Faith Family Freedom Festival


 USD $1,100

Campaign created by Susan Hougelman

Campaign funds will be received by Gardners Tax & Financial Services Inc

Faith Family Freedom Festival

How did the Faith Family Freedom Festival come about we are often asked. This

is a story of how God is using a small group of friends to help bring the gospel to our


We feel called to bring all our local congregations together to worship without

barriers, denominations, or divisions. While there is a purpose and a reason for

denominations, in this instance, we believe God wants to see us UNITE as one body

of believers!

The world is intent on creating division….Race, Sex, Economic Status, Education, the list goes

on and on. For one night a year, our goal is to UNITE, to gather and worship with one voice!

This is a non-political event. Our only political point to make is this: The UNITED States of

America, was founded as a Christian Nation with Godly values and it’s time we remember that

and UNITE to make our voices heard!

September 2023 was our 1st event. We had no idea what to expect, but what we witnessed was


From a group of 12 friends looking for answers in 2020 to Irons Mills cornfield in 2023, we

reached nearly 850 people, (we doubled in size for 2024!)

Many were Christians wanting to stand together as ONE against the evil we see around us. In

that crowd, many rededicated their lives and we found a new purpose in working together!

We watched black skies turn to blue, we heard worship in the countryside and the laughter of

children playing in the distance; it was a beautiful night.

As the sound team put the last of their equipment away, the skies opened and the rain fell!

Many seeds were planted that night and God watered it right then and there!

Our journey has just begun!

We are planning our 3rd event, date and time to be announced, in the late summer/early fall of 2025, but the planning is underway!

What can you do? We need Sponsors! We do not want money to be the reason someone

searching for answers does not attend and hear the mighty word of God! This venue is a

fabulous draw for families and young people in general with the activities they offer, but like

anything it costs!

While the 12 of us have taken the risk of paying for this event in whole, we truly can’t afford it

alone and last year we did not have to. While we all chipped in from $4,000 per couple to $500

depending on our means, it was the generosity of so many that helped us along the way.

Our costs were:

1. Paying for the venue; we had a per person fee plus the rental.

2. Airfare, Housing and Meals for the Iowa team.

3. Love offering to the Iowa team of 12 and our other speakers.

4. Equipment rental and sound system and team.

5. Security and medical personnel on standby.

6. Promotional materials.

100% of all monies were spent on the festival. In the event we would have excess funds, those

would be used to host other events throughout the year and/or to donate to people in our

community in need.

We provide banners for display for our generous donors, and we would love to be able to

promote your business too!

Our sponsorship levels are:

Level 1 $3,000 + Large banner displayed at the event (Limit 10 businesses)

Level 2 $1,500 - $2,999 Medium banner displayed at the event

Level 3 $ 500 - $1,499 Small sign displayed at the event

Level 4 Up to $499 Our love and gratitude!

All business sponsors will be listed and thanked on our large LED screen during the event.

*Sorry no political or church ads

If you can not help this time, please pray for us and the event. We want our story to be one

that encourages other “Nobodys” to do “Something” for the Kingdom of God! Also,

please promote the event and bring your friends and family!

Thank you for taking the time to read this to the end and remember:

Faith, Family, Freedom … One Nation under God!

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Great event! Praying for souls.

Bobby and Tiffany Preston
$ 300.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying God would bless this exciting event!

Sherry Patton
$ 200.00 USD
5 months ago

Jacob Abraham
$ 250.00 USD
5 months ago

Terry Norman
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Praying for blessings over this AMAZING event!

Anastasia Art Pets
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

I was there last year! It is truly an amazing experience of spiritual freedom at a beautiful outdoor venue, Iron Mills Farm. I’m donating so other families can enjoy this festival for FREE on that day this coming September!

Joyce Gardner
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago


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