Chris Worrell Political Prisoner 377183


 USD $63,307

Campaign created by Tricia Priller

Campaign funds will be received by Tricia Priller

Chris Worrell Political Prisoner 377183

Chris was a January 6 Political Prisoner for 237 days. Chris was denied ANY Cancer treatment for this his Non Hodgkins Lymphoma while incarcerated in the Charlotte County Florida and DC Jails.
The jail doctors REFUSED to give him his currently prescribed meds that were keeping his cancer in remission. The DC Jail Directors and Doctors were caught lying and falsifying his medical records by the US Marshals and a Federal Judge and are currently charged with contempt due to their blatant and intentional disregard of Chris' medical needs.

Chris has maintained his cancer for almost 16 years with much success. The intentional and criminal abuse by the DC Jail doctors has caused his Cancer to accelerate to a stage 3 condition.

Chris has NO medical insurance to help cover the costs of his immediately needed chemotheropy or any other treatments he is immediate need of. 

Please help Chris get the medical help he desperately needs with a donation and by also sharing this campaign to bring awareness of his situation.

Thank you to all for any support or awareness you bring.

              "DIVIDED WE FALL"

Recent Donations
Paula H
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

The USA un-Justice system has become a Gulag. God help the J6 prisoners.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Keep the Faith! Prayers incoming!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

God Bless you, Chris. We are behind you. This evil government will burn in .

Anonymous Giver
$ 32.00 USD
1 year ago

Stay strong and stand firm. The God of Truth is with you. Patriots are with you, and they are many. My prayers are with you and your family. Justice is coming soon. Do not lose heart. Your sacrifice is not unnoticed.

$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

God help us

Gaston Llaca
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

God bless you and your family Chris

Jim Hoft and The Gateway Pundit
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

God Bless You Chris.

Rebecca Schmidgall
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Amy J
$ 36.00 USD
1 year ago

You will go down in history in best possible way. God’s grace and peace to you and your family.

𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Have no worries, God is watching over you.

Thomas Luczak
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

What a difference three years make.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Good luck

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

May the Lord Jesus cover your heart and mind through these trials. We stand with you Chris, not just with support but thankfulness.

Heather McGray
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 years ago

May the Lord Jesus cover your heart and mind through these trials. We stand with you Chris, not just with support but thankfulness.

Richard Howard
$ 25.00 USD
2 years ago

You will prevail. Sic transit tyrannis!

David McDonald
$ 500.00 USD
2 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 years ago

May the Lord Jesus cover your heart and mind through these trials. We stand with you Chris, not just with support but thankfulness.

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
2 years ago

God Bless You!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 years ago

My heart goes out to you for the way you have been treated. This is unjust and inhumane. Praying for strength and wisdom for you. God be with and bless you.


Update #24

November 5th, 2022

I am sorry it has been a while since my last update on Chris.

It has been very stressful lately due to Chris's health. I am continually worried leaving Chris alone during the day, but I have to go to work. Chris's heart rates are still randomly in the 120's to 130's and his blood pressure is continually high as well. He was told by a physicians assistant he shouldn't really be alone and definately should not drive until this is solved. I worry every day that something is going to happen to him especially when I am not with him. He also doesn't have much energy and is constantly falling asleep.

Chris is wearing a Holter monitor for a whole month until November 10th. Hopefully the cardiologist will have some answers after reviewing the month long Holter monitor data. They will probably want to do more tests and probably a stress test. I hope and pray they figure this out before something bad happens to him.

He is also still suffering from hive like bumps and itching on his head, face, neck and other parts of his body due to his Lymphoma. They have prescribed multiple meds over a few months to try to help alleviate the itching, but nothing has really helped so far.

Chris is still in some pain and discomfort due to his jaw surgery. It is still very hard for Chris to eat most foods unless they are soft and easy to swallow without needing to be chewed. 

We constantly pray and have a few friends that call and pray with him and check on him during the day. God has become so important in our lives more than ever before. 

Patriots please find it in your hearts to pray for Chris and share his fundraiser. If you can please donate even if seems like it's a small amount because every dollar helps as we are in a very desperate need of financial help for Chris's medical and also for his attorneys to go to trial. We are very humbled and beyond appreciative of all of the prayers and help that we have received so far.

God Bless this country and everyone of you. UNITED WE STAND

Update #24

November 5th, 2022

I am sorry it has been a while since my last update on Chris.

It has been very stressful lately due to Chris's health. I am continually worried leaving Chris alone during the day, but I have to go to work. Chris's heart rates are still randomly in the 120's to 130's and his blood pressure is continually high as well. He was told by a physicians assistant he shouldn't really be alone and definately should not drive until this is solved. I worry every day that something is going to happen to him especially when I am not with him. He also doesn't have much energy and is constantly falling asleep.

Chris is wearing a Holter monitor for a whole month until November 10th. Hopefully the cardiologist will have some answers after reviewing the month long Holter monitor data. They will probably want to do more tests and probably a stress test. I hope and pray they figure this out before something bad happens to him.

He is also still suffering from hive like bumps and itching on his head, face, neck and other parts of his body due to his Lymphoma. They have prescribed multiple meds over a few months to try to help alleviate the itching, but nothing has really helped so far.

Chris is still in some pain and discomfort due to his jaw surgery. It is still very hard for Chris to eat most foods unless they are soft and easy to swallow without needing to be chewed. 

We constantly pray and have a few friends that call and pray with him and check on him during the day. God has become so important in our lives more than ever before. 

Patriots please find it in your hearts to pray for Chris and share his fundraiser. If you can please donate even if seems like it's a small amount because every dollar helps as we are in a very desperate need of financial help for Chris's medical and also for his attorneys to go to trial. We are very humbled and beyond appreciative of all of the prayers and help that we have received so far.

God Bless this country and everyone of you. UNITED WE STAND

Update #23

October 7th, 2022

Chris is back in the hospital again!! 

On Tuesday Chris blacked out again. Luckily he was on the phone with a friend and they were able to call and alert me. Chris had just got done taking his blood pressure and it was 203/113 wuth a heart rate of 113. These have been his symptoms since 9/21 when this occured the first time. 

The doctors have run many tests and have ruled out a cardiac event. However, Chris's Lymphosite counts are extremely low indicating his immune system isn't performing well. It also indicates Chris's Lymphoma is still in ned of further treatments. 

I am very concerned for Chris and I feel helpless. There isn't much I can do for him accept be by his side. They will have to stabilize his blood pressure issue before they can treat his Lymphoma and there is no way to predict how long that will take.

I am also very mad, because this is a direct result of the intentionally torturous and blatant disregard by the DC Gulag and the medical team. 

Please find it in your hearts to pray for Chris and help if you can. Nobody should ever be treated like they did Chris and the others in that hell hole. This needs to be prosecuted!!

God Bless you all & this country.  UNITED WE STAND

Update #22

October 1st, 2022

We were very lucky during hurricane Ian. We were spared from the storm surge by a mile. West Naples is a disaster due to about 6 feet of water. We pray for all of those that were affected.

Chris is still suffering from high blood pressure and hear rate, and due to the storm all of his Dr appointments were cancelled. We hope they will be opening offices this week. I am very worried about Chris. During the storm Chris was very close to passing out a few times and he wasnt really doing anything accept monitoring the generator. I have never seen anything take Chris down like this. 

Chris will have a lot of medical bills and Dr appointments to pay for. Many doctors, especially specialty doctors, now require payments up front before service. 

Please pray for all of Florida that has been affected by Hurrican Ian. Florida is full of strong Patriots and communities. Many Patriots across the state have banded together to bring in supplies and help. 


Update #21

September 24th, 2022

Chris is still in the hospital and are running tests. They have done an echocardiogram, CAT scans, x-rays, sonogram of his carotid arteries, many blood tests and EKG's. They now have a sonogram of his renal artery scheduled. They have given him meds for his blood pressure, but after a few hours his BP goes back to being too high. 

They have ruled out a cardiac issue, and still trying to find the cause of his crazy high blood pressure. He is feeling a little better, but still not himself. I know he is ready to get out of the hospital and go home. I want him home too, but we need to find out what is going on. To add to the craziness we have a hurricane threatening our area that may arrive by Tuesday. UGH!!

Please keep praying for Chris and sharing his story. 

We need to keep UNITING this country!! 

Update #20

September 22nd, 2022


This morning Chris woke up after only a couple hours of sleep and was not feeling well. As usual he sat with me as I got ready for work and we talked like we do every day. He walked me to the door around 7 AM like he does every morning and kissed me goodbye and we both said "I love you" to each other.

Around 830 Chris called me and I knew right away he was struggling. He told me he just woke up hanging out of the bathtub. He said the last thing he remembered was trying to go to the toilet, but doesn't remember if he went. He crawled to the bed after probably a few minutes and finally when he could see he called me. I told him I was calling 911 and hung up and left for home.

When I got home, at the same time the ambulance did, I could tell he was barely alert. They loaded him up and took him to the hospital. 

When I got to the ER they had him hooked up to an EKG and also monitoring his blood pressure. His blood pressure was definitely a problem. It was reading 203/135!! Chris has never had any heart issues or blood pressure problems. We know this because he checks his BP regularly because he has had a problem with his resting heart rate being in the high 80's to 90's and he can always tell when it's high.

After blood tests and a CAT scan they did not see what the problem was. His blood pressure stayed high around 175/115 for a couple hours. They eventually gave him a medicine to lower his blood pressure, but that ony brought it down to 145/103. 

After puttng him in a private room they sent him for an echocardiogram. Hopefully the results end up good!!

They are keeping him for a couple days to monitor him and run more tests. He will be seeing a cardiologist in the morning. 

Please pray for Chris!! I am very worried about him and I dont know what I would do without him. 

We are in serious need of help from you Patriots as we dont have medical insurance.

Please share his fundraiser and donate even if it's $1. So many of you have been so kind to help already and we thank you so very much. 


Update #19

September 20th, 2022

Today I find myself in a state of helplessness and despair.

Chris has been in major pain since his surgery last Wednesday. Yesterday I had to take Chris to the Dr because he all of a sudden started bleeding from his mouth overnight. The doctor said Chris's swelling possibly caused some stitches to break. They cauterized the area of concern and got the bleeding to stop for now. This has now caused Chris's pain to increase further. One major problem Chris has is he is allergic to some pain medicines and also has a huge tolerance to pain meds so the meds they have given him dont do much at all. Due to all this he is also not sleeping and barely getting any liquid foods in him. 

Chris will also be starting chemotherapy again after he is done healing from this surgery.

We are humiliated that we have to ask anyone for help and are so thankful to all that have helped along the way.

Chris needs your help in prayer and if possible needs your help finacially as well.


Update #18

September 17th, 2022

The last few days have been very hard on Chris. Overall his surgery seems to have went well. However, the pain blocker shots they gave him that were supposed to last 3 days didn't last 36 hours. Chris is normally a very pain tolerant man, but this is a lot for anyone to handle. Chris also has a problem with pain meds as he is allergic to some and he also has a big tolernace to the rest. Pain meds just dont work for him like most people. 

Additionally Chris's Lymphoma symptoms have increased causing itching on his head, face, body arms & legs. They gave him meds the week before but they didnt help much. After he heals from this surgery he will need more Chemo treatments.

Chris was promised immediate Oncology care by Chief Judge Howell when he arrived at the DC Jail. That NEVER happened!! The DOJ, Bureau of Prisons, US Marshalls & the DC Jail are all responsible for what Chris is going through!! When they took him into custody Chris's Lymphoma was at a Stage 1 situation. He came home with Stage 3!! Finally after 8 months of pleas to the court it was proven the DC Jail was lying, hiding & changing Chris's medical records. Even after the Warden & DC DOC Director were held in contempt the DOJ DID NOTHING!!

Please pray for Chris and the rest of the Jan 6'ers. NO ONE DESERVES TO BE TREATED LIKE THIS!!

God Bless this country. UNITED WE STAND!!

Update #17

September 15th, 2022

When Jan6 Political Prisoner Chris Worrel was arrested, he was suffering from Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma, NHL, but was in stage 1 and had the disease under control when he was thrown into the DC Gulag. Once imprisoned, the DC DOCdenied him medical Treatment, not even palliative care, and subjected him, and the other J6ers, to the most horrific living conditions you can imagine. In such a harsh environment and denied medical care, Chris's disease began to ravage him. His health deteriorated to the point that a judge had no choice but to release him so he could seek actual medical treatment. But in these conditions the disease progressed unchecked , and even released to humane and competent care, he is in dire straits. Yesterday Chris will had a critical surgery to repair his jaw which was ravaged by the disease, radiation treatments and blatant mistreatment he endured while in custody.
He needs your Prayers and Thoughts today. Chris will have to pay for his very expensive treatments and surgeries to save his life, but he can no longer work and has no insurance due to his incarceration. You can help Chris by sending your prayers and donations. Chris will require follow up and additional cancer treatment after he recovers from surgery, and has no way to pay for it in his condition. Chris is a Victim of January 6 persecution, Democratic Tyranny. He is a dedicated Patriot and a very proud person but he needs the help of other Patriots now 🇺🇸.
Reach deep and be the Samaritan his friends are praying for. Please give anything you can spare to save this man before we add another casualty to this horror show of Tyranny. UNITED WE STAND!!
Update #16

September 10th, 2022

Several people have brought it to our attention a rumor has gone viral, which we are now regretfully required to address publicly.
Someone accused Chris and I of using his Give Send Go donations to “renovate” my kitchen. Let me assure you this is a blatant lie. If Give Send Go would let me post pictures in this update I would show you the kitchen in 2012 after a flood and what it looks like now.... Spoiler Alert - it’s the same.
I’m furious about this lie that has been circulating and disgusted we even have to address this, but we will not allow rvil to prevail.

I am focused on Chris's health. On Wednesday 9/14/21 Chris is scheduled to undergo a pretty major surgery on his jaw to stop bone deterioration. This past Tuesday they did a comparison CAT scan and the Dr's noticed some change. This procedure will be extreme as they are literally pulling all of his lower teeth and fileting open his gums to expose his jaw bone. They will be grinding down the surface and then bone grafting his entire jaw. The hope is that the bone grafting will take and generate bone growth. If this succeeds they will be replacing his teeth with implants. 

After Chris heals from this surgery which is estimated to take 90 - 120 days Chris will then have to restart chemotherapy treatments. His symptoms have increased and have caused hive like lesions on his body, arms, legs and elsewhere. This has never happened before as his symptoms always stayed on his head and face.

Chris wants you all to know that he is very thankful to all of you that have supported him in any way. He asks that you continue to pray for him and share his story. Chris refuses to give up this fight and trusts God's plan.

Matthew 6: 25-26

  Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?



Update #15

August 31st, 2022


Today Chris was put on some very intense steroids due to his body reacting in hive like spots and itching all over his body. Chris has been miserable due to the itching and of course not sleeping well. This is all due to the progression of the lymphoma.

Chris is scheduled for surgery on 9/14 in hopes of saving his deteriorating jaw bone and after a few months of healing he will most likely be starting chemotherapy. 

I am very concerned for him and for what is going to happen to him. I love him very much.

We are still in need of about $12,000 for his surgery. If he doesnt get this surgery his medical future is not very good. I am pleading with whomever reads this to please help me share Chris's story in the hopes to get him the help he needs. 

Chris believes in God and prays often for this country and all of you that are fighting for the truth to save this country. God Bless

"Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."  1 Corinthians 1:10


Update #14

August 18th, 2022

These past 2 weeks have been very rough. Chris has been in pain and very depressed. His headaches have also increased. I am very worried about him. I love him very much and wish I could take all his pain and suffering away.

As of today we are still in need of $13000 for Chris’s surgery that is scheduled for September 14th. Please help us get Chris get the medical help he needs.

We are both scared for his future. We are also feel ashamed and humiliated that we have to ask for help, but we don’t know what else to do.

So many of you have helped us already and we are forever thankful.

Update #13

August 11th, 2022




Update #12

August 7th, 2022

This weekend has not been good. Chris has been in pain in his jaw which has not let him sleep well. He is also very nervous we wont be able to pay for his surgery as the doctors will not proceed without payment in full. 

Chris and I would like to thank all of you that have donated and helped tell his story for awareness.

Please keep praying for Chris and help spread awareness. 

God Bless you all.

Update #11

August 2nd, 2022

Chris had an appointment with his Dr's today.

Both the surgeon & the dentist told Chris it is very important to have his lower jaw bone grafted ASAP. They are concerned Chris is losing bone density and if further deterioration occurs it may be beyond repair. If that ends up being the case Chris will be in a much worse situation. They also informed Chris he needs to pay up front for both procedures. Total cost is around $33,000 which we are in need of $15,000.

Chris's headaches are still occuring and may be at least partially a result of his jaw situation.

Chris really needs your help in his fight for his health. Chris likely would not be in this situation if the DC Gulag would have taken care of his medical needs, but they decided they wouldn't help Chris due to their political agenda's.

Please help by sharing his story if you cant donate. God Bless America


Update #10

July 21st, 2022

Chris has been suffering with headaches in the back of his head for the last few days. Chris never gets headaches and we are concerned. If the headaches persist we will get him to a doctor for evaluation.

Also today Chris heard from the surgeon about his jaw. He was told that his surgery on his lower jaw needs to be done as soon as possible. After reviewing his xrays the doctors are very concerned. If his jaw bone continues to deteriorate they will not be able to save the existing bone. They will have to remove all his teeth from his lower jaw and perform bone grafting in an attempt to save his jaw bone from further deterioration. They will then monitor his healing extensively for the next 4 to 5 months to ensure he is healing properly and also to observe the bone in his jaw. If we dont get his surgery done soon and his jaw bone deteriorates and they cant save it then Chris will be in much more serious trouble. 

Chris was told he will need $35,000 to complete the surgery and bone grafting and then hopefully he heals well enough to get new teeth. 

Please pray for Chris and if you can please contribute and share his story. 

Update #9

July 13th, 2022

The last few weeks have been very hard for Chris. He still hasnt had contact with his son Sean since January 16, 2022. Chris's father and ex-wife have lied to his son about who Chris is and also changed his phone number so Chris can't even send him texts that he loves him and misses him.

Chris's got an update today on the surgery he needs on his jaw. The surgeon and dentist agree that he needs to have bone grafts done before his lower jaw bone becomes infected or worse. This will require them to remove all of his teeth in his lower jaw and then do bone grafting. He then will be monitored for healing for at least 3 months to determine if more surgery will be needed. 

Chris was told he needs to come up with a total of $35,000 to completly repair his jaw and install implants.

Chris also has a follow up with his oncologist in August to determine the result of the 5 rounds of chemo he received in May. Chris has noticed symptoms returing since early June so moost likely he will need more chemotherapy treatments. 

Please share Chris's story and fundraiser. If he cant raise the money then he wont be able to receive any of the medical treatments he needs. 

Chris says Thank you to all who have helped in any way. UNITED WE STAND 

Update #8

June 8th, 2022

Chris's medical situation is still unknown and showing signs that his 5 rounds of chemotherapy were not sufficient. His hive like spots on his head are already returning after less than a month of completing his chemotherapy. Chris was very Blessed when they donated his chemotherapy drug for these 5 treatments. Without that generous donation he would not have been able to receive those treatements as the drug alone was about $50,000. They will not donate the drug to him again.

Chris also has continued issues with his teeth & jaw related to the lak of care during his 8 months of solitary confinement conditions where they also refused him proper medical treatment. He is in need of multiple surgeries which will cost about $30,000 including after care.

Chris and I have shared some of our contributions with some of the other families as well as voluntary contributors of video evidence investigation in the truth for all involved in this blatant political & Christian persecution.

We must as a nation rise up and STAND UNITED in the fight for our country and the pursuit of Liberty & Justice for ALL!!

Patriots please find it in your hearts to help Chris get the medical help he desperately needs so he can continue his fight for his freedom and for this country.

God Bless this country and all of his children. 


Update #7

March 25th, 2022

You may not know me, but my name is Trish and I need your help to save the love of my life.

Like countless other Americans, my partner Chris Worrell was in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021. He was not there to overthrow the government or to riot. Chris was there to exercise his First Amendment Right. He was present to have his voice heard and to seek a redress to his grievances from his government.

At the end of the day the overwhelming majority of people that were present that day were peacefully asking that their voices be heard. They were there praying for the future of our country. Chris was in D.C. standing up for his God-given inalienable rights. He was there standing up for my rights. He was even there standing up for your rights.

Because Chris took a stand he is in a battle for his life, literally. The worst part, this battle was preventable. Chris walked into Jail as a Stage 1 cancer patient. His condition was under control and he was actively receiving treatment. Because of the government’s actions Chris is now a Stage 3 cancer patient who desperately needs medical attention, medical attention he cannot even afford.

When Chris was taken to D.C. he was supposed to see an oncologist immediately. He arrived in April, but never saw an oncologist until June. I may be biased, but I think it is fair to say that is not immediate. The DC jail doctors told Chris his doctor was not “qualified” and they refused to give him the medication he was previously prescribed. 

Chris suffered multiple medical incidents while in DC. He was found unconscious in his cell with a huge lump on his head, yet nothing was done. He broke his hand during another medical incident. Chris also had his shoulder damaged from being restrained behind his back due to blatant unnecessary force. 

Chris filed 100’s of grievances, but nothing ever changed. Finally Judge Lamberth held the Department of Corrections in contempt of court when the jail got caught omitting, hiding, and lying on Chris’s medical records regarding his treatment or lack thereof!!

We are thankful for Judge Lamberth’s efforts because Chris was finally able to be released while he waits for his trial and to try to seek medical attention.

Due to the government’s actions Chris now needs six rounds of chemotherapy that he cannot get until he comes up with $50,000. This does not include the $40,000 he also needs for the oral surgery his doctors also say he needs to get. 

If Chris’s civil rights were not abused so badly by the government, he would only need to raise money to fight for his freedom. Now he is fighting a two front war and it is no longer just about his freedom, he is fighting for his life.

I know we are all hurting right now. There are so many causes that need support. We are all stretched thin, but I am begging you to join the fight. If you are already in the fight then I am imploring for you to do more. If you can donate to Chris’s campaign to help with his medical bills that would be amazing. 

Think about this, if every person that voted for President Donald Trump sacrificed just one cup of coffee for just one week the legal costs of every January 6 defendant would be covered.

If you are unable to contribute financially, your prayers are welcome. Something else you could do that does not cost you a thing is share Chris’s story. You never know who you might be talking to. All the January 6 defendants need for every God loving freedom fighting American Patriot to stand up and make their voice heard. 

Thank you for time, understanding and support. Trish.     

Update #6

January 24th, 2022

By the Grace of God Chris\'s PET scan came back negative showing no tumors or cancer has matastasized at this point.

Chris is still needing to very closely monitor his lymphoma as he has rash/hive like lesions on his face & head. We are waiting for blood tests to return to determine what treatment he needs.

The PET scan did show us the damge in his left shoulder that happened in the DC Gulag when jail officers felt a need to use unnecessary force when Chris was put in cuffs on multiple occasions. The rotator cuff has been damaged and is inflamed. Chris will be seeing a Dr for that soon.

We also found out that because his cracked tooth was not properly treated in the DC Gulag it has caused the bone in his mandible to deteriorate. Multiple opinions have determined Chris needs very expensive hyperbaric oxygen therapy to help him heal. They are worried his bone will not heal causing further issues.

Chris is not out of the woods yet. However, Chris knows he has God, a beautiful supportive wife and ALL of you out there. 

Chris is so very thankful for everyone.


Update #5

January 3rd, 2022

As of 1/3/22 Chris has still not had treatment for his cancer. The restrictions they have Chris on do not allow for immediate Dr appointments as they have to be scheduled and approved by pretrial services. Last week Chris finally got to his first Oncologist appointment after being home for 2 months because of the bullshit restrictions and approvals needed. 

Chris also has a bad absess in his jaw and hasnt been able to get to the oral surgeon after seeing the dentist 2 weeks ago for the same reasons above.

They are still blatantly ignoring due process and his civil rights.

Chris is in need of all your prayers and we are both so very thankful for all the support you all have shown. 


Update #4

December 16th, 2021

Chris has new major medical issues. Chris is now in immediate need of mouth/dental surgery due to his cancer and past radiation treatments. This needs to be done concurrently with his cancer treatment. Chris is a fighter, but he needs help to keep fighting. PLEASE share his fundraiser as he needs your help.  
Update #3

December 7th, 2021

Thank you to all for your amazing generosity this week!! Chris is very humbled by you all.
We still need your help in sharing this fundraiser everywhere you can so Chris can get his cancer treatment. 
Lets start a prayer war across this country to get Chris and every Jan 6 inmate the help they deserve.
We are "One Nation Under God"

"United We Stand"

Update #2

December 3rd, 2021

Chris has not been doing well this past week. He has had very little sleep and is very concerned for his future. We are having trouble getting doctors appointments with oncologists as they wont even request his test results and review his records from DC before he has a consultation visit. Chris will keep fighting and prays that God will send him the help he needs. He is thankful for everyone that has donated or shared his fundraiser.
Please help Chris in any way you can
God Bless you all!!
He always says we are "One Nation Under God" and "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"  

November 27th, 2021

Chris was denied his previously prescribed cancer medications and denied medical attention for 237 days!!
Chris has no medical insurance and his meds alone cost $50,000. That’s without the other meds needed to go along with it and also does not cover the doctors and nurses.
Please help him get the care he desperately needs.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.