? Where's Cpt Bagshaw to beat unarmed women and men who can't defend themselves? I demand that this be taken seriously! :( I demand the MPD and Capitol Police be deployed to these locations to deal with these Hooligans! They have firsthand experience of these matters, right?

Where's that crying, whimpering canoe, Harry Dunn to save the day? He saved countless lives on J6? Where's Michael Fenone who destroyed countless people on J6 and barely saved his own life during the fray?

I need David Lazurath who nearly fought the battle of Ecuador, almost wet himself during the battle of "Nights who say Neigh", Chopped down a forest with a Herring. Who once looked at a book of police tactics, quit his job at Dairy Queen, to become an Honorable Capitol Police Guard! Watching over inanimate objects that've been around since the dawn of our Nation!

"I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero to the end of the night!" Bonnie Tylor. I need a Hero.

Where's Super Man when we need him the most?

"Superman where are you now? When everything's gone wrong somehow. The man of steal. With the power... We're losing control by the hour!" Phil Collins, Land of Confusion.

And our government is watching it all flow away. It's only America. Nothing to see here, move along.

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

This Men were my friends!

April 21st, 2024

Jeff wanted to share this message:

"I started thinking about this fool running America. He's completely gone. We have zero leadership. He's managed to insult the thousands of God-fearing Americans who gave the supreme sacrifice and help win the blessing which we now enjoy!! A Bi$% slap to the face of the families out there who lost loved ones!!! These people weren't forced or pressed into service. They did it for a foundation, to secure the future of our great nation! For Freedom!!!!! We are a free people who love and believe in Christ Almighty, Freedom, Rights, and a Cold Tall Beer! I don't love my goat; I don't enjoy watching a little boy get dressed up to dance like a girl. I don't think about putting on an explosive, Mercury fail safe, chest rig and stumbling into a crowded market square. I think about my children and how I can help them grow to be good people and live a fruitful life. But to have this man, coward, mumble a story about how his fool uncle was shot down, and before the CSAR Team could reach the crash site, he'd been eaten by a gang of (Homeless People) savage cannibals' is too much for me to handle.

Dave Hurt: Blown apart by an IED. Afghanistan. 2009.

Paul Sweeny: Killed by Taliban in 2004 in an ambush. Afghanistan.

Tony Yost: Killed by Insurgents. When fired upon, he and his team ran into a building where insurgents had rigged the entire house to . Iraq. 2006.

Lonnie Snepp: Countless Fire fights, IED's. Died of Cancer from breathing Iraqi Filth. Iraq.2006.

These are men who served. These men were my friends."

Jeff Mckellop Political Prisoner Homeless Vet

Update This Men were my friends! Image
Status Conference Update and an update from Jeff

April 14th, 2024

In Sum:

• Jeff will get new counsel, Nichols approved his request

• Trial Date and deadlines dropped

• Lawlor gone!

Message from Jeff:

Ok, so the Attorney and Status hearing went off the other day.

I saved Lawlor's drag a$$ a verbal beating. "Conduct Unbecoming, Ineffective Counsel, Dereliction of Duty." then I let it go. I told the judge I wanted to go to a super-secret breakout room. We went. I laid it on the line. I needed to be heard about these Lawyers. These guys aren't looking at any of the information. They do the bare minimum and call it a day. When, I ask? They deny, deflect, and pass me off to doing paperwork. IT's all the same with these fools. In the end, when it gets close to Trial date, they come across with a ##y plea deal. "We're working around the clock, we're working hard for you, this is the best deal, this good, the prosecution sucks, they don't know what's going on."

They sound like a used car salesman, selling me a burning bag of $. Know this. I will not go down without a fight.

I know I said, I'll take the plea, but when they present it? I have to decline. I have too much pride to go out like that.

I feel my best friend that I went to J6 with, wrote a statement about me. I think the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation got to him, because he was with the Oath Keepers that night prior. They were wearing "OK" T-Shirts and getting others to put them on. Then one guy came out with the camera, "Ok, everybody! Gather round! Put your T-shirts on and get together."

I didn't do any of that crap! Click! Those people made the FBI's most wanted list. I got rid of my shirt.

There were two dudes with my friend that were losing their $ on J6. Flipping out, yelling, and screaming for no reason. On and on. They went into the building, and ran around, dressed in combat gear. They didn't get arrested. I feel they were Agitators, or Motivators.

Later two men came up to me, in the bar on J5. Two big guys, rough looking and looked like they could handle themselves. "Hey Jeff, wanna go do some dark ops?" -How do you know my name? " Hey bro, wanna do some stuff? We need a driver. We have a dark op we wanna do before it gets too late." - Nope, I'm drinking, and I'm not driving $ in this city. Drunk- "Ok, bro, you're missing out. We could use another body to help the cause. Just drop off the vehicle and be done with it." -Nope, I'm drinking, and not driving anything in this city. Two things. You don't know me, and you don't know me. Why would you want me to drive a vehicle? "Ok, we'll catch up later."

I never saw those two again. They were undercover agents looking to entrap people. I had three people come up to me on J5, looking to join a group or ask me if I belong to a group. I found out, there were five undercover agents with the Oath Keepers that night.

There's so much crap about the entire event. IT's unreal. The entire thing was a set-up.

I told the judge that I will stand before the eyes of God and point out imperfections with the J6 event. I will show undercover agents and provocateurs.

I think Judge Nichols is leaning in my favor.

Jeffrey Mckellop, Political Prisoner

Note from Lydia - I am Jeff's friend for those that are wondering who stepped up to help. It is my honor and privilege to help him and his children.  Thank you for your continued support, love and prayers for this brave man and his family. God Bless America!

Update Status Conference Update and an update from Jeff Image
Prayer Request - Status Conference Today at 4:00 PM

April 10th, 2024

I am asking everyone to pray for Jeff. 

He has a Status Conference scheduled today at 4:00 PM 

21-cr-0268: USA v MCKELLOP

Judge Carl J. Nichols

4/10/2024 04:00PM

Telephone/VTC Status Conference 

I promise to update as soon as I have information.

Recently Jeff sent out a three-part message his message to the world. His "Message in a Bottle" I am working on getting it to everyone. Here is Part III.

4/7/2024 3:36:18 PM

To whom it may concern Part III

Jennifer Ricketts

Branch Director, Civil Division

My name is Jeff Mckellop.


Born 1965. Graduated from High School in 1983. Joined the United States Army, June 2, 1987.

101st Airborne Air Assault, 2nd Ranger Bn, 3rd Group Special Forces DA 394/396

As a contractor. We are required, every two years, to take a battery of tests, both physical, and mental to evaluate our readiness.

I was chosen to perform my services. Because I was able to understand and make a split decision in a combat environment. To Record and Report with Accuracy!

I know right from wrong.

What I witnessed on J6 was an all-out assault on humanity. In a military perspective: They were told what to do. They wanted it to happen. The commanding officers became line soldiers.

 Everything I tell you is on video.

The Metropolitan Police and Capitol Police (MP/CP).

This is my message in a bottle: Part III

Part III

As stated, before many times. I've tried to tell people about some of the things that were happening to us. No one looked on me, came by, only blamed me for the actions of the staff. We've had five Congress Men and Women come to visit our cell block.

Before their arrival? Huge amounts of employee's would flood the cell block, fixing and repairing anything and everything. Spray disinfectant and wait for their arrival. I pulled Louis Gomer and Margery Taylor Green aside and tried to give them a message of names and actions of the staff, and the abuse that was happening. They wouldn't take the message.

I'm not going to stop writing. I'm going to tell everyone I can about what happen on J6. I can document and point out actions of undercover actors and agents in the crowd. I written countless times about these events. No one's looking.

If I'm to get 20-50 years for my actions? Then I'm going out fighting.

My name is Jeff Mckellop: 20 years US Army, Special Forces, ODA 394/395, Eight years US Contractor for the State and Agency. Father of two wonderful children, Davis, and Paige.

Never been arrested, Held Clearence for decades, laid my life on the line for freedom, so that others may live free?

What a waste of time.


  Jeff Mckellop, Homeless VET.


  FMC Ft. Worth

  Box 15330

  FMC Ft Worth Tx 76119


What did people do what they did that day? The WHY must be answered.

March 30th, 2024

I contacted Don about my "Status hearing" coming up. Seems my attorney and Judge didn't dig what I told them to do with the information. So, I'm going to lay it on the line in the hearing. I'm done.

If I'm getting 20-50 yrs. if Fully Convicted? Then I'm going out fighting. I'm going to see if I can get the judge to go to a breakout room in the Status Hearing coming up. I'm going to lay it out. "Why” Did people do what they did that day. It wasn't because they came for violence.

As it is? These A$$ clown attorneys don't want to deal with anything except wait me out until I take a crappy plea deal. This dude. Michael Lawlor, in the very first phone call (After two months of trying to get in touch with him). Me: Where the have you been, why haven't you picked up?"

ML: " Well, I've been really busy, and there's stuff going on, and,,,, How are you doing? Ever thought about taking a plea deal?"

I almost hung up. I have more time on the phone with his secretary. Done! So, I wrote Five letters, Two to the judge, and three to the Bar Association. I"m going to write another this evening to the Bar to try and get ML to be removed from the legal association completely. ?


I know it's a crappy deal Jeff, but the judge has the right to give more time than what is here. You lose the right to appeal and lose the right to speak about the case after you take the plea. ?

Jesus. Are we in America?

What about the bags that stormed the boarder? What do they get for beating the crap out of Law Enforcement and National Guard Soldier? Time served and a Cell Phone?

America...... Whatever.

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

Lydia - I have an Easter picture of Jeff to share. May you have a beautiful and blessed Easter. Please keep Jeff and his children in your daily prayers. Praying! Always Praying.

Update What did people do what they did that day? The WHY must be answered. Image
Update from Jeff

March 23rd, 2024

1st I would like to thank all of you for helping me. No matter what I'm going through, no matter how far away I am. You have no idea what it means when you assist me with my (Clown-shoe-wearing, Skinny-Jean sporting, Safe Space exploiting, Wanna find a Emotional Support Mutt), legal efforts and my "Legal Team". I would like to extend a seriously warm hug to those who send me so much mail. I'm trying to write back, but I ran out of stamps and envelopes. Then you have to wait for two weeks to get more stamps and envelopes. IT cost a Honey Bun for an envelope in this place. And! You know dam well; I'm coughing up a bun just to write people. :( To those who stuck by and read my rants. Thanks for passing that madness on to others. It's like social media minus the web. :) To those who donate funding for my commissary. In this time and age, we are seriously strapped for money and resources. Yet you find enough to give to the J6'ers. That is truly awesome sauce! :) Thank you for what you do and who you are. Words fall seriously short of the mark. Start thinking about a home garden and canning your own foods. The time draws near for self-preservation. Thank you one and all. Thank you.

2) This is the time. Start a GSG for Donald Trump! If you're serious about the ground, you walk on as your homeland and country of choice? Then get evolved. Maxine Waters: " Get in their face, let them know that they are not welcome, don't let them back, make sure they know that they are not welcome". Government Spokes-person of the United States of America. If she can say it? Then why can't I? Trump would have the donation necessary to complete the fascists communist demands. "Ask not what your country can do for you. But what you can do for it." ~JFK. Remember the train in the tunnel. You hear the whistle, you see the light, you're on the tracks, you feel the wind coming through the gaping maw of darkness. You feel that hair standing on your arms? That's fear of the unknown. Use it to make the right decision to save a nation in distress.

Finally got a hold of my "Legal Team." Seems they've been working my case. I'll tell you what they've been working ! :( 7-9 yr plea deal. The judge has the right to raise the price of that and delete my option to appeal the deal. I can't continue to sue anyone in the DC CTF, and I may keep my identity. Wow! That sounded good. "What about the Bench Trial that was offered?" "Well, we're working round the clock, we have three people working on your case. We’ve been working on each other’s Tomahawk Cruise Missile night and day. We've been burning the midnight electric light (No more Oil Lamps) every day! We get power from our EV". I demanded my Passport, and time served! This is unreal. I laid out a stream of awesome words for everyone to read when the transcript comes out in court. I left no word unturned. I was told to stay off social media and watch what I say on platforms. Like this one? Yeah, they can suck the roaches out of my Dorito Bags! (Speaking of, I noticed behind the washers there was a group of roaches hanging out with some female roaches. I think they've got some sort of Parlor going on back there. I noticed some baby roaches running around in the path of the cart the other day. I had to swerve around them from playing in the middle of the washroom. I almost ran into the folding table. Total mess. I will not stop talking. I will do another News clip, I will not stop writing. Everyone see the news. Watch all those Illegal Clown-Shoe-Wearing idiots coming to America the hard way? Yeah, that’s called an Assault, with use of deadly force on Law Enforcement, Assault with deadly force on Government Soldiers!!! Assault and Invasion! Isn't that a crime? I believe if I tried that in Afghanistan I'd be tied to a goat. Saied Farooqi and the seven avengers would be doing some damage to my six. I'm seriously surprised they didn't start blasting fools. They weren't Special Forces Soldiers. Just saying. I counted about three hundred people that should be sitting next to me right now. Nope. They'll get an Airplane to any State they choose, Food, Clothing, High End Hotel Rooms, Toys for the kids, Grandma gets a new hairdo, and a monthly credit card that gets renewed every 1st of the month. All FREE!! You're paying for it! They're enjoying it! Welcome to the Northern United States of Mexico. Get ready people. It's now. It's happening. The train is coming through the tunnel. You're on the tracks, and you see the light. What will you do when they come for you?

Jeff Mckellop #35220-509

Political Prisoner Homeless Vet


March 16th, 2024

 3/15/2024 1:49:43 PM


As it stands:

If you're reading this? You are the resistance.

Boats of Illegals are slamming up against the beach head at an alarming rate. Ground their craft, then sprawl out like roaches in the night. By the thousands. No one does anything about it.

"Oh, don't worry. Someone will come long and take care of the issue."

Michael Lawlor (My legal Team) hasn't looked into anything I've asked him to. He refuses to contact me, reach out to this facility, return scheduled phone calls from the counselors, and will not pick up when I do call. I stand alone in this matter. I've submitted a new contact for a new lawyer I'm taking a look at. He's here in the area. - I'll take any one at this point-

This facility blocked the contact instantly. This facility and it's staff have taken it upon themselves to block/restrict certain contacts. That is a due process violation. Who will look into to that? Shouldn't someone get fired?

I'm filing a complaint against my judge: Carl J. Nichols for lack of observation on my case. He's not looked into my matter one bit. He refuses to question my attorneys about their lack of action, or why I've been changing attorneys. "Mr. Mckellop. What seems to be the problem now?" Judge Carl J. Nichols.

I'm filling a complaint with the County Bar Association (Bureau County Residents and Lawyers). I'm assuming this is correct. I have two addresses that I'm filling with. I don't know which one to file, so I'll do both. I'm not going to be correct or professional. Just blunt.

I'm done with these a$$ clowns. If I'm getting 20-50 years if fully convicted? Then I'm going out fighting.

Everyone knows the truth. What are you doing about it?

I should get with Fanni Willis. That way, I know I can go on an all-expense paid trip. Free! If I survive this......

Must be a seriously good feeling when you can lie in a Court of Law and get away with it?

Hand of reality is Bitc# Slapping America. At an alarming rate!

How much more will you take? How much more before you defend yourself?

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

The Nightmare Continues - Scabies

March 11th, 2024

"What's the primary cure for Scabies? I was told by the staff: Ivermectin. Then when I went deeper into command and control protocol for Scabies, I was told that if I don't like my job? I can quit. That's not the point, I replied. What are the control measures you use for an outbreak of Scabies? "We send it to the laundry to clean. Then we dose everyone up with Ivermectin to make sure we it." I didn't get a dose. "If you don't like your job, you can contact the officer in charge and he can remove you." I don't have gloves, a face shield, nor a BSL2 (Biological Security Level 2) suit to cover my body. "No matter, if you don't like your job? Don't work there."

I then asked about the individual who crashed out? Before he left this planet he was crapping stools, completely voiding out. You brought his clothing to us as well. "The washers are designed to handle sterilization of fecal matter as well as transmittable microorganisms." No they're not. We need bleach and "Bio/Hazard" bags for those things. "I'll look into it." Then he walked away. Conversation finished. If I get out of this alive? I'm going to sue! Jeffrey McKellop #35220-509  

A Bit of Sarcastic Rage

March 5th, 2024

I recently received the following note from Jeanne DeSilver. Jeanne is a loyal J6 supporter who writes to Jeff and other J6ers. They love and respect her. In the note below. Jeanne is informing Jeff of the mistreatment being received by Blaze reporter, Steve Baker. Steve recently had to turn himself into the prison system for his reporting and involvement with January 6.

I wanted to share to remind everyone what Jeff has been through. Please continue to keep him and his children in prayer. Please share his GSG with everyone that you can. God Bless and thank you.

Jeff’s response to Jeanne:

Here's what I (Jeanne) posted on LOCALS today (3/04/24): "I posted a clip to Jeff about Steve having to sit shackled in the courthouse for 5 hours. He responded with a bit of sarcastic rage: "Wow! That’s completely amazing! I can't believe he survived being shackled. Is there some place I can send him some money to recover? No Way that took place. Allow me to expound: After every visit to the courthouse my got checked, along with my Sack, and mouth. Every time I was moved from one facility to another. Walk around naked with 25 other inmates. Bent over and finger blasted, Sack lifted, mouth open. "Squat Hold!" In the DC Gulag for two straight years: hand cuffed, shackled, and dragged down the hallway. Inmates roaming freely throughout the facility; but me?! "Hey white boy, I'll Fu@# you with my big black Di@#, Hey white boy you be Trump, You sit, You stand, You over there and shut up. You people are all alike. He be J6'er, he be Trump, , Cracker, White Boy, White Mother Fu#$er, and the list was endless. I feel so much better now that's over. Good thing I'm here with the Cho Mo's, Shower Sh@#ers, Meat beaters, and the bathroom stalkers. I told all this to John Kiyonaga, Bright, Linder, and Shipley. No one did a thing. Just press and try to force me into signing a crappy plea deal. I will hope and pray that Mr. Baker's recovery is swift. My heart goes out to him for being in shackles. Thank you. Laundry was epic today. Caught four more huge roaches. :) Jeffrey Mckellop

Says an American Hero, Special Forces, Army Ranger – willing to die for his country!

Please write to Jeff and share his story!!! He needs AMERICA TO WAKE UP!

Jeffrey Mckellop, #35220-509 FMC Fort Worth PO Box 15330 Fort Worth, TX 76119

An American Hero weighs in on current news and the injustice that surrounds him.

February 28th, 2024

Jeff is still awaiting trial scheduled for this May. March 2024 marks 3-years without bail, bond or trial. He is still extremely frustrated with his lack of legal defense. Good patriots are working round the clock to help him. Please pray for him and his children. 

Letter from Jeff. 

I was watching Star Trek the other night. This administration is like the "Borg." They Absorb, force, and press you to Assimilate, put you to work to force and press others to assimilate to their command policy, and then move onto the next mission. They destroy everything they touch. If you don't fall into line? You're removed! Once again and as always, I'm being held for the rest of my life because of my part on J6? "Because of Mr. Mckellop's training. If we let him out? He'll hurt more people; he'll !!!!" I haven't seen the light of day since!! If this is the case then we need to arrest every Veteran out there that gets into trouble, and lock that individual away for the rest of their lives!!! Is that the standard? I ran through the killing fields hunting Taliban when you called me to defend and free those that were oppressed! Without hesitation! I ran into that mud hut, putting a boot to the chest of some goat riding filth! Did you see on Fox News the idiot clown shows of Ukrainian Soldiers falling out of the back of the APC? OMG! They were supposed to be jumping into a combat zone! The building in the background had been used in another video I saw some time ago. No smoke coming from the structure, no one running around. Just BoZo's falling out of the back of a vehicle with their backpacks being kicked around and grabbing their lunch bags. Flagging each other with the weapons, wondering what the next move will be, wandering around like a Re-Tard. No one pointing in the direction of the enemy. Just standing there asking where the food line is, and how do they get an EBT Card from America. Look at the uniforms! Clean, new patches, new boots! I don't remember wearing colored tape to identify myself. I drew my own flag and patch in Iraq! (Although it looked like a stick figure. But! It was cool! Everyone was doing it.) They showed some bunker systems. Those gutters they show have been there for some time. Much longer than two years. They're complex hiding positions, built to be there for years. This is like WWI. Reinforced walls, concrete, trying to show soldiers in miserable conditions, cooking tea over a "Natural Gas Burning Stove". Notice how the Artillery shells are evenly spaced apart and stacked up neatly? That doesn't happen when you're in a hurry to defend yourself for the rest of your life. Look at the blown-out vehicles! There are no seats, wire, scorch marks on the pavement indicating the vehicle was there burning. Did I see a soldier with WiFi in the Trench!? yes! Call of Duty is a must in combat! I always took a break and broke out the game gear before the next engagement. I had to plan my next "Tea Bag" Maneuver on the insurgents! My name is Jeff Mckellop #53220-509 Political Prisoner 

Please pray and write to Jeff at:

Jeffrey Mckellop, #35220-509 

FMC Fort Worth

P.O. Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119

No One is Above the Law!

February 3rd, 2024

Update from Jeff received on 2/3/24.

When I resided in Costa Rica for two and a half years. "Santa Anna" W/W of San Jose by 45m. I was pulled over by a snap checkpoint of local Policia. They pulled me and my children from the vehicle and had us stand off to the side. They went through my vehicle like I was in downtown Iraq. They were questioning me and my children about our location and where we were headed. Nothing? I was let go. Mean mugged and told never to do whatever it was again.

I went to the hospital for an impalement injury while out riding my Mountain Bike. 13 stitches, and 3.5K later. When I awoke from the local medication, I was directed by the staff, a local officer to produce my credit card. I was to pay the bill before leaving. Or you don't go anywhere.......

I had no rights whatsoever. When our maid was caught stealing our daughter’s jewelry and money, we called the local Policia to investigate. Nothing. They came to our Casa and looked through our entire home for some sort of evidence to steal for themselves. No Rights whatsoever!

Because I wasn't a CITIZEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I were to have done, what these illegal fools did, and flip the middle finger upon release, get on a bus, change my name, and haul balls to CA for an event with newly trafficked underaged women? In a third world dump! I would've never seen the light of day again.

Joe Biden: "No one is above the law!" Nancy Pelosi: "No one is above the law." Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, AOC, "No one is above the law." Well, Well, Well,,,, What do we have here?

Now is the time to step into the jaws of death and kiss the lips of danger. You will never have another chance in life to save yourself. One day you will wake up and have nothing.....

How much more can you give before you have nothing left to give. They will want more.........

George Orwell, "Animal Farm." "Four legs good, two legs better."

Jeff Mckellop

Please continue to pray for Jeff and his children. You can write to Jeff at: 

Jeffrey McKellop, #35220-509 

FMC Fort Worth - Federal Medical Center

P.O. Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119

I need someone with a set of Testicles to go the distance.

January 21st, 2024

Note from Jeff:

According to Fox News this morning.

Homelessness among "Veterans" is up 7.4%!

After his "Gender Reaffirming Care," Judge Carl Nichols stated in court: " Because of Mr. Mckellop's Training? If we let him out, he'll hurt more people, He'll . Bond Denied!"

That was the last day I saw any of my history, my home, my complete life. Judge Carl Nichols with the crushing hammer, removed me from the planet. Tell that clown shoe wearing fool, he made me, .001% of the complex issue.

Yet, we can build housing for Illegal Immigrants. Provide warming buses (Running on Diesel Fuel, 24/7? Aren't we worried about Global Warming and we're all going to die soon!?), Moving American children out of schools to move illegals into schooling structures, Providing three square meals a day! They been throwing it out! Because it's not Flat Bread, rice, beans, Taco's, corn on a stick, some goo slime on a spoon from the back end of the goat they killed in the local dump, (Sometimes you chase your food, sometimes your food chases you.)?

America has given these ungrateful clowns FREE healthy food and medical support for committing illegal acts!! And I'm stuck in here eating leftovers daily? (I’m all about a bagel in the morning, but we've had bagels for almost three weeks now. Everyday. No; cream cheese, peanut butter, jelly, ham slice, egg, bacon, just a dry bagel. Just saying.)

I need an attorney for a lawsuit against this Government. I need someone with a set of Testicles to go the distance.

I'm going to grow a mustache, take on an accent, pretend I'm from south of the border!!

What will you do when they come for you?

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

Please continue to keep Jeff and his children in your prayers. You can write to Jeff at:

Jeffrey Mckellop, #35220-509

FMC Fort Worth 

Federal Medical Center

PO Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119

Tour de Force - Jeff's first post for 2024 "Almost 3-Years in Review"

January 6th, 2024

“I've been called every racist label the DC Criminal System could offer.

I've been Physically and Mentally abused by guards: Marr, Tally, Bruce, Sunders, Deal, McDade, Abdullah, Allen, Pittman, Landerkin, Lancaster, there’s more, but the district took almost all of my letters and notes from the lengthy legal battles I've been going through.

I've been held for almost six months total of Solitary Confinement. COVID Lock down, 14 days each, twice w/o taking a test. 23/1 lock down without notice or provocation.

I've had my mail shut off. I've had the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation raid my cell like I was a dog. Took all my legal paperwork and intercepted all my phone calls.

I've been taken to Suicide watch twice against my will. When asked why? They can't answer, nor do they have evidence leading to any accusation of my wanting to hurt myself. Lies! I told Kiyonaga about this. " Oh, so how's it going jeff? Hey, do you have another 20K to get us over this? I'm working almost free here."

I've had every shred of evidence stolen of my existence, all my childhood photos and memories stolen, entire Military history, house and personal belongings stolen or sold. There is nothing left.

I've begged and pleaded for a sliver of mercy. Judge Carl Nichols will have none of that! "It doesn't matter what anyone says. “He's not going anywhere." Prosecution: "Mr. Mckellop is the worst thing this country has ever seen. If we allow him to get out, he'll hurt more people, he'll !" Bond Denied!!! Seth Peritz: "Well Jeff, we'll get them next time. I'll call you in a couple of months." Fired!

I've been moved to a mental institution against my will. My attorney John Kiyonaga: "Mr. Mckellop is slipping, I'm really worried about him, I'm so worried about his physical disposition, he won't call me." There's no evidence of my "Slipping." He'd stay after court and explain to the judge about getting me here. I told him specifically "You have to watch what you say! You’re going to get me convicted to a mental ward." He wanted me here to eliminate my case and force my hand into a crappy plea deal! They don't want to go to trial! He forced Rob Morss into the same crappy plea deal! He knows we can't speak to one another. He uses that against us to hide his actions.

I've been forgotten about by the court system.

In the end, it's going to come out. "Mr. Mckellop was under psychiatric care for a long period of time. He needs to remain under care and observation, for whatever time frame they choose. I will never be truly free to live my life again. The government will have a hold over me until I die. I'll be stashed away in a Halfway House, working at Taco Bell, until I die. Fu@#ed for life!!!

Thank you, John Kiyonaga, for your help getting me to this location.

James Bright, Phil Linder, Bill Shipley did absolutely nothing for my case. They were taking donations all the while, telling people they were helping J6's with their cases. They waited me out to take a crappy plea deal, then blamed me for not doing enough.

As always and once again: Tm's 54, 64, 74, of the MPD who created and incited the most violence, beat innocent women, provoked the most violence from the crowd: Thau, Tindal, Crisman, Horos, Bagshaw, Augustine, Hawkins, Harding, Edwards, Riley, Lombardini, Smiley, Lynn, Petera, Smith. On and on. Make sure you watch camera footage 0180. Undercover agents, Crisis Actors, Provocateurs. I'm being held for what I know, and they know it."{

Jeffrey McKellop #35220-509 Political Prisoner

Merry Christmas

December 26th, 2023

 I would like to extend a warm, Merry Christmas to one an all.

Thank you for staying with me, giving me hope and support throughout the last three years. This will be my Third Christmas being a political prisoner. Almost like a Halloween costume. Sometimes I feel it's a joke and I'll wake up one day.

Three years of support from God fearing Christians!

You've never met me, nor knew anything about me until the epic event on January 6, 2021. That day brought so many people together. The electricity in the air was unlike anything I've ever felt. The energy needs to be focused like a super magnet, pulling Patriots, Americans, Christians, hardworking families, from around the United States, together as one.

Freedom isn't free. You have to earn it. Our forefathers did. They paid with their lives.

Never ever stop helping each other. Never quit! Never look back! Keep pushing! Movement is life!

I will never bow down to the yoke of Tyranny. What will you do when they come for you?

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner


December 21st, 2023

As it stands.

We now no longer have a free election system, where the "Registered, Legal, Citizens, of the United States can freely pick who they want to vote for. Now we are told and given who the government wants us to vote for. We have Congressmen and women calling for the eradication of a race of people. We have people in congress manipulating information leading to the arrest of people, allowing them to slip the talons of justice. Things that would get normal people convicted for decades!

My Due Process has been violated ten different ways to Sunday. Henery, Young, Kiyonaga, Bright, Linder, Shipley, have failed to look at any evidence of my "Conviction." Every Attorney I've had has waited me out until three weeks before trial to start looking at any paperwork. Tell me I'm facing up to 50 years if we go to trial. Unless I give them another 30K, " To get us over the next ." Because The Non-Speedy Trial Act provides a Jury selection of my Peers. That will surely convict me of every 17 counts of whatever it is I'm being accused of.

Every J6 Defendant that's gone to trial has been convicted 100% of everything that's thrown at them. My legal teams keep coming back with Plea Deals, of, 15-20,10-15,8-10 years!!! I'll never see the light of day again. Really? With the judge (Carl Nichols) holding the option to veto the deal and give me more time? Really? I've had my home (of ten years) removed and sold. All my belongings sold or stolen, every shred of evidence of my very existence has been removed from this planet. As if I never existed.

Jeffery Johanas (Undercover Agent of the FBI) allowed the town to view what he was doing to me. I begged and pleaded with them not to make a spectacle of the issue. Gave them my House Key, and garage door opener. Nope!

I've been called: , Cracker, White Boy, White Mother Fu#$%^, Insurrectionist, Terrorist. All by the people who are now holding me.

I've served this country for 28 years, held a Secret, and Top-Secret Clearance for years. Never been arrested. Dedicated my life to this country.

I've changed my mind.

People are not looking at the "Why!" They are looking at the "How and the What." There were a reason why normal people acted the way they did that day. I saw it, I've been trying to point it out. No one wants to look at it. And we have people in power trying to cover it up.

As it stands right now. I'll never see the light of day again. I've been convicted, before I’ve been convicted. Up to 50 years!?

I want to make this known. I want my words to get out. I beg that you send this forward.

" I want to have my United States Citizenship Revoked."

I want to be deported right now! If Illegal Aliens get to choose where they want to go in the United States for FREE? Then I choose to be deported to, Argentina, or Columbia. Where I'll take up a wife (half my age) and a fishing job.

Illegal Aliens have more rights than I do! They can come here illegally, get a phone, Thousands of dollars, and a bus ride to any place in the United States. Free! Then I want out.

I promise never to come back. I've never been on the radar, and no one's ever heard of me. I promise YOU will never hear from me again.

I want my Thousands of dollars, a phone, new clothes, food, a place to stay, voting rights in another country, free medical, fake ID.

My name is Jeffery Mckellop, Retired US Army Special Forces, ODA 394/396. Father of Davis and Paige.

I am a Political Prisoner.

Jeffrey Mckellop, #35220-509



P.O. BOX 15330


I'm Still and American! I'll Never Give Up!

December 9th, 2023

To one and all.

I snapped out of my iron hard, flat, bunk bed, like a 50m pop up target last night to check my Ivy I stole from the yard. I have it in a pill bottle on my six-inch window. (Good, still alive.) I had a vison it died. :(

I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting me. Thank all of you. Always and forever.

I've never met any of you in my life. Yet, the longing to meet people of the same caliber is an emotion that's been around sense we crawled from the primal ooze the spawned us. Thank you for all that you do and have done. A ridged salute goes out to you. I stand poised to defend this nation next to you.

I feel we've been neighbors on the block for years. Just never took the time to meet.

I get depressed, or angry, but in the end; I'll never give up. They can't break me. S.E.R.E (give a little to make the pain go away, never expose yourself, prepare for the next issue, and deal with it.) I'm still an American!

"I am an American fighting in the forces which guard our freedom and way of life. "

I'm still here! This administration is doing everything it can to destroy our country.

As it stands, there's no end in sight. These fools want me to stay here for the rest of my life! I'm willing to tell the truth and expose the wrong. I'll take responsibility for my actions. But there's more to this than meets the eye. I want that to come to light. I've seen so much on video, it's unreal the cover up!

I can't get an attorney that'll tell the truth. These idiots aren't Americans. They are using you and me for money to further their slimy cause. Filth!! :( They keep lying to me. "Jeff we're going to trial, we're going to smash these fools, we're going to stick it to the government." Nope. Waiting me out to take a crappy plea deal. 1st 15-20yrs, 2nd 10-15, 3rd 8-10 w/possibility of more time being added, take away my ability to appeal, take away my ability to sue, 1yr halfway house, 3-5yrs probation. I'll be almost 80 by the time I'm done with this. W/o the ability to appeal to any of it. "Jeff, it's a good deal, we should take this. If I was your father, I'd tell you to take this deal, Son." ? Really?

I'm still here. Waiting for the truck to come and get me. My long wire is out, my signal is 5X5, I've sent the burst. Waiting on the objective for rescue. Continue to defend in place, continue to be an American fighting in the forces which guard our freedoms. Waiting, When....... When will it be my time......

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

*Lydia Note:

Thank you to Gateway Pundit for the recent mention of Jeff in an article - linked here:

Please continue to keep Jeff and his children in your prayers.

You can write to Jeff at

Jeffrey McKellop




P.O. BOX 15330


How many times do you need to be slapped in the face in order to save yourself?

November 28th, 2023

One and all:

   I want to thank all of you for helping me. I take no funding whatsoever. All funding goes straight to my children. Thank you once again.

    Gave up my fourth set of attorneys. Seems they take these crappy plea deals and expect me not to read the fine print. They've represented several J6 defendants. All have been forced to take crap deals and are still in prison.

    This last one, waiving all my rights to 2255 Habeas Corpus, Rights to follow on legal action to the government, and if the judge has the option to add more time to my sentence, so be it. There was a clause that I couldn't expose any information that would come to light to reduce or default my case. I stood alone with these guys.

    If I have 17 Charges against me, and I'm looking at, up too 50yrs if fully convicted (according to my legal team), then I'm going out fighting.

  Teams: 54, 64, 74 of the MPD who committed the most violence, and incited the most violence on unarmed civilians during J6. Officers: Thau, Tindal, Crisman, Bagshaw, Augustine, Horos, Edwards, Riley, Hawkins, Hawkings, Lynn, Smiley, Lambardini, Morris, Powell, Hodges, and that disposable bag, Fenone. These officers (all on video) committed the most violence and claimed injuries they couldn't prove. Cried in the bathroom while they changed their diapers. I watched them in the men's room looking at the mace they sprayed themselves with. Crying about the violence that was raging on in the battlefield yet hiding in the men’s stall. There was no command and control from the start. They could've prevented anyone from getting onto the grounds. But allowed it to happen and set the trap.

  They're a disgrace to the badge. I watched all their videos a thousand times. (This government had no idea what they allowed me to watch. I saw it! I've been trying to prove it.) The entire event was a setup! I saw it! I found the undercover agents, and the provocateurs. "Red Tape Crew, Yellow Tape Crew, Orange Hat Crew” These groups are "Crisis Actors" They came together to incite violence and move people deeper into the capital. Speaking with Capitol Police and moving on them, the MPD. Move on to commit more violence.

Camera 0810725. Show undercover agents committing damage and setting officers up for failure. Undercover agents with two-way communication systems, getting with MPD and moving back into the crowd, then moving people closer and into the Capitol. MPD Dropping off equipment to civilians and walking away, MPD dropping off Body armor and helmets, MK46 high pressure Riot Sprayers, batons, speakers, the list goes on.

  Not one! Of my legal teams viewed any of this. Just wanted me to take a crap plea deal and be done with it. If I'm going down, I'm going down with a fight. I'll stand before them all and point this out.

  How many times do you need to be slapped in the face in order to save yourself?

Jeff Mckellop

Political prisoner.

De Oppresso Liber!

Lydia Note: This is the second post today due to technical difficulties with GSG. I have changed Jeffrey's GSG link from G3JTE to JeffreyMckellop

Write to Jeffrey Mckellop, #35220-509

FMC Fort Worth 

Federal Medical Center

P.O. Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119

On this #GivingTuesday please share this post on social media. Thank you.

How many times do you need to be slapped in the face in order to save yourself?

November 28th, 2023

 One and all:

   I want to thank all of you for helping me. I take no funding whatsoever. All funding goes straight to my children. Thank you once again.

    Gave up my fourth set of attorneys. Seems they take these crappy plea deals and expect me not to read the fine print. They've represented several J6 defendants. All have been forced to take crap deals and are still in prison.

This last one, waiving all my rights to 2255 Habeas Corpus, Rights to follow on legal action to the government, and if the judge has the option to add more time to my sentence, so be it. There was a clause that I couldn't expose any information that would come to light to reduce or default my case. I stood alone with these guys.

    If I have 17 Charges against me, and I'm looking at, up too 50-yrs if fully convicted (according to my legal team), then I'm going out fighting.

  Teams: 54, 64, 74 of the MPD who committed the most violence, and incited the most violence on unarmed civilians during J6. Officers: Thau, Tindal, Crisman, Bagshaw, Augustine, Horos, Edwards, Riley, Hawkins, Hawkings, Lynn, Smiley, Lambardini, Morris, Powell, Hodges, and that disposable bag, Fenone. These officers (all on video) committed the most violence and claimed injuries they couldn't prove. Cried in the bathroom while they changed their diapers. I watched them in the men's room looking at the mace they sprayed themselves with. Crying about the violence that was raging on in the battlefield yet hiding in the men’s stall. There was no command and control from the start. They could've prevented anyone from getting onto the grounds. But allowed it to happen and set the trap.

  They're a disgrace to the badge. I watched all their videos a thousand times. (This government had no idea what they allowed me to watch. I saw it! I've been trying to prove it.) The entire event was a setup! I saw it! I found the undercover agents, and the provocateurs. "Red Tape Crew, Yellow Tape Crew, Orange Hat Crew” These groups are "Crisis Actors" They came together to incite violence and move people deeper into the capital. Speaking with Capitol Police and moving on them, the MPD. Move on to commit more violence.

Camera 0810725. Show undercover agents committing damage and setting officers up for failure. Undercover agents with two-way communication systems, getting with MPD and moving back into the crowd, then moving people closer and into the Capitol. MPD Dropping off equipment to civilians and walking away, MPD dropping off Body armor and helmets, MK46 high pressure Riot Sprayers, batons, speakers, the list goes on.

  Not one! Of my legal teams viewed any of this. Just wanted me to take a crap plea deal and be done with it. If I'm going down, I'm going down with a fight. I'll stand before them all and point this out.

  How many times do you need to be slapped in the face in order to save yourself?

Jeff Mckellop

Political prisoner.

De Oppresso Liber!

For the First Time, I was allowed to Speak Before the Courts!

November 25th, 2023

I wrote a memo to the DOJ (Department of Injustice). That came back like an atomic bomb. I was in an "Emergency" hearing this morning, November 22, 2023. I was allowed (for the first time ever) to speak before the courts. I had one chance to make it count. As my Hippie, Stoner, Biker Father told me when I was 11, "Jeff, you only get one chance in life to ride a Harley. Bring me another beer." Words that stuck with me for life. Thanks, dad, for those pearls of wisdom. One chance to make a difference. So, I laid it on the line. I told them to get rid of my legal team, find me a court appointed attorney, I have a book that tells me everything I need to know, I've been lied to by every single attorney I've had, they've been waiting me out to take a crappy plea deal, wanted more money, never looked at any of the information (Bright, Shipley, and Linder were in the courtroom as well. I asked them one question in open court to prove they weren't looking at any of the information I’ve given them. "What were the two camera angles I told you to look at. Just the two." Nothing! They didn't reply! The judge: "Well, do they know?" Nothing!!! I told him, "They just keep putting it off until I take the plea". Then I went after the judge for denying Bond. "You, Mr. Nichols denied my bond resulting in the loss of my home, truck, clothes, money, everything! Jeffery Johanas of the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation crashed into my home allowing the construction crew to watch, and then they came. I begged and pleaded with Mr. Johanas not to make a spectacle of the issue. I begged and pleaded with Seth Peritz to get me bond because my home stood alone." I think I struck a nerve. The Prosecution was going to send me back to D C, but Mr. Nichols wanted me to stay here until I find an Attorney. That's good. So, with my new knowledge of this book, and an attitude issue (?) I'm going after the DOJ. I need three videos to show what we've all been waiting for. I will call for a bench trial and prove to the public it was all a set-up. I want out! I want my children back! I want my garden, I want my kick bicycle, I want out!!!!!! Jeff Mckellop #35220-509 Political Prisoner. 

There will Never Be A Time Like This Again - Thanksgiving Message from Jeff!

November 23rd, 2023

One and All:

I want to be thankful for my children. When I look through the slit in the window of my 8X10 cell, they give me spirit to carry on.

I want to be thankful for the new people I've met through this trying experience, I hope we get together for a beer:). You've done so much for me. It's unreal. You've become a personal portion of my life when others walked away.

I want to thank one and all for being with me during this BS governments experiment to break my mind and spirit. They've tried to crush me. I will not bend. Thank you for all the mail! I've been trying to keep up with it.

Thank you, Michelle Grillo, For the awesome book! "Busted By the Feds."

Like when reading the Bible. God has his little "Winks" that he does. You open the book randomly and find something useful about your everyday life, or something you’re dealing with. It gives you awesome spiritual uplifting goodness! Helps you to sit back and think about a solution to your issues.

Thank you, Lord, for being in my life. Forever....

I want to thank our leader for not falling completely down the steps every time he walks.

I want to thank his second in command for Vin Diagrams.

I want to thank Tony Masterjohn (My First Team Sergeant) for showing me how to get dressed quickly during an Artillery Attack.

America. Know this! Now is the time! There will never be a time like this again. If we don't stand together now? You'd better get your bug out bag ready.

Doors of opportunity open and close. There's a door open now. If you don't step through it while you can? It'll close forever.

When are these freaks done working over this religion? Guess who their coming after next? Where do you stand? Will you sit back and do nothing, thinking it won’t happen to you? You'd be a fool to think that.

What will you do when they come for you?

"It's better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees."

Jeff Mckellop

Political prisoner

Lydia Note: Buckle Up - I have more awesome messages coming your way from Jeff in the next few days. Please keep Jeff and his children and all the J6ers and their families in your prayers. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!

Where are you America, when I need you the most?

November 13th, 2023

One and all 

I've been in prison for over 2-1/2 years. I've been in Solitary Confinement for an entire year, I've been called names that would have got me arrested. I've been through Starvation, Sleep Deprivation, Mental and Physical Abuse. All by people who claim I've been the one treating them bad. Blaming me for who I voted for.

I think back upon our forefathers who've accomplished more things than I can imagine. How far this nation has come. I feel small.

There are no words to describe the feeling of being alone for days on end. Col. James Rowe. "Five Years to Freedom" Taught me a huge amount about being in prison. He explains the events that take place in order for you to survive by whatever means available. To give and take in order to make it to the end. This place is truly unreal. IF this is what being a POW is? Minus the beatings of course. Then! I'll never get caught again. I'll run until my heart explodes.

I would like to thank my brothers and sisters out there fighting the good fight.

It's better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.

Where are you America when I need you the most........

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

Thanks for standing by me and giving me support."

* Lydia Note: If you would like to write to Jeff and show him your support, please send your letters to:

Jeffrey Mckellop #35220-509

FMC Fort Worth 

P.O. Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119

Please keep Jeff and his children in your prayers.

Thanks to the True Americans!

November 7th, 2023

I would like to thank each and every one of you for helping me.

You are the true Americans.

I want to apologize for my outbursts on open-source mail, my letters, and memo's.

You must understand, I've been seriously disappointed by multiple attorney's and people throughout my tenure here in prison.

I have no one on my side that will stand with me legally. These disposable bags I have representing me are bozo's, clown shoe wearing sissies. I should do a "" Check the next time, James Bright comes to visit. Ask if he's wearing his depends. See where I stand? Even my legal team wants to remove my ability to defend myself. I can't sue for " Reparation's" I can't sue the DOJ; I can't sue the DC. CTF for their treatment against me. I can't get them to recover my documents from the FBI (Fascist Bureau of Intimidation) so someone else can sue someone else. Where are we living? Where's my justice? I can't believe these actions are standing with the American People.

We've known Congressmen and women taking sides with Terrorist organizations. That's Treason!! Sedition!!!!

Correct me if I'm wrong. But when you take sides with a communist/terrorist country and openly speak out against America, what does that speak? Hello? Am I the only one taking crazy pills? Where're the people being arrested for painting the white house? Defacing Government Property? Were their assaults?

Oh, that's right. " I'm worried about Mr. Mckellop. He's suffering from PTSD. I'm worried about him." John Kiyonaga.

"Mr. Mckellop is the worst thing this country has ever seen. If we let him out, he'll hurt people. He'll ...... Bond Denied," Carl Nichols. My Judge. These are words committing me to a life sentence. And still, I'm here for another 8-10 more years with a possibility of more. If the judge decides I haven't had enough of this awesome lifestyle.

All and all? Thank you all for your support. I'd stand with you on the hill.

Jeff Mckellop

Political prisoner.

Who Will Stand with Me?

November 2nd, 2023

Everyone knows my sob story! Everyone knows how I grew up in poverty to Hippie, Stoner, Biker, parents from the 60's.

Everyone knows the mumbling and bumbling of my childhood. Until the day I watched that video at the Recruiter's Office. Hard core Rangers paddling down the Yellow River in Florida. All Bad A$$, All Hard!

I knew what I wanted to be. I knew what I needed to do.

To all my Veteran's out there! I stand correct and render a rigid salute to you!

To all the survivors out there who took the near side ambush in the hills of Tora Bora. To the men and women who smashed in their doors and kicked that booger eater in the face! Grabbed them by the hair and asked where the hostages were!

To all my Special Forces bro's who walked the mean streets of Mosul, Talafar, Baghdad, Kirkuk, Falusa(spell), Hellman, Herat, Gardez, Kabul, on and on. I walk the mile of fire to stand next to you bro's! If I could do it again? I'd go harder!

To my fallen brothers out there still on the hill fighting the good fight! I cried at your funerals. There was no measure to how fast and hard we brought the fight to their doorstep!

We Put a boot to their face looking for the WMD's. We burned their homes to the dirt and smoked another cigarette while their women cried. We watched star cruisers burn off the coast of Orion. They scream for mercy when there was none to give. I don't care! Pain is all they know.

To you, my friends! To you brothers! I cry typing these words. Paul Sweeny, Dave Hurt, Lonnie Snep, I love you, and will never forget your names. I was called by a brother to stand on the objective of J6!

Once again, looking for skinny jeans wearing punks burning my flag. Little did I know I was caught up in the largest scam this country has ever seen. I was left on the objective to fight alone. I still wait for the truck to save me. Help me!

My terminating long wire is out, my loop back is good, my message is sent. I need a reply. Waiting....

I named the names of MPD officers involved with the cover up, Thau, Tindal, Horos, Bagshaw, Augustine, Edwards, Riely, Smith, Hawkings, Harding, Lynn, Petera, Morris, Powell, Hodges, Fenonne, Dunn, on and on. No one is looking at the memos. No one is looking at the evidence!

My legal teams suck a mean one! They just want me to take a Plea deal to be done with it. Wash their hands of the issues. No one is there for me after 30 years of service. I've been lied to the entire time. No one tells the truth anymore yet expect me to come forward and be honest. I've told the truth and found the evidence of cover up to the Nth degree. No one looks at the evidence!

Just mock me and my efforts. I'm being called a Terrorist, Insurgent, Communist, Marxist. These people can't even spell these words. All the while mean-mugging me and putting me back in a hole. My "Legal Team", Jeff this is a good deal. Take the 8-10 years. Don't worry about the judge having the option to give you more than 10-15? But he won’t because the judge is a good man." Really?

Who will stand? What will you do when they come for you? What will you do when the lie is at your doorstep? Who will stand with me? When I need you the most.

I've seen my children twice in almost three years. That's four hours in almost three years. We spent most of the time crying.

It's better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees!

Jeff Mckellop 35220-509

Political Prisoner

Jeff's Message to the Nation

October 16th, 2023

Eyes of the Nation Behold!

As of December 11,2023. I will stand before the eyes of the world to receive my punishments for my actions on January 6,2021.

Judge, Nichols will hand down the most sever of punishments with a stupid looking grin. Knowing he did right for his party. I'm expecting nothing less than wasting away in a dark corner in some remote location. There's no mercy, no quarter.

I've tried every way possible to explain what happen that day, and what I saw. I've provided, Names, Dates, Times, Badge numbers, and locations of the most aggreges crimes committed by MPD and Capitol Police. I've begged and pleaded with my legal team to view the evidence as to why things happened the way they did. They refuse to view anything.

Before I go into court. There'll be cameras, and reporters making sure they get all the tears and emotion of the dirty J6'er who did so many wrongs against America. "He tried to steal the vote! He tried to steal Democracy! Burn the witch!!"

My crappy legal team will approach me with another crappy plea deal. These deals have strings attached. They're trying to force me into making and signing an allocution. They've never been to S.E.R.E.

This Government wants me to denounce my party affiliation, my loyalty to Trump, that January 6 wasn't a set-up, promise never to vote again, and regret my wrongful doings to America.

Every ounce of my Christian Fiber knows what's right. I know what I know and saw what I saw. I will not bow down to the Yoke of Tyranny. I will not take the knee in order to save my own life. I will not lose face in the eyes of my children. What would my children think if they watched their father crying to save his own life?

All these years protecting America. All have come down to one moment in time. On that day, I utterly stand alone. I will not bow my head. I will not back down.

My name is Jeff Mckellop, I am a political prisoner.

De Oppresso Libre!

Communications Issues - the System is Fighting Back

October 5th, 2023

In an effort to silence Jeffrey he has lost (for 30-days) his ability to make phone calls; no commissary, no visitations, along with the ability to communicate with Cowboy Logic and myself. Luckly, Jeff had created a team of "Patriot Volunteers" to help keep the line of communication open. You can still write to him - address below. 

His court date is scheduled for December 11, 2023. Please keep him and his children in your prayers. 

Here is the last message I received from him before they shut down the communication.

"Get your bug out bag ready. The Zombies are coming."

This administration is about to give it all away then blame, Your Christian values, Family Nucleus, “MAGA" Movement, and Republicans ("Their trying to steal Democracy!)" for the fall of America. Then intact a, "Police State."

This country's demographics is about to change forever. We're about to become, " Northern Mexico."

IF you don't take action now, there won’t be a later. Your vote won’t matter, your voice won’t matter. When you decide to put down your Pizza, soft drink, turn off your sexy Avatar, get off the couch, and do something? You'll be in here with me. "1984"

Remember what I said. "The hand of reality is B@#$ Slapping you. What will you do when they come for you?"

Jeff Mckellop (RET)US Army Special Forces ODA394/396(Political Prisoner)

Please write to Jeff

Jeffrey Mckellop 35220-509

FMC Ft. Worth

Federal Medical Center

P.O. Box 15330

Ft. Worth, TX 76119

New message from Jeff

September 30th, 2023

"Thank you so much! People need to come together!

Put out the call, set your terminating long wire and send the code.

America is being slapped so hard, how much more can you take?

These fools, I'm dealing with in here running the show, are drinking so much "Kool Aid," their lips are permanently stained (IT's like S.E.R.E School in here, minus the beatings. I'm also working on a gang name..... " Stab master")"

 "IT's better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees."

Thank you one an all for your support. De Oppresso Libre!"

Jeff updates us on his Legal Journey

September 26th, 2023

"Patriot Freedom Project (PFP) has reached an end for me.

They no longer have attorney's left in the pool of legal teams to support me. PFP has been an awesome supporter throughout my journey by providing me with, Legal fees (all of them) offering money to my family as well as donating money to my Commissary. PFP (Cindy H.) has been very helpful and supportive throughout the entire process. When asked for legal help, they stepped forward and produced John Kiyonaga (JK), without hesitation.

I only ask a couple of items when dealing with my life. Tell me the truth, tell me what you can do, then do it, and most of all! Don't lie about your actions.

JK was running me along the entire time. Working with the prosecution the entire time behind my back, on a crappy plea deal that would have left me in prison for the next 8-12 years. Never once did he look at any evidence and had no idea what the case was every time we met. I had nowhere to go but stick with him. I was told he's the best, and a bulldog in the court room. Every meeting was as if it was the first. Falling asleep during sessions, arguing in court about my dental work. On and on. Then have the nack to ask me for another 20K!? Just to get us over the next . Talked my friend into closing out my GSG meant for my children. Scott gave JK 10-15K. JK didn't say a word about the entire transaction. Just kept asking for money. Turning PFP into a cash machine. JK: " yeah Jeff, I'm working all night on this. Look how much paperwork I've done! Look at that stack! It's so big!" ? This guy would fall asleep during our meetings!!

Now I have J. Bright, P Linder, B.Shipley. They came highly recommended. - PFP has fronted the money with them as well. - I've been calling and demanding a meeting. I've been moved to a Mental Evaluation Facility for an evaluation to see If I'm stable enough to attend court. Wow... I'm still here. Where's the hard-core legal team? Whose office is 40 Miles from this facility? I was told this is one of many visits, " Where going to get to the bottom of this and look at all the video Jeff. We're going to find the missing man on the grassy knoll!" Nothing.

I called their office so much, they cut off my phone number. I called their cell numbers. Blocked. I asked Shipley, " is going on? Where are you? Don't we have Trial soon? When is the date? Where are you, there is a ton of evidence to view!"

"Well, uh, yeah, we're working on it, and there's a ton of paperwork to be done, and uh, we're stacked with, you know, legal stuff, and How are you doing Jeff? How's the food? Do you get to go outside?"

I've had three visits from the "Hard Core Legal Team". First: Was a meet and greet. Second: They read to me the very same print out of my evaluation two weeks after I arrived here. The Third: We finally looked at videos and started going over the facts. Then he (James Bright) started looking at his watch. As fast as the meeting started. It was over. Never to be heard from again.

I'm looking into another attorney. PFP has been awesome in every way, but they can't go any further with me. It's going to have to come from my pocket. I'm going to beg and plea to get someone to come on board. I spoke with Brian Ochoa. He's a Christian and at least tells the truth. I’m going to speak with him this week to see what we can work out. I hate to say it. I stand alone.

Everyone has been so supportive, with gifts and donations. I wish I could look you in the eyes and shake your hands. Thank you so much.

Jeff Mckellop (Political Prisoner)

Thank you, Patriots! A Powerful Message from Jeff

September 17th, 2023

  To one an all: 9/11/23 9:21 am

     I would like to thank you for standing beside me! I want you to know, how much I owe you in these dark times. I render a ridged salute each and every one of you.

    I want to thank every American out that that's helped me! Large or Small. The effort that you're putting forward is so helpful to myself and my children. Tears fill my eyes when I think about the debt that I owe you. A dept. that I would gladly pay tenfold. If you ever call me, I will be there.

   Few have stepped forward to accept the challenge and be recognized as true Americans. When the call came out, you stood to the challenge. I can proudly say, When I stand the wall to protect those who sleep peacefully at night. You're right beside me. We stand the wall of freedom. Thank you, my brothers and sisters.

  This journey's been a realization for me that America isn't what people think it is. I was blind but now I see.

   We're in the fight of our lives. This administration has taken us back to 1700's-1800's to the separation of the colonists. Our founding fathers seeking a better way of life from the oppression that bound them. This administration wants nothing more than to reenact the totalitarianism and oppressive behavior England once held over its peoples.

 There are forces at work as we speak (Evil Forces) doing everything they can to destroy what our founding fathers built and died for. Colonials have given their lives to obtain! Because they saw the future of their people. These forces will never sleep, never tire, never yield. They will burn everything thing to the ground, with nothing left standing, and say, " Look! We won!" They don't care. They never will. If we don't stand together and regain what is lost? IT will all be gone. Nobody to blame but ourselves for allowing it to happen. Voting isn't the only thing we need to do. " Oh, well, I'll just vote better next time." There won't be a next time.

  The hand of reality is slapping you. Back and forth, back and forth. What will you do, when they come for you?

  Max love to you all.

  My name is Jeff Mckellop, Proud father of Davis and Paige. I am a political Prisoner.

Powerful 9/11 Message from Jeff

September 11th, 2023

 To one an all:

     This day 22-yrs ago. I was in Nigeria, the small town of Birnikibi. We were training Nigerian soldiers. We watched the Twin Towers fall on local Television. I cried, I wept, like a child. I wanted to pull my teeth out I didn't know what to do. I left the tent and started running across open fields. I stopped. Sweat running down my face catching my breath.

 Like a bullet hitting me in the face. I realized what I was designed to do. I realized what GOD has put me on this planet for.

  Three months later we (ODA394) were on a C17 Globe Master headed for Kandahar Afghanistan. I spent the first part of the Great War leap frogging mountain tops calling air strikes on savages far below. So cold, so high up, 10-13Kft. Snow waist deep. Inside my sleeping bag, wedged between rocks, waiting like a spider for my friends to arrive. We watched our planned targets load weapons and munitions into the backs of truck near a small village. Dogs running around, chickens, multiple vehicles, boxes, garbage, hay, small stable for goats. Their getting ready to attack innocents. Laughing as they loaded heavy machine guns, bombs and supplies. We spotted them far below and lazed the target. Launched from a B52 over 20Kft above the planet. I will Never, forget the roar of the 500lbs guided munitions as it screams overhead between the mountain tops headed for its final target. With a blinding flash. It's over and there is nothing left. They're not laughing any more.

  Thank you, America, for all that you have done for this world. I will never forget you.

   My name is Jeff Mckellop, Proud Father of Davis and Paige. (RET) US Army Special Forces, ODA394,396.

  I am a Political Prisoner.

Update Powerful 9/11 Message from Jeff Image
Message from Jeff

September 9th, 2023

To one and all:

When will America wake up? The communist boot is just about on your neck. When will you stand up for yourselves? This administration is doing everything it can to enslave the American Population and you stand by and watch with your thumb up your six! "Oh, I'll just vote better next time, I'll show them with my vote, my love for humanity and our feel-good status of smiles and Unicorns. I'll tell my neighbor to vote better, then we'll fall to the ground in a huge hug for solidarity."

There won’t be a next time! There won’t be anymore feel-good hugs to make it better! You're standing poised to lose it all in the blink of an eye. The hand of reality is Bi$% Slapping you. Don't wait any longer! The time is now.

  Better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.

 Jeff Mckellop Political Prisoner.

Message from Jeff

August 27th, 2023

My next Cowboy logic briefing airs this weekend. I don't want to sound like a sissy, or a psycho.

I'm going to start talking about why I repeat myself. I do this to irritate people. I want America to stand up and get pissed! I want people to wake up and take a stand for freedom.

It's almost over! If we don't do something now? As of right now! Especially when this mask mandate is coming out.

America is going to settle for nothing. When later comes? It'll be too late to act. America will take a knee in unity for the mask, that'll be their undoing. They'll kneel before the chains of their masters.

As always and forever!

It's better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.

What will you do when they come for you.

   Jeff Mckellop. De Oppresso Libre!

The Video - Must Watch

August 19th, 2023

Must Watch - Jeff's Interview with Cowboy Logic

August 19th, 2023

Please listen to Jeff's powerful interview with Cowboy Logic broadcasted on 8/18/23. Please support Jeff anyway that you can. God Bless You All.

Catch Tuesday Night (part 2) when we appeared with Tommy Tatum at The America First Warehouse J6 Special Event!

BONUS: While we were live, our J6 Brother Jeff McKellop called in from Prison!! You do NOT want to miss his interview!!





Hold on to your Hats

August 12th, 2023

Jeff called today, to let me know he will be doing a new interview with Cowboy Logic this coming week. Hold on to your hats. Jeff has a lot to say.

If you are wanting to mail Jeff letters and books, please check with the Patriot Mail Project and/or for his current address. He is currently in Texas but could be moved any day. Please Keep him in your prayers. 

Jeffery McKellop, #35220-509 

FMC Fort Worth

Federal Medical Center

P.O. Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119

The Waiting Game

August 8th, 2023

Jeff has a new lawyer, Bill Shipley. Bill Shipley has not had a good track record with his J6 cases, hopefully things will improve with Jeff's case. Jeff had a status hearing recently and it looks as if Jeff may have a trial date (nothing is set yet) for late August or September. Prayers Needed!

I am happy to tell you, that Jeff got to see his beautiful children again this past weekend. Jeff is in good spirits, and he is hoping to help the children with their school expenses. If you can help that would be wonderful and Thank You! His son goes off to college this fall and his daughter to High School.

It is not known how long the system will keep Jeff in Texas or where he will go when they do decide to move him.

Please keep Jeff and his children in your prayers!

Thank you and God Bless each and every one of you.

Update #32 - How Jeff is doing.

July 13th, 2023

Jeff Update:

I have received several calls from Jeff over the last few weeks. 

When asked how his birthday was, Jeff's response, "Great, I did not get stabbed!"

Well, Thanks be to God that did not happen. In general, his spirits seem optimistic. He is greatly enjoying the books and letters he has received from the many wonderful patriots. Thank you. 

Jeff is frustrated by the lack of legal response from his lawyers. As of my last call, he had not heard from them. The law firm is located in the Dallas, TX area. This is unacceptable. 

Jeff is waiting to be transferred out of his current location. No idea when this will happen or where he will land. 

Please keep Jeff and his children in your thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

Happy Birthday, Jeff! Happy Father’s Day

June 17th, 2023

Please join me in wishing Jeff a Happy Birthday. His birthday is Saturday, June 17th. 

And a Happy Father’s Day! 

For those of you that know Jeff’s story and for new patriots just joining, Jeff’s love for his children is the fuel that keeps him going. Through it all, Jeff has kept his children his driving force each day. Every letter always ended with “Call my children! Tell them the Truth! Tell them I Love Them!”

By the Grace of God, I am happy to report that, after not seeing his children for over two years, they were reunited again this past weekend. What a beautiful and wonderful Father’s Day Gift and Birthday Gift for Jeff.

Please join me in praying that Jeff is released soon, his Freedoms restored and he is permanently reunited with his children! 



Message to America

May 29th, 2023

To America!

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees! I will not apologize in the face of my children. I will not take the knee to save my life. Not when I know the truth! As always, my name is Jeff McKellop, father to Davis and Paige. Retired US Army Special Forces Oda 394 and 396.

I am a political prisoner!

This message was sent in a letter that Tim Rivers received from Jeff this month. Jeff is still working on trying to see his children. He has not spoken to his lawyers since I last talked to him. 

Jeff is at least enjoying a much needed break from the DC jail. The food is better and he also has more time to enjoy the outdoor area. 

Please pray for him and his children.

God Bless. 

Jeff is in Texas.

May 4th, 2023

The courts have delayed Jeff's trial and have sent him to Texas for a 30–90-day evaluation. 

Please write to Jeff and send him some love. Please keep Jeff and his children in your prayers.

Jeffrey McKellop, #35220-509

FMC Fort Worth

Federal Medical Center

P.O. Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119

On the Move

May 1st, 2023

Jeff was moved out of the DC Gulag on the morning of April 24, 2023. My understanding is that he is on his way to a facility in Texas. Jeff is still awaiting trial. I will update the site when I have more information. Please keep Jeff and his children in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you. 

Survival and Life Skills

April 17th, 2023

Jeff: "I teach my children to survival camp every place we go. They love it! I taught my children how to find "Fat Wood\ Lighter knot. Find and be able to make fire in the snow, rain. We make our own shelters out of fallen trees and whatever debris we find. We have a Ferrell Rod we bring with us instead of matches and a lighter. If your shit gets wet, you can still make fire. We've been in some pretty cold times camping. Miss my children. This fxxxing government took me away from my kids"

"Never hide! Movement is Life! Stay Alert! Stay Motivated! Always do something NEW EVERY DAY! Find Like-Minded People!

Survival and Life Skills

April 17th, 2023

Jeff and I got into a discussion about survival, bug-out bags and other survival needs for the times we are in. Here is a sample of some of this Veteran Army Rangers badass advice while he is seating in the DC Gulag.Jeff: "I teach my children to survival camp every place we go. They love it! I taught my children how to find "Fat Wood\ Lighterknot. Find and be able to make fire in the snow, rain. We make our own shelters out of fallen trees and whatever debris we find. We have a Ferrell Rod we bring with us instead of matches and a lighter. If your shit gets wet, you can still make fire. We've been in some pretty cold times camping. Miss my children. This fxxxing government took me away from my kids."Jeff: "Soooo, the explanation about where to hide? Never hide. Movement is life. Stay alert, Stay motivated, always do something new everyday, find like minded people. No military coming to save us anymore. They're too woke, their hands will be tied, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent if they disobey. The military will be used as marshals. Can you say, " Marshal Law?"
Time for Action: New Message from Jeff from the DC Gulag

April 7th, 2023

Time for Action: 

"The hand of reality is bitch slapping you. How much more will you take before you stand up for your own life?

Wanna know what the modern day zombie will look like once Hyper inflation hits?

The people who can't get their medication keeping them straight. What happens to them when it's cut off?

The people that came across the border who can't feed their family of ten. How will they find food, water, shelter?

The Gang members (Crips, Bloods, MS13, ZATAS, Chinese Triads, underlying gangs) will now become organized and more violent.

Local law enforcement won't come to work.

Duty now for the future! This country can't take another year of this. I just want out to be able to see my children again.

2-1\2 years now."

My name is Jeffrey McKellop, Father of Davis and Paige. (Ret) US ARMY SPECIAL FORCES ODA 394&396.

I am a political prisoner. DE OPPRESSO LIBRE!

Time for Action: New Message from Jeff from the DC Gulag

April 7th, 2023

Time for Action: 

"The hand of reality is bitch slapping you. How much more will you take before you stand up for your own life?

Wanna know what the modern day zombie will look like once Hyper inflation hits?

The people who can't get their medication keeping them straight. What happens to them when it's cut off?

The people that came across the border who can't feed their family of ten. How will they find food, water, shelter?

The Gang members (Crips, Bloods, MS13, ZATAS, Chinese Triads, underlying gangs) will now become organized and more violent.

Local law enforcement won't come to work.

Duty now for the future! This country can't take another year of this. I just want out to be able to see my children again.

2-1\2 years now."

My name is Jeffrey McKellop, Father of Davis and Paige. (Ret) US ARMY SPECIAL FORCES ODA 394&396.

I am a political prisoner. DE OPPRESSO LIBRE!

Message to America from Jeff from the DC Gulags

March 24th, 2023

America!  It's up to you to pull us out of this. It's time!  You may not be young, but you can help those that need it. I can't do it anymore. It's up to you! Look left, look right! We are brothers and sisters in this together. Help us help each other! It's all for our children!

Thank you! Thank all of you!! De Oppressor Libre!

Jeff McKellop, I am a Political Prisoner in my own Country. 

I will STAND Before them ALL and tell the TRUTH!

Message to America from Jeff from the DC Gulags

March 24th, 2023

America!  It's up to you to pull us out of this. It's time!  You may not be young, but you can help those that need it. I can't do it anymore. It's up to you! Look left, look right! We are brothers and sisters in this together. Help us help each other! It's all for our children!

Thank you! Thank all of you!! De Oppressor Libre!

Jeff McKellop, I am a Political Prisoner in my own Country. 

I will STAND Before them ALL and tell the TRUTH!

Jeff's Message to America from the DC Gulags

March 14th, 2023

To America! Max love to one and all! We will see who stands by the Flag and who stands for Biden. I'm calling you out! Hear my words in a few. Give you something to look forward to. De Oppresso Libre! 

DC Gulag Political Prisoners Sings a #1 Song

March 11th, 2023

“Justice For All” single performed by the J6ers in C2b and President Trump was formerly released today! In a few hours, it has reached #1 on iTunes/Apple Music Charts. 

Jeff and his fellow Political Prisoners are extremely proud and excited. They have something to smile about. MTG is also planning a visit. Keep them in prayer, always!

A limited copy of vinyl 45 are available. Please download your copy of the single from any of the music streaming platforms and visit the official website:

Cowboy Logic Interview and Early in the DC Gulag from 2021

February 25th, 2023

Jeff's interview with Cowboy Logic (on Rumble) will air Sunday, February 26, 2023. Please watch it.

As always: Jeff wants his children to know that: He Loves Them! He Misses Them! And He wants them to know the Truth. 

I found a letter Jeff wrote to me dated September 29, 2021. The letter is powerful in that it explains what he went through and the conditions at the jail during the first 9-10 months of his ordeal. The jail is still causing issues for the Political Patriots. Please keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers. 

Mrs. Sorrow,                                                                                                                 Sept. 29, 2021

Thank you for your wonderful letter. I try to answer as many letters as possible, Now, let me bring you up to speed:

My name is Jeffrey McKellop. I am a Political Prisoner in my Own Country. High School Grad 1983-Chico state Buite Community College (Got Bored with School, LOL!)

Basic Training 1987 – Airborne Training and Rangers 2nd Special Forces selection 1995 – Graduate Special Forces Training 1999 (was injured during training). 3rd GRP ODA 394-396 ODA-Operations Detachment Alpha.

Married, Two awesome, beautiful children.

Combat: Bosnia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, Germany, Italy, on and on.

Never Been Arrested!

Retired from army 2009. Contractor for state and agency. 10-years training others and deploy to Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa on and on.

Going through rough times with my relationship with my wife resulting in permanent separation. I lived in VA/Her in CO. My friend asked if I wanted to go to a rainy …………..My life changed forever!

Since my face was on America’s Most Wanted! Job: “Hey Jeff, can you come to the office in DC and bring your Government Passport?”, “Yeah,,,,we are going to need you to clean out your desk. Yeah,,,, and maybe, box your dead plants, with your high school trophies and yeah…..Take a break for a while at home for some time…..Yeah, thanks for showing up today.”

The Beginning:

  • 1. FBI: I called and turned myself in January 11th
  • 2. Hired Attorney January 10th – told to show up March 16th at FBI HQ
  • 3. FBI: Crashed my house while I was in the CTF-DC
  • 4. FBI: Left my broken door open and garage.
  • 5. One week later: Snow and rain entered my home.
  • 6. My One-day EX was notified of my absence.
  • 7. Sara – Cleaned out my home. She obtained a document too: Buy, Sell, Trade, Start, Stop, Anything in my name. Guess what happened….2019 4 runner (Gone); Specialize Roubaix Carbon Fiber Road Bike (Gone); Clothes (Gone); Home put up for rent; IRA’s (Gone), my retirement and disability monthly check (spent) $3500 a month. All my I.D. Passport, DLC, Credit Cards (maxed and destroyed) – Thank you Governor of Colorado!

Life in the Gulag

  • 23/1 Lockdown, Handcuffed with leg irons. I have been dragged down the halls with other inmates roaming freely. “Fuck you White-Boy, I’ll Beat your white ass”, on and on.
  • There is a paper that circulates here, passed out by the Chaplin – “Criterion, Final Call” by Louis Farrakhan. This facility is 98% Black. This paper promotes white hate, radical Islam, Anti-America, on and on. Get your copy today. This paper is the driving force behind our treatment, no kidding.
  • Guards: Come to our cell block looking for trouble most of the time. Mean mugged, spoken down to. From March – May they would stand hovering over our commissary every week. They were trying to extort food from us for special favors (weed, phones, needles, knives, K-2, anything)
  • Packed into our cell block 5-8, put us into our cell block, lock down for another 50+ hours. They would pack into the T.V. Room and sleep all afternoon. Claim overtime on their paycheck and boast about it.
  • Guards: Armstrong, Abdullah, Franklin, Cabbagestock, Taylor, Holmes, Brown, Adams, Dillion, Hayes, Swami, Kogi, Lt. Lancaster, Alexander, Lt. Bruce, Hauser on and on
  • Guards don’t like you, not an issue, you get locked in your cell for 50+ hours.
  • We have filled out grievance’s countless times! We are met with, pulled out of our cells, told to sit down and listen. Bitched at about how Good we have it, we should be lucky. They're only responsibility as guards is to stop us from killing one another, stop us from raping each other, on and on. I am certain these fools possess a 3rd grade education. Anyway, the large ones standing around our food trays for lunch and dinner drooling.
  • Our food: Smashed, crushed, cold, frozen, burnt, very little portions, no greens, mixed, no nutritional value what-so-ever.
  • On and on, we complain, write the chain of command about the lack of nutritional value. There has been a change to the menu, we now get beverage packs with phenylalanine, no milk, coffee pack. One soy flavor meat disk burnt chicken patty, on and one. Once again, I write to the chain of command.

Okay back on topic: I have been treated like a dog, hog, beast, handcuffed with leg irons, every time guards come in here, they are ready to fight! WHY?

“The Criterion, Final Call” by Louis Farrakhan, pick up your copy today. It’s $2.00 per copy the taxpayers pick up. This paper is the driving force to our treatment. Radical Islam, Race Hate, Denouncing America on and on.

We need help. We need our side pressured. You can call my friend of 25-years: xxxxxxxx. He is setting up a “Give/Send/Go” for me. Going to need that when I’m house arrest. Call my Uncle xxxxxx. He is watching over what’s left until I get out. He is a good man. Call my Children! Tell them the Truth, I miss and love them.

Armor of God! 

Massage-in a Bottle!

Thank you,


No One is Coming! They Know we know the TRUTH!

February 3rd, 2023

Jeff McKellop message on 1-15-23 

There isn't anyone coming for rescue. I can't find anyone to look at the videos. Every time I ask them what they saw, they always make up some shit, change the subject. The meeting ends with lame garbage, oh Jeff you look good hang in there, you'll be out soon. On and on. No one is coming, since I'm facing 10-15 yes, I might as well go out fighting. I will talk to anyone that will listen.

We work like a legal team in here. There isn't a square inch of the capitol we haven't seen. We have narrowed down the searching. We have; Names of MPD Officers working with undercover agents, men in the crowd with two/way communication ear buds, actors getting together to cause more chaos. Yellow team, Red team, Yellow Guide on team, Orange hat teams. It keeps going! You have to slow the video down and look for oddities. Follow those people looking for others. Once you find one? You find them all. Because you know what to look for! On and on. Judge Nichols." Mr. Mckellop, Your the worse thing this country has ever seen. Bond denied. "

He was speaking with the prosecution: " It doesn't matter what anyone says, He's not going anywhere." That's a life sentence. Never to see my children again.

. Action talks, bull shit walks.

Overhead camera! 0180, shows MPD involvement, undercover agent zip stripping doors closed, Under cover assets bringing gear for rioter to procure! Body armor, Helmets, night sticks. MPD dropping off equipment for others to procure. Keep watching! The camera moves left then back right!! Whoever was in the control room was manipulating the actors! On and on! Man in the rotunda! Can't open the doors, pushing from inside out. Pushing and pushing! No one around, turns waves at the camera overhead and points to the doors. Walks over and just opens the doors!!! Weapons in the crowd! MPD completely out of control! Instigating violence! On and on

No one is coming! They know we know the truth!

We turn a blind eye to the truth, so we don't have to watch it die.

Fishing story and lawyer issues

January 29th, 2023

I asked Jeff to explain the attached picture. What was the story behind it? Here is Jeff's response:

"I was with my son Davis, North of Wilmington on a Pier. Our fishing luck sucked that day, so we hooked a couple of small fish through the dorsal fin and let them swim around. Fish give off a signal indicating stress or panic. Draws other predator fish. My son and I noticed my line was swimming in a weird angle. I reeled in slowly and it took off! I was fighting the largest Sea Trout of my life. It took 20seconds before a huge shark attacked the trout and headed out to sea. The Trout head was spit out, and that's the result.

I gave Kyanaga the boot last night. He shows up with paperwork he claimed he submitted some time ago and can seems to get a response from the government. The douche bag filed on the 19th, same day he came to see me. He hasn't filed crap! He keeps claiming the government is stone walling him. He was working with the government this entire time! I showed him the federal involvement as well as MPD actors! " Oh I don't know Jeff, what am I looking at here?". Freaking really!!!! Its MPD dropping off weapons to protestors!!! Jesus Christ!

More later!"

Jeff has hired a new lawyer. Please keep him in your prayers!

Update Fishing story and lawyer issues Image
Jeff's Court Date Approaches

January 20th, 2023

Jeff's court date is in a few weeks. Please pray for him. Please also call and write your congressman to demand the release of the J6ers. Please see the following Press Release:

We the People Convention

Press Release

Monday, January 16, 2023

Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistoski, President of the TEA Party affiliated We The People Convention (WTPC) announced that Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, committed on the Bob Frantz radio show this morning that his committee would look into bringing January 6th Political Prisoners and/or their family members in to testify to Congress about the disparate mistreatment that they have endured over the past two years. Jordan’s commitment came in response to a letter from Ohio Patriot Group Leaders.

Zawistowski, wrote the letter to Jordan on December 9, 2022, which was co-signed by 25 leaders in Ohio, to bring the plight of these citizens to the attention of the American people who have been intentionally kept in the dark about the injustices that have been committed upon them by the Biden Administration’s DOJ, FBI and the Federal Courts.

In the letter Zawistowski said “It is our belief that NO TRUE AMERICA would support the abuse of these citizens for purely political reasons – if they knew about what has actually happened! The vast majority of Americans have NO IDEA people like themselves have been treated so unjustly over the past two years. You can talk about them in your Committee hearings, but we believe having them tell their stories will outrage ALL AMERICANS – regardless of political affiliation or what they think happened on January 6th, by exposing the public to the inhumanity committed in their names by their government. Through this testimony, we believe that you can make the general public understand how corrupt this administration, and the media are, and how the loss of the rule of law threatens not only our Republic but them personally.”

Message from Jeff

January 6th, 2023

Jeff did an interview on Cowboy Logic which airs on RAV and Rumble on Sunday Mornings. Look for Cowboy Logic on the web. Please support Jeff any way that you can!

Here is a resent message I received from Jeff on January 4th. I had asked him for interview information, and I told him I was doing the 3-day fast that Archbishop Vigano called the faithful to do on January 3, 4, and 5th. in honor of the J6 Political prisoners.

Jeff's reply:

I'm not sure what information you need.  I don't know the people, I was invited by a fellow patriot to give a statement.  Turned into a rant. Try Tim Rivers, he knows some of those people. (See details above)

We're getting some important people tomorrow.  I'm hoping for Congressmen or women. :-)  I have a few things I want to say.

   Our cell block has been a fury of workers updating our information board (the last time it was updated was 2017), fixing doors, checking for mold, and fixed my tile floor.  My cell has been w/o half the tiles the entire time I've been here.

My attorney came by yesterday to make me feel bad for all the work he's done for me.  Passed off a pile of paperwork for me to read. Told me he worked hard on it.  More likely cut and pasted someone else's work. Douche bag knew he was going to take the plea deal from the start.  He was pressing me pretty hard on taking it. You don't press a person that hard. Fucker! Wanted 20K more to take the plea deal.  Told me he was viewing the evidence, was looking at all the videos. Couldn't get the name of the Capt who's suing me for a million bucks. Told me he couldn't find the video. Lies!

 Oh what a tangled web we weave when we start to lie and deceive.

I lost 25lbs over a couple of months. Ranger school goes in phases. In between phases, you bulk up for the next round of punishment. 72 days total. If you don't recycle. :-)  Max love, hang in there!  

Message From the DC Gulag

December 19th, 2022

Jeff has sent Tim Rivers an update and Tim has allowed me to share. God Help and Protect Jeff and his family. Please find it in your heart to support Jeff!

Merry Christmas to you all!

Furious Tim here

If you have read Jeff's messages or letters before, or listened to his interviews in our interview library, you will know who he is and what he stands for. If this is your first time getting a message from JEFF < PAY ATTENTION! 

He does not Mince or Waste words. Jeff is a thrice decorated for valor (that we know of), 32-years of service Special Forces Veteran who has never run afoul of the law in his entire life and decades of service to this country. He has been in Jail in D.C., pretrial, for approaching TWO YEARS NOW! Jeff is speaking to YOU through his messages and letters to us. You Need to Pay Attention because his message is dire and a call to WAKE THE HECK UP - Read his messages and try to put yourself in his shoes; a Father, A Ranger, A Green beret, and an American Hero, caged and beaten like a dog to prove a political agenda by a corrupt DOJ.

You should be FURIOUS, as I am, at this treatment and violation of rights and desecration of an American Hero and what he stands for. Read, Listen and DO SOMETHING! 

December 13, 2022 at 18:07 EST

Power of the pen!!! Thanks for the funding! To one and all!

I want to thank every American for their support! This time of year, of reflection, wholesome family support and thanking our Savior for the greatest gift ever.

When Moses stood atop Mount Sinai, he was approached by GOD Himself, He asked who he was. GOD simple responded, "I AM".

That's so powerful!

The magnitude of our nation is so great it can't be measured. When you travel this season, other nations, its people, will ask if you are an American? You respond, "I am".

I miss my family so much. This government won't allow me to see or touch my family. Consistently putting the boot onto the back of my neck. Covid, and the mask are the only excuses they can muster. No photos, no mail, thank the FBI for that

The Truth Needs to Come Out!!!

My name is Jeff Mckellop, Father of Davis and Paige. I am a political prisoner. De Oppesso Libre!

A True Story of a True Warrior

December 6th, 2022

Continued from Jeff's Press Release: 

2001 September 11 – Nigeria watching T.V. in Berninkebe. We watched as people drove airplanes into our! Buildings! M.F. Must Pay!

Over 3000 people lost their lives in an hour! I went back to my tent and cried! I laid there thinking about what I could do to help. Tony, my bad ass team Sergeant. We are going to war. Pack your shit. “We are going back home and then deploy. “

January 2002 Afghanistan – I had figured out what I was good at, High Mountain Adventures! So Cold! Snow so Deep! I don’t care! I see them far below in the valley! Don, my T.A.C.P (Tactical Air Control Personnel) and I climbed high into the snow line. We see them far below. Call air strikes. Run M.F. Run! Snow is so deep, so cold. I don’t care, I show no mercy whatsoever. Village to village house to house. I’m coming for you. I volunteered for everything.

2003- Iraq – We staged in Cypress. Flew through Jorden into Northern Iraq. Hit the ground running! We’re coming for you! Mosul, Kirkut, Erbil, Tal afar on and on. We don’t stop a roller ball of death. I leave nothing but burning buildings and crying women. I don’t care. 9-11 M.F!

2004-Afghanistan! Helmen, Marjha, Kandahar. Gardez, Asadabad, Pakistan. I see you! I feel no pain! I’m coming for you M.F. Begging for mercy, I have none!

2005-06 Iraq – Back and forth. Tal afar and Mosul. Foreign fighters from all over the place to kill me. They try to take me out! I evaded ubied sniper fire, rockets, nothing, nothing can stop me! They run through the streets carrying small children as shields. Just shoot their legs. I see you! I’m coming! No Fear! The Heat! The Sun! Tracers coming so close you can tough them. So close to me the shrapnel covers my vehicle. I can’t stop. Keep Moving! Never Quit! No Mercy! No Quitter, I’m coming!

2006 – My wife Sara talked me into a teaching job. Ended my tours overseas. I went to special warfare training group to help train new special forces soldiers.

2010 – Retired from U.S. Army Special Forces. What will I do now? I know, I’ll work as “High Threat Mobil Security for the State and Agency. Hell Yes, working with bad m.f.

 When my country called, I answered! Never been arrested, Four speeding tickets.

Honor This Veteran!

November 13th, 2022

From Jeff's Letter for his press release March 2022

In 1986, Walking around downtown Chico CA. my girlfriend Adrien (Beautiful woman) eating ice cream walking around. Passing by the army recruiter’s office. On T.V. (Betamax) some bad ass rangers, all camouflaged paddling down some filth river. “Wow! That looks cool!” 

By November, I was sitting in Liberal psychology, Professor speaking about how cool it would be to be picking rice for the government. My ADHD kicked in really hard, stood up, walked out of class, leaving my books, bag, lunch, bicycle, girlfriend, apartment and pizza job.

Next summer I was in Basic training Ft. Jackson, S.C. – Hot, Bugs, Sand, and a shit ton of yelling. I was like “WOW! This is fun! Get Paid to Camp out!” 

By 1988 – I was stationed in 1st Duty Station Korea 2/503 rd Camp Hovey My company commander Capt. Kidd. “Put McKellop. Your ass needs to go to Ranger School”. “What’s that, Sir?”

1989 December – Re-Enlisted for Airborne Ranger BN. Just missed Panama by a week. Assigned to 2nd Ranger Bal. “Wow! This was cool!” Hanging out with some bad ass dudes!

1991 December – I meet a woman who talked me into getting out of the military and finishing my degree. “Uh, Ok, Because I wanted to be smarter than before.”  Listening to a girlfriend is a super bad idea!

1993 – Re-enlisted back into the military. Hell Yes, Baumholder, Germany Infantry Medic. Changed job, I felt learning and trade was the best deal. On and on. There was something all the while there in the back of my mind, a blank space to be filled. I needed to be better than the normal infantry man.

On a rifle range late summer 1994 10th special forces guys came out. I started a conversation with one guy, a medic. Bla, Bla on and on. I was like! F Yes! Green Berets! I’ll try it! What do I have to lose? I started training, like hard core. 

1995 April – May, Fort Bragg, NC Special Forces Selection. 300 Bad Ass dudes started I was 1-50 that finished! Freaking crushing Dudes! Herniated my L4-L5, stress fractured my right metatarsal. I can’t stop! It felt so good! It felt so right! I had found people that were like my broken home, lost, the need for a brother that will stick with you no matter what!

1998 – Healed and went to “Qualification Course” Hell, Yes! I was assigned to 3 special force groups. N.C ODA 394 F Yes! Green Beret! 

to be continued....

Jeffrey is out of Solitary Confinement

October 25th, 2022

Thanks Be to GOD! Jeffrey is out of The Hole in the DC Gulag.

I will update again soon with more details.

Keep Praying for Jeffrey!

Still in the Hole - Call to Action and 3-Updates from Jeff

October 20th, 2022

Call to Action:

Jeffrey is still in the Hole. The prison has not told him the reason why.

Call the US Marshals Service at (703) 740-8400, (202)-353-0653 and (703)-740-8132

Email: and file a complaint. Submit form does not work, so save completed form and email to

Jeffrey McKellop #376887 Correctional Treatment Facility- DC-CTF

"The Hole". Day 5 – October 15, 2022

I miss my children so much!

The truth will set me free. " His faithfulness to me will be my fortress and my ramparts”.

Call my children. Tell them the truth. Tell them I love them.

"The Hole". Day 7 – October 17,2022

Still no shower, my lymph node is massive! again! Larger than the last time. I'm taking the last ten doses of Amoxicillin 500mg. Two guards came to my cell this morning. I asked one if there was a shower in my future, and I need to see a medic. What a xxxx joke! ". Oh, there's a nurse that comes around, knocks on doors." " You can put in a sick call slip."

Exactly when is that supposed to happen? I've been locked in this room for seven days! One guard just walked away; no words just left.

"The Hole" Day 9 – October 19, 2022

Today "Housing" arrives to listen to my appeal for releasing me back to C2B. I have to present a case, then it gets passed off to the warden for approval. No witnesses, no documentation, nothing. Just state a case and hopefully I get returned.! That’s amazing.

I can't understand why people feel I'm the root to their issues, all their problems, and every action they commit? Blame is cast on me for slavery, or because of the white man. Their being held back.

I asked another white shirt why I was here. (As if the act of standing was too great a challenge.) " Uh, I Don't know. I'll go check.". Never came back.

The commissary worker (Muslim female) brought my bag of crap to my door. Just before she arrived, I heard her explain to her coworker how she hates white people. " I can't stand these white people, their all f. up." Not another word spoken. Opened my slot to the door, started literally cramming & stuffing the entire bag through the slot. Crushed food. No issue. (I just sprinkle the chip dust into my mouth). Looking me dead in the eye, the entire time, mean mugging me. The hate this establishment breeds is unmeasurable! -Jeff


October 14th, 2022


JEFF MCKELLOP                                                         10/14/22

"The Hole.". Three-day increments. 1hr. Out of cell for recreation, (I go to a cell twice the size of the one I'm in, no equipment to work out, water, or seat. Just stand there. I'm not doing it anymore, its depressing.) I shower, go back to my 9x8, three days in 24hr isolation, no contact, no one to speak with except when the door opens for food distribution. Repeat. I get the tablet once-in-a-while. Marshals came to speak with me two days ago. Asked me why I was here. I explained the process from which I was brought here. " Oh, that sucks. I'll look into it." Hasn't come back. Thank you for the food. I’m Not sure how long I'll be here.


Wake UP AMERICA! Still in the HOLE

October 11th, 2022


JEFF MCKELLOP                                                                                                       10/10/22

America needs to wake up! Like yesterday! Thank you so much for the food. Remember to take care of yourself first. Thank you and all you do!
I have a mouse that comes around at night. Feed him some crackers and cereal. I wear socks and shoes all the time. I don't want my feet touching this floor! Holy crap! I just pointed out to the guard about the floor. Nothing registers to this group. This place is no joke with stupidity. Every question I ask, is met with, " I don't know, I'll find out." They never come back. Shocking. I told the guard. " Do you realize how stupid you sound when you answer me?". Uh, no?. There you have it. I'm trying to get in touch with my attorney. He won't look at the video's keeps telling me he's tired or doesn't have enough time. No one is asking the important questions! "Why" why did the police just stand there? Why were they told to form a line than nothing else? Who was directing the white shirts? Why didn’t they give instruction to the foot soldiers on the line? The white shirts left the foot soldiers to fend for themselves. And J6 became a huge fist fight! You had a mob fighting another mob! No control, no order! Look at it! Someone told the ranking officials to stand down and let it evolve! At 16:00, was when the orders to form a line and push people back. Why wasn't that done before? Look at the video! Police were told to stand there and form a line. Nothing else! They didn't want to give up their section of fence, regardless of if there was fighting going on around them! Like a privet told to stand guard! White shirts running around became a foot soldiers instead of dictating and organizing MPD or Capitol Police to form a line and push people back! Crisis actors and undercover police were provoking the fighting. Unreal! So! I'm still on the hole, I don't eat the food here. I'm worried that they'll put Meth, or Fentynol in it. I need to lose my gut any way. Lol! Wednesday there's some fool coming here to see if I can go back to my previous cell. Ask me some questions to understand why I'm here. Wtf? I miss my children so much. I can't call anyone from here. Reach out and make sure they're OK. Thank you for all your doing! It’s a spiritual up lifting!
Shit! Midterms need to change the course of this administration. They're prepared to give me a max sentence up to 25 years! There's a dude in here who killed two people. The government gave him 15yrs. I had a plea deal of 10-15 yrs! WTF? That it for now. More from "The Hole" later
.. -Jeff

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230viewsOct 10 at 18:09

In "The HOLE"

October 7th, 2022



10-6-22 11:37 EST
To one and all! You will never believe what this facility has done to me. I spoke out against this facility using me to work to improve the standing for an "Accreditation Inspection." I told them, "It was slave labor and against policy to use, "Detainees" as forced labor". That didn't go over well. I now have been removed from my cell, (Shackled and cuffed) taken to what is normally called," The Hole." If I could take a photo of this, you'd puke! Human feces lines the walls, black urinal flies fill the corners of the Celine, brown liquid dried some time ago on the floor. I tried to mop it up, it came up like black ash. Burn marks litter the walls and floors where previous inmates burn paper to light K2, meth, pot, whatever. My skin is becoming wrinkled from the lack of sun light. I haven't been outside in months. The paint on the walls, snot, burn marks, jizz, urine stains, peeling. Freaking inmates are up to all hrs screaming and banging on the doors, guards bang my cell door to see if I'm dead, shine a light on my face until I move. Like a xxxxx zoo! They took half of my clothing, other guards and inmates stole half of all my food upon arrival. I have no Idea how long I'll be here. I have to ration what I have left. Everything is rummaged through by guards and trustees before I get it. Who am I going to tell? My meals are almost half. Xxxxxxx POW compound. I gave better treatment to Taliban in the Helmand Provence. Ministry of Truth is coming for you!

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If anyone can handle this crazy horror show it is our American Hero, Jeffrey Mckellop. Call the US Marshall's

202-353-0653; 703-740-8132 Jeffrey's inmate #3776887 Correctional Treatment Facility, DC-CTF

Keep the pressure on! Pray! Let's get Jeffrey out of this "HOLE".


October 5th, 2022

Call the US Marshall's and Jail Demand Jeff's Release!!

202-353-0663; 703-740-8132; 703-740-8400

🚨Update from DC Gulag🚨

October 5, 2022

Jeffrey Mckellop was taken from the unit this morning by the guards. This comes on the heels of him speaking out when the inspectors came on Monday to inspect the Patriot wing of the jail. 

Jeffrey spoke out regarding the cleaning of the unit that began over the weekend. The other men were citing the 13th amendment as he was being taken away. 

As of 1pm, Jeffrey has not been returned to the unit. While the reason he was taken is unconfirmed, the thought is that he was taken for some kind of mental health evaluation due to him speaking out about the treatment at the jail. By doing this, it could discredit the things he has previously spoken out about.  

The one of last things Jeffrey said when he was leaving was “this is retaliation” 

As soon as I get an update, I will post it. Also please share this! 

Pray for Jeffrey and all the patriots in DC Gulag! 🇺🇸🙏🏻🇺🇸

Thank you and Update

September 24th, 2022

Message from Jeffrey, received on 9/23/22 from his DC gulag.

I would like to thank everyone for helping me in our countries time of change.  I know everyone is strapped for money due to this feckless sock puppet's radical Communist agenda. I just hope there's still a free country when I get out.  If I get out?  I'm not a conspiracy theorist, nor do I follow social media or "Q".  I believe what I see.  This facility has employees that are masters of lies They continually try to trip us up, get us to confess what we're doing, or our part on J6. They portrait themselves as caring concerned people, then set you up for failure, accused me of, " Not being approachable, rude, argumentative, and the court sees me as not working with the legal system. Six weeks I tried to get dental help. They sent their brown shirts in to Isolate, intimidate, interrogate, and press me to sign and take paperwork against my will.  I now have dry socket, and 1\3morlar left. They took me to dental the other day. Cornered me in a small room, tried to make me take paperwork, sign documents against my will. " Don't you want to feel better? Don't you want the pain to stop? It all goes away when you take this. We don't understand why you don't Take the information?". 

Am I taking crazy pills? Is this SERE school? Holy crap! I tried explaining this to my attorney, I sounded crazy even to myself!   Thank you one and all!  

" His faithfulness to me will be my fortress and my ramparts, a thousand shall fall by my side, ten thousand will lay at my feet.  But none shall touch me! His love for me will be my shield and my buckler. " 

  Thank you all.

 De Oppressors Libre!

Message From Jeff - Received 9-21-22

Update #4 - Labor Day Event

September 18th, 2022

I, Lydia, have sent Jeff a copy of everyone that has been posting on his fundraiser to give him hope and encouragement. To let him know he is not alone, and he is cared for by Patriots Like You! Thank you. I was able to get a few pictures from his friend, Scott. I posted one today. Getting letters and information to Jeff is not easy at this point. He is not allowed to communicate with us other than an occasional message he can get out.

At the Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF) in DC over the Labor Day weekend, a wonderful J6 Political Prisoner, Ronald McAbee, was attacked by a guard, and she sprayed pepper spray directly into his face. Three other Political Prisoners were able to quickly come to the aid of Ronald, which ended up landing all four men into solitary confinement, three have been moved to other facilities. It was a major abuse of power, unwarranted violence, and control by the facility personnel.  Here is Jeffrey’s update of the event and other abuse issues. Please continue to pray for this brave patriot and all the J6 Political Prisoners.

“Msg 9-8   Yeah!  Thanks for all you do. I witnessed the whole event. Lt. xxxxx came in with her pimp, Cpt xxxxx started beating on doors like animals at the zoo. Zeroed in on McAbee and Ryan, they continued to push the issue until inmates snap and have no choice but to defend themselves, and its game on!  They call for ERT, who were right outside the door! It took three seconds for them to break through the electric door! No orders! Just grabbed any inmate and started spraying.  Lt. xxxxx sprayed Ron point blank in the face while he was handcuffed laid out on the ground!  The hits keep coming! Cpt xxxxx came in the next day and hung out waiting for someone to engage her about the previous day! Walking around arrogantly checking doors, opening and closing them with force! Slamming! Waiting for someone to say something! Standing in the windows of inmates filming them while in their cells. Intimidation!  Isolation! Alienate! Psychological punishment for being white, a Trump supporter, and being Christian!  I will stand before them all and cast blame against my punishers! What in the F@$! Is happening to our country? They took my video discovery and legal documents after a visit from my attorney a couple of months ago. Who am I going to tell? " What are you doing with this? (Yelling at me) we are confiscating this you won't get it back! The courts asked for it. It disappeared somehow. Shocking!


Once again!  Is facility managing to amaze me.  Three times I've been approached with reports of possible suicide.  I asked, " who told you this, where did your information come from, where is the evidence of this issue?". " The psychologist: Uh, no one told me, I don't know who it was that told me, I don't understand.  Are you feeling, OK?". WTF!!! 

Am I the only one skateboarding on the rings of Saturn? I asked, " Are you stupid? Do you expect me to believe that no one told you to approach me and ask me down to medical for an interrogation?"  Isolation! Interrogation! Intimidation! Psychological abuse!”


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Update Update #4 - Labor Day Event Image
From Me to the World

September 5th, 2022

"If you settle for nothing now! You'll settle for nothing later! Now is the time to take a stand, not just for your family, but for America! I tried and was arrested for my efforts. I now watch what you will do. Do not turn your back on me when I need you the most! When America needs you the most! " My name is Jeff Mckellop, father of Davis and Paige. I am a political prisoner. (Ret) US ARMY SPECIAL FORCES ODA 394-396 DE OPPRESSO LIBRE! Subscribe and Share @TheAmericanGulagChronicles 9-3-22
The Tooth Nightmare

September 2nd, 2022

Dental:  I gave the chunks of molar to my attorney.

I showed the court paperwork requesting emergency dental work. 

The court sent five people in here to; Isolate, intimidate, and interrogate me in a small room while recording on body cams.  I saw through that crap instantly! I refused to sign or take documents they wouldn't let me read or look at!  ". Oh Mr. Mckellop, it's for your own good, you have to take it, just sign it you can read it later.". No? Really?  Uh, no!

Needless to say, they have poo poo lip because I didn't fall into their lie. I took a staple from a pack of paper, leveled it out and jammed it into the side of the gum line. The green slime and blood was like sewage water. The pressure gone. It felt so much better! I showed the on-duty officer what came out of my face, they ALLOWED me amoxicillin.

Message from Jeff on August 17, 2022

Update #1 - Major Tooth Infection

August 18th, 2022

We had our tablets removed; they downloaded our information than returned. Said it was getting an update.
Six weeks of trying to see dental. my lower left molar came apart. I gave the pieces to my attorney. Showed the guards. ". Oh well. You'll get better."
I have a golf ball size infection in my jaw. My Lymph node is huge! Trying to get emergency surgery. I miss hamburgers and a nice beer. Guards are trying to- " Bait and Trap," us with body cameras. Always talking about J6, "what would you do if you get out, we think Trump is the best, what do you think." On and On! Bro. Every night is something with this place! I miss my children so much! More later. Thank you for writing. Received on August 6, 2022

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