CAD $150,000
CAD $101,351
Campaign funds will be received by Helen Grus
In July 2022, Detective Helen Grus was charged under the Police Services Act with ‘Discreditable Conduct’ for allegedly conducting an ‘unauthorized’ investigation into Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infants when she sought to know the COVID-19 vaccination status of a mother in January 2022. The Ottawa Police Service are asking for Helen’s dismissal or demotion as the penalty for her allegedly ‘unlawful’ conduct.
Helen has been a police officer with the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) for over 20 years, dedicated to serving Ottawa and surrounding community with exemplary service. Although the Ottawa Police Association (OPA) dues are mandatory for all officers and civilians of the OPS, Helen has been denied legal funding by the OPA. The OPA has a duty to provide "fair representation" to all its members.
As per the police officer's oath, Helen has a duty to serve and protect, hence with or without OPA's support, she has resolved to challenge the Discreditable Conduct charge before the police tribunal. Helen has already accrued over $80,000 in legal fees which she has paid out of her own pocket and depending on the length of her trial, those fees could exceed $150,000.
We need to come together and bulwark around Helen in her fight for the truth and justice.
If the OPA reverses its decision and covers Helen's legal costs, she will refund the donations or give the individual donors an option to redirect their donations to a charitable organization.
If you are not comfortable with GSG, e-transfers can be made directly to Helen at Helen_Grus_Legal@proton.me (auto-deposit enabled)
All funds will be transferred directly to Helen.
Love and prayers.
I am very proud of your work Detective Grus.
May God help you succeed in both your legal case and your investigative case Detective
Keep the faith and fight Helen G.
Policing the way it should be and not politicized as Trudeau and most others in power did
Continuing to pray for you, Helen. Faye
You are doing God’s work. We are so lucky to have you
Thank you for your integrity in the service of protecting those who do not have a voice.
I hope the union that denied legal fees can also be sued.
January 24th, 2025
Extending gratitude to Dave Freedom for creating this amazing video of Det. Helen Grus's case.
It’s vital to understand how the outcome of Det. Helen Grus’s case could set a precedent for police accountability and operational integrity across Canada. The implications for law enforcement practices are significant.
The admission by the Crown regarding the halt of the investigation and police service act charges due to political pressure, raises serious concerns about the integrity of the judicial process. It highlights the potential influence of external factors on critical law enforcement activities.
The potential implications of Det. Helen Grus being found guilty, raises significant concerns about the integrity and independence of police investigations in Canada moving forward. It’s critical to ensure that law enforcement can operate without undue political influence, especially in sensitive cases like child deaths.
Please continue to pray for Helen and all of our police officers. Pray our police officers stay true to their oath in upholding the Constitution of Canada, preserving the peace, preventing offences and discharging their other duties; faithfully, impartially and according to law.
Please continue to share her story. Let’s show Helen how truly grateful we are for her bravery, dedication to duty, and unbridled determination to stand solid in the face of injustice.
January 10th, 2025
Detective Helen Grus' Internal Police Disciplinary Hearing has been ongoing this week. Helen completed her testimony on Monday and currently, Counsel Bath-Sheba van den Berg is in the midst of providing Final Submissions.
Helen’s so grateful to the outpouring prayers and support.
Updates can be found at the following links:
Please continue to pray for Helen and all of our police officers. Pray our police officers stay true to their oath in upholding the Constitution of Canada, preserving the peace, preventing offences and discharging their other duties; faithfully, impartially and according to law.
Please continue to share her story. Let’s show Helen how truly grateful we are for her bravery, dedication to duty, and unbridled determination to stand solid in the face of injustice.
July 5th, 2024
During the week of 27-31 May, 2024, Detective Helen Grus took the stand at the Internal Police Disciplinary Hearing, with Defense completing the Examination in Chief. Det Grus is now in Cross-Examination with the Hearing adjourned until 6-17 January, 2025.
Jason Lavigne, of @TheLavigneShow interviewed Bath-Shéba van den Berg, Lawyer for Det. Helen Grus & Dr. James Thorp. Bath-Shéba shared her insights publicly for the first time, discussing the hearings' challenges and implications. https://rumble.com/v52h6g3-helen-grus-w-bath-shba-van-den-berg-and-dr.-james-thorp.html
Please continue to pray for Helen and all of our police officers. Pray our police officers stay true to their oath in upholding the Constitution of Canada, preserving the peace, preventing offences and discharging their other duties; faithfully, impartially and according to law.
Please continue to share her story. Let’s show Helen how truly grateful we are for her bravery, dedication to duty, and unbridled determination to stand solid in the face of injustice.
May 27th, 2024
Detective Helen Grus' Internal Police Disciplinary Hearing continues today. Helen is expected to start her testimony. She is so grateful to the outpouring prayers and support. With gratitude to Dave Freedom, I'm sharing this short video; it's powerful and captures the main factors of the case.
https://www.facebook.com/dave.freedom.509 or it can also be viewed on Rumble,
Please continue to pray for Helen and all of our police officers. Pray our police officers stay true to their oath in upholding the Constitution of Canada, preserving the peace, preventing offences and discharging their other duties; faithfully, impartially and according to law.
Please continue to share her story. Let’s show Helen how truly grateful we are for her bravery, dedication to duty, and unbridled determination to stand solid in the face of injustice.
January 13th, 2024
The OPS Hearing continued this week for OPS Detective Helen Grus.
The defense started their case, filing a non-suit motion for the charge to be dismissed. The Tribunal advised a decision on the motion would be reserved for a later date.
The grandfather of one of the 9 deceased infants took the stand late Monday. He provided Rebel News a short interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yICbwhnUf8
Retired Service Sergeant Major Peter Danyluk took the stand on Monday/Tuesday, testifying it was "normal for police to make queries for cases they were not lead investigators of and that it is normal, daily activity of Ottawa Police Service officers. https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/retired-ottawa-police-officer-testifies-helen-gruss-access-of-records-management-system-was-routine-5561613?source=onboardingJourney&src_tmp=RUonboardingWithNameOne
Helen was ready to take the stand, however that did not occur, as new concerns arose. https://x.com/DonaldBestCA/status/1745302409826467847?s=20
The Hearing was adjourned, with no confirmed date set. Helen continues to be grateful for all the support.
Once again I'm sharing the sincere letter Helen shared with her colleagues on September 9, 2021. https://donaldbest.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/202109-Helen-Grus-OPS-email-corrected.pdf
Please continue to pray for Helen and all of our police officers. Pray our police officers stay true to their oath in upholding the Constitution of Canada, preserving the peace, preventing offences and discharging their other duties; faithfully, impartially and according to law.
November 4th, 2023
Helen expresses her sincere gratitude to all for ongoing prayers and gracious donations.
Week 2 of this very significant Police Tribunal Hearing heard the completion of the Prosecution's evidence. Submissions were heard from Helen's Defense Team, requesting;
- Medical experts; Dr Thorp, Dr Payne and Dr Chen to testify to available medical evidence
- Police Expert; Retired S/Sgt Danyluk to testify to police discretion and Chain of Command
- Health Regulatory Law Expert; Mr Shawn Buckley to testify on Canadian Laws in relation to clinical trials
This week's hearing adjourned for continuation in the new year when the Tribunal heard Defense intends to have Det Helen Grus testify.
https://youtu.be/VyuIVdAul9g James A. Thorp, M.D. speaks to Madison Health Advisory Committee, Sept 5, 2023
Follow https://twitter.com/DonaldBestCA, https://twitter.com/JasonLavigneMP, https://tnc.news/author/jasonunrau/, https://www.theepochtimes.com/tag/helen-grus, https://twitter.com/rkraychik for updates.
October 24th, 2023
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to check in and express how grateful I am to see the support for Helen continue to grow. Helen graciously appreciates each and every one of you for your continued expressions of support.. Your support enables Helen to remain focused on the task at hand. Please continue to pray for her and share her story as often as you can. Below I have included a link to an open letter Helen wrote to her OPS colleagues in September of 2021. This poignant letter gives us a glimpse into who Helen is, and what she is fighting for. Please feel free to share this with others as you see fit.
Thank-you Helen for your continued courage.
“Courage is grace under pressure” – Ernest Hemingway.
Sincerely Amanda
October 13th, 2023
First, I'd like to thank everyone who has donated to Helen's legal defense fund. My name is Andrew MacGillivray and I started this campaign because I felt that Helen was being treated unfairly by both the Ottawa Police Service and the Ottawa Police Association. I also believe this is an extremely important case and Helen shouldn't be punished for doing her job and asking questions, what has happened to our society? I don't know Helen personally and my organization isn't affiliated with her in any way, one of her family members approached me to ask if one of her friends could take over the campaign and provide updates to which I happily obliged. My organization www.V4F.ca has contributed to this campaign and will continue to do so. I encourage you to follow a man named Donald Best who has been reporting on this case, his articles can be found here https://donaldbest.ca/detective-grus-case/ and he can be followed on Twitter here https://twitter.com/DonaldBestCA
Thank you again for your support, over to you Amanda.
Hello, my name is Amanda. I am a mother to 3 amazing boys who are my whole world. My husband and I have resided in a small community in Ontario, for the majority of our lives. Living in a small community creates a family-like atmosphere. I have been blessed to meet many wonderful people and families in our small community, one of which was Helen’s family. We attended the same church and got to know them quite well. This is how I first came to know Helen. She was older than I was, so I looked up to her. Helen is a powerful individual with a soft spoken and gentle demeanour, who exudes intelligence, determination, and passion.
Knowing Helen for most of my life I have been very invested in following along with the current state of affairs with regards to Helen and her family. We have texted and spoken many times over the past few years. She has been a consistent source of support and strength for me. Discussion of family really deepened the connection for me. Hearing Helen speak gives me hope for the future of our justice system and our children. She is more than capable of the task at hand. Knowing she has a beautiful family she is protecting gave me pause to the situation, and I felt a deep need to help in any way possible. As such, I am honoured to be taking over the management of Helen’s Fundraising Campaign. Her story needs to be told. No one should have to endure the scrutiny or financial burden she and her family have. Helen is a God fearing, steadfast example of bravery and the pursuit of truth. I’m praying that her story is spread globally, and that truth prevails. For those who have been following and feel compelled to help in a tangible way please donate to help offset some of the costs that her and her family have incurred. Also, please continue to share her story. Let’s show Helen how truly grateful we are for her bravery, dedication to duty, and unbridled determination to stand solid in the face of injustice.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.