Help Fight Back Against Rudy Giuliani in Court


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Campaign funds will be received by Noelle Dunphy

Help Fight Back Against Rudy Giuliani in Court

Rudy Giuliani and Team have gotten away with everything so far. What can we do? Help a current victim of Rudy Giuliani and show your support for her to not be afraid to share her information.

Giuliani has been disbarred and in contempt of court at least 3 times. When he was prosecutor, he made countless claims against people. Giuliani ruined the lives of many teenagers and adults by giving them jail/a permanent criminal record over tiny amounts of marijuana. He made claims against two Georgia ladies that were so false that a jury and court ordered him to pay $148 million in damages. He has now avoided all consequences for this by settling for a smaller amount on Jan. 16, 2025 after making the ladies chase him for a year in 3 different courts after he lost in court in 2023. It has taken 4 years for the Georgia ladies to get closure. His current victim in New York is still waiting for justice.

For 2 years, Giuliani has delayed his trial with this young woman who worked for him. He retaliated against her after she did not pledge blind loyalty to him.

She has sworn under oath that he harassed her, assaulted her, and failed to pay her for most of her work.

He wanted to pay her with illegal money from selling pardons, but she refused to participate in unethical activities. He asked her to lie to the FBI. She refused to lie to the FBI. He retaliated against her and continues to threaten her.

The New York Times Aug. 3, 2023

Giuliani Maligns Jews and Women in Transcript Filed in Harassment Case

Rudolph Giuliani, the former mayor and presidential lawyer, faces a variety of legal troubles and has been identified as a co-conspirator in Donald Trump’s indictment.

Transcripts filed in court this week show Rudolph Giuliani making antisemitic and misogynist remarks.  

Already identified as a co-conspirator in the latest indictment of Donald J. Trump, Rudolph W. Giuliani faced further embarrassment this week when a woman suing him for sexual assault and harassment revealed an assortment of disparaging remarks she said he had made.

The case is featured on MSNBC in the below clip and in many articles:

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