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Protect Colorado's 2024 Vote!


 USD $50,000


 USD $50

Campaign created by Heidi Ganahl

Protect Colorado's 2024 Vote!

Polling shows more than 55% of voters believe the voting system in the United States is problematic: a huge concern for a republic. What is fueling this? Elected officials who openly crush any form of transparency and block investigations, and a news media that does not question or investigate anything related to election claims.

Across the country, we see and hear a repeated theme of “gold standard” elections, yet elected officials controlling voting systems provide evidence to the contrary. Did you know verifying election systems is not the role of law enforcement, but of citizens?

Elected officials and election officers should insist on transparency in all cases and commit to providing citizens with confidence their voting system is accurate and secure. 

What we know is that dropboxes are opportunities for foul play with inadequate monitoring.

Poor quality video cameras are being used at ballot drop boxes that are often aimed in a way that doesn’t allow for capturing who is dropping off a ballot or ballots or how many. They are useless to confirm excessive ballot harvesting, > 10 ballots per registered voter, not meeting minimal standards of Rule 7. Requests to upgrade these cameras in Colorado counties have generally been ignored or denied stating that the current cameras are adequate.

This leads to an important effort we can make for the coming election based on what we have learned in our review and research since 2022. Drop Boxes MUST be monitored.

We believe what we have learned is the best course of action is to launch an extensive drop box watch initiative across the state. The problem is that if we do this, it will likely put our volunteers in legal jeopardy due to government harassment based in some cases.

To address this, we are building a legal defense fund to defend Colorado citizens that are wrongly accused.

So many people across Colorado have said “please do something to help us save Colorado!”  Monitoring and securing our dropboxes is that "something" I believe will make a difference in the election in a few weeks.  Let's Roll! 

Recent Donations
Mike Cahoon
$ 50.00 USD
11 hours ago

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