Deidra's teen son Michael after gas can explosion


ย USD $100,000


ย USD $12,420

Campaign created byย MeehanMD Team

Campaign funds will be received by Deidra Alberty

Deidra's teen son Michael after gas can explosion


My teenage son Michael and I are currently in Galveston at Shriners Pediatric Burn ICU after he experienced 3rd degree burns from a gas can explosion covering 80% of his body.

10/19/2024: Around midnight there was a gas can explosion that left Michael with 3rd degree burns covering over 80% of his body. My roommate Andrea moved quickly to remove his clothes and she sustained mostly 2nd degree burns and some 3rd degree burns on 12% of her body.

10/20/2024: 2:52pm: Michael is stable and responding well to treatments. He is doing much better now than he was when we got here. He will need to go into surgery in the next 24 hours.

4:54pm: Critically Stable. Blood pressure is much better. Pray for safe blood, the entire PICU team and operating room team, my new chef, Roberto, and me, as I sit here alone and wait to see my precious baby boy again.

10:42pm: Michael's labs are doing better, his heart function is good, his kidney function is good. He has pre-op at 6am CST and his first surgery at 7am. I'm staying at my dads hotel tonight, we really need an airbnb in Galveston if anyone has one. It would just be such a blessing for our family to be able to stay together when not taking rotations sitting with Michael. No one under the age of 17 is allowed at the hospital. *Shriners will pick up an airbnb for us in a few weeks when he gets out of ICU but our family really wants to be able to be together and cook meals and rest between rotations right now. This would mean I would be able to see my toddler daughter, Samantha, and stay here with Michael.

10/21 8:46am: Michael is doing OK today. They just took him back for his first surgery this morning for debreeding and cadaver skin grafts. His hands and arms are what they are going to focus on today. Need prayers for the entire operating room team and that Michael's body is open to accepting the grafts and for no complications. They dropped the percentage to 75% flame burned from 82%. They are hopeful he will be breathing on his own in a few days. 

Several people have asked how they can help. My dad is driving down to stay with me. Shriners will pay to house me but they only paid for 10 days for my dad. We are expecting 8-12 weeks here. If you want to contribute to hotel and food expenses for my family to be here with us, that would be greatly appreciated.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
3 days ago

Praying for your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
9 days ago

Sending love and prayers of comfort and peace.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
12 days ago

I asked God to give you peace in this situation and pray for a fast recovery!

Liza G
$ 100.00 USD
12 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5000.00 USD
12 days ago

Praying for you

Bless you all
$ 25.00 USD
18 days ago

Cathy Meehan just told me what you all are going through. I'm so sorry to hear this! Praying for you and your precious family. The Donkey Milk Lady

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for healing

Robyn Redding
$ 700.00 USD
2 months ago

Cameron Cook
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Jeremiah 17:14

Mark Noren family
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

GOD please hear our prayer, heal Micheal restoring his health , ease his pain and suffering, bring peace and comfort to Deidra and family members in Jesus name we pray, Amen

Anonymous Giver
$ 96.00 USD
3 months ago

Angela Barrow
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

I am so sorry about Michaelโ€™s injuries. I hope he heals soon.

Carolyn Arnold
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

We're praying for continuing healing and wisdom for his doctors! Peace for you all. Praying that you cling to Jesus in this time!! He is the all and all!! I hope that you are all trusting in Him for your salvation! He loves you all! Even this story will be used for His glory!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago


$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Continued prayers for all of you.

Kyle Hays
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 6.00 USD
3 months ago

Duane Bennett
$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

Tulsa Friends
$ 625.00 USD
3 months ago

Please know we are lifting Michael and your family up in prayer, asking God for his healing touch and unfailing peace. Our hearts are deeply with you during this incredibly difficult time. Peace and love, Jillโ€™s Bible Study Friends


Update #11

February 10th, 2025

Day 114. Michael is doing much better today than the last month. Apologize for not updating here sooner but there are so many things happening and I'm not able to make updates to this link on my phone. Please follow me on FB for current updates. Deidra Alberty. 

Ammonia is down to 91. He was just extubated for the 2nd time. Pray for his lungs to clear. Infection to clear. Body and mind to have strength. I can't thank you enough for your donations and prayers. Thanking God for complete healing and restoration. <3 

Update Update #11 Image
Update #10

December 19th, 2024

Chapter 10

Day 61, 12/19/2024, 12:58pm

Michael is out of surgery #8 and resting now <3 

Pray against infection, for miraculous strength and healing, for the entire care team including all of the staff at Shriners Children's Texas. Pray I'm doing the right things as his primary caregiver and asking the right questions to the doctors and nurses. Pray against fear and anxiety. Pray for motivation and hope. 

Michael has been healing miraculously but has still been in a lot of pain. Surgeon said today that his feet are now the worst (ankles, tops of feet, Achilles), previously it was his hands. Right hand is doing amazing! Left hand is swollen and recovering slowly. They wanted to take donor skin from a new location today but they didn't really give him enough time for him to process the request so they will try this week to discuss the pros and cons of having donor sites and what his available donor sites are. Donor sites are usually more painful than the burned skin because they are so superficial but they grow back in 7-10 days, hence his surgery schedule. 

Michael has been walking daily for 10 days. He walked 55 feet yesterday. Kidney function has went down and back up this week. 2 days ago he had to have another EKG due to heart arrythmia. Emesis has stopped with the change of tube feeds. He is still taking nausea meds multiple times a day because his medicine makes him nauseous and they are giving it as a precaution. I'm super grateful we were able to change his food because that is crucial to his recovery. The entirety of burn care and recovery is absolutely atrocious so every tiny win we can get we will take. 

Samantha is here this week <3 I'm so grateful to spend time with her even though it's hard to split my time between the two of them. She has very big feelings when we are together but she is doing good all things considered. She misses Michael and her momma so much!  

We are expecting 160 days inpatient and outpatient looks like driving from Tulsa to Galveston on a weekly basis for a long time.

Venmo: last four, 2655

Cashapp: $918DLR

Michael's Helping Hands - Amazon Gift List -

Update Update #10 Image
Update #9

December 19th, 2024

Chapter 9

Every day is a new day. โค๏ธ

Day 55, Friday, 12/13, 8:19am

Michael had a much better day yesterday. They increased his tub meds which is so good for him. HUGE WIN๐Ÿ™ He sat in a chair, walked 30 feet and played a game of Connect 4! ๐Ÿ™Œ FIRST HAND GAME ๐Ÿ’ช Nausea has mostly subsided. He is only getting sick now when they put meds down his tube. The tube is supposed to be past his stomach so they don't think it's the meds (correlation doesn't equal causation?). 

Once again I requested tube feeds without canola oil or sunflower oil and the Doctor on duty and the Chief of Staff both approved my request! ๐Ÿ™ This is also a big win. Both of those oils are highly inflammatory and could be hindering healing and causing more pain. His new feeds should be here Monday. Last night he ate 1/2 cup of potato soup which is the most he has eaten in days, maybe a week. He has no other concerns at this time and will be going back to OR next week. 

It takes me a long time to respond to calls/texts, my brain is mashed potatoes. It's a huge win for me to be able to pay a bill or handle any real life issue outside of the hospital. It takes some serious compartmentalization, which I wasn't great at before. Trauma does that. It's incredible what they can do here but it's such a hard recovery process and it's extremely painful to witness. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I'm so thankful for our support system. ๐Ÿ’› Lots of people are asking about Christmas gifts, I'm asking Michael (he's not super interested right now) and making updates to his wish list if I think of something we could use. I want a Sprinter Revel. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™Œ

We are expecting 160 days inpatient and outpatient looks like driving from Tulsa to Galveston on a weekly basis for a long time. 

Venmo: last four, 2655

Cashapp: $918DLR

Michael's Helping Hands - Amazon Gift List -

This is the happy place next to the hospital where I have breakfast some days.

Update Update #9 Image
Update #8

December 6th, 2024

Chapter 8

Day 47, THUR, 1:32pm, Post op day 3

Michael walked 51 feet today and fed himself 3 bites of strawberries. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ He is so strong!

Kidney function is looking up. He is using his arms and hands more. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I'm so grateful. โค๏ธ He is still doing well on room air. Thank you, Jesus! 

He goes back to OR at 7am for surgery #6. (I think it's 6, there's a lot going on) PICU time is different even from inside the same hospital. Vitals every hour. Labs 3 times a day. Meds every 4, 6, 8, and 12 hours. Ice for drinks melts every 3 hours. He likes his drinks cold. Sleep cuddling an ice pack. Rounds at 7am. PT & OT from 10-12. Limited sleep and lots of sweat and tears.

We may have to move all of our things out of the room I decorated upstairs as they want to keep us in PICU a while longer. Cathy has been here with us this week and I'm so grateful for her company and faith <3 We are so blessed. God has provided for everything on this journey so far and I will be forever thankful to everyone who has given us a hand or bowed their head in prayer. 

Someone donated some magnatiles so I built him this. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’ชAlso, I LOVE THE BOOK SOMEONE SENT ME. Thank you and God bless. 

Update Update #8 Image
Update #7

December 6th, 2024

Chapter 7

It's been a busy 5 days. I've been splitting my time between the kids so haven't had time to update. 

Day 39

Wed: 11/27: 7:10 pm

Michael has accomplished a lot. Even walking from the chair to the bed today. He had takedown yesterday from his last surgery. He did well. We were moved back to ICU a few days ago. His 02 saturation dropped and he had to be put on supplemental oxygen. They removed the PCA. Our room is 92โฐ and we are just starting to watch the Marvel Avengers movies in order. He is having trouble eating again. The other day he got to 2300 calories by mouth and they reduced his feeds but they have increased them again. ๐Ÿ™ Pray for energy, strength, motivation and the medicine he is on to work better than it's supposed to at healing him. Pray for his care team including me. ๐Ÿค— This is still the absolute worst but he is improving! #PraiseGod 

Sam, Kam and Andrea are here now. Ashley drove them down and stayed a few days and meal prepped and helped with the kids. ๐Ÿ™Œโค๏ธ We have support through the 7th right now. 

Shriners is paying for the air lift and the apartment! โค๏ธ I've fixed the insurance ordeal, mostly. Thank you for your donations, gifts, thoughts and prayers. I would not be able to do this on my own. A non-profit is still a possibility. Pray that works out. ๐Ÿ’ช 

Day 42, 11/30, Sat, 8:01pm

Michael is getting out of bed and walking a little bit each day (20-30 feet) Pray against pneumonia and for complete and proper lung function. Michael has been needing at least a .5 liter of oxygen all week. Even now while awake. At first they thought it was his meds which is why they removed the PCA but respiratory said it's not his meds and they will likely be ordering another chest xray. Next OR is likely Monday or Tuesday. Pray for my farm crew's trip back home and Cathy's trip down here. I kicked a nurse out of his room today. ๐Ÿซฃ Pray for his care team! His nurse makes his days. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

Day 44, 12/2, Monday 12:50pm

Michael just went back for surgery #6. Please pray for him, his OR team, and the medicines. They have not been able to manage his pain the last 24 hours or so. He has been doing well on room air for the last 24 hours. ๐Ÿ™

12/2/2024 7:36pm Michael is out of surgery and recovering. He is back on .5 liter of oxygen for right now. He is still very sedated and they plan to keep him that way overnight. Thank you for your prayers, as always. heart His next OR is Friday.  

Day 46: Wed: 12/4: 12:32 pm 

Michael is in a lot of pain today. They are having to give him albumin, his kidneys are under a lot of stress right now. They are working with a chronic pain specialist from UTMB to get his pain managed. It is different every day but has been a rough few days. They had him walking post-op day 1. He walked 35 feet today. It's imperative that he moves, but it is extremely hard for him. He is sitting in a chair now. He hates it. He is on room air again. We are still in PICU. We ask for continued prayers for strength and healing. This is extremely difficult for him and me both. ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ™

We are expecting 160 days inpatient with outpatient being in Galveston for some time. 

Michael's Helping Hands - Amazon Gift List -

Picture of my 3rd time at the beach, this time with my mini me. โค๏ธ

Update Update #7 Image
Update #6

November 22nd, 2024

Chapter 6

Day 32
11/20/2024, Wed, 10:54 PM

 I start a new chapter when we level up. I know my updates are broken and slow and that's the best I can do right now so thank you for your patience. 

Thank you all for praying for my baby. Thank you for sending gifts to us. Thank you for sending mail. Thank you for reading the updates and sending positive healing energy this way. 

Michael made it out of his room for the first time yesterday outside of OR and Tub and he got to see the ocean from the 6th floor. 

Michael now has a PCA, Patient Controlled Analgesic, meaning he has a pump with a button that he can push when his pain gets out of control. It worked wonderfully last night and he only had to request meds once overnight. Yesterday was pretty rough. Today was hard. He skipped tub yesterday and had to go today. He has to go to tub everyday until his next surgery because any dead tissue is cause for infection. Burns are highly susceptible to infections and he is on multiple rounds of antibiotics to prevent them and they also swab him once a week and send that sample off to culture. Next OR is early next week. Fact of the day: burns are worse than any other injury because of the daily re-traumatization (the nature of the treatments we have available). I think Michael would agree that this is for the birds... 

Physical therapy and occupational therapy are hard and daily when not on bed rest. Motion is lotion. It is necessary that he moves to get better but it is also extremely painful. Pray for him to push himself and to not fight against the pain. He must be an active participant in therapy in order to get better. 

Pray for pain relief, motivation, hope, will power and staffing. Pray against infection and for his care team to be able to meet his needs. The next few weeks are still full of big surgeries and big recoveries. Keep praying! 

Thank you and love you! 

Day 34
11/22/2024, Friday, 8:29AM, Post-Op Day 9
Michael is tolerating morning tub better so they are moving him to AM tub from now on. He left his room again yesterday to visit the therapy gym. He did ok yesterday with the PCA and overnight only needing additional meds one time. He is scheduled for surgery #5 today and he is second case.  
Please pray for Michael's body to tolerate the medications and surgery better than expected. Pray for the OR team and his doctors and nurses. Pray for his momma and nana. Pray for safe travels for our next companion crew driving down today. 

5:49pm. Michael is out of surgery and in the recovery room! ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ Thank you for your prayers! 

Day 35
11/23/2024, Saturday, 9:48AM, Post-Op Day 1
Michael's labs look good today! Increasing oral pain meds, weaning off IV meds. Dressing take down on day 4 per usual. He is eating a lot today! Already has 860 calories down this morning. Shout out to Joe Haynes for driving down to Galveston to take mom home! Such a blessing! My mini me will be here this evening! <3 Pray Michael continues to heal and get stronger each day! 

We are expecting 160 days inpatient with outpatient being in Galveston for some time. 

Michael's Helping Hands - Amazon Gift List -
Update Update #6 Image
Chapter 5

November 22nd, 2024

Day 14: SAT: 11/2: 10:08 AM

Yesterday Michael was moved out of the PICU to an inpatient room ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™Œโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช Mom stayed at the hospital with us last night. We can now have 2 parents stay the night in the room. I was kicked out night before. Michael is doing OK. We were really enjoying Agents of SHIELD on Roku downstairs but now we only have regular TV and ChildLife is gone for the weekend. Mr. Paul is trying to fix it. I love watching superhero shows with my boy! He is so strong! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ Michael is scheduled for tub, PT, OT, and speech everyday between surgeries. This floor is a lot of therapy and is usually difficult for athletes because they are used to being strong and here they feel weak. Please continue to pray over Michael and his entire care team. ๐Ÿ‘‹ Next OR is Tuesday. There is a chance we go back to PICU after each surgery, it just depends on how each one goes. Please keep praying for miraculous healing ๐Ÿ™ โค๏ธ

Day 15: SUN 11/3 : 10:09 pm

Ok today. The right nurse really makes your day or night. Michael stood up today. It wasn't the first time but it's progress. He needs to be moving more than he is but he's in a lot of pain. If we have a good nurse, they will anticipate his needs and he will stay leveled out and not peak so high but he's been between 7-10 pain level several times today. Thank you Jesus we're on day 15. ๐Ÿ™Œ My sister is now here with us. 


Day 17: Tue: 1/5 : 9:19am

Michael is in his 3rd surgery now. Please pray. ๐Ÿ™ 2:15pm: Michael is out for surgery and staying the night in PICU for observation. Planning to move back to inpatient room in the morning. Pray for pain management and his care team. 

Day 19: Thurs: 11/7: 8:14am

Michael is post-op day 3 with 80% TBSA burn, reports stable vitals and no significant changes. He is on bed rest and engaging in upper extremity exercises. Key issues include anemia (hemoglobin 7.7), leukocytosis (white count 18.3), and adequate urine output (0.95 liters). The plan includes monitoring vitals, wound healing, and lab values and nutritional support. 

Day 20: Fri: 11/8 1:02 AM

Pray for Michael's doctors and care team. I'm asking that they increase his vitamin C intake from 500mg/day to the FLCCC Sepsis Protocol which is 20-25g IV. ๐Ÿ™ Pray they have the wisdom and discernment regarding all of his medications. Michael is in a hypermetabolic state and it is a balancing act of over a dozen heavy prescription medications and 3 dozen care team members working around the clock to keep him alive. He is stable, breathing on his own and working on rest, occupational, speech, respiratory therapy, pain management and infection control. Still on bed rest. Labs same as yesterday. 

Day 25

Wed: 11/13 2:12 PM

Physical therapy has been hard. Michael has surgery this afternoon/evening. Please pray over the OR team and all care team members. ๐Ÿ™ He is case #3 today so that means the team has already been in surgeries all day.

Michael is out of surgery and in recovery room. Surgery #4 

11/13 8:49 pm 

Thank you for all your prayers ๐Ÿ™ โค๏ธ 

Day 27 Friday 11/15 3:03pm Post-op day 2. Michael is in a lot of pain today. I was able to get more internet today so we are onward and upward with Season 5 Episode 13 of Agents of Shield. What should we watch next? 

Venmo: last four, 2655

Cashapp: $918DLR

Michael's Helping Hands - Amazon Gift List -


Michael is now accepting cards and letters! 

Mailing Address:

Shriners Children's Texas

Attn: Case Management

Michael Wright

815 Market Street 

Galveston, TX 77550

Please do not send stuffed animals, flowers, etc. At this time.

Chapter 4: Michael is off 3 more tubes.

November 22nd, 2024

I'm so grateful right now๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™ This is the biggest rollercoaster I've ever been on and that's saying a lot! 

Day 8: SUN 10/27: 12:58 AM: 

I swapped with dad around 11pm. Michael has had his ART line, foley, and ng tube removed yesterday. Progress ๐Ÿ™ Pray for rest, nausea, and sodium levels. He is at risk of having to do a not fun procedure. ๐Ÿ˜• They give Tylenol with every fever. I clearly don't understand emergency medicine. What these people do here is nothing short of a miracle. They are the hands and feet of God. Doc told us yesterday they are expecting a full recovery!!!๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ We've been given an estimate of 160 days in PICU. But God. Shout out to Nurse Perry! He's Michael's favorite so far. He looks like Michael but a little bit bigger with darker hair. 

6:21 AM: Michael is in a lot of pain this morning. He is also too big for the beds here which is causing a lot of the discomfort. ๐Ÿซ  Pray for pain relief and that a bigger bed will be here soon. They've had to order him one. 

10:02 AM: Doing breathing exercises and they ordered a chest xray because his lungs sound wet. O2 has stayed above 91 without supplemental oxygen. Sodium levels have regulated ๐Ÿ™ I think they are going to finally stop the Red 40. It's in 4 or 5 of his regular meds. ๐Ÿ™ We are moving PICU rooms shortly to make room for new kids. 

9:13 PM: He's sleeping. Xray came back with no concerns. 02 is between 97-100 all afternoon. Pray for his body to tolerate the meds and that he can start eating and please pray that all of his grafts take, especially the recell they did on Friday. He has been too nauseous to eat but did drink about 300 calories today. He needs to be taking in around 3k calories per day to come off the next tube. Dad and I are taking turns in the PICU for overnights. 

Day 9: MON: 10/28: 10:05 AM: Doing ok. They had him get up today and moved him to the recliner. Nothing new during rounds. Pray for peace, nausea, and pain. 

11:15 pm: Long day. Had some rough patches. Pray for pain, nausea, appetite and care team to be attentive to his needs. Dad and I aren't leaving him alone right now. 

Day 10: TUE: 10/29: Post-Op Day 4: 7:23 AM: 

Michael had a good night and was able to sleep for 30-45 min at a time. He gets bandages off today and a bath. Pray for peace and pain management today. Pray his grafts are taking better than they should be at this point. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™Œ He's looking so handsome today! 

Day 11: WED: 10/30: 7:04PM: Yesterday was the worst day. Michael is doing so much better today. His pain has been well managed most of the day. He was able to complete PT and OT today and had another shower. He is finally sleeping. Doc said I can start using micronic silver on his face but M hasn't let me yet. I need him to want the meat stock I made. ๐Ÿ’ช

Day 13: FRI: 11/1: 7:53 AM: Michael had 2 units of blood yesterday and bath and PT and OT were hard. He was able to sleep a few hours last night so that is good. Pray for his care team. The nurse really makes the difference so put us with the best. Focusing on keeping everything clean and pain well managed. Nana is here and dad went home. 

Chapter 5:

This is going to be a long journey and it's going to be hard. I can't thank you guys enough for your prayers and kindness ๐Ÿ™ โค๏ธ Keep praying! 

Venmo: last four, 2655

Cashapp: $918DLR

Michael's Helping Hands - Amazon Gift List -

Chapter 3: Michael is off oxygen! ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™

November 22nd, 2024

Day 7: SAT: 10/26: 8:56 AM: Michael had a rough night. No one else is attentive as his momma. We were here for 14 hours yesterday and had to go home and rest. I'm so thankful we have a home. โค๏ธ He is doing well this morning breathing and drinking by spoon and medicine cup. He is on liquids and purees today. He's happy when he gets drinks. He's on meat stock, choc milk, gatorade, and applesauce. He's requested eggnog, pink zero gatorade and a strawberry banana smoothie. He is still on a lot of medications. More than I ever wish he had to be on. Please continue to pray against infection, pain management, peace beyond all understanding and for miraculous healing. 

Chapter 4:

Thank you all for all your prayers and donations from the bottom of my heart. We are so truly grateful ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ™Œ

Venmo: last four, 2655

Cashapp: $918DLR

CHAPTER 2: Michael is talking!

November 22nd, 2024

END OF DAY 4 WED 10/23


Michael has been extubated and is talking!!!!

Andrea is out of surgery and in pain. 

TH 24: 9:10AM: 

Michael is alert and talking. Some confusion but is aware. Today was the first day I heard my baby talk in 4 days.๐Ÿ™ He asked for water and pedialyte. He nodded when I told him how much I loved him. He has already memorized the chords for the song thats been on repeat all night and wants to listen to George Cohen. I gave him head rubs while I prayed over him. ๐Ÿ˜ญ They are going to sit him up and try to drink. Hemoglobin is elevated, all other labs are normal. Pray against infection and pain. Adding nerve blockers and SSRIs. ๐Ÿ™ 

TODAY'S GOAL: Get out of bed! 

Andrea is not thrilled. She is in pain and recovering from yesterday's surgery. Please send prayers to her and her care team to be attentive of her needs.



8:54 PM: Michael is good and goes to surgery at 7AM. He is talking and super thirsty but is on 3 ice chips every 30 minutes. Speech pathologist will re-evaluate tomorrow for liquids. Nueorology came in and did some trivia today, he did well. He stood up out of bed today (with help)!!! He is still at very high risk for infection and pneumonia. Please pray for him and OR team tomorrow. 

Day 6: FRI: 8:29AM

Michael was alert this morning and asking lots of questions. He wanted to know if everyone else was OK and how long we will be in the hospital. He said he has no problem being here but he wants to get up and move around and he wants to drink and eat. CO2 was high so they put him back on blo-by oxygen last night. He went in for surgery approx 7:20 AM. Pray for OR team, Michael, and no complications. It's gonna be a long day. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

Talked to Andrea this morning and she is doing well. She goes to OT and PT today. 

11:08AM They are finished with surgery. Waiting to be moved back to his room. His homografts are taking well. They did recell (spray skin) today on his chest and abdomen. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™ I've requested to add butyrate, glutamine, and rescue remedy. Hoping he can physically drink today!

Chapter 3:

Thank you all for all your prayers and donations from the bottom of my heart. We are so truly grateful ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ™Œ

Venmo: last four, 2655

Cashapp: $918DLR

Chapter 1

October 25th, 2024


10/20/2024: Around midnight last night there was a gas can explosion that left Michael with 3rd degree burns covering over 80% of his body. Andrea moved quickly to remove his clothes and she sustained mostly 2nd degree burns and some 3rd degree burns on 12% of her body. Kam and I got water and blankets and got the fire put out. 

Michael and I just landed in Galveston at Shriners Pediatric Burn ICU. Please pray!!!

2:52pm: Michael is stable and responding well to treatments. He is doing much better now than he was when we got here. He will need to go into surgery in the next 24 hours. Andrea is inpatient in Tulsa and you can text her or her mom for visiting info.

4:54pm: Critically Stable. Blood pressure is much better. Pray for safe blood, the entire PICU team and OR team, my new chef, Roberto, and me, as I sit here alone and wait to see my precious baby boy again. 

10:42pm: Michael's labs are doing better, his heart function is good, his kidney function is good. He has pre-op at 6am CST and his first surgery at 7am. I'm staying at dads hotel tonight, we really need an airbnb in Galveston if anyone has one. It would just be such a blessing for our family to be able to stay together when not taking rotations sitting with M. No one under the age of 17 is allowed at the hospital. *Shriners will pick up an airbnb for us in a few weeks when he gets out of ICU but our family really wants to be able to be together and cook meals and rest between rotations right now. This would mean I would be able to see Samantha and stay here with Michael. 

Monday 10/21: 8:46am: Michael is doing OK today. They just took him back for his first surgery this morning for debreeding and cadaver skin grafts. His hands and arms are what they are going to focus on today. Need prayers for the entire OR team and that Michael's body is open to accepting the grafts and for no complications. They dropped the percentage to 75% flame burned from 82%. They are hopeful he will be breathing on his own in a few days. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธAndrea is possibly going to surgery for skin graft today as well. She was not able to tolerate pain meds well through yesterday. 

2:54pm He just got out of surgery. Off all blood pressure medication. He is still very sick but is moving in the right direction. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

4:19pm Still waiting to get to see him but WE GOT A ๐Ÿ  for 30 days!!! BLESS YOU SWEET FRIENDS ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก I don't have the words to express my gratitude for all the support we are receiving right now. Thank you from the bottom of my broken mommy heart. ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™ 

7:13pm: Michael is still in critical condition on advanced life support. Please keep prayers coming in. They moved his vent to his nose (good thing). He moved his limbs, lips, and eyes when we came in and talked to him. He can hear us and they are keeping him relaxed. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ญ He is so strong! Thank you Jesus! 

Tu 10/22: 7:32am: Michael is doing good this morning. ๐Ÿ™ Blood pressure still stabilized. On feeding tube (excited for my meeting with the dietician ๐Ÿซ ). He has been receiving safe blood! His airway is swollen but they are extubating him so he can breathe on his own. They are moving him off of ketamine and on to presidex. They plan to have him stand up tomorrow. His next surgery is Friday and the third will be next week. They are adding back normal saline. His CK and myoglobin numbers are high. It's hard for me to regurgitate everything the doctor says during rounds and I can't record it. Thank you so much for your prayers! I'm eternally grateful. 

8:27pm: Michael opened his eyes today a couple times and moved a lot when we talked to him. He even cracked a smile when dad made a joke about the nurse being cute ๐Ÿ˜… He had not been extubated per plan as of this posting. His blood pressure dropped once and they had to use meds to regulate it temporarily. Still on CPAP, 35/5/5. They are giving red Tylenol for fevers over 102-103. His body is still trying to recover. 

Andrea is scheduled for surgery tomorrow, she needs a graft on her leg from her knee to her ankle I believe. I think her hands are healing good, praise Jesus! Please pray for her OR team and for her to tolerate the anesthesia well. She has been in very good spirits but is disappointed about the surgery. I'll post another update after morning rounds tomorrow. God bless you ๐Ÿ™ 

Day 4: Wed 10/23: Post-op day 2: 10:47am: Michael was responsive again this morning and opened his eyes again. We got him some piano music in his room. His creatinine is trending in the right direction. Still fighting fevers with Tylenol but they did remove the red dye. His pressure dropped yesterday due to the precedex (he doesnt tolerate it well) which is why he was not extubated yesterday. Holding pressure well today. Pray for bowel movement and extubation today! Then he can have liquids by mouth. I'm going to find a store today to buy all of the things I need to make him meat stock. Dropping the ketamine in half to extubate, right now he is at max. I forgot to tell you that Opthalmology came in yesterday and said that his cornea damage had miraculously healed! Praise God!

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

We are expecting 160 days inpatient with outpatient being in Galveston for some time. 

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