 USD $275,000
 USD $22,561
Campaign funds will be received by Luminate Productions Inc.
It has become dangerous in Canada for professionals such as physicians, lawyers, psychologists and teachers to express their political opinions. In so doing, they risk running afoul of the regulatory organizations that were originally designed to protect the public, but have become increasingly captured by censorious "progressives," pursuing an overtly political agenda, using the authority granted to such bodies to punish those whose opinions they deem unacceptable--even deplorable.
The issue, and the danger it poses Canadians, is well explained here by Queen's University Professor of Law Dr. Bruce Pardy here:
The Tyranny of the Administrative State
Unfortunately--and tellingly--this problem is by no means restricted to Canada. Throughout the Western world, restrictions are being increasingly placed on the free speech and thought upon which both stability and progress depend in the name of a woke agenda.
Professionals dragged in front of these commissar-like inquisitions are punished by the process itself: the endless multiplication of charges, the necessity for extremely expensive legal defense, the prospect of years in court (which works to the detriment not of the accusers, hiding behind their bureaucratic walls, but to the defendants), the reputational damage, and the direct threat to livelihood and family that this inquisitorial process inevitably produces.
I have spoken behind the scenes with many such professionals, already targeted, or concerned (as they should be) that they are next. Virtually no one believes themselves to be in a position, financial or reputational, to be able to withstand such a trial, particularly if they have a family or other dependents. Thus, they remain silent, as journalist Brian Lilley documents here:
I have therefore set up this campaign to ensure the funds I have in place to see this battle through, without reservation--to the Supreme Court of Canada, if need be--and to help others who have found themselves in the same predicament do the same.
If the petty wannabe tyrants who ensconce themselves safely and invisibly in mid-level bureaucracies--the better to exercise power without responsibility--know that those they target have the support and resources to fight back, they may well think twice about proceeding.
Planning to continue to donate.
Thank you for all you do - The spread of education, the information, the truth seeking, the defiance against , the good hearted nature, and doing all you can to fight for truth. It's an inspiration. Thank you
Thanks for being the tip of the spear!!
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