Fight For Emo


 CAD $350,000


 CAD $20,945

Campaign created by Micheal Keller

Campaign funds will be received by Micheal Keller

Fight For Emo


Emo, Ontario, is a tiny town of around 1350 people on the US border, just above Minnesota. They have stock car races at a local track, a walleye tournament, and the annual Rainy River Agricultural Fair. It has a wonderful, family-friendly waterfront park that has showers and shelter for overnight cyclists. It's roughly midway between two bridges to the US.

They have elections every 4 years, but the mayor is acclaimed. He's been doing an excellent job for this tiny town, with the limited resources of a township of 1333 people at the 2016 census.

In 2020, the town decided not to make a proclamation for Pride Month. This apparently offended some people who call themselves Borderland Pride. They filed a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, claiming that the town had made other official proclamations for holidays and causes, and thus, not making a proclamation for Pride Month violated their rights as a protected class.

The Town did not make any proclamation or statement AGAINST Pride Month; they just voted down a motion to display a pride flag and read a proclamation written by Borderland Pride, a radical LGBTQ+ organization in the area, one of whose directors is Ontario lawyer Douglas Judson.

Remote tiny town fined huge sum for refusing to celebrate Pride month
Here it is from CTV, Winnipeg.

CTV Winnipeg, Northwestern Ontario Town fined for not celebrating pride month.

He is practicing what is known as Lawfare. He BRAGS that he wants to take people's homes and cars and bank accounts and bankrupt them into submission.

He is being aided and abetted in this illegal Lawfare campaign by the unelected bureaucrats at the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.

The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal upheld this bogus complaint, and ordered the town to pay Borderland Pride $15,000. $10,000 from the township and an order that $5000 be paid directly by the Mayor, and further that he be required to attend some political re-education training at his own expense.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is compelled speech. It is wrong, and it must be fought. In Canada, there is equal justice for all who can afford it, and lawyers are hideously expensive.

There have now been several meetings of the council since the decision. Mayor McQuaker had already stated that he didn't intend to comply, and Mr. Judson asked a court to issue a garnishment for the Mayor's bank account for the $5000. Oddly, the CIBC bank deducted $5300.65 and will not provide any paperwork or return Mayor McQuaker's phone calls.


I haven't been asked to do this by the Town of Emo, and I don't even live in the same Province, but things like this enrage me. Someone said, "We should start a GoFundMe," but I know GiveSendGo is a much better platform. That's why, as part of this appeal, I'm directing 1% of donations to GiveSendGo to help with their operations.

I've spoken with Mayor McQuaker several times now, and he really appreciates your prayers and good wishes. He wishes he could say more, but when matters are before the Court, you can't comment on them. The Town has decided to go forward with a Judicial Review of the decision of OHRT

The Appeal

I'd like to raise $350,000 Canadian dollars or more to allow the Mayor, Harold McQuaker, and the Town of Emo to hire lawyers to fight this compelled speech to as high a Court as will hear it. Will YOU rise to the challenge and help out? $35 each, from ten thousand people, is all it would take. But think about where it could go!

What if it was $50 each from ten million people, viral across social media, and we funded a legal force to fight this nonsense wherever it raises its ugly head? To CRUSH these Tribunals" that are part of an unelected bureaucracy that is destroying life in Canada.

Any amount, however small, will be appreciated as a vote for sanity. If you can afford a large donation, know that every cent will be spent on this cause, and no campaign organizer is taking a cent. If this Campaign is successful, financial transparency will be provided, and every penny will be accounted for.

Thank You for taking the time to read this story and consider it.


"Let not anyone pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm, if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing." ~From a speech by John Stuart Mill at The University of St. Andrews, 1867.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 CAD
1 month ago

Thank you for the courage to stand for righteousness in the face overwhelming pressure. On behalf of all fathers who are fighting this spirit that seeks to kill and destroy all that is good within their own families

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 CAD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
1 month ago

Sending love and support from Melbourne Australia.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Thank you for standing up for freedom and against the global woke agenda!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
2 months ago

do fear that the canadian gov will try (and be successful) at confiscating all the funds raised here. and will then use them towards advancing great evil such as this alphabet mafia's goals of destroying families, and abusing children(of course, only after lining their own pockets). but will hold onto hope that does not happen, and that this small battle will continue to turn the tide.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 CAD
2 months ago

" Who's Shaking The Jar" ?

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
2 months ago

God Bless your work

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
2 months ago

We need to stand up to these smug bullies.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
2 months ago

Don't touch the money from that alphabet organizaation. We, the people, without help from our Ontario Governent officials, will help the town get through this despicable ruling. Wishing the town of Emo a Merry Christmas.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 102.00 CAD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
2 months ago

Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). Glad for this opportunity to support Biblical righteousness and justice. Laura

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
2 months ago

We are so thankful that you are standing strong!

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 CAD
2 months ago

While this intimdation is common in Communist China its an incredible situation in a country that calls itself a democracy. We have Prime Minister Trudeau to thank for this Orwellian "Groupthink" thanks for organizing this..praying for a just outcome

Anonymous Giver
$ 85.00 CAD
2 months ago

Praying for this injustice to be reversed. Praying for this small town and Mayor, which have been disproportionately, unfairly punished and shamed. And yes, give some funds to the town library. Thank you for organizing this campaign.


Happy New Year

December 31st, 2024

I've changed the masthead picture.

That's a Smiling Harold McQuaker with his big cheque, and the two drafts that you can't see.

He said "You don't know what this means to me, to the Town, and to the Library. I'm just so grateful for all that you've done for us."

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. ~ 2 Chronicles 15:7

Merry Christmas to Everyone

December 24th, 2024

Merry Christmas, everyone.

It's Monday evening. The parcel is now on its way to Harold. With the mail strike here, even the couriers are backed up. Unfortunately, our gifts will not arrive until the holiday is over. Purolator estimates delivery on the 29th.

I'm having some vehicle issues, including a blown frost plug that will cost $1700 to replace because they have to take half of the front of the car apart to get at it. Between that and Christmas, I'll be taking a bit of a break. Expect the next update early in the New Year. I may get something posted if Harold gets some photos of himself opening the big cheque.

I'm still working away here and will send all donors a personal email with exciting news soon.

Watch your inbox for mail from town.emoon.fight@gmail

Until our next update, I wish you all the best for the season. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous 2025. God Bless you all.

May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of The Holy Spirit. ~Romans 15:13

It's Official

December 19th, 2024

Blessed Thursday, everyone.

It's official now. The Township has decided to pursue the matter through the Courts, beginning with Judicial Review. Unfortunately, now that it is before the Courts, we can no longer comment on it publicly.

I will continue to update here, and we will continue to keep Emo in the news. The big Gold cheque is arriving here tomorrow, and then the two bank drafts and your messages of support will go in with it, and it will be couriered up Harold in time for Christmas! More exciting announcements will be coming soon. May the blessings of the season be with you and your families. Merry Christmas.

Stir up your might, and come to save us! Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved. O LORD God of hosts, how long will you be angry with your people's prayers? Psalm 80:1-7

What Next?

December 16th, 2024

Happy Monday Everyone;

I hope everyone had a peaceful and productive weekend for this 3rd Sunday in Advent.

The draft is drawn up for Harold to reimburse him for the $5300.65, just waiting on the big presentation cheque that is now the masthead image to arrive, so we can send them both up.

Since there isn't a whole lot we can accomplish from a legal perspective, I was praying on how best to help the town with your generosity.

The legal fees have severely impacted the town, and left their local Library scrambling for funds to stay open. After getting their judgement, Borderland Pride offered to return $5000 of it to the Library, IF the town would agree to immediately make their proclamation, including their "preamble", agree in writing to make any future proclamations this group presents them with, WITHOUT EDIT, and hold a drag queen story hour on a date and time of the groups choosing.

I think we should contribute a few thousand to the Library, so they don't need that money. What do you all think about that idea? Drop a message and let me know.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

The Big Cheque has been ordered.

December 12th, 2024

Happy Wednesday.

We ordered the Big Cheque today. Large novelty cheques are not negotiable, so we'll have to include a real bank draft in the envelope along with it, but we got this so Harold can open it in front of the press and get some pictures, and he'll have something to hang on his wall after. The cheque is 19" long by 13" high. That's an image of it on the masthead now.

It Gets Worse!

December 10th, 2024

Blessed Tuesday my friends.

I just got off the phone with Mayor Harold in Emo. Even though the fine he was assessed was $5000, the CIBC bank removed a total of $5300.65 from his account within 3 days of the judgement, even though he had until the 20th of this month to pay it, and apparently it was done through their main office, not the local town branch, and they won't even return Harold's phone calls.

They are having yet another town meeting tomorrow, after which Harold will be giving a statement to a national paper, because no local journalists will report fairly on him.

In addition, I ask that you locate and read the Decision of the OHRT. In it you will see that the vast majority of the complaints brought by the complainants were dismissed, as not having standing. The other two Councilors that voted no were not fined because they explained at a further meeting that they had voted no because they wanted to wait on a pending Town Policy on flags and proclamations. Harold, on the other hand, went with the equality argument, that there are no other sexual groups with flags and months. BECAUSE of those words, because he said "There are no flags for straight people.", the board found that he "Acted in Bad Faith" and stripped him of the indemnity that all elected officials are supposed to have.

That's how they took HIS money personally. Also, because of that, it seems that they want to make a public spectacle of how much the Township has spent on legal fees, and try to make Harold cover it, rather than the Town.

So, we have the very first spending decision of the campaign. Mayor McQuaker is getting every single cent of his $5300.65 back. That's the first step. WE will pay to make him whole. I was hesitant at first, as I didn't want to take away from possible legal representation, But I know that the continuing generosity of people when they learn more details will easily make that up.

Our fight is far from over. Its about much more than just covering some costs.

Harold knows that we have his back, and that we are praying for him, and he is very grateful for all your support. He is humbled by the number of people that have written him directly that say they are Gay or Trans or Lesbian, and that they support him, and don't agree with what Borderland Pride is doing here.

Douglas Judson is apparently receiving a substantial amount of hate mail, and has been demanding that Harold publicly denounce the hate. I hold that it is not Harold's place to denounce it. Harold is not sending the hate mail, nor has he ever asked anyone to, or even vaguely suggested that anyone communicate with them. 

Doug took actions against the Town, that caused a news organization to run a story. People read that story, and were kind of shocked by what they read. So they went on Social to find out who Doug Judson and Borderland Pride were. They read about Doug in his own words, gleefully crowing about garnishing Harold's bank account, and saying it felt better than sex. They decided to send him hate mail all on their own.

Its not Homophobic anti gay hate, or Transphobic anti Trans hate, even if some people ARE using those slurs against you (it IS, after all, hate mail. That's the intention. Its SUPPOSED to be offensive.) It is Doug Judson Hate, and Borderland Pride Hate. It is not directed at a protected CLASS, it's directed at YOU, personally.

Like when Donald Trump was being interviewed, and the interviewer said "You have referred to women as Fat Pigs..." and he cut her off, and said " No. Not Women. JUST Rosie O'Donnell.

The rulings and awards of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, BY LAW, are Restorative, NOT Punitive. That means they are NOT to be used to "Punish". They are to "Make Whole", like WE are doing for the Mayor. Something was taken from you, and we will restore that.

In this case, what was claimed to have been taken was Dignity. By refusing to proclaim Pride Week and hang their Flag, and BECAUSE he said it was because "There are no flags for straight people", that caused Borderland Pride $15,000 worth of hurt feelings and lost dignity.

We need to change our government.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. ~ Deut 31:6

Happy Monday

December 9th, 2024

Good morning, my friends.

I hope every had a peaceful and relaxing weekend. For those that are having a tough time relaxing as Douglas' victims, fear not. Help is on the way.

We have some big names potentially joining us, I can't say who just yet, but if things work out, will be coming from a position of strength. Our fund is up over $11,000, which, while it is still a drop in the bucket, it's ENOUGH of a drop that we can seriously start talking to some law firms without wasting their time.

I have a recommendation from a Law Professor, and have reached out to that lawyer for a "First Refusal', before we start canvassing a wider group of firms.

Joe Warmington of the Toronto Sun has done a couple of pieces and is watching the story top see how it develops, and yesterday the account Libs of TicTok covered the story, so we are on the verge of the viral explosion that we need if we are actually going to succeed.

I have started a merch site, and all that money from fight specific merch will be going to this campaign, as will 50% of all revenue from my X account, if That gets big enough to monetize.

Big things are on the horizon, so stay in touch.

A Question

December 8th, 2024

I'm humbled and grateful to all who have supported this campaign.

While we are FAR, FAR, FAR from our goal, we HAVE raised $8000 in 2 weeks.

We are going to continue raising funds to pay for this fight, and I don't want to take away from it, but I was wondering if YOU, the people that have donated, wanted to have some small portion donated directly to Harold before Christmas.

I don't want to pay the whole $5000, as that would take away resources from the fight, AND it would mean we basically raised money for Borderland Pride, but Harold is down $5000 right before Christmas. I thought $1000 or $1500 just to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and let him know the power of the PEOPLE. Let him know we are 100% behind him.

He's getting a lot of Email and calls from around the country, some positive, but a lot of negative as well. I think this would brighten his spirits, but we don't have a steering committee yet, to make the decisions, so I;m asking you.

Drop a quick note and let me know if you are in favour or not.

Sneak Attack

December 5th, 2024

I just got off the phone with Mayor Harold McQuaker, and he knows that we have his back. Although he was adamant about not paying this extortion, Borderland Pride went through his bank, and GARNISHED his account.

This is a 77 year old man, Father, Grandfather, Business owner, and they just TOOK $5000 from his bank account today.

We CAN NOT ALLOW this to go unpunished.


December 4th, 2024

I got a message here on the site from someone that lives in Emo, and knows the Mayor and Council personally. They have my phone number and I'm just waiting for contact back. I'm told the Town has had one meeting over this yesterday, with another scheduled today, and they are aware of this fundraiser, although they have not decided or commented yet.

Still Waiting

December 4th, 2024

I'm still waiting to hear back from Emo Mayor or Council. 

I answered a number of campaign Emails today. Just a reminder, when you write, Change the subject line. All the messages except one were subjected as Sent Prayer. That's why they didn't get answered sooner.

Thank You To All

December 3rd, 2024

Wow! What can I possibly say? I can only try to express my gratitude to those that have sent donations and positive comments, but words seem insufficient.

I am humbled and overwhelmed by the support, and energized like I have not been in a long time.

I wasn't sure people would care enough about one small town to pull out their wallets and try to make a difference, but it seems that this is striking the same chords with others as it did for me.

I was emotionally prepared to fail. To get a few $10 donations, realize that we couldn't even afford a phone call to a lawyer, much less a firm to Take On a lawyer, and cancel the campaign and refund the few donations...

...But that didn't happen. Instead, people that read the story ask "Is this a JOKE? Please tell me this is from a parody site!" They get outraged, and they reach into their pocket. They take from THEIR family and loved ones, to give to complete strangers. It brings tears to my eyes. May God bless every one of you.

I have not yet been able to contact the Town of Emo. Their telephones are off line, or going to voice mail, and I'm sure they are overwhelmed with messages and emails. They don't yet know of your generosity and support, so if anyone has a personal connection to any of the council or Mayor, please tell them about the campaign and have them contact me.

Even if the Town chooses not to go ahead, this will not be stopped. I'll simply remove the Town name from the fund raiser and we'll continue from there. Most of the comments are pretty clear that they want to stand up for what is right, and stop compelled speech. Since Borderland Pride does this for a living, it will be easy to find another deserving victim of theirs to support if Emo and mayor McQuaker choose not to proceed.

I'll not force the fight upon them, as they have just been pushed around by someone else. If it comes to switching support, I'll offer refunds for anybody that wants to support Emo, and Emo only. But this fight is happening! Game ON.

It has started

December 1st, 2024

The first donations are in.

When I first started I was not sure we could attract anyone to the campaign.

It seems the community is ready to fight back against this over reach, so I have contacted the town council to let them know we are praying for them, and fund raising for an appeal.

I'll update again when I hear back from the Mayor and Council.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.