Support Canyon County Anti Trafficking Task Force


 USD $10,000


 USD $725

Campaign created by Cathryn Curtis

Campaign funds will be received by Canyon County Anti-Trafficking Task Force

Support Canyon County Anti Trafficking Task Force

Pictured above are members of the Task Force leadership team with the mayor of Caldwell, ID and the proclamation signed at the first City Council meeting of 2024. Please see Update #3 - Proclamation Signed for more details on this important event.

Projects to Protect Children from Sexual Predators

The Canyon County Anti-Trafficking Task Force, Inc (CCATTF) was born out of one woman’s eye-opening experience saving a very young woman from the grips of a captor one summer day in 2020 while walking in a city park. Learning that this young woman had been transported across the country from one state to another, drugged, abused and ultimately registered as a missing person was a cry for help that could not be ignored. The story of this experience shared with others has become a grassroots rallying cry to develop educational programs that would educate and equip citizens to protect themselves and others, particularly our most vulnerable population, our children, from sexual predators.

There are over 750,000 sexual predators online at any given moment of every day luring and coercing children from all socio-economic levels into unwittingly producing Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) through chat rooms, online gaming and social media apps. Approximately 20 new children appear on porn sites monthly with child internet pornography sales reaching $4.9 BILLION dollars annually. Only through education will our youth learn the warning signs of online strangers, how to avoid interaction with them and know when to ask a trusted adult for help. Our Mission Statement precisely defines what our Task Force is all about:

    • With Education our approach,
    • Protection and Prevention our         goal,
    • We stand united as a community to combat sex trafficking.

    In order to accomplish the "education, protection, and prevention of sex trafficking" of children in our community, we are committed to:

    ● Developing a professionally produced 15-20-minute video designed to provide children with some necessary life-saving education to stay safe online. Content will be sensitively designed to deliver appropriate, up-beat messages to students aged 8-13. The video will be presented by the School Resource Officers on campus, upon approval by school administration, staff, and parents. Our Task Force is working cooperatively with local law enforcement officers to provide this type of training video for them to use ASAP. They earnestly support the need for this tool, but their budgets do not allow for such an expenditure. Currently, no other resource provides this specific training video.

    ● Presenting our already developed informational parent workshop in area churches to alert, educate, and equip parents with necessary tools to help keep their kids safe. As a follow-up to this presentation, we will introduce on-going, detailed information/training through nationally recognized websites. This presentation will then be reformatted to address audiences within the general public. For this program we need portable tech equipment to deliver the PowerPoint.

    ● Continue holding public events to spread our message out to our community at large. The most prevailing comment we hear is, “Oh, that doesn’t happen here in Idaho.” BUT SEX TRAFFICKING IS ALIVE AND WELL IN IDAHO!

    ● Enlist the cooperation of local businesses to install public Wi-Fi safety filtering programs that block the exchange of pornographic material initiated by online sexual predators who aim to victimize minors accessing the internet while in public establishments.

    The CCATTF is committed to making Idaho communities a role model for these programs that we believe will help change the trajectory of this horrific criminal activity now considered by professionals as a pandemic happening not only in our state but throughout our country.

    The Canyon County Anti-Trafficking Task Force is now incorporated! Recently we became our own legal entity as a non-profit, educational organization. We have also received notice from the IRS that we are now a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.

    All donations will be distributed directly to The Canyon County Anti-Trafficking Task Force from this GiveSendGo campaign and is now tax deductible for the donor. Thank you for considering us and thank you for donating to this very important Community cause.

    Recent Donations
    Anonymous Giver
    $ 50.00 USD
    3 months ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 75.00 USD
    6 months ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 250.00 USD
    1 year ago

    This is a special grant from the Giver Army "Rescue & Rehabilitation" Cause, where we focus on those rescued out of human trafficking or require rehabilitation. We pray that as your organization and efforts grow, God will continue to supply your needs to guide you as you make incredible steps to save so many. Philippians 4:19

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 50.00 USD
    1 year ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 100.00 USD
    1 year ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 100.00 USD
    1 year ago

    Anonymous Giver
    $ 100.00 USD
    1 year ago


    Update #3 - Proclamation Signed

    June 24th, 2024

    The Task Force has now worked to have a second Idaho city sign such a proclamation in recognition of January as National Human Trafficking Awareness & Prevention Month. The Caldwell proclamation reads in part: 

    "WHEREAS, the inherent dignity, freedom, and autonomy of every person deserves to be respected and protected; and

    WHEREAS, human trafficking is often a hidden crime that knows no boundaries, with more than 27.6 million people - adults and children - are trapped in forms of modern slavery around the world, including the United States, and

    WHEREAS, over 70% of those being trafficked are women and girls who experience high rates of physical and sexual violence and internet enticements or our children are a significant point of grooming, and

    WHEREAS, the majority of its victims are already part of an at-risk population, including all youth by the nature of their dependence upon adults, and

    WHEREAS, we acknowledge that we must work together as a community to increase awareness of and prevention from human trafficking and internet crimes against children, and continue to promote the social and emotional well-being of men, women and children in safe, stable, nurturing environments, and

    WHEREAS, living with our eyes wide open to the reality of human trafficking and the internet crimes being committed against our children in the Caldwell community, knowledge and education remain our best defense, ... "

    We will work to bring more municipalities on board to sign such proclamations next year. Awareness-Education-Training-Prevention; we move forward to achieve our goal to protect our citizens from this horrible crime. Checkout our Facebook page advertising our next event on January 18, 2024 at: Canyon County Anti-Trafficking Task Force. This is a must attend event for parents and their children to learn child safety guidelines for protection from the advancements of online child sexual predators. Thanks to the generosity of donors we are able to bring these events to the public!

    Update #2 - 501(c)3 Status

    December 31st, 2023


    We have received word from the IRS that we are now a bona fide 501(c)3 tax-exempt entity! Many thanks to all who helped make this possible. Please keep donating so we can continue our efforts in this very important cause!

    Canyon County Anti-Trafficking Task Force - Leadership Team


    October 12th, 2023

    It has been a productive year for the Task Force! We began our educational efforts with a public forum in January, followed by two presentations from Rupert Idaho undercover police detectives along with their partner K-9 Newton, as a team specializing in identifying, tracking, apprehending, and convicting online child sexual predators. In June we rolled out our own presentation, “Not Our Children” to a local church audience and then to a local civic organization. We have already scheduled more presentation dates as we continue to advertise this opportunity to other audiences. 

    Our anticipation that “Not Our Children” would begin to expose how vulnerable our youth are to child sexual predators and traffickers was validated in the first presentation. A mother was in attendance with her approximately 12 year old daughter. She shared afterwards that her daughter had just confided in her, after seeing the presentation, that she had probably unknowingly been conversing with a sexual predator and sent an inappropriate picture. She then handed her cell phone over to her mother and told her she didn’t want it anymore. We were able to provide the mother with the appropriate law enforcement contact information to report the incident.

    This experience serves to highlight the critical need to also educate our youth. As we begin talking with them we find that they actually want to be educated on how to protect themselves from these predators and traffickers! Once we raise the remaining $10,000 for the public school project we will begin to work with the video production company to develop a video that will be delivered by School Resource Officers to students in grades 5-8 on how to safely navigate their online activity. The goal is to make this video available to other school districts so that they can provide the same educational opportunity to their students without incurring the same cost. 

    Making our community businesses free public wi-fi services family friendly, is still in its conceptual phase but we are continuing to explore the best approach to achieving this goal. When a business adds a filter system to block the exchange of pornography within its range it diminishes a predator/trafficker’s ability to victimize a child/minor who has been lured to the public spot for such a purpose.

    The Canyon County Anti-Trafficking Task Force is now incorporated! Recently we became our own legal entity as a non-profit, educational organization. We must now move forward to apply for our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. We are keeping our eyes peeled for someone in the legal profession who might volunteer to help us complete this final phase.

    Our mission statement continues to define the work we are committed to accomplishing:
                With EDUCATION our approach,
                PROTECTION and PREVENTION our goal,
                We stand united as a community to combat sex trafficking.

    All these successes in our efforts to achieve our goal could not have been possible without the help of the generous donations from our GiveSendGo Campaign supporters. Thank you for coming alongside us to protect our most vulnerable population, our youth. We are so grateful!

    Canyon County Anti-Trafficking Task Force - Leadership Team

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