Jeff Clark Legal Defense


 USD $500,000


 USD $138,041

Campaign created by Supporters

Campaign funds will be received by Jeffrey Clark

Jeff Clark Legal Defense


Jeff Clark has been an eminent legal practitioner over a career spanning about 25 years.  No question about his qualifications, his ethics, or his legal acumen had ever been raised prior to late January 2021.  He served in the Bush Administration as a very young (34 year-old) Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Environment and Natural Resources Division from 2001-2005, fighting against over-regulation and winning awards from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and, most importantly, from the Pentagon for protecting naval readiness.  Without his efforts, China's race for naval domination would have advanced by leaps and bounds.

Like many true and stalwart conservatives who decided to continue their honorable track record of public service by joining the Trump Administration, however (or who otherwise became aligned in the minds of the monolithic "mainstream" media), Jeff Clark was frequently attacked and thus began a process of tearing down his reputation, earned the hard way over decades.  Sadly, it takes less effort to tear someone down than to build him up, no matter the consequences to him, to his children, or to the nation.

President Trump nominated Jeff Clark to become the Assistant Attorney General of the 400-lawyer Environment Division at the Justice Department in 2017.  He was proud, 17 years later, to take the helm of the DOJ litigating Division he had first entered as a leader in 2001.  Despite attempts to block his confirmation (which held him up for an unprecedented 14-month period), he was confirmed with bipartisan support in October 2018 and took office on November 1, 2018.  He accomplished much--(1) securing billions of dollars in penalties from those cheating the American people; (2) defending President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords that stripped Americans of jobs, offshoring them to China and other parts of the world for no good purpose; and (3) spearheading the first reform of the red-tape-encrusted National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 40 years, which was, among other things, slowing infrastructure renewal to a crawl.  In recognition of his strong work in the Environment Division, Jeff Clark was ALSO named the Acting Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Division (adding another 1,000 lawyers to his oversight responsibilities) in early September 2020.  He left both offices behind as part of the transition in mid-January 2021.

As part of a new and destructive era in politics, Jeff Clark has been targeted for cancellation by the hyper-partisan January 6 Committee, the "mainstream" media, and a collection of leftist law professors and supposed "Republicans" who are conveniently never-Trumpers.  He needs your support to defend himself against these unfair assaults and the efforts to penetrate into confidential advice he provided to President Trump--for on the Left, the advice given to all Democrat Presidents is sacrosanct but President Trump somehow cannot be afforded those same constitutional protections.  Think of the outcry if President Trump had taken office and immediately ordered the release of the advice given to President Obama from Attorney General Holder about the "Fast and Furious" operation.

In the minds of his enemies, President Trump is a special case that must be resisted at all costs and anyone who during their term of office did not sit around presiding over meetings but who instead zealously acted in the service of President Trump's efforts to "take care that the Laws be faithfully executed," U.S. Const. art II, sec 3, is equally an enemy.  Because the view that Mr. Trump is not entitled to the respect his office commands, is not the neutral way in which our constitutional republic or lawyer-client relationships work, Jeff Clark needs the support of American patriots like you. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
6 days ago

sorry you have been caught in this web. will pray for you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 days ago

Dr. Matthew Bridges
$ 25.00 USD
27 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying daily. TheSadieGrey

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Karen Smith
$ 70.00 USD
1 month ago

Mary Schott
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you victory, deliverance and vindication! In Jesus' name.

J Robert Renner
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Teresa Cullen
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Best wishes! It’s a shame your talent is being wasted on this Lawfare.

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 month ago

I am praying for you and yours. Its terrible. But it won’t last forever.

$ 30.00 USD
1 month ago

Good will prevail.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

May God bless you and your tribulations be over soon.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago


$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 26.00 USD
1 month ago

Hold Strong my Warroom brother!

Harrys Big Sister
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Most expensive letter never mailed in history!

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
1 month ago

It is such a disgrace you are still having to deal with this political lawfare! GOD Bless! “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26


Update #15 Asking for Your Continued Help -- Latest Developments

January 29th, 2025

I am asking for your continued help and prayers.

As you can imagine, the cancellation efforts by the political Left and the lawfare waged against me have been expensive and have had a significant impact on my family and finances.

Legal bills continue to mount.

BAR LICENSE: Re this matter, the latest is that the nine-member (8 in physical attendance) D.C. Board on Professional Responsibility on December 19, 2024. It was broadcast if you are interested in watching it.

GEORGIA: As many of you know, Fani Willis was ordered disqualified from the prosecution she brought against me, President Trump, and several others. She is appealing that ruling to the Georgia Supreme Court and thus the litigation is not over.

It is hard to believe that litigation concerning the 2020 election is still ongoing now that the second Trump Administration has begun with Donald Trump as President #47 as well as President #45. But my hope is that you do not assume, as that would be incorrect, that the President's reelection ends all fo the lawfare.

Instead, the lawfare marches on. The irony of watching those who built up the illegal January 6 Committee, and those who worked for Jack Smith or Matthew Graves trying to destroy President Trump, myself, and others worried that reverse lawfare will begin against them is rich.

They have heaped so much needless expense and lost time on me and my family and they were heedless of all of that in their political zeal to destroy President Trump.

I ask for your continued support as a result so that we can put this lawfare to bed.

Thank you and God bless everyone who has helped or prayed!

Update Update #15 Asking for Your Continued Help -- Latest Developments Image
Update #14 -- Post Bar Trial // Georgia Interlocutory Appeal

April 18th, 2024

On March 26, 2024 the DC Bar trial against me began and lasted about two weeks. It is now over and we will soon be in a period of post-trial briefing that, when it begins, will last for about a month. Each side presents proposed findings of fact and recommendations (of law) and a brief.

At the conclusion of the trial, the Hearing Committee went into executive session (i.e., closed to the public). They came out of that session and announced their "preliminary nonbinding determination" that I had violated at least one DC lawyer ethics rule. They did not indicate which one(s) out of the two I stand accused of violating.

The trial was broadcast on YouTube. You should be able to find clips of it on the Internet and on social media sites like X.

By around the start of August 2024, the Hearing Committee must write up a recommendation that reviews the facts and the law. That recommendation goes to the Board of Professional Responsibility in DC.

Highlights of the trial? I'll include three:

1) Former Deputy White House Counsel Patrick Philbin testified that in order to block more investigations of the 2020 election and the launching of a suggestion to the Georgia Legislature for it to do more 2020 election investigation than it already had done as of late December 2020, several officials in the Trump Administration put together a resignation pact that would take effect if I had been allowed to continue running the US Justice Department. They did this behind President Trump's back (and behind my back).

2) We presented a forceful argument that the DC Bar apparatus (the bar of a single city in the US, which is a creature of the Article I Congress) lacks the power (under our separation of powers) to second guess decisions made inside the Article II Executive Branch. This was met with this ridiculous hypothetical designed to be an analogy to my conduct: 'Suppose Clark had boarded a bus in DC and stabbed a nun. Would he be immune in that situation?'

A) Of course, my conduct bears no resemblance to getting on a city bus and stabbing a nun. How could such a hypothetical even be formulated with a straight face?

B) But even more importantly, the stabbing of nuns on busses do not take place in the halls of the Justice Department or in the Oval Office of the White House and have no nexus to my duties in government. So it is no response at all to our separation of powers defense.


3) The main thing I stand accused of is "attempted dishonesty," which is a strange category. We cannot find any past cases of that kind that seem remotely analogous. It seems that the concept of "attempt" is being used to morph lawful conduct questioning an election and proposing a course of action to delve into it into something unlawful. After one of my lawyers made the argument that the "attempt" concept was being twisted in that way, it prompted a hypothetical from a Hearing Committee member that surely what John Hinckley Jr. did in trying to assassinate President Reagan was an unlawful attempt.

Judge for yourself, but that also seems like a comparison blasting in from Mars or Venus.


In Georgia, Judge McAfee issued a decision on March 20, 2024 holding that either District Attorney Fani Willis or her special prosecutor Nathan Wade needed to drop out of the case but not both of them. Since they both testified in a fashion that generated an "odor of mendacity," it is hard to see why they are not equally tainted and why the withdrawal of one cures the conflict of interest problem and the attempt to cover that up in the disqualification hearing.

We are currently seeking to have the Georgia Court of Appeals review the trial court's decision. Judge McAfee rightly granted a certificate of appeal. President Trump is also a party to that appeal as are 7 other defendants than myself.


So, as you can see, I continue to need your help and prayers. Please consider donating as I continue forward with the fight to defend myself, in the process defend President Trump, and to clear my name.

All of this lawfare is designed to prevent President Trump from returning to office and to do the same to me -- i.e., to make it difficult for me to receive a third presidential appointment (from two Presidents) across three presidential terms.

God bless!

Update #13 -- President Trump Through His Lawyers Instructs Me to Maintain Executive Privilege

January 9th, 2024

President Trump has instructed me to keep his confidences as they were reposed in me when I was a U.S. Justice Department official. I will do as long as he continues that instruction. See the attachments of the instruction letter sent to me by one of President Trump's lawyers and the associated Fox News story.

The D.C. Bar trial against me is currently scheduled to begin March 26, 2024. At least it is no longer set to begin before the Iowa Caucuses.

Litigation continues against me across multiple forums. Please consider supporting me to keep up the fight in this critical battleground Year of 2024.

Update Update #13 -- President Trump Through His Lawyers Instructs Me to Maintain Executive Privilege Image
Update #12 -- The Fight Continues Across Five Different Federal, State, and Local Forums

December 24th, 2023

Merry Christmas everyone! Prayers for you and your family, especially to all of you who have donated or sent me your prayers.

I wanted to call on you to consider making an end-of-year donation. My campaign is still well below target and the need goes on and will enter its most expensive phase in 2024. It's been 2021 since the Left has been after me. Three solid years of this lawfare is absurd. We are closer now to a new presidential election than we are to the last one.

But that is precisely why the attacks continue -- the lawfare is about trying to stop President Trump from returning to office or any Republican from assuming the office of the presidency by taking the oath of office on January 20, 2025.

Let me update you on where things stand. Again, this is a multi-front war:

(1) D.C. Bar Trial. The D.C. Bar has postponed the trial against me. It is now set to begin on March 26, 2024. Significant pre-trial deadlines are set for 12/28/23, 1/5/24, 1/12/24, 1/16/24, and 3/8/24. This trial will be extraordinarily expensive, if the Hearing Committee Chair allows us to conduct it as we are entitled to do, explaining how more evidence accumulates by the day of violations of key state election laws and other irregularities.

(2) DCCA En Banc Petition. I was ordered to produce documents that are protected by executive privilege, law enforcement privilege, and lawyer-client privilege. We have challenged that in the D.C. Court of Appeals (D.C.'s highest local court) by filing an en banc petition, which remains pending. The decision ordering production of documents contained no legal reasoning, citation to case law, or the like.

(3) D.C. Circuit Appeal. I have appealed the remand of my removal to federal court of the D.C. Bar case against me. I filed my opening brief in this litigation a few weeks ago. The District Court we have appealed from and the D.C. Bar has taken the erroneous position that bar discipline cases are not removable, even though Congress clarified more than a decade ago that all proceedings against federal officials are removable. Moreover, the Fourth Circuit ruled in the 1980s that a trumped-up West Virginia Bar action against a Reagan-appointed U.S. Attorney was removable to federal court. Briefing on this will continue for several months even before the D.C. Circuit schedules oral argument.

(4) Fulton County Georgia (Fani Willis). In a few months my pretrial motions are due in Fulton County, GA state court. We have already filed a motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction because I have no connection to Georgia that could constitutionally subject me to jurisdiction in that State. The motion was denied without either a response being filed by Fani Willis or argument being held on the motion at a live hearing. We have requested authorization to take an interlocutory appeal, which is pending.

(5) Eleventh Circuit Appeal. As you may have read, Mark Meadows, President Trump's former Chief of Staff, appealed the remand of the Fulton County criminal case against him back to state court. In a remarkable move, the Eleventh Circuit held oral argument and the very next day they released an extensive opinion affirming the remand back to state court. The Eleventh Circuit is taking the untenable position that only current federal officers can remove cases. This is contrary to more than a century of federal practice and no other federal Circuit Court of Appeals has ever so held before. My appeal is similar to but also different to Mark Meadows' but it now must overcome this novel ruling by the Eleventh Circuit panel, either by securing en banc rehearing or U.S. Supreme Court review. My opening brief is due late January. The ruling against Meadows cannot be allowed. If it is, it will greenlight lawfare against any federal official the day after he or she leaves office, which is not what Congress intended.

Meanwhile, I continue my work at the Center for Renewing America. A snippet of one of my latest appearances on Bannon's War Room can be found here:

Fighting at this point in five different forums at the same time is very time-consuming and expensive.

I hope you will consider helping out.  God bless!

Update #11 Post Removal Hearing

September 23rd, 2023

Thanks to everyone for their support.

I wanted to update you. The removal hearing in my case involving Fani Willis in Georgia was heard on Monday September 18, 2023.

We submitted a declaration from former Attorney General and legal luminary Ed Meese in support of why there is federal removal jurisdiction as I was a federal officer during the period Fani Willis is using to question my conduct. I was acting within the color of my federal office.

We do not know when the Judge will rule.

Update #10 -- Thank You! // a Six-Front War // Fulton County Jail // Arraignment Waiver // Latest Litigation Events // Expansion of Legal Team

September 2nd, 2023

It has been several months since I have updated all of you, for which I apologize. June, July, and August 2023 have all very active months defending my law license.

First, I want to thank all of you and the Lord for blessing me with an outpouring of support. So in turn I want to call for God’s blessings on you! You have been a source to me and my family.

Second, recent events have now placed me in a position where I have to defend myself on six roughly simultaneous fronts: (1) Hearing Committee #12 of the D.C. Bar; (2) the D.C. Court of Appeals (the District of Columbia’s highest local court—an Article I court in the schema of our Constitution); (3) the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia—an Article III court in the constitutional schema; (4) the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia — also an Article III court in the constitutional schema — all of these four fronts concerning my bar license defense; (5) the Fulton County Superior Court (a state court), where I was indicted along with President Trump and 17 others; and (6) the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia (also an Article III court in the constitutional schema).

You have to hand it to them, the Democrats know how to launch lawfare. It is a marvel to behold. An evil marvel, but still a marvel.

Third, at about 1 am last Friday (August 25), I went to the Fulton County jail (which is under investigation for its poor conditions and civil rights violations by the federal government) for “booking,” a “mug shot,” etc. As the straightest of arrows in two stints in federal government service and one in state government, this was an interesting experience, to say the least. But as an aspect of God’s blessing, I do have to tell you that the officers and others at the jail were very professional and even kind to me. Maybe they see through exactly what this politicized process really is.

Fourth, after I caught a brief nap, I began to work on another brief with my lawyers to defend my bar license but without waiting for that brief to be filed, on that same day (August 25), the U.S. District Court in D.C. issued an order denying two stays I had filed. (That timing was quite curious given that it came while I was till in Atlanta.) The gist of our position was that I should be able to first see the Georgia proceedings to conclusion before having to defend my bar license.

Fifth, on August 31, we filed a stay request with the D.C. Circuit to hold the bar proceedings in stasis so that I could focus all defense efforts on the Georgia charges. Fani Willis’s theory in Atlanta is essentially the same as the D.C. Bar’s — and equally flawed.

Sixth, without waiving any of my rights, yesterday I waived arraignment in the Fulton County Superior Court so that I could avoid another time-consuming trip to Atlanta.

Seventh, as you may have read in the news, like President Trump’s last Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, I removed the Fulton County case against me to federal court — to the Northern District of Georgia. The federal judge in that case, Judge Jones, has set a removal hearing in my case for September 18, 2023. Please pray for me that I am successful in removing that case to federal court. My appeal in the D.C. Circuit removing the D.C. Bar case against me to federal court is still ongoing. Please pray for my success there as well.

Eighth, I will continue the fight. I cannot give into the forces of tyranny that are trying to turn our beloved USA into a one-party state. I call on your prayers for the whole nation and that my family and I hold up through this long struggle, which has already lasted about two and three-quarters years.

Ninth, I also receive various harassing messages on Twitter/X and also on this site. Pray for our enemies, that they will see the light and stop being so mean-spirited.

Finally, I will pray for all of you and the Nation. I also ask for your prayers for my legal team, which is coming under fire in recent media stories. It’s all part of the lawfare effort against conservatives. I’ve had to expand my team, and sadly, given all the fronts, have expanded the goal for this charitable campaign.
I’m thankful you whether you have donated or sent prayers for us!

Update #9 Initial Loss on Removal Issue, Appeal, Attempted Premature Reactivation of Local Bar Case

June 18th, 2023


As my work at the Center for Renewing America has hit its stride, I have been focused there on rebuilding my career after the cancellation efforts directed at me by the Democrat party, the January 6 Committee, reporters fond of printing anonymous leaks and framing up totally inaccurate or highlight misleading narratives, etc.

I should have been posting more frequent updates, however, and hope you accept my apologies for not doing so.

This update is meant to catch people up. There was about an 8-month period of quiet but now activity has picked up just as President Trump now faces two indictments, one state and one federal.

On the same day that President Trump was indicted in the Southern District of Florida (June 8, 2023), the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued a remand order running against me. As a federal officer who is being attacked by the D.C. Bar for actions and advice I gave confidentially within the Executive Branch of the federal government both inside the U..S. Justice Department and to President Trump (or so I thought -- I didn't count on others breaching their duties of confidentiality, especially not anonymously at first), my lawyers and I believe I am entitled to a federal forum to resolve the Bar claims in a federal Article III court.

After about an 8-month delay and without granting us oral argument so that we could attempt to persuade the District Judge in open court, one Judge of the District Court disagreed and remanded my case back to the local bar process which includes a three-tiered process of (a) a hearing by a 3-member hearing committee (two D.C. lawyers and one non-lawyer D.C. citizen), followed by (b) review by the D.C. Board of Professional Responsibility, and then (c) by the D.C. Court of Appeals (an Article I court).  Ultimately, my fight arising out of the local bar's actions could reach the U.S. Supreme Court as well.

Last Sunday, June 11, 2023, I appealed that District Court ruling to the D.C. Circuit. (Following review there, I could, if necessary, also seek Supreme Court review by that path as well.) Preliminary deadlines have been set in the case running through end of July 2023. But that appeal is only just beginning. Meanwhile, on Friday June 16, 2023, the local bar process sent an order for me to file a response by June 23, 2023 to their attempt to restart the hearing process.

The local D.C. bar may be unaware that, by federal statute, I have an appeal as of right of the June 8, 2023 order up to the D.C. Circuit, making the local bar's June 16, 2023 order premature. We will be attempting to get them to continue holding the case pending my federal Article III appeals. I will keep everyone updated on that. We had already informed the D.C. Court of Appeals that it should continue its abeyance, however. Yet we still received this disappointing hearing committee order on June 16, 2023 despite our pending motion to the D.C. Circuit Appeals.

The forces aligned against President Trump and me are formidable and well-funded. The 65 Project and a ground called LDAD are relentless and no doubt funded by dark money, likely coming from deep pockets, possibly from Silicon Valley or Wall Street or both.

I am now fighting a two-front war to protect my bar license -- one in my D.C. Circuit appeal (an Article III path) and one back before the local bar process (an Article I process).

I am sure you will appreciate that fighting in two places (especially if one of the paths is not placed in abeyance once more) will make defending myself and continuing the fight for being able to disagree with mainstream media and Democrat-dominated views of the 2020 election more expensive than it has been to date. And I want to keep that fight alive. The financial and time burdens the cases place on me and my family, however, are heavy. I need your help to sustain the fight.

Please continue your support of me. I appreciate those who recently made donations as a result of my media appearances and if you saw those who have defended me like Robert Barnes and Viva Frei on their podcast and Steve Bannon and Natalie Winters.

Continue to pray for me and my family as well. We are all very appreciative of that. Over dinner tonight for Father's Day the Clarks will be praying prayers of gratitude for those of you who have donated, sent prayers, or both.

Future updates to come.

-- Jeff Clark

Update #8 -- Rumble Channel Created

May 1st, 2022

Just created a Rumble channel after being lifetime banned within a few days of creating a YouTube channel.  All I did was post my video appearance from the Bannon War Room from Friday April 8..

Jeff Clark on Bannon's War Room

And here is the Rumble Channel Address:

Jeff Clark's Rumble Channel

Update #7 Follow Me on GETTR

April 13th, 2022


And thanks to all who have helped!

Update #6

April 4th, 2022

Just got off the Truth Social waiting list.  Follow me on Truth Social @RealJeffClark
Update #5 -- My Revolver Piece on the Attempt to Kill Off Trump Lawyers

March 30th, 2022

Please read my piece in Revolver about how leftists are trying to destroy the careers of conservative lawyers by stripping them of their bar licenses.  A truly evil project no American should stand for.  The lawyers for Al Gore in 2000 did not face similar attacks.

Update #4 Please Follow Me on Twitter

March 15th, 2022


Update #2 -- My Piece in American Spectator

January 17th, 2022

My piece in the American Spectator has just appeared.  Please give it a read:

Update #1 -- Support from Alex Bruesewitz Appearing on Tucker Carlson

January 17th, 2022

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.