USD $10,000
USD $1,915
Stetson Alexander was born to Kyle and Sydni (Wuollet) Campbell. Stetson has sustained multiple unexplained fractures since birth, and after many pleas, genetic testing was done and revealed that Stetson has the LRP5 gene mutation. While he remained in the hospital he continued to sustain additional bone fractures. Despite this, CFS has removed Stetson from Sydni and Kyle’s care and he has been placed into foster care. Stetson has sustained more bone fractures in foster care. Yet, CFS is still claiming abuse, which is so far from the truth! Kyle and Sydni love their dear boy so much and long to have him back in their home, and to receive the medical care he needs. They have had to hire an attorney to represent them. Any funds raised will go directly towards their legal expenses, and any additional expenses involved to bring Stetson back home.
So many prayers for your sweet family! We hope you can bring Stetson home soon!
Remembering you in prayer as you navigate this heavy trial. May baby Stetson be reunited with his parents soon and get the medical care he needs!
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