Buck Up Relief Mission


 USD $100,000


 USD $23,201

Campaign created by Banners 4 Freedom Ministries

Campaign funds will be received by BANNERS 4 FREEDOM MINISTRIES

Buck Up Relief Mission

Visit the website here: http://buckupreliefmission.net/
The Wagon Wheel: Buck Up Relief Mission 

The mission of Buck Up Relief is to Fill-a-Truck and transport critical resources to various disaster affected communities quickly. The Buck Up Relief team, in collaboration with our network of partners, provide and facilitate various types of aid to disaster areas such as: delivery of food, water, basic supplies, shelter, storage, feed for animals, search and rescue, medical aid, provide critical infrastructure equipment and materials to clean-up, rebuild and restore access to damaged areas. The nuts & bolts of our mission assist with hitchin’ up & fillin’ up the wagons. We are gathering the needed resources through generous partners to deliver to trusted boots on the ground partners that are trained to deliver various aid, each filling in the gaps to help the whole mission work. Our partners get their boots and gloves dirty, directly helping to bring healing and hope to these devastated hearts in need. Our entire team of partners all have one common goal, to bring wholeness and growth back into these communities.

The Buck Up Relief mission works like a Wagon Wheel, there are many spokes, each one represents the response aid that our team and many partners are able to provide in disaster situations. Working perfectly together with unity and love to accomplish each mission put before us. Every single Buck (gift), talent, amount of time and ounce of love helps to fill in the gaps of the whole mission. Ephesians 4:16, is the heart or “hub” of what makes this massive wheel roll perfectly down every road and in between, from mountain to mountain, from border to border, from sea to shining sea! It is our desire to make a difference in each persons’ heart that we meet. We strive to help find an answer to someone’s prayer for help and give hope by providing aid from a community of partners that know how to get er’ done!

Come partner with us to Buck Up & Fill-A-Truck! By partnering with us, you too can be a part of each “Mission” and touch thousands of lives for the common good.

The Hub: Ephesians 4:16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy, growing and full of love.

Every buck (gift) helps us fill in the gaps to make the overall Buck Up Relief Mission possible.

Visit us at: www.GiveSendGo.com/BuckUp BuckUpReliefMission.NET

The Nuts & Bolts: Buck Up Team

Backed by Banners 4 Freedom Ministries, 508(c)(1)(a) Non-Profit Ministry in accordance with Title 26 USC section 5

The Nuts: Vincent Saben, Robert & Jaime’ Agee, AJ Andrews & Marvin Cote

The Bolts: Texas Red, JT w/Freedom Patriot Network, Sandra w/Coffee Talks with Sandra, Melanie Brown & Joshua James Lawerence


Remnant Ministry TX, In His Presence Global Ministry, Jesus Encounter Ministries, Truckin’ 4 Troops, Remnant Revolution Tour, Coffee Talks with Sandra, Patriot Party News, FqxHole Foundation, Coldspring Logging, Cornerstone Children's Ranch, Republic of Texas, UnRedacted Media, 1st Amendment Film Fest, Holistic Impressions, The Flame, Ezekiel Herbals, Ardis Labs, Graith Care, The Diary of a Pissed of Solider, Project 314, Choice Media, My Pillow, The Resistance Chicks, & The American Gulag Chronicles, Trucking for America, Native Way Transportation, LLC, Beyond the Limits - DJ Services, Freedom Patriot Network, , True Blue Specialized Transportation, Illinois Freedom Alliance & Rock Island County Republicans, Weston Works for You, New California State Movement, Taking America Back, Get on the Ark, The Flame, Freedom IV & Wellness, Grassroots Quarterly, Sovereign Radio, American X Live, Take Our Border Back, The Resistance Chicks, God In a Nutshell Project, Boardwalk Certified Appraisers, LLC & Stacks Glass, Inc.

Relief Supplies Needed:

- (URGENT) medical supplies & basic medications 

- propane tanks

- lighters / matches

- gas cans

- generators

- shoes: all sizes, children & adults (tennis shoes, boots, waterproof boots)

- blankets & pillows

- sleeping bags

- powdered milk

- diapers, baby formula, rash ointment

- non-perishable food / canned goods (pull top if possible)

- can openers

- snacks in sealed wrapper

- bottled water

- personal Hygiene products

- shovels / yard tools / saws

- camping gear – any

- batteries

- paper plates / plastic utensils / napkins / paper towels

- toilet paper

- laundry detergent / supplies

- cookware

- totes

- towels / wash cloths

- trash bags

- dog / cat food

Donation Drop-off Locations: (as of 12/27/24)




DR. ALLEN REEDER: 530-365-0133

1-4pm Mon & Tues, 1-6pm Wed (CLOTHING & BLANKETS ONLY)




WENDY STEDMAN: 404-693-7256




1529 46TH AVE, SUITE 5, MOLINE IL 61265

ANNIE PARCHERT: 309-738-9328





ALICE FUGATE: 813-401-7775





ROD PARKER: 469-628-2995


Recent Donations
Craig Hudgins
$ 500.00 USD
8 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1570.00 USD
9 days ago

Wheeling for Hope
$ 800.00 USD
12 days ago

God bless WNC!

cab7 aka cabbie
$ 25.00 USD
15 days ago

CoffeetalkwithSandra INSPIRED

Palmetto State Disaster Relief
$ 1650.00 USD
19 days ago

God bless the animals of WNC!

cab7 aka cabbie
$ 50.00 USD
22 days ago

giving a hand up to those in need.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
26 days ago

God Bless the Relief Mission and all involved

$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

Sending Love and Blessings

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

You are in our hearts daily. Patriots from Western New York State.

$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Thank you for all your group has done in this disaster. God Bless!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 165.00 USD
2 months ago

Will be contacting you in the near future.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for you!

$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 21.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers for those so badly affected by the hurricane.

Anonymous Giver
$ 70.00 USD
2 months ago


Flooding Disaster Relief Needed

February 20th, 2025

Howdy, the team at Buck Up Relief Mission would like to thank everyone who have given so that supplies could be delivered to the Hurricane Helene disaster areas over the last 5 months.

Now we are faced with a new flooding disaster in the states of KY, TN & WV, where they are now are in need of disaster relief supplies, as well.

We already have been receiving calls from donation centers, who are in need of trucks who can move these much-needed supplies to these newly stricken areas. We have the trucks & the man-power to get this done, but we need help with fuel to run these loads quickly.

We know these are tough times but we also know the resilience of the American Spirit and willingness to help our neighbors.

Please Buck Up with us to help by donating. 

*Also, until Feb 28th, any donation over $55 will be entered into a raffle to win a prize, value $200.

Thank You in advance for all your support.

-Buck up Relief Mission team

Urgent help needed for Farmers, Ranchers & Animals in WNC

February 5th, 2025

Urgent Request for Help!

The Buck Up Relief Mission has been contacted by a large farming & ranching community in WNC with an URGENT request to deliver winter supplies, hay, feed, grain, farming supplies & seed for spring planting.

Loads are READY to be delivered: 2 loads of supplies, several loads of hay, a small load of feed, fence posts & a small load of grain: $10k-$12k would help get these to WNC

We also need to raise another $20k to help move a LARGE load of grain from PA

Our team has access to some of these resources but we need help finding more companies willing to donate to help out these farmers, ranchers and animals.

Come partner with us to Buck Up & Fill-A-Truck! By partnering with us, you too can be a part of each “Mission” and touch thousands of lives for the common good.

Every buck (gift) helps us fill in the gaps to make the overall Buck Up Relief mission possible.

Update Urgent help needed for Farmers, Ranchers & Animals in WNC Image
Buck Up Relief Telethon Raffle Contest

January 1st, 2025

Buck Up Relief Telethon

*****Raffle Prizes*****

(5) Buckaroo Partners

For a gift of $55 you will be entered into the raffle for:

1 Patriotic Beanie Baby

1st Amendment Film Fest VIP package

3+items Buck Up Partner Pak

Artwork by Victory thru Love

value $150

*1 winner announced each day over the next 5 days*

(3) Wagon Partners

For a gift of $155 you will be entered into the raffle for:

Founder’s Bible

1st Amendment Film Fest VIP package

5+items Buck Up Partner Pak

Artwork by Victory thru Love

value $250

*1 winner announced 1/2/25, 1/3/25 & 1/5/25

(1) Boots On Partner

For a gift of $555 you will be entered into the raffle for:

10+items Buck Up Partner Pak

Founder's Bible

Partner Book Set

1st Amendment Film Fest VIP package

$55 Gift Certificate from Safari Winery, www.SarariWinery.com

Artwork by Victory thru Love

value $1350

*1 winner announced 1/5/25

(1) Wheel On Partner

For a gift of $1555 you will be entered into the raffle for:

2-night stay @ Full Moon Inn in Fredericksburg TX, www.FullMoonInn.com

1st Amendment Film Fest VIP package

$55 Gift Certificate from Safari Winery, www.SarariWinery.com

5+items Buck Up Partner Pak,

Founder's Bible & Partner Book Set

Mountain Artwork inspired by Boots On Partners

value $2200

(1) All-Star Hero Partner

For a gift of $5555 you will be entered into the raffle for:


24"x 36" Framed Limited Edition 2 of 10

Autographed by General Michael J Flynn

value $8000

*1 winner announced 1/5/25

Donation must made before 12pmCST 1/4/25 deadline


Update Buck Up Relief Telethon Raffle Contest Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.