USD $150,000
USD $74,265
Campaign funds will be received by Barton Shively
Bart Shively is a January 6 Political Prisoner that is battling Lymphoma and needs your help rebuilding his life!!
We need your help to pay for Barts living expenses and get him back on his feet!!!
prayers for your prompt healing in Jesus name
God bless you, I hope you get healed in the powerful name of Jesus
Hope you’re feeling better soon
Praying for you. Thank you for your sacrifice to save our country.
I’m so sorry you and other patriots were treated in such a horrible way. May the Lord God bring healing for you sir!
God bless you Bart.
God Speed
We stand with you.
Thank you for your loyalty to your country which has been an inspiration to many! May God bless you, heal you and may you soon receive true justice.
We are so grateful for your service and sincere apologies for what you have gone through for our country. Strong thoughts and prayers fighting your illness. God Bless. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Semper Fi🇺🇸🎄🙏
God Bless you , you are a courageous warrior not only for our nation and for We The People but to God! Sonja Harper AKA Lady Liberty with The Trump Tribe of Texas ..
God Bless You Sir
Thank you for your service. I’m sorry you’re going through so much.
Hi Bart, We been watching cowboy logic Don and Donna. Praying Lord help those J6ers to never give up to look to you as their Source of Strength.
Thank You & GOD Bless You ! https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.YbXPEP2mCHroNdeMaxo5IwHaE8&pid=Api https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.5P_onEsjqCjmfIoQaWsBBgAAAA&pid=Api //
Thank you Cowboy Logic for bringing your story to my attention. Merry Christmas!
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