USD $75,000
Campaign funds will be received by Amy Arthur
Jan 22, 2022, my husband was arrested and the FBI raided our home. He is being portrayed as a cop hater and anti-government terrorist all because he used his voice to teach an individual how to defend his home and his family.
My husband is a good man that loves his country. He has served as a police officer, paramedic, and even a volunteer fire fighter.
He has worked extensively with law enforcement and has always cared about their safety.
I need help paying for an attorney for myself and my husband so that we can get the truth heard.
My prayer is that they will realize that this was a mistake, drop the charges and let him go.
Your donation also helps to provide for our family. We no longer have an income, and I am having trouble finding a job at home where I can watch my children as they would not be safe at daycare.
Thank you
Praying for your family, our country needs more brave, God fearing, patriots.
"Thank you so much!" By Amy Arthur
Happy Birthday Jackson!
I'm sorry I haven 't communicated in a bit. I had eye surgery on my right eye yesterday(wow I can see again lol) And they are doing the left eye on Tuesday next week. You know if you need me and it's something I can possibly do just send me a message or emai. thought and prayer go to your entire family from mine!
"Thank you! Prayers for your health." By Amy Arthur
To whom is he betrayed a terrorist to ? Diffidently not We The People . Wrong is not the word to describe this innocents man misjudgment . … Prayers to Christopher and family and your fam .
"Thank you. Your prayers are much appreciated! Would have responded earlier, but the commenting feature on this platform was down. Thanks again!" By Amy Arthur
Happy Birthday to Rocky and Rachel!
"Thank you!" By Amy Arthur
Stay strong our prayers are with you and your family!
"Thank you so much!" By Amy Arthur
Please keep the faith. Your Kids Need you now more than ever.
"Agreed. Although I need them just as much. They keep me going during my darkest days. Thank you so much for your kind words and support. God bless!" By Amy Arthur
Hey Ms Amy, my apology for not touching base since last year. I've read your updates and will pray for you both; stay strong and trust in Him. Please tell Kit he is in our hearts and minds, as well as you and your family! Btw, I received a couple notifications from your mailing list; Congratulations on your pup breeding business, you will manifest success. Best wishes from California!
"So good to hear from you. I will certainly pass on your words to my husband. It means a lot to him to know that he isn't facing this alone. Thank you " By Amy Arthur
Anarchy simply means no ruler. If we use Voluntaryist principles, we can have structure. All government is inherently evil and must be abandoned. Become more self reliant. Grow food. Connect with communities that set up and support parallel systems!❤️
"I think it is important that we peacefully express and advocate for our God-given rights. Thank you for your support. It is greatly appreciated. " By Amy Arthur
God Bless you and your family. Stay strong!
"Thank you! Prayers for you and yours as well. Stay free." By Amy Arthur
LORD! Please deliver Kit back to Amy, bless Kit's health and strengthen our resolve to free him. Encourage Amy with your presence and keep her from all harm. Bless their farm. I ask in Jesus your glorified Son amen.
"Amen! Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Many blessing to you and yours this Thanksgiving holiday." By Amy Arthur
I am sure you are racked with grief but continue to pray and know that God is there with him. Luke 12:6, " Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings and not one of them is forgotten before God". Luke 12:22 "How much better are you than the birds?" Your husband is in good company with the early church leaders. Faithful and humble to God. Don't take your eyes of Christ. In HIM we have hope.
"I love that scripture! I admit that Kit is handling this much better than I am. How, I have no idea. Angels truly must be keeping him company." By Amy Arthur
John 6:31-35
"This really hits home. Thank you so much for your support. God bless." By Amy Arthur
February 28th, 2025
Fighting to calm my fury. Attorney isn't responding to any of my inquiries on behalf of my husband. Meanwhile their fraudulent title of "Domestic Terrorist" has made things harder for him in jail. Costs for communication are higher, so I've had to increase the amount of money I put into his account just to get 10 minutes a day to speak with him, if I'm lucky. Which is just enough time for a, "Hi, are you ok?" split between me and the children. Not to mention trying to budget in more so that he can buy food since they don't give him enough.
Last month, they took his call minutes down early and it was nearly 15 days before we were able to talk again. Since his account deposits have increased from all the added costs, they've decided to double his fees. So now I've got to drop everything and deposit more money, or he'll get punished for not meeting their fine. Which will likely result in even less communication time.
And yet, here I sit, still working to find a way to earn some cash. Still leaning heavily on donations to survive. Their slandering of our good name has made it so difficult to clear up our reputation. I'm sick of struggling to obtain basic needs. I'm sick of what they've done to my family. How they've destroyed so much in our lives and yet still find ways to continually suck us dry. They're the true criminals and I pray to God daily that their lying schemes are exposed, and that justice comes.
Dear Lord, please grant me the strength to calm my raging heart. It's in your hands. I don't know what more I can do but pray.
January 3rd, 2025
Unfortunately, the appeal pace is a long time in waiting. Doesn't look like there is any form of time frame restriction on the process. Considering that my husband's friend he met at Bladen, who has been held longer, has yet to even have a hearing. The right to a speedy trial, along with so many other rights are quickly dying out. Justice no longer prevails.
To make matters worse, they've further limited our ability to communicate. We're now having to ration our calls to 5 - 10 minutes. Which isn't very long when you have 3 young children eager to talk to their father. Nevermind any chance of seeing his face. Likewise, the process of getting him a family photo is still on hold. I'm praying the last pictures that I've sent will go through.
I'm filled with a confusing mixture of the desire to forgive and the anger of the injustice. No matter how many different directions I look at what has been done to our family - none of it makes any sense. To rip children from the arms of a loving mother, never to be seen or heard from again. To violate the rights of a loving father, locked up in a small cage to be treated very nearly like an animal. To slander and spread lies so that what's left of the now striped family can even earn a reasonable living.
Ultimately, I think what frustrates me the most is how such wrongs have gone so vastly unnoticed by the nation. Meanwhile the lies perpetuate.
Times like this leave to me to cry out the Lord with a guilt-ridden heart, knowing that He does things under his own timing, but not wanting to endure another minute, "Lord, where is thy delivering hand?"
May got bless you this New Year with continued freedom. Kiss your loved ones. Be grateful for what you have. I would trade all that I own and live in a box for the rest of my life if it means I get my family back.
September 27th, 2024
A couple of days ago, Congress held a hearing in regards to the weaponization of the FBI. In it, a former agent testified to his own persecution and damage to his career based on his expressed concern over the Jan 6th falsehoods.
Let me be clear, the FBI is going after their own, good people of this country. They're destroying anyone that has a voice of truth or warning. Anyone that is an advocate of freedom and independence.
Critically, history repeats itself and our country has got every single symptom ever shown before war, destruction, and massive genocide occurred. Likewise, people in Germany didn't wake up one day and randomly have the Holocaust. It started slow. First, they went after political opponents. Then they targeted anyone with a voice, or a spine needed to stand up for freedom. One small deed after another is what built great acts of horrendous crimes.
I assure you, my husband is not the only one currently having his freedoms ripped from him and his reputation corrupted. And once we're all taken out, there will be no one left to stand up for you or your family.
Please spread awareness. Pray for our country.
September 1st, 2024
Apparently, Judge Boyle acknowledged our case was unconstitutional. Despite this, for whatever reason, he denied our motion. *Correction: I misunderstood. This was in regards to a sister case. They are now bribing the guy with freedom to plead guilty. Which if he does, just makes it that much easier to go after more people.* My husband feels as though God has abandoned us. He's really suffering through this loss which should have been a clear victory. While we are still waiting on the appeal. Things look bleak today. What's worse, they still won't let him have pictures of his family.
My heart hurts and I find myself thinking of this scripture for comfort: "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." Helaman 5:12
The words, "if men build, they cannot fall." was something I found myself clinging to. Over and over, I kept telling myself, "God's got me. i cannot fall." Almost like a frightened child hiding under her blankets for fear of the monster in the closet.
Times like this I'm brought back to that crucial question, "Does God exist?"
He does. Nothing else matters. I've long ago given him my entire soul. He can do with me what He pleases. If it is in God's will that this nightmare continue. So be it. i am yours Lord. To abuse as you see fit. I'm willing to die with my heart torn to pieces. He can have my life. He can have my happiness. My hope. My dreams. Take it all. Till my very last breath, i am yours. Whatever happens.
Please, God. Deliver us.
August 16th, 2024
I knew we weren't the only American-loving patriots being defined as "terrorists." Apparently, Kit has made some friends in there with some very heartbreaking circumstances. One man is a marine who was arrested for "buying too many guns." They accused him of selling the weapons when he only had them for personal use. There was no proof. Despite being found guilty and sentenced, he completed his required time 8 months ago and they still aren't letting him go. Another "terrorist" is a young man from the Jan 6th event - he wasn't even in the building and just happened to be nearby.
I'm telling you, they're picking us off one at a time. Please Lord, deliver us.
July 24th, 2024
I was surprised today to find a letter in the mail from Kit. The reason that he is not able to call is because they've locked him down 24-7 and hasn't been allowed out of his cell to go near a phone. His wording, "Perks of being labeled a "terrorist." " They're suppose to be moving him to Tennessee soon. Supposedly, they'll allow me to speak with them then. I wish so badly that I could write a letter back to him, but I've never been able to get one through. Our justice system is so screwed up. I often think of police officers, how their training involves knowing what it feels like to get hit with pepper spray. There are a whole lot of things worse than that. By that same token, judges should know what it feels like to be torn from their family and thrown in jail. I'm betting there would be a lot of changes. The least of which would be taking the Constitution more seriously, an improvement to the treatment of inmates, and better living conditions for them. To be clear, if you did what they're doing to them to dogs, you'd be ridiculed for abuse.
July 24th, 2024
Kit has been moved to Oklahoma. I've not heard from him since. Reaching out to the facility, I was informed that it was common practice to shut down communications there. Such an excuse doesn't diminish the crime. Every night I'm left telling our children that their father still loves them, even though he cannot say it. Our calls have often been the only thing that has kept him going. Now that we cannot communicate at all, I worry for him. I cannot possibly imagine the amount of turmoil he's going through right now. Family means more to him than anything else. Please God, send us justice.
July 15th, 2024
Our appeal has been in the works. We are waiting to be heard. We have a strong case, but at this point the pendulum could swing in either direction. Your prayers are much appreciated.
In the meantime, they're going to station him in Tennessee. They intentionally moved him away from his family "to discourage him from trying to escape."
It is very twisted that when they did have him in driving distance, we weren't allowed to see him. Now that he has been removed from the state, he's allowed visitors. I haven't been allowed near my husband since he was taken nearly 3 years ago. Working on 4 years since I've seen my children. God, please deliver us.
May 25th, 2024
May 24, 2024 Kit was labeled a terrorist and sentenced to 300 months imprisonment. That is worse than a murder sentence and he hasn't even hurt anyone! This should alarm you. They literally called a freedom loving patriot a terrorist. Which should leave you asking, who are they going to target next? They're picking us off one at a time. Please help me expose this.
April 13th, 2024
From what I understand, the other sister cases have won. I don't know if we are waiting on others. But there is already case precedence that argues the removal of 8 of the charges.
I just heard yesterday that Kit's attorney placed these arguments in front of a different judge. I have no idea how that happened. We're waiting on him to make a ruling on the Constitutionality of those charges. Our attorney seemed pretty optimistic about it.
If those 8 charges are dropped, that will severely limit their argument with the last charge and chances of him coming home with a cleared name are high.
This will be a huge win, not just for us, but others who have been similarly unlawfully targeted. If we can all stand together for our freedoms, it will make it harder for them to pick us off one at a time. So please keep praying!
February 28th, 2024
Sentencing has been scheduled for some time in April. Until then, I'm still praying for that miracle that those other sister cases will experience success and subsequently provide us with some much-needed relief. I've had to drastically limit call times with my husband. The cost of every single minute is insane. He has still yet to see the sun. Your continued prayers are much appreciated.
January 26th, 2024
Kit talked to his attorney today. There is a sister case which directly challenges several unconstitutional "laws." The judge in charge of the case is already leaning in the direction of ruling in favor of the challenge. Which means it would completely freeze the attack on us and prevent them from sentencing my husband until the new ruling was addressed. In which case, they'd have to drop all of the charges and let us free. Please add your prayers for this miracle.
January 25th, 2024
Yet again, sentencing has been postponed. As of right now, I do not even have an estimated date. I'm a little confused about the continued delay. From what I understand, it has something to do with the appeal and getting clarification from the 4th district regarding recent rulings. In the meantime, our nightmare continues. Thank you for all of your prayers and support. They have literally been a lifesaver.
December 8th, 2023
Sentencing has been postponed again until sometime in January. Their excuse at the moment is that the date was never officially on their calendar. This frustrates me since we can't move on to the appeal until after sentencing. Will this madness never end? Your continued prayers are appreciated.
November 30th, 2023
I'm shocked at the amount of conspiring that is going on here. The judge continues to ignore every objection and every motion despite actual laws coming into place which invalidate the charges. What's worse, recommended sentencing was forced to the max because the judge kept denying every suggestion until they were forced to recommend life in jail. They've literally accused of him conspiring to murder and a terrorist simply for teaching home defense. Our attorney has argued that this very clearly did not meet the elements required to do so. Yet they refuse to acknowledge their own rules. My only hope is that the crazier this gets, the more obvious it will be how screwed up the entire thing is when we finally get this heard in an appeal. To be clear, this should alarm every single one of you. I hope that you can see the path that they are paving to your front door. One innocent man at a time. Please pray for our nation and help me expose this.
November 14th, 2023
Food continues to be limited. The extra packets that I've been ordering for Kit to keep him from losing more weight have gotten canceled and sent back to the commissary. This is the 2nd time they've shorted him with no compensation on food. I called the commissary to get refunded. They would not speak with me and directed me to work through the facility. I called the facility, they would not speak with me and told me to work with the commissary. After expressing the dilemma, I was told they couldn't do anything about it.
His body is now burning muscle to stay alive. Hygiene is also an ongoing issue. On average, it has been taking him a month of consistent complaints just to get a bar of soap.
While they have gone to a 23/1 schedule, virtual visits and text messages are still closed. Grievances are also closed. The inmates were told to write down any issues they were having but since there is no footprint on paper it never makes it out. Please help me share this atrocity. Your continued prayers are also appreciated.
November 12th, 2023
He was able to call briefly early this morning. The jail is claiming that they had a Russian cyber attack which only shut off the internet but did not shut off electricity and for their safety they've had to lock the facility down.
They went through the entire jail and removed everyone's books. Their TV which is not connected to the internet wasn't working either.
Their tablets which were connected to the internet were still working. When the inmates asked about it, they shut off all of the tablets. Which was only means of communication during the 71 hour lock down.
They let him out for 1 hour today. Which he used to call me and tell me he was still alive.
There was no strike when this happened. There was no apparent reason for the harsh conditions. The only excuse they had was the Russians.
So as it stands, Kit is getting a shower once every 3 days. All virtual visits are still shut down. And since they've taken the tablets, Kit's 1 hour out is also going to have to be used to call home. So I'll only be able to hear from him for a few minutes every 3 days because he's got 1 hour to take a shower and walk around before they lock them up again in an 8 x 4 cell for another 3 days.
November 12th, 2023
Generally, this time of day I'm writing an expensive and limited text message to my spouse. Wishing him a "good night" and sending him my love. However, he hasn't been able to get my messages. He hasn't been able to call. My virtual "visit" with him has been cancelled and I'm not able to reschedule a virtual "visit" with him in the foreseeable future. I do not know what has happened. All communication has been cut off.
In desperation and worry, I've reached out to his attorney. Still no word.
I find myself pacing the floor and restless with frustration. Dogs literally get better treatment than this. In fact, if you were to do this to a dog, I'm certain you'd get locked up for abuse. Please share this so that others may be alerted to what they are doing to our family. This needs to be exposed. Dear Lord, please deliver us.
November 8th, 2023
All the inmates in the entire facility (except my husband's cell) went on strike to protest their treatment. They've been on a 22/2 schedule which meant they were only allowed out to a slightly smaller room 2 hours out of 24. During the strike, inmates flooded their rooms causing them to turn off the water. At that time, Kit was stuck on his bunk to avoid the standing water for hours until they allowed him out long enough to push out the water. Instead of lightening the harsh schedule, the facility is doubling down. Their schedule is now 71/1. Which means once every 3 days they are allowed out for only 1 hour to clean up and move around. Adding insult to injury, they've also further limited their food. When I purchased more for him, they only gave him parts of the order. He turned it back in to request the full order but has yet to be compensated for the short. Any little amount that I can get him is insanely expensive junk. Their "soup" packet is $20 and consists of a few bags of Ramen. The injustices keep piling up. Please Lord, deliver us.
November 3rd, 2023
Filled with frustration today. If we had any other judge this never would have gone to trial. Apparently he favors the government's side over what is right. We're still working on motions and objections. We continue to gain case precedence with other cases that have won against unconstitutional oppression. Our attorney is still working to give the judge every opportunity to dismiss the case before moving on with the appeal but it is a struggle due to his governmental favoritism.
We cannot appeal until after sentencing which is scheduled on the date of our anniversary Dec 18th. This marks 8 years that we've been together and 2 years that we've not been able to celebrate. I cannot describe that the pain of soul that he has suffered being torn from his family like he has. Although I cannot deny the miracles our family has seen. 2 years of living off of donations and what little I can earn on the farm is a miracle by itself and could not have happened without your help. So my deepest thanks for all those that have provided their support.
I think of my 2 children that have been taken from me constantly. Working on year 3 since I've seen them and 5 years total that they've been torn from my arms. It is starting to feel as if relief will never come. May God deliver us.
October 7th, 2023
August 25th, 2023
Kit's attorney checked in the other day. There are several sister trials that are establishing case precedence all over the nation due to overreach. Which have opened up opportunities to submit more motions to dismiss and have everything dropped based off of constitutional violations.
As a result, sentencing has been postponed from October to 30 days more pending the outcome of these sister cases. Please join with me in prayer that these other trials are successful and that these constitutional violations are acknowledged resulting in the dismissal of all charges against my husband.
August 6th, 2023
Kit's health has been suffering. He's been misdiagnosed with a disease that he doesn't even have the symptoms for. They refuse to get him the care he needs. Adding insult to injury, he is no longer allowed to receive books. Leaving him with nothing to do but rot. No sunlight. No exercise. No pictures of his family. No reading. He can't even further his own research to aid in his defense.
This is like tying a man, placing a rock around his ankles and proclaiming him innocent only if he can swim. It took us weeks before the jail would admit that he was no longer allowed to get books. We would send them, and the jail would claim that they never arrived. Only after persistent requests and sharing tracking numbers, were we able to discover his reading privileges have been taken despite good behavior.
Please share. Your help in exposing these injustices would be most appreciated. God bless and stay free.
July 13th, 2023
We are moving on to the appellate court. Burden of proof was not met. The jury didn't even look through all of the evidence. They convicted an innocent man.
In the meantime, I haven't seen my 2 other children in two years now. I've got no chance of ever seeing them again unless we can clear our name. Dear God, please deliver us.
Your continued prayers and support would be greatly appreciated.
March 23rd, 2023
March 2nd, 2023
The trial has been delayed until sometime around May. Politics remains to be a heavy factor against us. Your continued prayers and support is much appreciated.
September 22nd, 2022
Our attorney has filed motions to dismiss everything. However, it doesn't look like they'll conduct the hearing until closer to January-February time.
In the meantime I've been praying for some form of miracle to expose all of the horrible things that they've done to our family and continue to do. I've still not been allowed to see or talk to him in person. Cost of talking to him or messaging him online have been averaging about $100 a week.
Your continued prayers and support is greatly appreciated.
July 23rd, 2022
While I was hoping to raise enough for an attorney, the donations have kept me and my family going since Kit was taken. Every penny has gone towards caring for the farm and paying bills. I've struggled to find work that I can do at home since my children would not be safe at school or daycare.
However, there is hope. While they may have shut down our ability to teach home defense, they did not take our service protection canines. I now have one litter of puppies and another on the way. Our purebred Dobermans are our service dogs and they are bred with their health and longevity in mind. If you'd like to learn more about our puppies or to help me spread the word, you can go here: tackleberrysolutions.com/doberman-puppy
As far as my husband, Kit goes. There is hope that we can prove his innocence. I'm still not sure if I trust his court appointed attorney but he seems to be helping a lot more than any attorney I've had to work with before or the paid attorney that we had to fire. I pray we find closure to this before the end of September.
In the meantime, thank you so much for your continued donations. They are a life-saver in every way.
June 27th, 2022
Kit's new attorneys are hopeful to a good outcome. So far they're willing to help us argue his innocence instead of trying to scare us into pleading guilty. Their main goal right now is to ensure that they're able to obtain all of the evidence, forthcoming or otherwise. Which is encouraging.
As it stands, our family is still living solely off of donations. However, I do have a litter of service quality Doberman Pinscher puppies available. They are specially bred for work as protection canines, search & rescue or emotional therapy and would also make great family pets. If you'd like to learn more about our dogs you can do so here (and if you know anyone that would be interested in a puppy, please tell them about us): tackleberrysolutions.com/doberman
Thank you again for all your support. Without your donations I wouldn't even be able to talk to my husband as they charge for every minute.
May 29th, 2022
After several weeks of asking, Kit's attorney has finally recused himself and Kit has been assigned a court appointed one until such time that we can afford an attorney for him. They've just been granted discovery and have admitted that the opposing side has been known to withhold evidence in such a manner that most attorneys don't realize there is excluded content. My prayer is that they'll be able to gain access to everything so that we can more fully prove my husband's innocence. I'm also praying that we'll be able to undo a lot of the damage that Kit's first attorney has caused. We are currently working to file a complaint with the State Bar on his actions. In the meantime, I have not been allowed to see my husband since he was taken in January. I show pictures of our missing family to my 3 youngest children every night. My youngest daughter has started having nightmares, so she sleeps in my bed now. Meanwhile my son has developed difficulty falling asleep. They are all afraid that I'll be taken next and all I can do is hug them and tell them to let God handle this. Your continued donations and prayers would be much appreciated.
April 1st, 2022
Kit has had to fire his current attorney. I have had trouble finding another that is willing to help, although I may have located one. However, I will need close to $100,000 to afford his services.
March 3rd, 2022
Kit has been denied the ability to return home in between hearings. In person visitation is not allowed. More charges were added. Events are looking bleak indeed. Despite how much I desperately want to say more, without an attorney to represent me personally, I dare not. Please pray for a miracle as hard as you can.
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