USD $65,330
USD $200
Campaign funds will be received by Eric Bochene
Eric Bochené is my Nom de Plume, and our given/Christian name is joseph-eric [family of Bochenek, Estate]. I am a NON-political, independent researcher, instigative journalist and publisher and yes… “TRUTHER.” I have been engaged in these activities since the events of September 11th 2001 and have lived and worked in Shanghai (上海), China (中国) for 12 years where I married (a native from Wuhan/捂汗) and where we had a daughter born and raised there.
It should be noted that I am NOT per se a MAGA/Trump “lover” … nor “hater”. ... I am simply NOT a “Registered Voter” as from my perspective and knowledge, being a registered voter ONLY makes one a consensual party to a societal contract (of authoritarian government) and a system that I do not agree with nor consent to. Essentially… I will NOT contract to be surety to be mortgaged as property and chattel for a wannabe ruling elite of Bankers and their Un-Clean-Handed esquires (attorneys/BAR members).
I am NOT “anti-government” as some corrupt media hacks or bad state actors may try and suggest. Rather, I see these are just men and women calling themselves “government” and they are in direct violation of Natural/TRUE law and this scripture:
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”.
~ Isaiah 9:6
^^^ "Government resting upon his shoulders" means government (mind-control) can and SHOULD be on YOUR shoulders and NOT in some "Capitol Building" comprise on sociopathic despots comprised of men and women calling themselves "government."
For decades now, and especially after surviving the events of 2001 in NYC on 9/11, I have stood for peace, truth and TRUE law and international law which is based on Natural/God’s law and NOT man’s so-called “law.” NOTE: On 9/11 I ran from the first building falling and worked on “the Pile” for ensuing days and NO… 100% I do NOT accept the official government/media conspiracy theory they call the “official narrative.”
On the 5th of January 2021, I traveled solo in my private capacity as an independent journalist/investigator/researcher and publisher of: SansMemetics.net and an Odysee channel at: https://odysee.com/@SansMemetics
On the evening of the 5th, I was at the “BLM Plaza” documenting the Trump/MAGA supporters there and their interactions with police. From my observations, no major incidents occurred that day. However, I, like many others witnessed Ray Epps—a former Marine—there who was agitating and advocating for people to “go into the capitol” the next day. He was immediately called out as a “Fed.”
On the 6th, I immediately recognized Agent Provocateurs (usually state agents/cops) begin to agitate the crowd as I have been documenting protests around the world for many years and thus have knowledge and experience of this type of corrupt, low-life trash who are Bad State Actors. I also saw groups of agitators/provocateurs being bussed in and changing clothes into "Trump gear." I witnessed them break the cheap flimsy bike rack barriers and witnessed the Capitol Police assist in their removal.
I then soon witnessed them—almost all who were masked—breaking the windows and noticed how easily they were breaking as they were clearly NOT up to standard to secure a government building and what is termed as “Insulated Ballistic Glass.” I have made this video regarding that: Jan 6 False Flag: PROVING Different Grades of Glass https://odysee.com/@SansMemetics:6/jan-6-false-flag-proving-different
While wearing his Employee badge/ID on him, I witnessed the violent, leftist, Nicholas Rodean wielding a hatchet, and saw him smash two (2) windows with a flagpole. My investigation… which was NOT “difficult” ... uncovered the FACTS that he is/was a Voice Actor, is a Vegan and Activist for Animal Rights, was a Volunteer at Glut Food Co-Op (a “progressive, democratically managed, worker’s collective”), worked at Glory Doughnuts (a Women + LGBTQ+ owned and operated), and was employed at Navistar Direct Marketing. All of things together paint a very clear picture that Nicholas was in no possible way… “MAGA.”
See: Nicholas Rodean: Leftist Actor & FAKE "Trumper" https://odysee.com/@SansMemetics:6/nicholas-rodean-leftist-actor-fake
Federal judge Trevor McFadden has ruled that Nicholas Rodean will serve no jail time, finding that Asperger’s syndrome made him susceptible to the influence of the mob.
Related article: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/126/jan-6-rioter-gets-probation-not-prison-after-judge-finds-autism-played-a-role-00063588
From there, I proceeded to follow/tail these Agent Provocateurs into the Capitol Building through the breach(es) that THEY had created namely, Rodean’s broken window. Further, I followed them up to the infamous location that I filmed the very poorly Eric Bochene - Staged Jan 6 (w/observations & notations) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCdOJjF-7m0
From my observations, this "scene" was NOTHING SHORT of a very poorly produced "High School Stage Play" and in my video we can see, Dominic Pezzola (a “Proud Boy”), Jacob Chansley (the “Q-Shaman”), and others... namely media will lie for a paycheck.
After I was UNLAWFULLY kidnapped (arrested) on the 13th of May, 2021 from my private domicile in New Hartford, New York [ZIP EXEMPT per the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) 122.32] by the FBI, I received a voicemail while driving a Tractor Trailer in the NYC metro area and I see it as nothing but a dangerous conspiracy attempt by criminal, BAD State-Actors to frame me for serious charges of gun violence. See for yourself here: Gary the voicemailer (compilation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxRVQmRVCUQ&t=143s
I of course reported this to the NYPD, New York State Police and even my local Town Police (New Hartford) and NOTHING was done about it. No investigation by ANY agency. In fact, I have evidence that all info was reported to the FBI, and they blocked everything.
From my initial arrest, I was released via a fraudulent bond and chose to PRESENT... not any legalese/commercial term of "RE-present" ... myself as a man. Of course the BAR association does NOT like this as that organization FALSELY believes they have a monopoly on "practicing law," which they DO NOT!
After meeting with non-stop corruption and the government/court NOT obeying their own rules, codes, statutes, etc., I failed to show for a Zoom Court appearance in July of 2023 and therefore, the government sent armed U.S. Marshals to my home to again kidnap me. This resulted in me being given "Diesel Therapy" which involved moving me around to five (5) different jails before making it to the "D.C. gulag" on September 1st where I sat until being left no option but to take a "plea deal" to one misdemeanor which gave me "time served," one year probation, community service and an order to pay restitution to the "Architect of the Capitol." For more on this so-called "Architect of the Capitol" fraudster, read my article entitled: "Architect of the Capitol / 'Sovereign Citizen' Accused of Ethics Violations, Felonies and Misdemeanors" https://sansmemetics.net/architect-of-the-capitol-a-sovereign-citizen-accused-of-ethics-violations/
That said, I believe that my unique and objective perspectives, first-hand-witness knowledge and A-political stance can and should be used to bring truths into the light that the world needs to see and hear about the “events” that day.
Right now, the “government” has bankrupted me, tarnished my good name as a “Truther,” Man of Peace and Diplomacy rather than war, and as an objective, independent investigator, researcher and journalist/publisher all for the sake of maintaining a fictitious narrative about Jan 6th. I have had my family separated from me (over in Shanghai) for over 4 years thanks to draconian “lockdown measures” of the CovID lie. Many of them… like “neighbors” … have been weaponized against me and I am in financial ruin.
Bills are far behind. Bills like my property taxes and especially my auto payment which I just received notice they will try and repossess if $9k (est.) is not paid...
I kindly and humbly seek any assistance that my fellow man can help with so as I may get my life back in order and continue to share objective truth on what happened that day so as the lies and baring of false witnesses may be exposed for what they are. Which are mostly men and women lying for a paycheck and a pension as well as social status and career agendas.
Also, aside from financial donations, I am willing to offer my professional design and video editing skills or my skills as a professional CDL Truck driver if anyone knows of any companies out there willing to take on people for jobs/contracts who have been slandered, such as myself, by the lies of January 6th, the media, and the "government."
My professional website and works/portfolio can be found at: https://xomox.dev
Also, if there are any other media outlets out there interested in exclusive material and interviews with me, especially ones that can pay or at least assist in fund raising, I'd consider engaging in that.
In that, I close and say, “Namaste”, and mat all of you seeking truth and accountability stand in honor and be celebrated. God speed!
Eric Bochené
God speed
i wish you well
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