Toys For Tots Bilingual Children's Bibles


 USD $10,000


 USD $100

Campaign created by Anthony Azar

Campaign funds will be received by Anthony Azar

Toys For Tots Bilingual Children's Bibles

After volunteering in the "Holiday Program" with Toys for Tots in Austin, TX , I quickly realized a few things.  First, there is a tremendous need in our communities that the Marine Corps does a wonderful job serving.  And of course, they do it with enthusiasm and efficiency which is amazing to see! For those not familiar, here is a link to this very worthy and highly regarded organization.  

As a quasi-Spanish speaker, I had the opportunity to help and support Spanish-only speakers working their way through the process.  I could not help but notice that there is very little (perhaps none) Christ focus in the process.  After reflecting on it, it's a government-related activity, and that makes sense.  Of the books being handed out to the children, most were typical and what you'd expect.  However, there were no books that reflected "the reason for the season".  I felt called to do something about this.  After much research, I settled on this children's bible.  I purchased 500 of these books.  My goal is to purchase 900 more through donations from others who share this vision.  If you would rather donate books directly, the book link I provided above should take you right to the site I ordered from.  Here is the shipping address for your donations: 

United States Marine Corps

Toys for Tots 

5102 Emma Browning Ave

Austin, TX 78617

Thank you!

Recent Donations
Timothy and Glenda Howard
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

What a great cause! Please help meet Anthony's goal. These Bibles WILL make a difference. And, it's not just for the kids. Think about the parents reading these bibles to their children and how this may affect them for eternity!


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