USD $100,000
USD $7,069
Campaign funds will be received by Steve Lee
America’s Chaplain, Rev. Steve Lee, was indicted along with President Trump and 17 others. Pastor Lee is an American Hero, not a criminal, for pastorally knocking on doors. He was indicted by District Attorney Fani Willis. It's time for us to stop this political and religious persecution!
He has been there for America in our darkest days, including serving as a Ground Zero Chaplain on 9/11, in Columbine, at Hurricane Katrina, Mandalay Bay and many more nationally significant events.
This fund directly and only benefits Rev. Lee's defense. In November of 2022, Lee won a Kendall County, Illinois court ruling that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis failed to provide evidence that Chaplain Lee was even a witness in the Georgia case. Now, they claim he's a perpetrator and a criminal! On August 14, 2023, Willis indicted Chaplain Lee of a crime that has a MANDATORY minimum penalty of 5 years in a Georgia state prison. A potential LIFE SENTENCE for this former law enforcement and minister.
Please help Chaplain Lee, an American hero, out of gratitude for his lifetime of service in law enforcement and ministry and help him defend against this unjust indictment. YOUR freedoms are at risk in this case too!
Chaplain Lee refuses to plead out to a lie and is committed to fighting for us. Let's fight for him!
Please make a generous donation today!
Thank you so much for standing up for the truth! God bless you!
May our Lord continue to bless you and give you strength and courage
God bless you
God Bless You for being Salt and Light as Jesus calls us to be at such critical times and situations in our country. May God continue to use you. (James 1:2-4)
Heard you on the World Prayer Network, God bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you!
Please keep me posted on the developments of this! Thank you!
thank you for fighting - stay strong in prayer (I will be praying for you also)
"I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the hand of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:13-4
God bless you, Pastor Lee! Never give up fighting for The Truth!
February 28th, 2024
At places like Ground Zero, I had to keep people in the fight. Your generous donations to my legal defense are helping me stay in this fight. I will NOT make this go away by pleading out to a lie. Instead, I'll continue to fight for our First Amendment Rights. I just returned from CPAC and am so encouraged by the outpouring of support and the coverage in the media, spreading the word about my case. Please follow me on social media to see interviews and more. Be sure to spread the word to family and friends. Thank you. https://www.facebook.com/americaschaplainstevelee/ https://twitter.com/ChaplainSLee
February 16th, 2024
Grateful for the help of the folks at the Illinois Family Institute and Silk for her sharing my story and helping me get support. Hear her explain how she personally, kept me out of jail in Fulton County, Georgia: https://youtu.be/aQpnMjJUU7g
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