USD $9,000
USD $6,236
Campaign funds will be received by Carbon Capture Shield, Inc.
If you believe in truly independent media and can contribute toward our Monday deadline, now is the time. If you're not in a position to help financially, your prayers and moral support mean just as much to us.
This isn’t much at all, but I surely hope it helps. Sending love, energy, prayers as well.
You're an inspiration
Hope this helps. Hearts n Smiles your way
"Thank you so much! We will make every cent count!" By Darryl Nicke
Smiles your way
Smiles your way
"Thank you so much! Your continued support really keeps me and Sandy going!" By Darryl Nicke
Hi hope this helps.. hearts n Smiles your way.
Getting closer...
Bless you guys. Hope this helps Hearts n Smiles your way laura
Good Luck and God Bless You.
We are getting closer… hang on.
Thank you for allowing us to help you. Thank you for fighting for the collective.
You can do it!
Prayers are with you.
God Bless you brother and sister....WWG1WGA!!!
Keep going
Your faith is an inspiration.
Glad this got fixed dj. You two are in my thoughts always
Keep going, everyone and every effort counts.
Dear DJ. Keep up the good fight. We are with you. God bless you.
Soon wait is over. Glad this got fixed. Hearts n Smiles your way bless you
July 30th, 2024
We have FIXED the bank issues - thanks to amazing help from the GiveSendGo team!
It turns out it was actually our bank who changed our bank details, and then refused to assist us in tracking the funds. Thankfully, the team at GiveSendGo were eager to help, and didn't give up until they resolved it and the funds were in our bank account (even though I was blaming them through all of this).
THANK YOU! I am blessed to have this crowdfunder on this platform - I would like to give 10% of all future donations back to them, as I truly couldn't do this without you, or without them!
July 15th, 2024
Right now, your donations are going to some unknown bank account - we're waiting to hear back from GiveSendGo and will update all when we do.
January 12th, 2024
At present, my wife and I are living in a caravan lovingly provided for us by a PhD researcher and his wife who are partnering with us to help farmers! This researcher won many awards for his innovations using machine learning (ML) and spectroscopy to revolutionize the characterization of living cells and tissues without damaging them... I managed to convince him to apply this same technology to soil and agriculture!
So, we've patented a few ideas together, and now we're living next-door to his lab, and working toward truly assisting farmers!
Additionally, I'm directing and editing a new feature documentary for the Scottish Association - an unofficial sequel to my film that changed US federal law: The Road Trip.
You can view the trailer for my new film here, or here.
This film is non-profit, so it doesn't really help us move forward, but it will help awaken many and perhaps shift lift legislation around the world.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.